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Content available Social innovation – a case study
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a practical example from the field of social innovation implementation. Design/methodology/approach: The results of the analysis of scientific publications in the field of management science indicate the need to continue research in the field of social innovation. The studies are part of the research area related to social entrepreneurship. The studies were conducted using desk research, interview and observation methods. The study covered an association – an organization belonging to the third sector of the economy. The organization adopts goals of a social nature, and at the same time operates according to market rules. It uses multiple sources of income. Findings: The effects of implementing the innovation include the development of the organization socially and financially. The innovation affects the improvement of the competence of employees, contractors, interns, trainees, volunteers in the field of functioning of senior citizens, draws their attention to the problems of the elderly. The innovation is also an important element in the economization of the Association's activities. It is part of a strategy to diversify the organization's sources of funding. Originality/value: The results of the analysis of scientific publications in the field of management science indicate the need to continue research in the field of social innovation. The studies are part of the research area related to social entrepreneurship. Research results may be interesting for scholars exploring social innovations, management students, and non-governmental organizations.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia konstrukcyjne związane z rozbudową i modernizacją przedwojennego budynku użyteczności publicznej i jego przystosowaniem do nowej funkcji hotelowej. W ramach przygotowanej adaptacji przedstawiono wytyczne prac remontowych, wzmacniających i zabezpieczających. Ze względu na zabytkowy charakter budynku głównym wymogiem postawionym przez konserwatora zabytków projektantom adaptacji do nowej funkcji było zachowanie pierwotnego stanu ścian zewnętrznych. W artykule autorzy zwrócili uwagę na zabezpieczenie ścian zewnętrznych budynku przy użyciu systemowych elementów PERI. W projekcie budowlanym modernizowanego budynku założono pozostawienie praktycznie wszystkich ścian zewnętrznych oraz wyburzenie istniejących ścian wewnętrznych, stropów i stropodachu. Ponadto projekt zakłada wykonanie nowej konstrukcji nośnej ryglowo-słupowej ze stropami monolitycznymi oraz nadbudowę istniejącego obiektu o trzy kondygnacje. W wyniku modernizacji starego budynku biurowego powstanie nowy hotel w centrum miasta.
The paper presents the construction issues involved in the extension, demolition, and modernisation of a historic office building and its adaptation to a new hotel function. As part of the prepared adaptation, guidelines for renovation, strengthening, and safety work have been presented. Due to the historic nature of the building, the main requirement of the Monument Conservator for the adaptation designers was to preserve the original condition of the external walls. In the article, the authors paid particular attention to the protection of the building’s external walls using PERI system elements. The design of the modernised building assumed that all external walls would be retained and that the existing internal walls, slab floors, and flat roof would be demolished. In addition, the design involves the construction of a new column-and-beam structure with monolithic slabs and the addition of two storeys to the existing building. The result of the modernisation of the old office building will be the construction of a new hotel in the city centre.
This article is devoted exclusively to three iron minerals that have a decisive influence on the colour of the ‘Poznań Clays’. These are hematite, goethite, and jarosite. Their presence gives the ‘Poznań Clays’, which are the most common and best known Neogene lithostratigraphic unit in the Polish Lowlands, characteristic ‘warm’ colours ranging from yellow through orange to dark red. The presented results were mainly obtained using powder X-ray diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy.
Awarie infrastruktury, do których dochodzi w pasach drogowych, zwykle prowadzą do częściowego lub całkowitego zamknięcia ulic. Roboty prowadzone na jezdni często utrudniają, a czasami całkowicie uniemożliwiają ruch pojazdów. W przypadku całkowitego zamykania dróg konieczne jest wyznaczenie objazdów. Wystąpienie awarii prowadzi do ograniczeń nieplanowanych, nie da się bowiem ustalić konkretnego czasu wystąpienia zdarzenia, a uczestnicy ruchu nie mają wiedzy o zaistniałych utrudnieniach. Wszystko to może skutkować paraliżem układu komunikacyjnego. Awarie w infrastrukturze podziemnej mogą mieć znaczące konsekwencje dla ruchu drogowego, prowadząc do zakłóceń i stawiając różne wyzwania przed społeczeństwem. Niniejsze badanie skupia się na analizie wpływu awarii infrastruktury podziemnej na ograniczenia w ruchu drogowym i ich następstwa dla społeczności. Miasto Płock pełni rolę studium przypadku, umożliwiając wgląd w skuteczne praktyki wprowadzane w celu radzenia sobie z takimi wyzwaniami.
