The paper presents a dynamic model of a test stand with gears operating in a circulating power system as an example of the possibility of using dynamic modeling to optimize the gear construction. The presented model is one of two advanced tools developed within the research conducted for the optimization and diagnosis of various types of gear transmission systems. Both of them were based on the assumption that simulations of system operation at variable loads and rotational speeds could be carried out and that an advanced description of gear tooth interaction could be included. The developed models, after their tuning to real objects, were used as tools for generating vibration signals for various technical states of gears. This allowed determining the influence of various constructional, technological, and operational factors on the vibroactivity of a toothed gear, which is undoubtedly helpful for designers both during the construction of new toothed gears, as well as optimization of the existing ones.
A new test rig for tribological tests was developed and manufactured. It consists of a mobile device for measurement of the start-up friction torque of transmissions, in particular planetary gearboxes, and the friction torque in dynamically steady conditions, as well as a climatic chamber to stabilize the temperature of the tested gearbox in its extreme range: from -50 to +50°C. In the series of devices for tribological tests, developed and manufactured at the Institute, the new test rig is marked with the symbol T-34. The verification results correspond with the churning losses related to the viscosity characteristics of the lubricating oils. As the temperature increases, both the start-up friction torque and the friction torque under dynamically steady conditions decrease.
Przedstawiono nowe stanowisko do badań tribologicznych. Składa się ono z mobilnego urządzenia do badania momentu rozruchowego przekładni zębatych, w szczególności planetarnych, oraz momentu tarcia w warunkach dynamicznie ustalonych, a także z komory klimatycznej do stabilizowania temperatury badanej przekładni w skrajnym jej zakresie: od -50 do +50°C. W typoszeregu urządzeń do badań tribologicznych, opracowanych i wytwarzanych w Instytucie, nowe stanowisko posiada symbol T-34. W ramach weryfikacji działania nowego stanowiska uzyskano wyniki badań momentu tarcia przekładni planetarnych, odpowiadające charakterystyce lepkościowej oleju smarowego. W miarę wzrostu temperatury zarówno moment rozruchowy, jak i moment tarcia w warunkach dynamicznie ustalonych spadają.
This paper presents the results of computer simulations of a gear model, where the variable stiffness of the meshing and backlash are considered. The outcome of such assumptions is a non-linear mathematical model in which chaotic phenomena can occur. During model studies, attention was paid to the identification of areas limited by the physical parameters, for which the analysed system behaved chaotically. To determine the ranges of irregular gear behaviour, numerical procedures were used to plot the bifurcation diagram, the Lyapunov exponent, the amplitude-frequency distribution and the Poincaré cross section.
W artykule przedstawiono cel modelowania dynamicznego przekładni zębatych, przykłady opracowanych modeli oraz pola ich zastosowań. Zaprezentowano także krótką charakterystykę zjawisk dynamicznych zachodzących w przekładniach zębatych oraz ich źródła.
The article presents the purpose of dynamic modeling of toothed gears, examples of developed models and their fields of application. A brief description of the dynamic phenomena occurring in gear and their sources are also presented.
Vibroacoustic phenomena occurring in power transmission systems affect the durability and quality of the driven devices, and also allow for evaluation their technical condition. The article presents the results of laboratory tests aimed at comparing the vibroactivity of the toothed gear, in which the pairs of wheels differ in geometric parameters. The results of research carried on test stand are supplement with results of computer simulations. The proposed test method can be used to determine general vibration and noise reduction guidelines for power transmission systems with toothed gear. The results of the numerical and laboratory tests carried out at the transmission system with circulating power system show that the uncomplicated transformation of the gear geometry used in the toothed gear from the manufacturing point of view allows to reduce the level of vibroacoustic phenomena accompanying their work.
The article presents results of numerical studies on the influence of selected factors on the dynamic effects and vibroactivity in power transmission system with toothed gear. Optimization of the constructions of the toothed gears is in many cases only possible by applying the numerical methods. Dynamic models allow determining the influence of a range of factors on the dynamic phenomena occurring during work of toothed gear. The studies were performed with use a custom developed dynamic model of a test stand with the gears operating in the circulating power system. It was assumed, that properly defined and identified model can be used to analyse dynamic phenomena occurring in meshing and bearings of toothed gears and allows optimizing their construction, especially allows minimization their vibroactivity. Numerical calculations were based on two sets of input data. Sets of input data consist information on all parameters included in the model, and which were determined during the identification process carried out in laboratory at two test stands. Selected results of simulations presented in this article prove, that identified dynamic model can be used to analysis of the impact of various constructional, technological and operational factors on the vibroactivity of the toothed gear.
