Opakowania na napoje wychodzą z nowymi trendami, które koncentrują się na modyfikacji strukturalnej materiałów opakowaniowychiekspansji nowych aktywnych i/lub inteligentnych systemów. Ulepszenie opakowania może prowadzić do lepszej interakcji zproduktem i jego otoczeniem, poprawiając konserwację napojów, takich jak mleko, sok, wino lub piwo, akceptację klientów, a także bezpieczeństwo żywności. Bardzo ważny jest wybór odpowiedniego materiału opakowaniowego, ponieważ odgrywa on kluczową rolę w utrzymaniujakości i świeżości produktu w momencie dystrybucji i przechowywania [1, 7]. W artykule przedstawiono szereg nowości literaturowych i rynkowych dotyczących stosowania nowych materiałów do opakowań napojów.
Beverage packaging emerges with new trends that focus on the structural modification of packaging materials and the expansion of new active and/or intelligent systems. Improving packaging can lead to better interaction with the product and its environment, improving the preservation of beverages such as milk, juice, wine or beer, customer acceptance, as well as food safety. It is very important to choose the right packaging material because it plays akey role in maintaining the quality and freshness of the product during distribution and storage [1, 7]. The article presents a number of novelties in the literature and market regarding the use of new materials for beverage packaging.
Microporous membranes were obtained by dry-wet phase inversion from a solution of cellulose acetate (CA) in acetone (13, 14 and 15 wt%). Polyethylene glycol was used as a blowing agent. The structure and mechanical properties were examined. FT-IR spectra show that the addition of polyethylene glycol improves the thermodynamics of the solution and increases the hydrophilicity of the membrane. The SEM method confirmed the microporous structure of membranes with an asymmetric structure and various pore sizes and porosities. Higher CA concentration resulted in better tensile properties.
Mikroporowate membrany otrzymano metodą inwersji fazy sucho-mokrej z roztworu octanu celulozy (CA) w acetonie (13, 14 i 15% mas.). Jako środek porotwórczy zastosowano glikol polietylenowy. Zbadano strukturę i właściwości mechaniczne. Widma FT-IR pokazują, że dodatek glikolu polietylenowego poprawia termodynamikę roztworu i zwiększa hydrofilowość membrany. Metodą SEM potwierdzono m ikroporowatą strukturę membran o asymetrycznej budowie i różnej wielkości porów oraz porowatości. Większe stężenie CA skutkowało lepszymi właściwościami mechanicznymi przy rozciąganiu.
The constantly increasing need of environmental protection causes the growth of demand on manufacture of environment-friendly packaging which would prolong the shelf-life of the products inside, and which would be produced from solid and sustainable packaging materials. It is important nowadays to avoid food wastage and contamination of the environment. The answer to the mentioned requirements may be found in the innovative approaches such as edible films, biopolymers or the application of additives, allowing longer use of food. Active packagings create a new path of food packaging, concentrated on creation of multi-functional system via formulation of active substances in polymer matrix of polymer packaging. The discussed packaging has a great potential for the application in contact with food due to their positive effect on ecological problems and other unique properties. The aim of the present paper is to discuss the modern solutions in production of biopolymers, employed in production of food packaging and development of more and more functional packaging. In the review, the activities connected with the creation of more ecological and functional, environment-friendly packagings have been submitted and the related barriers have been indicated.
Rosnąca z każdym rokiem potrzeba ochrony środowiska powoduje zwiększające się zapotrzebowanie na produkcję opakowań przyjaznych dla środowiska i przedłużających ich termin do spożycia, trwałych i ze zrównoważonych materiałów opakowaniowych. Ważne jest dzisiaj aby unikać marnowania żywności i zanieczyszczenia środowiska. Odpowiedzią na te wymagania są innowacyjne podejścia, takie jak: folie jadalne, biopolimery czy zastosowanie dodatków, które pozwolą dłużej korzystać z żywności. Opakowania aktywne to nowa ścieżka pakowania żywności, koncentrująca się na tworzeniu wielofunkcyjnego systemu poprzez formułowanie substancji aktywnych w matrycach polimerowych opakowań. Opakowania takie mają ogromny potencjał do zastosowania w kontakcie z żywnością ze względu na ich pozytywny wpływ na problemy ekologiczne i inne unikalne właściwości. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie nowoczesnych rozwiązań w wytwarzaniu biopolimerów wykorzystywanych do produkcji opakowań do żywności oraz tworzeniu opakowań bardziej funkcjonalnych. W przeglądzie pokazano działania związane z powstawaniem coraz bardziej ekologicznych i funkcjonalnych opakowań przyjaznych dla środowiska oraz wskazano jakie bariery z tym są związane.
