The wide variety of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) developed within deposits of the same age may hinder the interpretation of their origin. Some types of SSDS may appear similar though have different trigger mechanisms, while others may result from a specific mechanism. Furthermore, the development of particular SSDS may be influenced by several synchronous or semi-synchronous factors. This study deals with the recognition of SSDS trigger mechanisms with respect to lithological and deformational features of the deposits concerned. Turbidite deposits of late Neogene age in the Hadjret El Gat area (Tafna Basin) contain different types of SSDS associated with (1) slope processes (e.g., slump folds) and induced overburden pressure, coupled with broken beds and overloading structures, and (2) liquefaction and fluidisation phenomena, leading to the development of load structures, ball-and-pillow structures, water-escape structures and syndepositional faults. These two mechanisms of SSDS formation in the study area are thought to result from seismically-induced triggers. Recognition of a vertically-repeated, sandwich-like arrangement of deformed and undeformed layers along with the SSDS features ("trapped" within beds) suggests that these internally-deformed beds are seismites, the first recognized in the Tafna Basin of NW Algeria. Large earthquakes may trigger seismic waves energetic enough to deform strata and induce the development of SSDS. This hypothesis is supported here by tectonic evidence, given deposition of the Tafna Basin strata in the convergence zone between Africa and Eurasia, active since the late Neogene.
The neo-tectonic research is interested in the study of the movements of Earth’s crust in recent geological times. It could explain the deformation mechanisms that lead to the structuring of drainage catchments. The Morsott-Tebessa-Youkous (Chabro) collapsed basin corresponds to a subsiding depression framed by brittle structures and filled with thick deposits. Our work aims to unveil the neo-tectonic activity and reconstruct the morphometric evolution of the landscape and the drainage network of the basin. For this task, our investigation applies a quantitative analysis of geomorphic indices extracted from the DEM of the study area. We used a GIS-based approach to compile seven morphometric factors namely Integral Hypsometry (HI), the Sinuosity of mountain fronts (Smf), the Valley Floor width to height ratio (VF), the Asymmetry Factor (AF), Basin Shape index (BS), and the topography (T). All these thematic parameters were processed in a Geo-database to calculate the study area’s Relative Tectonic Activity Index (IRAT) as a result. The IRAT map was categorized into three classes. The result highlighted the distribution of relative tectonic activity in the region and unveiled some unknown faults. It associated the sinuosity of rivers and the deformation of the substratum with active tectonic anomalies. This research work succeeded in drawing up a new scheme of the neo-tectonic activity and morphostructural evolution in the collapsed basin.
Deposits of the Röt Formation (Lower–Middle Triassic) in the eastern part of the North-Sudetic Synclinorium (Bolesławiec Syncline), SW Poland, include numerous synsedimentary deformation structures. Six boreholes with a total core length of ~434 m enabled macroscopic analysis and description of these deformation structures, supplemented by borehole log interpretation, calcimetric analysis, and interpretation of 2D surface seismics. An interval up to ~42 m-thick at the base of the Röt Formation showed both brittle and soft-sediment deformation structures. Their abundance and intensity decrease towards the top of the Röt Formation, and they completely disappear in the Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic). Both the number of boreholes and their locations indicate the presence of such structures across the entire study area. The occurrence of deformation structures in each borehole analysed and their large lateral range suggest that the uppermost part of the Lower Triassic and lowermost part of the Middle Triassic in the study area were influenced by seismic activity. As a result, tectonic reorganization of the study area is inferred for the latest Early/earliest Middle Triassic.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań aktywności tektonicznej prowadzonych przez Laboratorium Geodynamiczne CBK PAN w kontekście możliwości wdrożenia nowej metody pomiarowej na rzecz monitoringu zagrożeń w górnictwie węgla kamiennego i miedzi.