The article presents selected results of experimental studies on the influence of chosen factors on the dynamic effects and vibroactivity of toothed gears in power transmission systems. The studies were performed on test stand with the gears operating in the circulating power system. On initial phase of the research, four pairs of helical gear wheels with the same value of gear ratios were designed and manufactured. The wheels differed by values of transverse contact ratio εα, face contact ratio εβ and total contact ration εC. In the research, the transverse vibration velocities of the shafts and housing of the tested toothed gear on FZG test stand was assumed to be the vibroactivity criterion. The measurements of the vibrations were carried out on the shafts and at seven points of the top plate of the housing. The vibrations were measured using a laser vibrometer and acceleration sensors. In addition, selected experimental results of measurements were compared with results of numerical simulations. To the simulations was used extended, identified dynamic model of the FZG test stand. The parameters of the wheels and the measured deviations were introduced into model. Obtained results confirm that by increasing the value of the contact ratio of the helical gear is possible reduction of dynamic phenomena occurring in the toothed gear.
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Rozważano drgania poprzeczne koła zębatego traktowanego jako płyta kołowo-symetryczna o złożonej geometrii. Zaprezentowano metodykę budowy uproszczonych modeli MES koła zębatego z uwzględnieniem właściwości cyklicznej symetrii układu. Omówiono badania doświadczalne wykonane w celu oceny zaproponowanej metodyki budowy modeli MES układu.
Discussed in the paper are transverse vibrations of toothed gear representing circular plate of complex geometry. A method is suggested how to generate a simplified FE model of the gear duly considering cyclic symmetry modelling technique. Experimental studies conducted in order to evaluate the proposed method of making FE models are discussed.
In the article are presented chosen research results of influence of local defects in toothed gear on the vibroacoustic signal. Vibroacoustic methods of diagnostics are perfectly suitable to the task of monitoring the status of devices during their normal work. Monitoring of vibrations during operation is particular importance for industrial toothed gear as well gears working in the power transmission systems of aircrafts. Taken into account negative consequences of damages in toothed gears, determination of changes in vibroacoustic signal can prevent possible failures, and is therefore very important. Researches were performed with use residual signals created from synchronously averaged time signals generated by identified dynamic model of toothed gear working in circulating power system. Superior purpose of work is development of effectively methods of damage detection, especially in its early stages, what has great importance during operating aircrafts. The study shows that local damage of the wheels affects changes in the frequency distribution of vibroacoustic signals energy. The degree of damage significantly impacts to the possibility of detecting it on the basis of time signals analyses.
Przedmiotem rozważań opisanych w niniejszym artykule jest optymalizacja typowej, przemysłowej przekładni zębatej. Przeanalizowano zaprojektowane trzy przekładnie trójstopniowe o zębach prostych, skośnych i daszkowych, o możliwie najmniejszych gabarytach, mających możliwość przeniesienia moc do 7,5 kW przy prędkości obrotowej 1500 obr/min i przełożeniu i = 52. Wykonano analizę techniczno-ekonomiczną w celu ograniczenia jej gabarytów oraz oszacowania kosztów wykonania przekładni z kołami o różnych liniach kształtu zęba. Wyniki analiz opracowano w formie tabelarycznej. Na podstawie wykonanych obliczeń wskazano rodzaj najbardziej optymalnego rozwiązania konstrukcyjnego.
The subject of the considerations described in this article is a typical optimization, industrial change-gear trains. Examined the designed three stage change-gear trains with spur gear, screw teeth, herringbone (conical) teeth, the smallest possible dimensions, with the possibility of transferring power to 7,5 kW at a rotational speed 1500 rpm and gear ratio i = 52. Technical-economic analysis was performed in order to reduce its dimensions and estimate the costs of gear wheels of different shape lines of the tooth.. The results of the analyses developed in tabular form. Based on calculations made indicated the type of most optimal design.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę wpływu kierunku obrotu stożkowo-planetarnych przekładni zębatych na wibroaktywność ich korpusów. W wyniku przeprowadzonych pomiarów stwierdzono istotny wpływ kierunku obrotu na wartość prędkości drgań korpusów przekładni stożkowo-planetarnych. Zróżnicowanie wartości drgań w zależności od kierunku obracania się wału wejściowego przekładni spowodowane było zmianą wartości sił obciążających stopień stożkowy.
The paper presents an analysis of the impact of the direction of rotation on vibroactivity bevel-planetary gearboxes. As a result of the measurements showed a significant effect the direction of rotation on the value of vibration velocity housing bevel-planetary gears. The differentiation the value of vibration depending on the direction of rotation of the transmission input shaft caused by a change of load forces the bevel part of gearboxes.
In the paper the transversal vibration of a toothed gear is studied by means of numerical simulation methods. At first, we focus on preparing a simplified vibration model of a gear, where the teeth are omitted. The accuracy of the approximate model is assessed by the frequency error criterion. Therefore a benchmark solution is calculated by performing the vibration analysis for the full model, which contains all essential elements of the real system. Next, the simplified model of a gear featuring cyclic symmetry is analyzed. All numerical models in this paper are formulated in terms of finite element representations, the computations are carried out in ANSYS. The problems discussed here may be useful for researchers dealing with dynamics of rotating systems.
