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Purpose: This publication seeks to present the potential benefits of fifth generation (5G) wireless technology in smart healthcare systems, especially in enhancing patient-centric care. Design/methodology/approach: Analysis of international and local literature. Findings: The healthcare sector is transforming and changing from a dispersed disease-centric to a more personalized patient-centric model. This has been accelerated by the integration of wireless communication technologies used in administrative functions and smart healthcare applications. 5G technology is a game-changer in smart healthcare systems and promotes patient-centered service delivery. The growing use of wearable technology has had a massive impact on personalized and round-the-clock health monitoring, especially in remote settings and this requires a stable and reliable network. The high-speed wireless technology has advanced emergency response, making it quicker and more effective, allowing healthcare providers to make timely life-saving decisions. Its high performance and reliability have led to an increase in patient experience and performance, physically and virtually. This has led to better healthcare service delivery that is more personalized and efficient as medical professionals use personalized approaches that suit the specific health needs and preferences of patients. Originality/value: Originality/value: This article offers an analysis of the role 5G plays in supporting a patient-centered care in smart healthcare systems. The value of this research is based on outlining the interdisciplinary nature of 5G and how it can promote care services and technological advancements in healthcare.
Purpose: The acceleration of the digitization of the healthcare sector, forced by the pandemic, and the extensive use of e-services prevented is collapsed. But it was also created a space for innovative medical and medical-related solutions, development of staff competences, greater focus on the patient and his environment. The aim of the article is to determine the state and directions of sustainable development of Polish health care in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: According to the World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainable development makes it possible to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The 2030 Agenda aims to “ensure healthy lives and promote prosperity for all people of all ages”. The coronavirus pandemic has challenged global healthcare systems to cope with an unprecedented crisis while pursuing sustainable development as defined above. Findings: The pandemic has led healthcare leaders to act with agility, build resilience and adopt smarter ways of working to help future-proof care. It has also pushed them to rethink how care is delivered. Originality/value: An identification the main directions of sustainable development of Polish healthcare in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Autism spectrum disorder includes symptoms like anxiety, depressive disorders, and epilepsy because of its impact on relationships, learning, and employment. Since no confirmed treatment and diagnosis are available, the emphasis is on improving an individual’s capacities through symptom mitigation. This work investigates autism screening for adults and toddlers utilizing deep learning. We investigated models for feature prediction and fused these predictions with the original dataset to be trained with deep long short-term memory (DLSTM). Features are fused from the training and testing sets and then combined with the original dataset. Data analysis is carried out to detect anomalies and outliers, and a label encoding technique is utilized to convert the categorical data into numerical values. We hyper-tuned the DLSTM model parameters to optimize and assess significant outcomes. Experimental analysis and results revealed that the proposed approach worked better than the other techniques, yielding 99.9% accuracy for toddlers and 99% for adults.
This article describes the development of a cost-effective, efficient, and accessible solution for diagnosing hand movement disorders using smartphone-based computer vision technologies. It highlights the idea of using ToF camera data combined with RG data and machine learning algorithms to accurately recognize limbs and movements, which overcomes the limitations of traditional motion recognition methods, improving rehabilitation and reducing the high cost of professional medical equipment. Using the ubiquity of smartphones and advanced computational methods, the study offers a new approach to improving the quality and accessibility of diagnosis of movement disorders, offering a promising direction for future research and application in clinical practice.
W niniejszym artykule opisano opracowanie opłacalnego, wydajnego i dostępnego rozwiązania do diagnozowania zaburzeń ruchu ręki przy użyciu technologii wizyjnych opartych na smartfonach. Podkreślono w nim ideę wykorzystania danych z kamery ToF w połączeniu z danymi RG i algorytmami uczenia maszynowego do dokładnego rozpoznawania kończyn i ruchów, co przezwycięża ograniczenia tradycyjnych metod rozpoznawania ruchu, poprawiając rehabilitację i zmniejszając wysokie koszty profesjonalnego sprzętu medycznego. Wykorzystując wszechobecność smartfonów i zaawansowane metody obliczeniowe, badanie oferuje nowe podejście do poprawy jakości i dostępności diagnostyki zaburzeń ruchu, oferując obiecujący kierunek przyszłych badań i zastosowań w praktyce klinicznej.