Infrastructure failures occurring in road lanes often lead to partial or complete road closures. Works conducted on the roadway often hinder, and sometimes completely prevent, vehicle traffic. In the case of complete road closures, detours must be designated. The occurrence of failures leads to unplanned restrictions, as the specific time of the incident cannot be determined, and traffic participants are unaware of the disruptions. All of this can ultimately lead to a paralysis of the transportation system. Failures in underground infrastructure can have significant consequences for road traffic, leading to disruptions and imposing various challenges on society. This study focuses on exploring the impact of underground infrastructure failures on road traffic limitations and their repercussions for the community. The city of Płock serves as a case study, providing insights into effective practices implemented to address such challenges.
Artykuł jest studium przypadku zagospodarowania terenu kompleksu biurowego, stanowiącego serce Business Garden w Warszawie. Metoda badawcza objęła wizję lokalną, wywiady z pracownikami oraz badania literatury naukowej i specjalistycznej. Artykuł opisuje sposób funkcjonowania miejsca pod względem społecznym i przyrodniczym. Rozwiązania technologiczne, wymuszone poprzez mniej korzystne warunki lokalizacyjne, pozwoliły na charakterystyczne ukształtowanie ogrodu pomiędzy budynkami. Jego przestrzeń jest wyłączona z ruchu kołowego, stanowi miejsce rekreacji, pracy na świeżym powietrzu, interakcji międzyludzkich, a także unikalnych dla pracowników biurowych aktywności fizycznych, mając bezpośredni wpływ na poprawę zdrowia, komfortu, jakości i wydajności pracy użytkowników obiektu.
The article is a case study of the development of the office campus, constituting for the heart of the Business Garden in Warsaw. The research method was a site visit, interviews with employees and research in scientific and specialist literature. The article describes how the place functions in terms of social and natural environment. Technological solutions, forced by less favorable site condition, allowed for the characteristic form of the garden located between the buildings. It is a “car-free” zone, which constitutes for a space for recreation, outdoor work, interpersonal interactions, and a place for physical activities unique to the office workers. It has a direct positive impact on the health, comfort, quality and work efficiency of the building occupants.
Content available remote A criteria- and case study-based approach to evaluate adaptability in buildings
Buildings may become functionally obsolete before they reach the end of their service life due to changing social, economic, and technological contexts. A building may undergo one or more transformations during its service life since decreased utility, vacancy, or demolition are not economically, socially, culturally, or environmentally viable options. Buildings with adaptable capacities offer effective solutions for responding to change and creating a sustainable built environment. The present study sought to clarify concepts related to adaptable architecture and develop a criteria-based evaluation approach to assess adaptability parameters in existing buildings. A criteria set was developed based on the literature to define adaptability strategies and parameters and their interconnected spatial, functional, and structural relationships that facilitated change. The magnitude of potential change was weighted and converted to adaptability scores. The adaptability evaluation criteria set was used to assess the adaptability scores of several architectural examples and the findings indicated that the criteria set could be used as both a quantitative and a qualitative evaluation tool.
Content available Risk management in social projects
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to propose risk management recommendations for social projects taking into account their specificities by analysing and evaluating the ways in which social project risks are managed in the literature and applied in practice. Design/methodology/approach: Both literature and empirical research have been used to provide an analysis of how risks of social projects are managed. The literature research, consisting of a literature review, will be contrasted with the results of the qualitative research carried out in the form of a single embedded case study. The result is a proposal in the field of project risk management for social projects. Findings: An analysis of the way in which social project risks are managed has made it possible to identify the interdependencies that exist in this area and to identify areas of social project risk management that are particularly in need of improvement. Research limitations/implications: The research is worth continuing by increasing the number of social project investigated in order to gain a broader perspective related to the risk management of social projects and to improve the proposed recommendations. Practical implications: The research led to the development of a diagram of the steps needed to be taken in social project risk management and how to automate it through the creation of a prototype project risk management tool. Social implications: The main aim of social projects is to achieve social change. This can take the form of creating new opportunities and spaces, resolving situations that hinder well-being and social development, as well as raising awareness and bringing about changes in the way society thinks. A prerequisite for the fulfilment of these objectives is the success of the project achieved through its correct implementation across all elements. One of these elements is effective and efficient risk management. Originality/value: The article expands on the number of studies related to social project risk management and draws attention to the very limited amount of literature slanting on this topic. In addition, it presents its own solutions for social project risk management.