Recognition of high coincidence of intervals of Iow velocities of Świebodzice Depression deformation with intervals of seismic events in underground mines (for ca. 140 of strong events in 2006-2016) supports the concept of a large-scale tectonic force field, which source area is the Atlantic rift system. This field covers areas of the Świebodzice Depression, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Upper Silesian Basin and Bohemian Massif, which explains the cause of the observed coincidence. Practical application of the findings described (called „TAF method") allows for determining the so-called PGZ parameter - momentary susceptibility of rock massif to destruction. The PGZ parameter allows to assess the momentary level of seismic shock threat at a several level scalę. The TAF method may be applied to determine intervals of increased seismic shock threat almost in real time after modernisation of the registration process. To achieve this, analogous modules should be replaced by digital measurement systems. Application of the TAF method should improve exploitation safety in underground mines and selection of optimal moments for rock massif release (with application of blasting method) in intervals of high PGZ values, i.e. large susceptibility of rock mass to destruction.
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The present study deals with the soil gas geochemical surveys in and around Shanchiao fault to pick the sites for integrated radon monitoring using SSNTDs to better understand the response of tectonic activity of the fault systems. Throughout these surveys, gathered samples of soil gas has been analysed for radon and carrier gases namely CO2, He, N2, O2, CH4 and Ar. The RAD 7 instrument has been utilized for radon analysis and gas chromatograph instrument for analysing the carrier gases. The predominance of gas spread has been explored based on the results of these surveys and three sites have been chosen for integrated observation with regard to seismotectonic activity to examine the affectability of the sites utilizing SSNTDs. From these sites, a site will be chosen for future long duration continuous observance on the premise of its affectability towards the seismotectonic activity inside the territory.
The Sudetes are a mountain range in Central Europe, which owes its emergence to the Cenozoic rejuvenation of an old Variscan orogen, subject to stresses from the Alps and the Carpathians. The gross morphological features of the Sudetes are typically explained as reflecting the superposition of the effects of long-term, rock-controlled denudation and Late Cenozoic differential uplift and subsidence. In this paper, early conceptual models, developed in the 1950s and 1960s and emphasizing alternating uplift and planation phases, are presented first. A review of more recent work focused on tectonic landforms and geomorphic indicators of tectonic movements follows, with special attention to fault-generated escarpments, valley morphology, stream longitudinal profiles, terraces and fans, drainage basin characteristics and regional geomorphometric studies. Attempts to provide a timeframe of tectonic relief differentiation are also summarized. In the closing part of the paper, the existing approaches and findings are re-evaluated in order to identify challenges and perspectives for future work. The availability of high-resolution digital terrain models creates a unique opportunity to quantify relief features and detect even the subtle topographic signatures of recent tectonics. A need to reconcile the results of geomorphological analysis with those emerging from other studies focused on faults is highlighted.
Geomorfologia tektoniczna jest dynamicznie rozwijającą się dziedziną nauki – głównie za sprawą nowych możliwości badawczych, które pojawiły się wraz z rozwojem narzędzi udostępnianych za pośrednictwem Geograficznych Systemów Informacyjnych (GIS) oraz z wprowadzeniem cyfrowych zestawów danych wysokościowych. Dzięki temu rozwijany jest przede wszystkim ilościowy kierunek tych badań. Niniejsza praca ma charakter przeglądowy. Zestawiono w niej, podzielono oraz omówiono wskaźniki morfometryczne wykorzystywane w badaniach nad młodą aktywnością tektoniczną obszarów, zwracając jednocześnie uwagę na ograniczenia interpretacyjne związane z ich wykorzystywaniem. Przegląd literatury uwzględnia opracowania zarówno polskie, jak i zagraniczne opublikowane w latach 2000–2015.
New research possibilities that emerged from the development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digital topography underpin the growth of tectonic geomorphology, mainly in respect to quantitatively oriented investigations. This paper presents a review of morphometric parameters that have been applied in morphotectonic studies in Poland and worldwide and is essentially based on papers published from 2000 to 2015. Classification of tectonic activity indicators is presented, as well as limitations in their interpretation are discussed.