Upper limb prosthetic is an area of medical research and development that aims to restore functionality and improve the quality of life of people affected by the loss of one or both upper limbs. The development and implementation of 3D scanning tools and analysis of 3D scanning data requires the use of specialized analysis methods that ensure the achievement of the required indicators. It should take into account the impact of the model resolution on the result. This paper is devoted to the analysis of finding matches between a point cloud of a hand model and another point cloud using Gromov Wasserstein distance. For analysis, a subset of the MANO dataset was employed, containing a substantial volume of data and serving as a representative sample of the human population. The results obtained indicate the possibility of using this approach in the processing and analysis of three-dimensional data, which serves as one of the stages of designing individualized prostheses.
Protetyka kończyn górnych to dziedzina badań i rozwoju medycznego mająca na celu przywrócenie funkcjonalności i poprawę jakości życia osób dotkniętych utratą jednej lub obu kończyn górnych. Opracowanie i wdrożenie narzędzi do skanowania 3D oraz analiza danych pochodzących ze skanowania 3D wymaga zastosowania specjalistycznych metod analizy, które zapewnią osiągnięcie wymaganych wskaźników. Należy przy tym uwzględnić wpływ rozdzielczości modelu na uzyskany wynik. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest analizie znajdowania dopasowań między chmurą punktów modelu dłoni a inną chmurą punktów przy użyciu odległości Gromova-Wassersteina. Do analizy wykorzystano podzbiór zbioru danych MANO, który zawiera znaczną ilość danych i służy jako reprezentatywna próbka populacji ludzkiej. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na możliwość wykorzystania tego podejścia w przetwarzaniu i analizie danych trójwymiarowych, które służą jako jeden z etapów projektowania zindywidualizowanych protez.
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are based on connected and dedicated sensor nodes for patient monitoring in the healthcare sector. The sensor nodes are implanted inside or outside the patient’s body for sensing the vital signs and transmitting the sensed data to the end devices for decision-making. These sensor nodes use advanced communication technologies for data communication. However, they have limited capabilities in terms of computation power, battery life, storage, and memory, and these constraints make networks more vulnerable to security breaches and routing challenges. Important and sensitive information is exchanged over an unsecured channel in the network. Several devices are involved in handling the data in WBANs, including sink nodes, coordinator, or gateway nodes. Many cryptographic schemes have been introduced to ensure security in WBANs by using traditional confidentiality and key-sharing strategies. However, these techniques are not suitable for limited resource-based sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose a Lightweight Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm (LWHCA) that uses cryptographicbased techniques for WBAN networks to improve network security, minimize network overhead and delay issues, and improve the healthcare monitoring processes. The proposed solution is evaluated in a simulation scenario and compared with state-of-the-art schemes in terms of energy consumption, and ciphertext size.
The Internet of Things is a network of connected devices that can communicate and share data over the Internet. These devices often have sensors that collect data for various purposes, such as usage statistics, data processing, or performing specific actions based on the collected data. Also, medical Internet of Things devices are crucial in monitoring critical functions, measuring blood glucose levels, indicating when patients require medicine, and ensuring timely medication delivery. Communication in the Internet of Things is demanding, requiring diverse protocols that address communication security concerns. These protocols must be robust and secure, considering technical factors such as the network objective, energy requirements, and the nature of the communication because they can be exploited. This paper proposes an innovative system with a security protocol that supports and improves communication security in modern Internet of Things networks. The protocol aims to enhance communication safety between interconnected devices for information exchange in medicine or healthcare, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sent data and devices. The proposed protocol, tested through formal and automated verification, meets all security goals, including identity verification, anonymity protection, and access revokement. It also protects against man-in-the-middle, modification, replay, and impersonation attacks.