A new functionalized biopolymer was obtained by modifying chitin using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4). Thermogravimetric analysis was performed, and dielectric properties were examined. The obtained biopolymer showed better thermal stability, as evidenced by a higher onset temperature. The activation energy calculated using imaginary impedance data and Nyquist plots was found to be consistent. Moreover, the dielectric permittivity decreased rapidly with increasing frequency. At high frequencies, there was no dependence of dielectric loss on temperature and frequency. The obtained biopolymer can be used in many applications such as microwave devices, deflection yoke, high-frequency capacitors, sensors, etc.
Otrzymano nowy funkcjonalizowany biopolimer poprzez modyfikację chityny przy użyciu kwasu etylenodiaminotetraoctowego i nanocząstek magnetytu (Fe3O4). Przeprowadzono analizę termograwimetryczną i zbadano właściwości dielektryczne. Otrzymany biopolimer wykazywał lepszą stabilność termiczną, o czym świadczyła wyższa temperatura początku rozkładu. Wykazano zgodność energii aktywacji obliczonej z wykorzystaniem danych dotyczących urojonej impedancji oraz na podstawie wykresów Nyquista. Przenikalność dielektryczna zmniejszała się gwałtownie wraz ze wzrostem częstotliwości. Przy wysokich częstotliwościach nie stwierdzono zależności stratności dielektrycznej od temperatury i częstotliwości. Otrzymany biopolimer można wykorzystać w wielu zastosowaniach, takich jak urządzenia mikrofalowe, jarzmo odchylające, kondensatory wysokiej częstotliwości, czujniki itp.
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Wind-induced soil erosion is a major global misfortune, which obliterates nearly one-third of worldwide soil. The windswept sand particles cover large areas including highways, and make the visibility vague. This results in accidents, damaged infrastructure, delayed fights, and various health issues. The erosive impact of the wind can be minimized by enhancing the intactness of the soil surface. There is a prerequisite to adopt viable measures to strengthen soil against wind erosion. There are certain nature-based solutions that can fortify soil against wind erosion and the application of biopolymers is one of them. The objective of this study is to examine the viability of non-toxic biopolymers for stabilizing desert sand by improving its erosion resistance property and strength. In the present experiment, three biopolymers, sodium alginate (SA), pectin (P), and acacia gum (AG), were used with 1, 2, and 3% concentrations for 1 and 0.75 PV as stabilizing agents. The treatment with biopolymers was performed either by surficial treatment (spraying or pouring of solution) or by mixing and compact method based on the viscosity of prepared biopolymer solutions. The biotreated sand samples were tested in a wind tunnel at varying wind speeds of 10, 20, and 30 m/s to assess sand erosion. Surface strengths were assessed by measuring compressive strength using a pocket penetrometer. Crust thickness measurement was performed to check the penetration depth of biopolymer solution and binding of sand particles. All three biopolymers with 1% concentration gave a feasible solution for erosion against wind and binding of particles through SEM analysis. SA and P could not be sprayed for 2 and 3% concentrations due to high viscosity. This solution is also not feasible for the field application. Simultaneously, AG with 2 and 3% concentration was highly soluble, less viscous, and gave more surface strength due to higher percentage of biopolymer concentration.
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Przedstawiono wpływ mikrozanieczyszczeń na elementarny skład i charakterystykę kwasów huminowych alfa i hymatomelanowych, ekstrahowanych z osadów przefermentowanych, pochodzących z wydzielonej komory fermentacyjnej biologicznej oczyszczalni ścieków. Wykazano, że proces płukania frakcji stałej wodą destylowaną umożliwia usunięcie z substancji ekstrahowanych zanieczyszczeń niehumusowych, w tym rozpuszczalnych w alkoholu amfilowym. W wyniku płukania usuwane są substancje zawierające azot, takie jak białka globularne, aminy, monomery kwasu nukleinowego i retrowirusy. Zmniejszenie zawartości azotu wpływa na zmiany w obliczeniowym składzie elementarnym, a w konsekwencji na charakterystykę kwasów.