Coregonid fishes (coregonids) (Salmonidae, Coregoninae) of Siberia show immense morphological and ecological variability, what is reflected in their complex interspecific and intraspecific structure: i.e. occurrence of numerous species, forms and endemic species. Studies of the coregonids of Siberia is crucially important for understanding of their origin, taxonomy and evolution. We have analysed electrophoretically some 13 enzyme systems from over 20 samples of East-Siberian coregonids. This paper was intended as an introduction to a number of primary papers that are planned that will describe the biological and genetic characteristics of studied populations.
The CEGRN Consortium decided to reprocess all GPS campaigns according new compiled guidelines. In the contribution these guidelines are introduced. Furthermore it was tested, whether they are also suitable for the first campaigns with their paticularities.
The characteristics of geodynamic investigations in the Eastern Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block region during the 1993-2003 period are presented. The investigations included repeated GPS, gravimetric and other observations realised in three local research areas and a regional network. The local research networks have been integrated into the regional network through selected points. The regional network has been connected to the permanent stations network EPN/IGS. This has allowed calculation of the points' velocities in a uniform reference frame ITRF2000. The calculated movement parameters of points have been the basis for estimating the kinematics of tectonic structures including gravity changes. The results have confirmed recent activity of the young tectonic structures in research region.
This paper summarizes recent research activities on merging the geodetic, geologic and neotectonic evidence of geodynamics in Croatia. The area of the City of Zagreb, which is the boundary zone of Eastern Alps, Dinnarides and Pannonian Basin is included as well. It is shown here that the evidence for fractures of Eastern Adriatic differs from the previous hypotheses. This conclusion is derived from the results of various geodetic measurements: satellite positioning (GPS), astro-geodetic measurements of deflections of the vertical. These results are combined with geologic measurements and results of seismic activity studies in order to give more detailed and more accurate picture of the current situation in the tectonically very active region of Dinnarides. Several GPS-campaigns performed in the City of Zagreb area are examined as well. Due to the proximity of Croatian capitol, special attention has been paid to the effects of possible hazard on construction code.
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The Report of WP 10.5 summarises the research activities in the period from 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2004. The research activities were concentrated to the determination of the preliminary relative velocity vectors and preliminary testing of gravimetric quasigeoid by astronomical measurements in the area of the Tatra Mountain.
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The characteristics of geodynamic investigations in the Eastern Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block region during the 1993-2003 period are presented. The investigations included repeated GPS, gravimetric and other observations realized in three local research areas and a regional network. The local research networks have been integrated into the regional network through selected points. The regional network has been connected to the permanent stations network EPN/IGS. This has allowed calculation of the points' velocities in a uniform reference frame ITRF2000. The calculated movement parameters of points have been the basis for estimating the kinematics of tectonic structures including gravity changes. The results have confirmed recent activity of the young tectonic structures in research region.
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The characteristics of geodynamic investigations in the Eastern Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block region during the 1993-2003 period are presented. The investigations included repeated GPS, gravimetric and other observations realised in three local research areas and a regional network. The local research networks have been integrated into the regional network through selected points. The regional network has been connected to the permanent stations network EPN/IGS. This has allowed calculation of the points' velocities in a uniform reference frame ITRF2000. The calculated movement parameters of points have been the basis for estimating the kinematics of tectonic structures including gravity changes. The results have confirmed recent activity of the young tectonic structures in research region.
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Initial tectonic movements of Adriatic Microplate result in dominating compression in the area of Dinarides. Collected structural data, compared with surface and depth data, with seismological and geodetic measurements taken in the account enabled the classifications of structures. Deformations and movements of structures directly depend on the stress orientation. This orientation varies from between 340-160° to 30-210°. In order to visualize the stress orientation, formation of different types of structures and their movements, examples of compressional structures are shown, as well as rotations of structures and conditions of creation of extensional structures. Finally, the map with fault zones is included, too. The data show narrowing of the area of Adriatic Microplate and the existence of its southern and northern part. Both parts are changing movement directions, leading to more tectonic activity. In active areas, formation of structures is recognized, and causality with fault locations and seismic activity is established. The amplitudes of tectonic movements derived from geodetic measurements between 1994 and 1998 represent important contribution for better understanding the tectonic activities in the area.
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