Purpose: This article addresses the challenge of creating an excellent strategy under nonlinear conditions, focusing on understanding the unique features and values of the 2021-2030 strategy. The framework for shaping the organization's future is presented through the case of Grupa Azoty Capital Group's strategy. Project/methodology/approach: To achieve this goal, a literature review and examination of the selected strategy were conducted. Grupa Azoty served as an autotelic case study. The research method employed allowed for a depiction of the analysed unit. The case study offers potential for adequately achieving the set boundaries of knowledge, which is particularly important in an era of nuanced phenomena. The choice of research methodology was dictated by the need to examine a specific group of organizations and the subject of interest, enabling the identification of unique features and values of the analysed Capital Group. The conceptual elements of the case were diagnostic (how is it?), symptomatic (why is it so?), and intervention- related (what to do?). Findings: It was recognized that the challenge of today's world lies in the constant redefinition of fundamental truths, given that the era of continuity and high predictability of the environment has ended. The importance of social, technological, and environmental determinants and their impact on organizational strategy formation was acknowledged. The case study revealed several changes that needed to be implemented for the Capital Group's development. Grupa Azoty's 2021-2030 strategy confirms the priority of climate and energy transformation, the necessity for investment in innovation, and the importance of environmentally friendly solutions and products. Limitations/research implications: Future research on the influence of the environment on organizational strategy formation seems justified. Efforts to verify the level of achievement of intended goals also appear appropriate. Moreover, it is valuable to explore the performative dimension of the strategy on Grupa Azoty's employees and stakeholders. Practical implications: Individuals responsible for improving organizational strategy should continue to monitor emerging development perspectives in the environment. Regulatory changes resulting from the European Union's intentions, which aim to achieve beneficial social effects through establishing a set of sustainable development goals, warrant particular attention. The actions of the EU (the directives and regulations it creates) can significantly influence the strategy of a specific enterprise. Originality/value: The article allowed for the identification of unique features and values embedded in Grupa Azoty's strategy, serving as a starting point for further explorations. The analysis of the content may be helpful in formulating strategies for other organizations, particularly those operating in the dynamically changing landscape of the chemical industry.
Content available Evaluation of A3 tool in the production process
Purpose: The purpose of the research is to verify the A3 tools in terms of its use for various production problems. Design/methodology/approach: There is still little research on A3, so further research in this area is essential. Therefore, any additional research in this area is necessary. The research methodology results from the principles of using the A3 tool in enterprises. The A3 tool was used for various problems of the surveyed enterprises. One problem in the form of a case study is also shown: description of the problem related to the production process and the A3 tool was used. Findings: The use of A3 tools in the direct contact production process was presented and evaluated six A3 reports that were carried out in three production companies over a period of 1.5 years. The findings are as follows: 50% of reports were successfully closed, objectives met and all actions performed on time. 33% of the reports showed moderate effectiveness, i.e. one of the criteria was not met. 17% are low-performing reports. Research limitations/implications: More research into and refinement of the A3 tool is being considered in future research directions. Practical implications: The presented results have an impact on enterprises. They allow for more holistic management and dealing with complex problems. Work is more standardized. Originality/value: The value of the work is the assessment of the effectiveness of the A3 tool based on four criteria. The indicated and effectiveness assessment criteria also allow for a structured process of educating company employees in solving problems. The article shows the economic and business dimensions of the conducted research.
Purpose: The implementation effort of ethics involves actively entering the current discourse on new technologies, enhancing their credibility and minimizing ethical risks. Ethics can play an important role in enhancing their credibility. Design/methodology/approach: The case method and its application can play an important role in this area. Case studies should not only be the result of specific research and their design but also take into account the current methodological requirements of applied ethics. By presenting a case study, we try to express the optimal variant of a case study and the application of these requirements. Findings: We will try to point towards the establishment and development of the discourse of ethics and new technologies as well as the increasing potential of applied ethics and its constructive role in resolving ethically dilemmatic situations and creating preventive mechanisms for potential ethical failure. Originality/value: The principles of utility minimisation and utility maximisation will trouble us for a long time to come as we introduce them into AI technologies. From this we can see that there will be mainly two dominant ethical theories - utilitarianism with the norm of minimizing the loss of life, health, suffering and deontological ethical theory with the ethical norm concerning the protection of the car passengers, their life. Personally, we would add the ethics of responsibility, which ethicists and lawyers will have to deal with because of not only material responsibility but also, say, loss of life. Here we can be partly inspired by the debate and conclusions on animal ethics.