Solid humic acids (alpha humic, αHΑ and hymatomelanic acids, HMA) extracted from the fermented sewage sludge were rinsed once or 3 times with distd. water and then mixed with 96% ETOH (1:10 by mass) for 24 h at 20°C to dissolve the HMA. The αHΑ precipitate was sepd. and both fractions were dried at 60°C. Elemental anal. of sediments was carried out, and the content of heavy metals and ash was detd. The identification of humic substances was carried out using the FTIR method.
The paper presents research on selected functional properties of edible films as a new type of fast-dissolving biopolymerbased packaging for instant coffee. The film production consisted of preparing aqueous film-forming solutions with biopolymers such as apple and citrus pectin, sodium alginate and soy protein isolate. The solutions were poured and dried at 50°C for 24 h. Water content, solubility in water, color and opacity, water vapor permeability and mechanical properties of analyzed films were investigated. The obtained results showed different film properties of which citrus pectin turned out to show the most desired functional properties for instant coffee, including transparency, good sealability and solubility in water.
W artykule przedstawiono badania wybranych właściwości użytkowych folii jadalnych jako nowego rodzaju szybko rozpuszczalnych biopolimerowych opakowań do kawy rozpuszczalnej. Produkcja folii polegała na przygotowaniu wodnych roztworów foliotwórczych z biopolimerami, takimi jak pektyna jabłkowa i cytrusowa, alginian sodu i izolat białka sojowego. Roztwory wylano i suszono w temperaturze 50°C przez 24 h. Zbadano zawartość wody, rozpuszczalność w wodzie, barwę i nieprzezroczystość, przenikalność pary wodnej oraz właściwości mechaniczne analizowanych folii. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały różne parametry folii. Pektyna cytrusowa wykazywała najbardziej pożądane właściwości użytkowe dla kawy rozpuszczalnej, w tym przezroczystość, dobrą zgrzewalność i rozpuszczalność w wodzie.
The influence of anatural filler (lignin, chitosan, starch) used in the amount of 1, 5 and 10 wt% on thermal and mechanical properties of composites based on epoxy resin (Epidian®5) was investigated. Cross-linking of the resin with polyamine (IDA) was confirmed by the ATR/FT-IR method. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the thermal properties. Tensile and flexural mechanical properties as well as Shore hardness were also determined.
W pracy zbadano wpływ napełniacza naturalnego (lignina, chitozan, skrobia) stosowanego w ilości 1, 5 i 10% mas. na właściwości termiczne i mechaniczne kompozytów otrzymanych na bazie żywicy epoksydowej (Epidian®5). Sieciowanie żywicy poliaminą (IDA) potwierdzono metodą ATR/FT-IR. Do oceny właściwości termicznych zastosowano różnicową kalorymetrię skaningową (DSC). Oznaczono również właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu i zginaniu oraz twardość metodą Shore’a.
Based on the review of 115 literature items, the article presents biopolymers as renewable polymer materials for sustainable development. The types of biopolymers and their applications are discussed, including biopolymers based on starch, cellulose, bacteria, soy and natural polyester. It also describes the issues of biocompatibility, the principles of sustainable chemistry and sustainable development, as well as market trends and future application directions.
Na podstawie przeglądu 115 pozycji literaturowych w artykule przedstawiono biopolimery jako odnawialne materiały polimerowe dla zrównoważonego rozwoju. Omówiono rodzaje biopolimerów i ich zastosowanie, w tym biopolimery na bazie skrobi, celulozy, bakterii, soi i naturalnego poliestru. Opisano również zagadnienia dotyczące biokompatybilności, zasad zrównoważonej chemii i zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz trendy rynkowe i perspektywiczne kierunki zastosowań.