Purpose: Managing a pandemic in individual countries is a concern not only of governments but also of WHO and the entire international community. The pandemic knows no bounds. In this context, India is a special country - with a huge population and a very large diversity of cultural, geographic, economic, poverty levels, and pandemic management methods. In this work, we try to assess the sum of the impact of these factors on the state of the epidemic by creating a ranking of Indian states from the least to the most endangered. Design/methodology/approach: As a method of creating such a ranking, we take into account two very, in our opinion, objective variables - the number of deaths and the number of vaccinations per million inhabitants of the region. In order not to make the usually controversial ascribing of weights to these factors, we relate them to the selected reference region - here to the capital city - Delhi. We apply a logical principle - the more vaccinations, the better and the more deaths - the worse. Findings: The results are rather surprising. Many small regions are safe regions, such as Andaman, Tripura or Sikkim, many large or wealthy states are at the end of this ranking, such as Delhi, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Tamil Nadu. What was found in the course of the work? This will refer to analysis, discussion, or results. Originality/value: The method enables an indirect assessment of the quality of pandemic management in a given region of the country. It can be used for any country or even a group of countries or a continent. According to this criterion, the best state/region is intuitively the safest for residents. A small number of deaths and a large number of vaccinations may positively indicate the state of public health and good management of the fight against the pandemic by local and/or central authorities.
The aim of the article is to determine the direction in which changes should be introduced in the management of healthcare units to increase patient satisfaction with the organization of services in the examined unit. It is emphasized that hospital management is a comprehensive process that includes planning, organization, coordination, and control of activities. These subprocesses are aimed at the efficient provision of medical services and the management of material and human resources. Based on the literature, the authors have identified factors influencing effective hospital management. Special attention is paid to the quality of medical care and accreditation as tools for raising quality standards. In the empirical part, the results of research conducted in a group of hospitals are presented, in which respondents assessed the level of satisfaction in selected areas. The Kano methodology was then used to understand patient expectations and classify attributes of hospital services. The results of the analysis indicated that some attributes have a neutral classification, while others are attractive to patients and generate a high level of satisfaction. The final part of the study includes recommendations for directions of changes in the management of healthcare units identified based on the conducted research.
Celem artykułu jest określenie w jakim kierunku powinny być wprowadzane zmiany w zarządzaniu jednostkami opieki zdrowotnej, aby podnieść satysfakcję pacjentów z organizacji usług w badanej jednostki. Podkreśla się, iż zarządzanie szpitalami jest kompleksowym procesem, obejmującym: planowanie, organizację, koordynację i kontrolę działań, niniejsze subprocesy mają na celu efektywne świadczenie usług medycznych, zarządzanie zasobami materialnymi oraz zasobami ludzkimi. W oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu autorki zidentyfikowały czynniki wpływające na efektywne zarządzanie szpitalami. W sposób szczególny odniesiono się do jakości w opiece medycznej oraz akredytacji jako narzędzia podnoszenia standardów jakości. W części empirycznej zawarto wyniki badań zrealizowanych w zespole szpitali, w których respondenci określili poziom satysfakcji w wybranych obszarach następnie wykorzystano metodologię Kano do zrozumienia oczekiwań pacjentów i klasyfikacji atrybutów usług szpitalnych. Wyniki analizy wskazały, iż niektóre atrybuty mają klasyfikację obojętną, podczas gdy inne są atrakcyjne dla pacjentów i generują wysoki stopień zadowolenia. Końcowym elementem opracowania są rekomendacje kierunków zmian w zarządzaniu jednostkami opieki zdrowotnej zidentyfikowane w oparciu o przeprowadzone badania.
Opieka zdrowotna w większości krajów rozwija się w bardzo szybkim tempie. Skutkiem tego dynamicznego rozwoju jest generowanie ogromnej ilości danych. Pochodzą one m.in. z dokumentacji medycznych prowadzonych od urodzenia, zawierających często szczegółowe wyniki badań, opis chorób oraz historię stosowanych leków, raportów administracyjnych oraz wyników analiz porównawczych. Natomiast samo gromadzenie danych nie wykorzystuje w pełni potencjału wiedzy ukrytej w takich zbiorach [1].
During a global health crisis, a country’s borders are a weak point through which carriers from countries with high morbidity rates can enter, endangering the health of the local community and undermining the authorities’ efforts to prevent the spread of the pathogen. Therefore, most countries have adopted some level of border closure policies as one of the first steps in handling pandemics. However, this step involves a significant economic loss, especially for countries that rely on tourism as a source of income. We developed a pioneering model to help decision-makers determine the optimal border closure policies during a health crisis that minimize the magnitude of the outbreak and maximize the revenue of the tourism industry. This approach is based on a hybrid mathematical model that consists of an epidemiological sub-model with tourism and a pandemic-focused economic sub-model, which relies on elements from the field of artificial intelligence to provide policymakers with a data-driven model for a border closure strategy for tourism during a global pandemic.