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Omówiono możliwości odtworzenia uzębień o nieznanej geometrii. Zademonstrowano identyfikację geometrii zarysu zęba koła walcowego oraz powierzchni bocznej koła stożkowego z wykorzystaniem optycznych metod pomiarowych.
Is it possible to trace tooth profiles of unknown geometric features? Presented is a method of identification of geometric tooth profile of cylindrical gear and that of the outside cone of a bevel gear by means of the optical measurement methods.
The paper is focused on the analytical solution to periodical vibration of gear mesh containing the time dependent stiffness. Solution of such mathematical models can be used for the response computation of various drive mechanisms, gearbox vibration, in rotor dynamics etc. The model behaviour is described by means of the Fredholm's integral equation with degenerated kernel and a periodical Green's function is used for the solution. The application of the presented methodology was performed on the spur gear mesh of the second gear of the VW concern gearbox MQ 200. The result correctness is validated by means of Runge-Kutta integration method.
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Sprawność przekładni zębatej w znaczącym stopniu zależy od strat mocy generowanych w zazębieniach, łożyskowaniach i uszczelnieniach. Wielkość tych strat jest uzależniona od tarcia w wymienionych węzłach kinematycznych przekładni określonych przez ich cechy konstrukcyjne i warunki smarowania. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy strat mocy w zazębieniu przekładni walcowej w funkcji przełożenia, liczby zębów koła czynnego, modułu zazębienia oraz klasy lepkości oleju smarującego.
Efficiency of gear depends in significant measure on power losses being occurred in meshing, bearing and sealing. An amount of these losses runs on friction conditions in named nodes of gear design and it is defined generally by means of lubrication. In the paper, there are presented results of numerical analysis of power losses in meshing heavy loaded gears with in volute profile of teeth in function of basic constructional parameters and in function of viscosity of lubricant.
W artykule przedstawiono nową pośrednią metodę określania śladu styku w przekładniach zębatych wykorzystującą metody szybkiego prototypowania. Do badań wykorzystano koła utworzone z żywicy stereolitograficznej i zestawione w przekładnię wichrowatą. Przekładnia została zabudowana w pojemniku, który następnie wypełniono specjalnym silikonem z wykorzystaniem technologii Vacuum Casting. Omówiona metoda obserwacji chwilowego śladu styku dotyczy badań statycznie obciążonych kół.
The new indirect method of contact track evaluation in toothed gears using rapid prototyping process was presented in the paper. Crossed gears were made of hardening resin in stereolitograpy process. Toothed gear was placed in silicon filled container with the use of vacuum casting technique. Presented method of determination of instantaneous contact trace applied to investigation of gears under static loads.
Przedstawiono proces modelowania obciążeń mechanicznych kół zębatych o nietypowych - nieewolwentowych zarysach z zastosowaniem metody elementów skończonych. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie wartości obciążeń par kół zębatych o przełożeniu 3,94, przeznaczonych do zastosowania w urządzeniach gospodarstwa domowego. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla kół wykonanych z tworzywa ABS. Obliczenia wytrzymałościowe z zastosowaniem MES przeprowadzono dla modeli walcowych kół zębatych o zarysach zębów specjalnie opracowanych dla tworzyw polimerowych.
The article presents the process of modeling mechanical loads for gears of untypical, non-involute outlines with the use of the finite element method. The aim of the conducted tests was to determine the value of loads of gear pairs having a gear ratio of 3,94, designed for use in household appliances. Calculations were performed for gears made of the ABS polymer. Strength calculations with the use of FEM were made for cylindrical gear models with a tooth outline specially designed for polymeric materials.
Artykuł przedstawia strategię ustalania kryteriów doboru modelu numerycznego do obliczeń wytrzymałościowych walcowej przekładni zębatej metodą MES. Rozważania dotyczą kół zębatych walcowych o zębach prostych, dlatego też możliwe było uproszczenie obliczeń przez, sprowadzenie ich do zagadnienia dwuwymiarowego. Dzięki takiemu uproszczeniu geometrii analizowane zagadnienie można zdefiniować jako płaski stan naprężenia, w którym modelem obliczeniowym jest przekrój poprzeczny koła zębatego, prostopadły do jego osi, utworzony na środku szerokości wieńca zębatego.
The article presents the strategy for setting the criteria of selecting the numerical model for the cylindrical gear strength calculations with the use of FEM. As the discussion herein pertains to cylindrical gears of straight teeth, it was possible to simplify the calculations through reducing them to a two-dimensional issue. Thanks to this geometry simplification, the analyzed issue can be defined as a flat state of stress, in which the calculation model is the gear cross-section perpendicular to the gear axis, created in the middle of the toothed wheel ring width.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono metodologię wykorzystania modelu dynamicznego jako bazy w badaniach sieci neuronowych. Zidentyfikowany model dynamiczny układu napędowego posłużył jako źródło otrzymywania danych wejściowych dla sieci neuronowych.
The work presents methodology of using dynamic model of the toothed gear as a base in research of artificial neural networks. The identified dynamic model of toothed gear in power transmission system was used as a generator of input data for neural network applications.
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