Life sciences, a field closely intertwined with human biology and physiology, employ various research methods, including morphology studies and quantitative analysis through non-destructive techniques. Biological specimens often consist of three-phase structures, characterized by the presence of gas, liquid, and solid components. This becomes crucial when the chosen research methodology requires the removal of water from samples or their transfer to a cryostat. In the current research, mechanical and topographical examination of cartilage was performed. The materials were generously provided by the Department of Anatomy at the Medical University of Silesia, thereby eliminating any concerns regarding their origin or ethical use for scientific purposes. Our research methodology involved the application of atomic force microscopy (AFM), which minimally disrupts the internal equilibrium among the aforementioned phases. Cartilage, recognized as a ‘universal support material’ in animals, proves to be highly amenable to AFM research, enabling the surface scanning of the examined material. The quantitative results obtained facilitate an assessment of the internal structure and differentiation of cartilage based on its anatomical location (e.g., joints or ears). Direct images acquired during the examination offer insights into the internal structure of cartilage tissue, revealing morphological disparities and variations in intercellular spaces. The scans obtained during the measurements have unveiled substantial distinctions, particularly in the intercellular ‘essence’, characterized by granularities with a diameter of approximately 0.5 μm in ear cartilage and structural elements in articular cartilage measuring about 0.05 μm. Thus, AFM can be a valuable cognitive tool for observing biological samples in the biological sciences, particularly in medicine (e.g. clinical science).
Polymers of natural origin have been gaining increasing significance in sciences, as well as the industry. Owing to their renewable nature, unique properties and wide availability, they are components that can be used for numerous advanced applications. Lignin, a biopolymer, which is a waste product separated from the widely understood biomass, most usually generated in the pulp and paper industry, falls in line with this trend. In this context, the importance of cellulose, which is used in the production of paper and by-products is greater. Whereas lignin, in the vast majority, i.e. approx. 95-98%, constitutes an energy source generated as a result of its combustion. However, nowadays, due to the huge potential arising from the specific structure of lignin and its properties, attempts are being made at using this material in many different applications within the so-called high added value. Lignin, as a commonly used polymer of unique chemical structure and properties, has recently become a source of many studies utilizing its potential in the preparation of functional materials and/or biomaterials, including hybrid ones. Such systems consist of appropriate inorganic and organic elements, which as a whole constitute a functional product with special properties, not exhibited by individual components. This provides unlimited possibilities in terms of engineering, shaping and practical application in newly developed systems. The huge interest in hybrid materials and/or biomaterials results from their potential applications, namely, in medicine, electronics, optics, electrochemistry, energy storage etc. Therefore, it nowadays becomes justified and important to try and develop new, functional systems, which owing to their specific properties could result in interesting application-wise possibilities in everyday life. Therefore, the attempt to use lignin as a source of many attractive and prospective possibilities is not without significance.
The rapid development of industry, apart from the obvious benefits, also leads to a significant increase in the level of environmental pollution, which is related not only to the use of harmful substances in the production process, but also to the production of significant amounts of by-products and wastes, which pose a serious threat to the environment as well as to the health and the life of living organisms. There is therefore a need to limit the use of toxic substances at every stage of production, and where this is not possible, appropriate waste management and the development of effective methods of harmful substances removal. In this respect, it seems crucial to introduce the principles of Green Chemistry as widely as possible. Green Chemistry is a concept whose main assumptions focus on designing and conducting chemical processes in a way that minimizes the use and formation of harmful substances as much as possible. This staretgy is based on twelve principles that overlap with the main assumptions of environmental chemistry to improve environmental protection and reduce pollution. There are many techniques and methods that fit into the assumptions of the broadly understood Green Chemistry, the implementation of which allows for sustainable management of post-production waste and by-products as well as their effective disposal. One of such concepts assumes the use of waste substances as a valuable raw material, not only for energy, but above all as a precursor and/or component for the production of innovative materials with high utility potential. Another idea is the use of enzymes, i.e. natural biocatalysts that allow chemical transformations to be carried out under mild process conditions, without the need to use harmful solvents. What's more, enzymes can be used not only at the stage of conversion/synthesis of substrates, but they can also be efficient tools for removing harmful substances. Hence, it seems necessary to undertake attempts aimed at the widest possible management of waste substances, as well as conduct research, the effect of which is the production of functional biocatalytic systems for various applications.
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Chitozan to biopolimer otrzymywany w procesie deacetylacji chityny. Dzięki zdolności tworzenia powłok, nietoksyczności, biokompatybilności oraz aktywności biologicznej znalazł zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach, m.in. w rolnictwie. To naturalny i biodegradowalny polimer. Przedstawiono właściwości chitozanu oraz omówiono jego zastosowanie w rolnictwie do otoczkowania nawozów.
A review, with 47 refs., of structure, preparation, phys. chem. properties and antimicrobial activity of chitosan as a very attractive material for agricultural applications that can be used for the manufg. of fertilizers with prolonged release of nutrients. The patent base was reviewed.
