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Nowadays, applying additive manufacturing (AM) technologies into a supply chain (SC) permits realization of the so-called “demand chains” and transformation of conventional production to mass customization. However, integration of AM technologies within an SC indicates the need to support managers’ decision about such an investment. Therefore, this work develops a Petri net-based decision support model that determines the changes in an SC by adopting AM and improving customer-perceived value (CPV), based on a case study regarding a real-life metal production process. The basis for building such a model is the supply chain operation reference model (SCOR), focusing on CPV, due to the need for redesigning the SC starting from the customer instead of the company. To achieve the research objective, this work introduces a novel verification methodology for a Petri net-based decision model. The research results show that applying the developed model, which is based on the selected characteristics of the production process and parameters describing the potential integration of AM within the SC, allows managers to perceive a scenario in the form of graphical models about positive or negative impacts of introducing AM into the SC. The managers find the Petri net-based decision support model presented in this paper a beneficial tool to support the implementation of changes in an SC and show the potential increase in customer satisfaction thanks to the integration of AM within an SC.
As a highly concentrated residential area, urban development and population concentration have caused serious environmental pollution problems that threaten the safety of the water and atmospheric resources that humans rely on for survival. To address this issue, the importance of urban green space (UGS) has become increasingly prominent. This paper collected data related to UGS (green space coverage, vegetation type, environmental quality, population distribution, etc.) for processing, used the entropy algorithm to build an ecological environment assessment model, and then used the particle swarm optimisation algorithm to optimise the model accordingly. Finally, a decision support system was proposed for UGS ecological environment planning, which comprehensively considered future environmental changes. Through comparison before and after the application of decision support system, this paper tested and verified several indicators such as green space coverage, biological diversity index, and climate adaptability. Among them, after the application of the decision support system, the green space coverage rate has increased year by year, and many indicators in the biological diversity index have improved significantly. The average climate adaptability of traditional UGS planning was 70 %, while the average climate adaptability of decision support system green space planning was 90 %, which has been significantly improved. The outcome shows that the system has a notable effect in improving the climate adaptation and ecological quality of the city.
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się istotny wzrost zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa dzieci w cyberprzestrzeni. Do tych o największym ciężarze gatunkowym należą angażowanie dzieci w nielegalne zachowania online (np. uwodzenie, nagabywanie czy szantaż na tle seksualnym), a także wytwarzanie nacechowanych seksualnie treści z ich udziałem. W tej sytuacji podstawowego znaczenia nabiera budowanie wśród najmłodszych członków naszego społeczeństwa świadomości cyberzagrożeń oraz nabywanie przez nich umiejętności bezpiecznego korzystania z przypisanych cyberprzestrzeni produktów i usług. Podstawowym działaniem na rzecz skutecznej ochrony dzieci w tym środowisku jest także wczesne wykrywanie i zgłaszanie odpowiednim organom występujących w nim przypadków nielegalnych zachowań i treści. Ważną rolę odgrywają zespoły takie jak Dyżurnet. pl2, do którego zadań należy obecnie reagowanie na zgłoszone przez użytkowników cyberprzestrzeni potencjalnie nielegalne treści, a w najbliższej przyszłości być może także prowadzenie proaktywnych działań w tym obszarze. Doświadczenia Dyżurnet.pl jednoznacznie pokazują, że skuteczne wykrywanie takich treści wymaga automatyzacji działań i odpowiednich narzędzi informatycznych. W artykule został prezentowany nowatorski system monitorowania sieci i wspomagania decyzji wykorzystujący metody sztucznej inteligencji, w tym uczenia głębokiego do automatycznego wykrywania potencjalnie szkodliwych materiałów takich, jak: treści przedstawiające wykorzystywanie seksualne dzieci (Child Sexual Abuse Material – CSAM), treści erotyczne z udziałem dzieci, treści pornograficzne z wytworzonym lub przetworzonym obrazem dziecka oraz stanowiące pornografię z udziałem dorosłych.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in threats to children’s safety in cyberspace. The most serious of these include children’s participation in illegal online activities and the production of sexually explicit content involving them. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to build awareness of cyber threats among our society’s youngest members and teach them skills for the safe use of products and services assigned to cyberspace. A key action for effectively protecting children in this environment is the early detection and reporting to the relevant authorities of illegal behavior and child abuse content. Teams such as Dyżurnet.pl, whose tasks currently include responding to potentially illegal content reported by cyberspace users, and in the near future, possibly also conducting proactive activities in this area, play an important role here. The experience of Dyżurnet.pl clearly shows that effective detection of such content requires automation of activities and appropriate IT tools. This paper presents a novel network monitoring and decision support system using artificial intelligence methods, including deep learning, to automatically detect potentially harmful material, such as Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), erotic content involving children, pornographic content with a created or processed image of a child and pornography involving adults.