Content available CSV Revolution or evolution of the CSR concept
Purpose: The concept of value is not limited to the financial criterion alone. Value in modern economics is gaining prominence as a multifaceted concept because of the possibility of interpreting it from the customers' point of view. In order to meet market expectations of the demand side, the concept of value co-creation is evolving. The aim of the article is to indicate the systemic differences between CSR and CSV, paying particular attention to the aspect of considering the concept of value. As an example of good practice, the author chose to present the activities of a company implementing a CSV strategy. Design/methodology/approach: Businesses are learning from their mistakes and, abandoning unfair greenwashing practices, are choosing to pursue goals that fit into the concept of Shared Value Creation (Porter, Kramer, 2011). Based on a case study, this article will present the evolution of the CSV concept and the effects of its application in business practice. The activities carried out by the 'Inne Beczki' brewery, were classified as implementation of the concept of creating shared value. Research metods is critical review (comparison of CSR and CSV) and case study based on 'Inne Beczki' brewery. Findings: Creating Shared Value is an opportunity for smaller businesses to provide relational support and influence improved social wellbeing without having to sacrifice the financial benefits of the business. The example presented here is evidence of the CSV strategy in the market space. Thus, through this work it is possible to grasp the differences, in the context of the concept of value, between CSR and CSV. Research limitations/implications: In line with the case study approach, the author focused on one company that operates in a specific segment (FMCG) and in a specific territorial area (Polish market). Originality/value: The unique value of this article is presenting the concept of Creating Shared Value, which is not often described with an example from the business space. The author’s aim is to present, by means of a case study, actions initiated by a business which, by carrying out an action for a shelter, became part of the concept of creating shared value. In addition, by releasing a limited series of bottles, it increased public awareness of the problem of animal homelessness, as evidenced by the increased adoption of the animals presented on the labels. Due to the greater popularity of CSR, all activities of companies that merely have the appearance of additional pro-social activity are incorrectly referred to as CSR. By making a comparison and presenting a concrete example, the author shows that the topic of segmenting activities and attributing them to more specific categories needs to be deepened and can be a direction for future research. Social implications: The author believes that this article will influence the popularisation of similar business practices. She sees the presented case study as an example of good practice and the realisation of some of the programme assumptions of the CSV concept.
Purpose: Identification and selection of a set of critical success factors for a research organisation based on the evaluation conducted by managers of new product development processes at such organisations. Determination of factors that are of the utmost importance at the pre-development stage (so-called fuzzy front-end stage) and verification of the obtained results based on the case study of a successful new product implementation. Design/method/approach: First, desk research was conducted, followed by a survey and a case study analysis. Conclusions: The adequacy of the identified set of factors was confirmed (applicability of 90% of the selected factors was recognised). A number of additional success determinants of the new product development (NPD) process were specified. The importance of planning, tactical and organisational measures taken at the fuzzy front-end stage of the NPD process was confirmed. The crucial importance of identifying and verifying NPD process critical success factors was demonstrated. Research limitations/implications: Possibility to expand the set of critical success factors for a research organisation, verification of the adequacy of the developed set based on other cases and types of technological solutions. Practical implications: The study can serve as a reference for research organisations that want to verify the reasons for the success or failure of their implementation processes. Social implications: The study can contribute to the implementation of standards and good practices concerning the NPD process implementation, which are directed at social participation and consideration of social needs during the processes of innovation development and implementation. Originality/value: The study addresses the needs of teams involved in NPD processes, both at research organisations and in companies. The article provides important guidance to managers of NPD processes. It offers a comprehensive overview of critical success factors and identifies a set of good practices to improve the efficiency of the NPD process.