Health plays a prime role for day-to-day working. IoT provides physicians and patients with advanced medical resources, solutions, services, advantages etc. The goal behind the internet of things (IoT) is to have IoT devices that self-report in real-time. This project aims to develop a system that provides live-body temperature, cough detection, pulse rate and other health criteria such as weight loss, chest pain detection, blood sugar level, HB-WBC-RBC (hemoglobin, white blood cell, red blood cell) level, etc. NodeMcu, an open-source firmware, is used for wireless data transmission on an IoT platform. The data is stored on a web server so it can be accessed by both the physician and patient to provide the information about the patient’s condition and help the physician to diagnose TB for the patient. The data of 50 patients have been collected for analysis and reviewed in detail in the result and analysis section.
The digital revolution is changing every aspect of life by simulating the ways humansthink, learn and make decisions. Dentistry is one of the major fields where subsets ofartificial intelligence are extensively used for disease predictions. Periodontitis, the mostprevalent oral disease, is the main focus of this study. We propose methods for classifyingand segmenting periodontal cysts on dental radiographs using CNN, VGG16, and U-Net.Accuracy of 77.78% is obtained using CNN, and enhanced accuracy of 98.48% is obtainedthrough transfer learning with VGG16. The U-Net model also gives encouraging results.This study presents promising results, and in the future, the work can be extended withother pre-trained models and compared. Researchers working in this field can develop novelmethods and approaches to support dental practitioners and periodontists in decision-making and diagnosis and use artificial intelligence to bridge the gap between humansand machines.
Content available Dental Waste - Management and Statistics
Waste management is a crucial issue in the contemporary world, playing a significant role in the fight against environmental problems. Inadequate waste management leads to the pollution of air, water, and soil with toxic and harmful substances and to the emission of greenhouse gases, thereby contributing to climate change, the reduction of biodiversity, and the destruction of ecosystems, as well as to the emergence of diseases and allergies in animals. The management of waste is primarily determined by its type and source, with recycling, incineration, and landfilling being the most common methods. The healthcare sector, with limited opportunities for waste reduction, has its own unique approach to waste management. In particular, dental waste presents a considerable environmental risk due to the hazardous and toxic substances it contains. A prime example of such substances is mercury (Hg), a toxic and bioaccumulative metal that was commonly used in dental amalgam for over a century. With the available statistical data, it is possible to recognize that dentistry can pose a serious threat to the environment, and steps can be taken to control and reduce the production of toxic waste and its potential impact on the environment.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study how the Sars-Cov-19 pandemic has affected the processes and performance management of medium-sized outpatient clinics in Poland. Given the novelty of the studied area and lack of relevant literature, the case study approach has been employed. Design/methodology/approach: The case study was performed at CortenMedic, a medium 17 sized outpatient clinic located in Poland. We analyzed materials obtained from CortenMedic and interviewed its management board. Following an in-depth restructuring of processes, performance management, and business processes management governance, the CortenMedic adjusted to an environment and has taken advantage of opportunities. Findings: As a result, the CortenMedic recognized outstanding results superior to those before the Sars-Cov-19 period. This study shows that the business processes management and performance management should be dynamic and follow the changes identified inside and outside the companies. The changes through Sars-Cov-19 appear very quickly and are of temporary nature. We postulate the threat of the Sars-Cov-19 pandemic can be converted by the healthcare organizations into an opportunity. Research limitations/implications: Several limitations of our research must be acknowledged. Firstly, we shall note we based our study on only one organization located in Poland. Since we do not compare our results with other Polish and European clinics, obtained in this study results might not be generalizable. Practical implications: The increased role of BPM governance in the pandemic period, as compliance with processes, especially with work safety standards, become of utmost importance, posing a thrill of infection otherwise. In this sense, the postulates of this study might be applicable to other healthcare services providers. Additionally, the results of the paper can provide guidance to a decision-maker or management staff through improving the structure of primary and secondary processes depending on the needs and expectations of a dynamic environment. Social implications: The article’s findings may still offer astute insights to researchers and practitioners who wish to consider more information regarding the importance of the BPM and PM in the healthcare sector through the business process restructuring. Originality/value: The added value of the article is the answer to the question study how the Sars-Cov-19 pandemic has affected the BPM and performance management (PM) of medium 6 sized outpatient clinics in Poland.