Humanity is one of the most important resources for businesses. Because, with human resources, the data of the institution can be obtained and information can be produced by processing. Thus, human resources make the business a learning and dynamic organization and ensure its continuity. In enterprises, personnel selection (in terms of quantity or quality) is carried out within the scope of Human Resources Management. This selection process usually takes place when a group of decision makers evaluates the candidates according to some criteria and their own opinions. However, this situation prevents an objective and fair selection. For this reason, in this study, a decision support system (DSS) has been developed by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), one of the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, to ensure objectivity and to select the most suitable personnel for the job description. The said DSS provides the selection of the marketing manager among the personnel working in an enterprise. For this, the 10 employees working in the marketing department of the enterprise for the longest time were taken into account. When the results are examined, it is seen that the most qualified personnel can be selected successfully in cases where customer satisfaction, performance value and number of projects are prioritized
Digital signal processing, such as filtering, information extraction, and fusion of various results, is currently an integral part of advanced medical therapies. It is especially important in neurosurgery during deep-brain stimulation procedures. In such procedures, the surgical target is accessed using special electrodes while not being directly visible. This requires very precise identification of brain structures in 3D space throughout the surgery. In the case of deep-brain stimulation surgery for Parkinson’s disease (PD), the target area—the subthalamic nucleus (STN)—is located deep within the brain. It is also very small (just a few millimetres across), which makes this procedure even more difficult. For this reason, various signals are acquired, filtered, and finally fused, to provide the neurosurgeon with the exact location of the target. These signals come from preoperative medical imaging (such as MRI and CT), and from recordings of brain activity carried out during surgery using special brain-implanted electrodes. Using the method described in this paper, it is possible to construct a decision-support system that, during surgery, analyses signals recorded within the patient’s brain and classifies them as recorded within the STN or not. The constructed classifier discriminates signals with a sensitivity of 0.97 and a specificity of 0.96. The described algorithm is currently used for deep-brain stimulation surgeries among PD patients.
The suitability of a land plot in a real estate market could be identified as a good investment because the land plot is deemed as popular. This activity is important for economic growth, who is one of the sustainable development goals. Mostly, all research in this field is focused on sustainability as well as the opinions of professionals. However, this field should be explored from another side which is based on real geodata. Criteria and its weight are very important in decision support systems. The correct criteria can help in selection of the best real estate object for an investment, but it is not only useful but also and a challenging task that has not yet been solved. The methods of research are data graphical analysis, correlation, decision supporting systems, etc. The research aims at determining the significance of the connections and using them as the criteria in the selected decision supporting method. In addition, it will be determined which decision supporting method defines the most suitable object for investment. These new criteria are proposed for operation in the land use models. Furthermore, it has been identified as one criterion, which is significant in the urban and agrarian territories. Also it turned out, that the land plot is the most active when it is as far from a densely built-up residential territory as possible and as close to a school, and when the land plot is as large as possible.
The article presents conceptually scientific and methodological principles of agricultural management on the basis of Information Technologies. It has determined the main directions of using Information Technologies in Agricultural Manufacturing. It has systematically investigated the manufacturing by agricultural producers, and it has determined and stressed the main functions and relationships between the two systemic parts – technical and technological as well as organizational and technical. There have been determined the hierarchical structure of the configuration for the husbandry systems. It was explored that this configuration consists of nine main parts, and which of them have their own configuration. It was a conceptually determined processes of architecture management of agricultural programs (portfolios) and the configuration of agricultural products. The developed structural and project approach to configurations management of systemic parts for agricultural manufacturing is the part of scientific and methodological principles of this manufacturing management using Information Technologies.
Artykuł przedstawia koncepcje naukowe i metodologiczne zasady zarządzania rolnictwem na podstawie technologii informacyjnych. Określono główne kierunki wykorzystania technologii informacyjnych w produkcji rolniczej. Systematycznie badano produkcję przez producentów rolnych. Ustalono i podkreślono główne funkcje i związki między dwiema częściami systemowymi – techniczną i technologiczną oraz organizacyjną i techniczną. Określono hierarchiczną strukturę konfiguracji systemu agrarnego. Zbadano, że ta konfiguracja składa się z dziewięciu głównych części, które mają własną konfigurację. Określono koncepcyjnie procesy zarządzania architekturą programów rolniczych (portfeli) i konfiguracji produktów rolnych. Opracowane podejście strukturalne i projektowe do zarządzania konfiguracjami części systemowych do produkcji rolniczej jest częścią naukowych i metodologicznych zasad zarządzania produkcją z wykorzystaniem technologii informatycznych.
Cross-docking is a strategy that distributes products directly from a supplier or manufacturing plant to a customer or retail chain, reducing handling or storage time. This study focuses on the truck scheduling problem, which consists of assigning each truck to a door at the dock and determining the sequences for the trucks at each door considering the time-window aspect. The study presents a mathematical model for door assignment and truck scheduling with time windows at multi-door cross-docking centers. The objective of the model is to minimize the overall earliness and tardiness for outbound trucks. Simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS) algorithms are proposed to solve largesized problems. The results of the mathematical model and of meta-heuristic algorithms are compared by generating test problems for different sizes. A decision support system (DSS) is also designed for the truck scheduling problem for multi-door cross-docking centers. Computational results show that TS and SA algorithms are efficient in solving large-sized problems in a reasonable time.