Artykuł przedstawia opis przypadku wystąpienia wzbudzonej mobilności pasażerskiej w układzie multimodalnym. Pretekstem do wystąpienia zjawiska ruchu wzbudzonego jest wprowadzenie na most i Trasę Łazienkowską w Warszawie pasa autobusowego w roku 2009. Posługując się archiwalnymi danymi pomiarowymi dla potoków pasażerskich w transporcie publicznym i ruchu drogowego autor odtwarza zmiany potoków pasażerskich przed i po analizowanej zmianie. Zaproponowana metoda analizy proponuje badanie występowania czterech głównych efektów usprawnienia połączenia komunikacyjnego opisanych w literaturze dotyczącej wzbudzonej mobilności. Potwierdzenie występowania określonego efektu pozwala następnie na podjęcie się jego pomiaru. Eliminacja lub pomiar wszystkich efektów pozwalają ostatecznie stwierdzić, czy w analizowanym przypadku wystąpiło zjawisko wzbudzonego ruchu pasażerskiego i jaka była jego skala. W przypadku utworzenia pasa autobusowego na moście i Trasie Łazienkowskiej w 2009 roku stwierdzono pasażerski ruch wzbudzony w transporcie publicznym autobusowym rzędu 1789 osób w godzinie szczytu porannego. Ruch ten pojawił się obok przejęcia części pasażerów samochodów osobowych przez transport publiczny, obok zjawiska zmiany tras komunikacyjnych przez użytkowników systemu oraz obok zjawiska przeniesienia części podróży z godzin pozaszczytowych na godziny szczytu.
The article presents a case study description of induced passenger mobility in a multimodal system. The pretext for analysis of the phenomenon of induced mobility is the introduction of a bus lane on the Bridge and Łazienkowska Route in Warsaw in 2009. Using archival measurement data for passenger flows in public transport and road traffic, the author reconstructs the changes in passenger flows before and after the analyzed change. The proposed method of analysis tests the occurrence of the four main effects of improving the traffic connection described in the literature on induced mobility. Confirming the presence of a particular effect then allows one to undertake its measurement. The elimination or measurement of all the effects make it possible to definitively determine whether the phenomenon of induced passenger traffic occurred in the analyzed case and what its scale was. In the case of the creation of a bus lane on the Bridge and Lazienkowska Route in 2009, passenger induced traffic in public bus transportation was found to be of the order of 1,789 people in the morning rush hour. This traffic appeared alongside the takeover of some passenger car passengers by public transport, alongside the phenomenon of rerouting by system users, and alongside the phenomenon of transferring some trips from off-peak hours to peak hours.
Vessel grounding accidents can potentially cause catastrophic marine accidents with environmental pollution and loss of life and economy. New systems introduced to improve safety of navigation should not be cause them. Today, the ECDIS is the main cartographic system and must therefore be an appropriate aid to support seafarers in building situational awareness with the relevant information needed for safe navigation. This paper describes the development of situational awareness and its features after which the maritime grounding accidents, in the period from 2008 to 2019 are analysed. Due to importance of the ECDIS, only ECDIS related accidents were considered. The aim of this paper was to determine which error ceased the development of good situational awareness and to determine whether there is a certain pattern by which to predict future errors and thus act preventively on them. This study shows at which situation awareness level those errors occurred and which SA demon affected the seafarers to perform an error.
The mission of many companies around the world is to strive for continuous development of their operations, thus increasing their own operability and profits generated. The ways to do this are at least several - from increasing the scope of the company’s operations to looking for weak links inside the company, thus optimizing the costs incurred. It so happens, however, that it is not internal conditions that influence the way a business entity is shaped, but external influences over which one does not always have control. It then remains to adjust to the new reality and, as far as possible, reduce its negative impact. Emerging threats in the socioeconomic space, in recent years, caused by the COVID pandemic or the war in Ukraine, among others, have contributed to an area in which research should be undertaken. The purpose of the study was to analyze the disruptions created inside supply chains and their impact on the transport company. In the described research, the research questions were formulated as follows: How do disruptions in supply chains affect the opportunity costs of transportation companies and how can they be minimized? A research assumption was made that disruptions in supply chains affect the opportunity costs of transportation companies. These disruptions limit opportunities to expand economic activity. The problem discussed referred to the issue of opportunity cost - in particular, the cost of lost opportunities and benefits, in order to then propose changes and actions to reduce the adverse effects from external influences. Based on the research, it can be concluded that disruptions in supply chains affect the opportunity cost of companies (1). Identifying and analyzing disruptions Identifying disruptions and analyzing allows you to identify several options for minimizing opportunity costs (2). Considering the disruptions in supply chains under the influence of the global crises among the most significant affecting the studied entity were: disruptions related to the timeliness of deliveries, the inability to hire new drivers and the possibility of acquiring another set of vehicles (3). These disruptions prevented the surveyed entity from expanding its operations and thus affected its opportunity costs.