A thriving healthcare system perfectly reflects economic development and contentment amongst the people of any region. With increasing anxiety concering health and growing medical needs, hospitals worldwide face substantial challenge to provide patients with adequate medical facilities under one roof. With a fragile state of the health industry in a developing country like India, there is a need for the hospitals to opt for international standards and comply with other premier health centers of the country. This paper aims to select the hospitals based on incongruous and conflicting criteria involving group decision-making using the Intuitionistic Fuzzy (IF) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The criteria used are concomitant to an insured public health scheme named Ayushman Bharat-National Health Protection Scheme (AB-NHPS) of the Government of India. For each alternative Euclidean distance has been used to calculate the positive and negative separation measure from the ideal solution. The relative closeness to the ideal solution has been used to rank the hospitals. The result is a list of hospitals ranked from best to worst based on the laid criteria. It can aid governing bodies in decision-making under an uncertain environment with multiple complex criteria to analyze.
Współczesna medycyna zawdzięcza swoje osiągnięcia i dynamiczny rozwój badaniom naukowym i w coraz większym stopniu rozwojowi techniki i technologii medycznych. Postęp tworzą odkrycia nauk podstawowych prowadzące do powstania nowych metod diagnostycznych, terapeutycznych i leków oraz innowacje w zakresie techniki medycznej [6]. Zakres technologii stosowanych w ochronie zdrowia jest bardzo rozległy i zróżnicowany. WHO definiuje technologie medyczne jako zastosowanie wiedzy i umiejętności w postaci leków, wyrobów medycznych, szczepionek, procedur i systemów opracowanych w celu rozwiązywania problemów medycznych i poprawy jakości życia [23].
Kanban jest systemem japońskim, który początkowo był wykorzystywany wyłącznie w produkcji. Wraz z jego upowszechnieniem zyskał na popularności i stał się koncepcją wdrażaną do innych dziedzin, znajdując zastosowanie w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej. Artykuł wskazuje możliwość użycia zasad Kanban w celu zwiększania efektywności zawodowej personelu medycznego.
Kanban is a Japanese system that was initially used only in manufacturing. As it became more widespread, it gained popularity and became a concept that was implemented into other fields, finding application in healthcare facilities. The article shows the possibility of using Kanban principles to increase the professional efficiency of medical staff.
Content available remote Opieka zdrowotna : problemy i perspektywy
This study provides empirical indicators on the presence of alarming mental stress levels among healthcare staffs as a result of the work environment. The study uses a comprehensive survey to identify work stressors and to addresses stress symptoms and coping behaviours among the healthcare givers in Jordan as a case study. The study aims to direct management’s attention to work conditions that largely contribute to increasing mental stresses among their healthcare staffs. Moreover, the study identifies out stress symptoms that employees, team leaders and managers should not ignore to help their fellow workers cope with their stresses through legitimate coping behaviours. A total of 300 responses from 176 nurses, 45 technicians and 79 physicians from three hospitals with high patient flows were included in the statistical analyses. Results demonstrate that stressors related to high job demands, especially long working hours, have the highest impact on the development of stress among surveyed caregivers. Job-demand stressors were the most significant predictor of the symptom recurrence level with a β = 0.334. Continual tiredness and frequent headaches were the most frequent stress symptoms. Taking unprescribed medications, smoking tobacco, and faking reasons to take time off were the most common behaviours to relieve stress. This study contributes to the literature theoretically and practically. From a theoretical perspective, the study provides a comprehensive survey that captures the symptoms, relieve behaviours and work-related causes of stress. From the practical perspective, the study helps care providers and healthcare managers address and resolve work stressors and help their staff adopt healthy behaviours to relieve their stresses.
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