A mathematical model is developed to study the characteristics of blood flowing through an arterial segment in the presence of a single and a couple of stenoses. The governing equations accompanied by an appropriate choice of initial and boundary conditions are solved numerically by Taylor Galerkin’s time-stepping equation, and the numerical stability is checked. The pressure, velocity, and stream functions have been solved by Cholesky’s method. Furthermore, an in-depth study of the flow pattern reveals the separation of Reynolds number for the 30 and 50% blockage of single stenosis and 30% blockage of multi-stenosis. The present results predict the excess pressure drop across the stenosis site than it does for the inlet of the artery with single and multiple stenosis and the increase in the velocity is observed at the center of the artery.
The purpose of the work was to perform experimental tests on a plate heat exchanger. For this purpose, a laboratory test stand located in the hall of the Koszalin University of Technology was used. The experiment concerned checking the isothermal face of a flat panel radiator. Temperature distributions were checked at three board heights and in twelve finite elements. Temperature distribution fields were obtained depending on the flow rates tested.
Celem pracy było wykonanie badań eksperymentalnych na płytowym wymienniku ciepła. W tym celu wykorzystano laboratoryjne stanowisko badawcze zlokalizowane w sali Politechniki Koszalińskiej. Eksperyment dotyczył sprawdzenia izotermicznej powierzchni płaskiego grzejnika płytowego. Rozkłady temperatury sprawdzono na trzech wysokościach płyty i w dwunastu elementach skończonych. W zależności od badanych natężeń przepływu uzyskano pola rozkładu temperatury.
Thermal radiation effects on an unsteady free convective flow of a viscous incompressible flow of a past an exponentially accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate with uniform mass diffusion in the presence magnetic field are considered. The fluid considered here is a gray, absorbing-emitting radiation but a non-scattering medium. The plate temperature is raised to Tw and the concentration level near the plate is also raised to Cʹw . An exact solution to the dimensionless governing equations is obtained by the Laplace transform method, when the plate is exponentially accelerated with a velocity u= u0 exp(aʹtʹ) in its own plane against gravitational field. The effects of velocity, temperature and concentration fields are studied for different physical parameters such as the magnetic field parameter, thermal radiation parameter, Schmidt number, thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number and time. It is observed that the velocity increases with decreasing magnetic field parameter or radiation parameter. But the trend is just reversed with respect to a or t .
An exact solution of first order chemical reaction effects on a radiative flow past a linearly accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate with variable mass diffusion, under the action of a transversely applied magnetic field has been presented. The plate temperature is raised linearly with time and the concentration level near the plate is also raised to C'w linearly with time. The dimensionless governing equations are tackled using the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity, temperature and concentration fields are studied for different physical parameters such as the magnetic field parameter, radiation parameter, chemical reaction parameter, thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number, Prandtl number and time. It is observed that velocity increases with decreasing magnetic field parameter or radiation parameter. But the trend is just reversed with respect to the chemical reaction parameter.
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An exact solution of unsteady flow past a uniformly accelerated infinite vertical plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion in the presence of thermal radiation is presented here. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using Laplace-transform technique. The velocity profiles, temperature and concentration are studied for different physical parameters like thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, radiation parameter, Schmidt number, Prandtl number and time. It is observed that the velocity increases with increasing values of thermal Grashof number or mass Grashof number. But the trend is just reversed with respect to the thermal radiation parameter. It is also observed that there is a fall in plate temperature due to high thermal radiation.
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An exact analysis of rotation effects on an unsteady flow of an incompressible and electrically conducting fluid past a uniformly accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate, under the action of a transversely applied magnetic field is presented. The plate temperature is raised to Tw and the concentration level near the plate is also raised linearly with time. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity profiles, temperature and concentration are studied for different physical parameters such as the thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number, Prandtl number and time. It is observed that the velocity increases with increasing the values of the thermal Grashof number or mass Grashof number. It is also observed that the velocity increases with decreasing magnetic field parameter.
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A theoretical solution of an unsteady flow past a uniformly accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate with variable mass diffusion is presented here, taking into account the homogeneous chemical reaction of first order. The plate temperature is raised to [...] and species concentration level near the plate is made to increase linearly with time. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity, temperature and concentration fields are studied for different physical parameters such as the thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number, Prandtl number, chemical reaction parameter and time. It is observed that velocity increases with increasing values of the thermal Grashof number or mass Grashof number. It is also observed that velocity increases with decreasing the chemical reaction parameter.
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Criteria for isothermal conditions of a reaction with deactivation processes for catalyst pellets have been derived using approximate concentrations of reagents and temperature profiles. The procedure of their obtaining is presented for the reaction and for a power-law type of the kinetic equation. The method can be easily adapted to other type of kinetic rate equation and/or more complicated reactionschemes.
Sformułowano kryteria izotermiczności procesów reakcyjnych z dezaktywacją ziaren katalizatora. Skorzystano w tym celu z przybliżonych profili stężenia i temperatury. Sposób postępowania przedstawiono na przykładzie reakcji typu V dla równania kinetycznego typu potęgowego. Przedstawioną procedurę można łatwo zaadaptować do innego typu równania kinetycznego lub bardziej skomplikowanego schematu reakcji.
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