Misją wielu przedsiębiorstw na całym świecie jest dążenie do stałego rozwoju swojej działalności, a co za tym idzie zwiększania własnej operacyjności i generowanych zysków. Sposobów, aby tego dokonać jest co najmniej kilka – od zwiększenia zakresu działania przedsiębiorstwa po wyszukanie słabych ogniw wewnątrz firmy, optymalizując w ten sposób ponoszone koszty. Zdarza się jednak tak, że to nie wewnętrzne uwarunkowania wpływają na sposób kształtowania podmiotu gospodarczego, a zewnętrzne wpływy, nad którymi nie zawsze ma się kontrolę. Pozostaje wtedy dopasować się do nowej rzeczywistości i w miarę możliwości obniżać jej negatywne oddziaływanie. Powstałe zagrożenia w przestrzeni społeczno-gospodarczej, w ostatnich latach, spowodowane między innymi pandemią COVID czy wojną na Ukrainie przyczyniły się do powstania obszaru w którym należy podjąć badania. Celem opracowania była analiza zakłóceń powstałych wewnątrz łańcuchów dostaw i ich wpływu na przedsiębiorstwo transportowe. W opisywanym badaniu pytania badawcze sformułowano następująco: w jaki sposób zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw wpływają na koszty alternatywne przedsiębiorstw transportowych i w jaki sposób można je minimalizować? Przyjęto hipotezę badawczą, iż zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw mają wpływ na koszty alternatywne przedsiębiorstw transportowych. Zakłócenia te ograniczają możliwości poszerzenia aktywności gospodarczej. Omawiany problem odnosił się do kwestii kosztu alternatywnego – w szczególności kosztu utraconych możliwości i korzyści, aby następnie zaproponować zmiany oraz działania, które pozwolą na obniżenie niekorzystnych skutków z zewnętrznych wpływów. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw wpływają na koszty alternatywne przedsiębiorstw (1). Identyfikacja i przeanalizowanie zakłóceń umożliwia wskazanie kilku opcji minimalizowania kosztów utraconych możliwości (2). Biorąc pod uwagę zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw pod wpływem światowych kryzysów, do najistotniejszych oddziałujących na badany podmiot zaliczamy: zakłócenia związane z terminowością dostaw, brakiem możliwości zatrudnienia nowych kierowców oraz możliwością nabycia kolejnego zestawu pojazdów (3). Zakłócenia te uniemożliwiły badanemu podmiotowi poszerzenie prowadzonej działalności, a tym samym wpłynęły na jego koszty utraconych możliwości.
Obiekty budowlane mogą ulegać korozji biologicznej na skutek uszkodzenia przegród budowlanych, ich niewłaściwej eksploatacji czy błędów wykonawczych. Najsilniej problem ten jest obserwowany w budynkach mieszkalnych, a z uwagi na szkodliwe oddziaływanie na zdrowie ludzkie rośnie świadomość jego istnienia oraz przyczyn powstania. Jednak zjawisko to dotyka również przegród zewnętrznych. Szczególnie wpływa ono na estetykę, a zbagatelizowane może spowodować uszkodzenie przegrody. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ mikroorganizmów kolonizujących przegrodę na trzy elewacje budynków wielorodzinnych wykonanych w systemie ETICS, a także na drewniane elementy elewacji zespołu obiektów widowiskowo-sportowych. Co istotne, dla porównania dwa spośród obiektów wielorodzinnych oraz zespół obiektów widowiskowo-sportowych są zlokalizowane w swoim bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie.
Building structures may be subject to biological corrosion as a result of damage to building partitions, their improper use or construction errors. This problem is most observed in residential buildings, and due to its harmful impact on human health, awareness of its existence and the causes of its occurrence is growing. However, this phenomenon also affects external partitions. It particularly affects the aesthetics, but if ignored, it may cause damage to the partition. The article presents the impact of microorganisms colonizing the partition on three facades of multi-family buildings constructed in the ETICS system, as well as on wooden elements of the facades of a complex of entertainment and sports facilities. Importantly, for comparison, two of the multi-family facilities and a complex of entertainment and sports facilities are located in their immediate vicinity.