Biopolimery z grupy polisacharydów, dzięki swoim właściwościom fizykochemicznym, podatności na modyfikację chemiczną i biodegradację oraz wysoką bioaktywność, są wykorzystywane do uszlachetniania materiału siewnego roślin uprawnych. Polimery naturalne, takie jak: chitozan, alginian, celuloza, galaktoglukomannany, lignina oraz guma gellanowa mogą być stosowane jako substancje wiążące w otoczkowaniu nasion lub jako nośnik substancji aktywnych i mikroorganizmów. Biopolimery zawarte w otoczkach lub zaprawach nasiennych mogą ponadto przyczyniać się do ograniczenia niekorzystnego wpływu środowiska i patogenów na kiełkujące nasiona.
Biopolymers from a group of polysaccharides are used in treatments enhancing sowing material of crops due to their physical and chemical properties, susceptibility to chemical modification, biodegradability and high bioactivity. Natural polymers, such as: chitosan, alginian, celulose, galaktoglucomannans, lignin and gellan gum, can be used as binders in seed coating or carriers of active substances and microorganisms. Moreover, biopolymers contained in the seed coatings and seed dressings can protect germinating seeds from unfavorable influence of environment and pathogens.
Bioresorbable materials are used in medicine for fixing, correcting or stabilizing bones in various anatomical areas, and the market for such materials is growing rapidly worldwide. The use of polymers for their production is associated with the ability to control their properties. They are prepared from bioresorbable materials with variable surface, geometry, porosity, as well as mechanical and surface properties. They support bone healing and are suitable for tissue regeneration due to their biodegradability and biocompatibility. We believe that materials from biodegradable polymers will play an increasingly important role in future medicine.
Materiały bioresorbowalne są szeroko stosowane wmedycynie do uzupełniania ubytków kości w różnych stanach chorobowych i powypadkowych, a także do nadbudowy iodbudowy kostnej oraz mocowania złamań. Rynek tego typu materiałów szybko się rozwija na całym świecie. Powszechność wykorzystania polimerów jest związana z możliwością kontrolowania ich właściwości. Zaletą materia-łów polimerowych jest możliwość zmiany powierzchni, geometrii, porowatości, właściwości mechanicz-nych ipowierzchniowych, atakże ich biodegradowalność ibiokompatybilność. Materiały z polimerów biodegradowalnych będą zapewne odgrywać coraz poważniejszą rolę w medycynie przyszłości.
In recent years, a growing problem of water deficit has been observed, which is particularly acute for agriculture. To alleviate the effects of drought, hydrogel soil additives – superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) – can be helpful. The primary objective of this article was to present a comparison of the advantages resulting from the application of synthetic or natural hydrogels in agriculture. The analysis of the subject was carried out based on 129 articles published between 1992 and 2020. In the article, the advantages of the application of hydrogel products in order to improve soil quality, and crop growth. Both kinds of soil amendments (synthetic and natural) similarly improve the yield of crops. In the case of natural origin polymers, a lower cost of preparation and a shorter time of biodegradation are indicated as the main advantage in comparison to synthetic polymers, and greater security for the environment.
The problem of treating chronic wounds is widespread throughout the world and carries a huge cost. Biomaterials engineering tries to solve this problem by creating innovative bioactive dressings dedicated to specific types of wounds. Both synthetic and natural polymers are the main base to produce wound dressings. Biopolymers have the advantage over synthetic polymers by being more biocompatible, non-toxic, biodegradable, and eco-friendly. The aim of this work was to produce a bioactive biomaterial based on natural polymers with potential applications to manage chronic highly exuding and infected wounds. A newly developed method for chemical synthesis of the curdlan/agarose biomaterial at high temperature combined with freeze-drying process resulted in a superabsorbent dressing material with antibiotic immobilized. The obtained biomaterial was subjected to basic microbiological in vitro tests and a cytotoxicity assay according to ISO 10993-5. Moreover, the experimental treatment of the infected wound in a veterinary patient was performed using the developed material. Based on the conducted research, it was proved that the produced dressing is not toxic to normal human skin fibroblasts. An additional advantage of the biomaterial is its ability to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Furthermore, the experimental treatment confirmed the validity of using the produced biomaterial as a dressing dedicated to the treatment of difficult-to-heal infected wounds. To summarize, the produced biomaterial possesses great potential to be used as a wound dressing for infected wounds.
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