Balkony, w eksploatowanych 60-letnich budynkach wielorodzinnych, znajdujących się pod ochroną konserwatorską budzą zastrzeżenia, a wiele z nich, według okresowych przeglądów budynków, jest w stanie awaryjnym [1]. Straciły funkcjonalność, gdyż się zużyły [2], choć większego znaczenia nabrały w czasie izolacji społecznej wynikającej z pandemii. Zaproponowano schemat zakresu badań przedprojektowych dotyczący oceny stanu zachowania balkonów w budynkach będących pod opieką konserwatorską i określono wariant dalszego działania naprawczego dla zarządcy.
Balconies in operated 60-year-old multi-family buildings under conservation protection raise concerns, and many of them, according to periodic inspections of buildings, are in a state of emergency [1]. They lost their functionality as they wore out [2], although they became more important during social isolation resulting from the pandemic. A scheme of the scope of pre-design research was proposed for assessing the state of preservation of balconies in buildings under conservation care, and an option further corrective action for the manager was identified.
Zmieniające się warunki użytkowania istniejących elementów konstrukcji determinują konieczność wykonania powtórnej weryfikacji nośności. Zadanie takie może komplikować się w świetle wielu zmiennych, które należy uwzględnić podczas analizy ustrojów. W artykule przywołano dwa przypadki obiektów już eksploatowanych, na dachach których planowano zamocować panele fotowoltaiczne. Ocena możliwości dodatkowego ich dociążenia poprzedzona została sporządzeniem projektów branżowych, zawierających m.in. lokalizację (rozkład) paneli, jak również ich ciężar. W artykule ten problem opisano jako studium przypadku dla dwóch niezależnych dachów, wykonanych w różniących się technologiach.
The changing conditions of use of existing structure elements determine the need to re-verify the load-bearing capacity. Such a task may become more complicated in light of the many variables that must be taken into account when analyzing systems. The article mentions two cases of facilities already in operation, on the roofs of which photovoltaic panels were planned to be installed. The assessment of the possibility of additional load was preceded by the preparation of industry projects, including, among others: location (distribution) of panels as well as their weight. The article describes this problem as a case study for two independent roofs made using different technologies.
Przeprowadzono analizę kosztu wykonania żelbetowych płyt fundamentowych posadowionych na terenie o prostych i złożonych warunkach gruntowych. Analizie obliczeniowej poddano płytę żelbetową o powierzchni 100 m2. Obliczenia kosztów budowy płyt wykonano w 144 wariantach, przyjmując grubość płyty 25 i 30 cm, stopień zbrojenia 0,8 do 1,5% z gradacją co 0,1%, występowanie ostróg płyty (lub ich brak), cenę stali zbrojeniowej minimalną, średnią i maksymalną. Zastosowano stal zbrojeniową Ø12, Ø 14 i Ø16. W obliczeniach uwzględniono ceny usług geotechnicznych. Wyniki zestawiono w postaci wykresów i tabelarycznie.
An analysis of the cost of making reinforced concrete foundation slabs placed in an area with simple and complex soil conditions was carried out. A reinforced concrete slab with an area of 100 m2 was subjected to computational analysis. Calculations of slab construction costs were made in 144 variants, assuming a slab thickness of 25 and 30 cm, a degree of reinforcement of 0.8 to 1.5% with a gradation of 0.1%, the presence of slab spurs, the minimum, average and maximal prices of steel. Reinforcing steel Ø12, Ø14 and Ø16 were used. The calculations take into account the prices of geotechnical services. The results were presented in the form of graphs and tables.
The objective of this paper is to explore a multidisciplinary problem-solving team investigating a customer-reported failure using an Ishikawa diagram with a spreadsheet for prioritizing and tracking investigation actions in a manufacturing organization. A case study methodology is used with the actions taken to investigate a customer-reported failure explained. The highest priority failure hypothesis was found to be unrelated to the failure. Two medium-rated hypotheses were found to be causing the problem; leakage was occurring at the connection between two components due to a diameter deviation of one of the components. Identifying and prioritizing hypotheses from the Ishikawa diagram provided structure to the investigation and gave the investigation team leader a tool for tracking the investigation actions. This approach is suitable for all types of failure investigations in which an Ishikawa diagram is used to list hypotheses.
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