W artykule przedstawiono system ekspercki pomagający szkoleniowcom drużyny sportowej na optymalne obsadzenie danej pozycji w drużynie spośród dostępnych zawodników. System ten oparty jest o rozmytą metodę delficką, która na podstawie ocen sztabowców ocenia każdego z zawodników. Zawodnik z najwyższą notą jest rekomendowany na daną pozycję w drużynie. Działanie systemu przedstawiono na przykładzie obsadzenia pozycji napastnika w drużynie piłkarskiej w oparciu o oficjalne wytyczne Polskiego Związku Piłki Nożnej. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że proponowane rozwiązanie może być zastosowane do dowolnej zespołowej dyscypliny sportowej.
The article presents expert system which helps coaches to optimal position setting in a team among all available players’. The system is based on fuzzy Delphi method which contains coaches raitings on each player. The highest note player is recommended on the specific position. The use of the system was presented on an example of striker position in football teat based on Polish Football Association model. Presented results shows that the solution can be implemented in any team sport discipline.
W artykule przedstawiono system wspomagania decyzji pomagający bramkarzowi w obronie rzutu karnego. Wykorzystuje on zbiory rozmyte i podejście Bellmana-Zadeha do podejmowania decyzji. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie zostało zaimplementowane w postaci aplikacji webowej, która może zostać wykorzystana również w pokrewnych zagadnieniach dotyczących innych sportów zespołowych. Działanie aplikacji jak i realizacja algorytmu zostały przedstawione na przykładzie numerycznym.
This article presents decision support system helping the goalkeeper in defending the penalty kicks. It is based on fuzzy sets and Bellman-Zadeh’s approach in decision making. The proposed solution was implemented in web application, which can be used in similar approaches in team sports. The application and realization of the algorithm was shown on numerical example.
Współcześni przedsiębiorcy powinni tworzyć własne, a zarazem niepowtarzalne koncepcje działań, biorąc pod uwagę teraźniejsze i przyszłe zmiany otoczenia. Polskie małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w swojej codziennej działalności nadal uczą się zachowań rynkowych i strategicznych. Celem artykułu była ocena gotowości małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw usług transportowych do wdrożenia rozwiązań Strategicznej Karty Wyników. Dobra diagnoza może dostarczyć wskazówek do prawidłowego zastosowania narzędzia analizy strategicznej, co ułatwi proces monitorowania poziomu realizacji założonych celów.
Polish small and medium-sized enterprises continue to learn market and strategic behavior in their day-to-day operations. The aim of the study has been to assess the willingness of small and medium-sized transport service companies to implement Balanced Scorecard. A good diagnosis can provide guidance for the correct application of the strategic analysis tool, which will facilitate the process of monitoring the level of achievement of goals.
The article presents a concept of Adaptive Decision Support System (ADSS) which makes it possible to realize a network centric warfare strategy. The introduction of this article presents the significance of data processing by information and communication systems on the computerized battlefield. Also, it consists of a description of the process which aims at gaining knowledge from relational databases in terms of building situational awareness and organizing informational advantage. The strategic thought cycle in terms of building an adaptive information and communication system is presented in this work as well. A further part of the article describes the general architecture of decision support system applications, points out and defines their key elements. Finally, an original concept of decision-making model in adaptive DSS is suggested as an idea in which k-Nearest Neighbours classificator and the method of machine learning are used to realize the assumption concerning the adaptation of the system to dynamic conditions on the battlefield. The direction of research as well as possibilities of potential solution optimization are also indicated in this article.
W artykule zaproponowano koncepcję adaptacyjnego systemu wspomagania decyzji ADSS (ang. Adaptive Decision Support System) pozwalającego na realizację strategii walki sieciocentrycznej. Na wstępie przedstawiono istotę przetwarzania danych przez systemy teleinformatyczne na zinformatyzowanym polu walki. Scharakteryzowano proces wydobywania wiedzy z relacyjnych baz danych w kontekście budowania świadomości sytuacyjnej oraz organizowania przewagi informacyjnej. Przedstawiono cykl myślenia strategicznego w kontekście budowania adaptacyjnego systemu teleinformatycznego. Następnie opisano ogólną architekturę aplikacji wspomagających decyzję, wskazano oraz scharakteryzowano kluczowe ich elementy. Ostatecznie zaproponowano autorską koncepcję modelu decyzyjnego w adaptacyjnym DSS wykorzystującą klasyfikator k-najbliższych sąsiadów oraz metodę uczenia maszynowego, co pozwoliło na realizację założenia dotyczącego przystosowywania się systemu do dynamicznych warunków pola walki. Ponadto wskazano kierunek badań oraz możliwości ewentualnej optymalizacji rozwiązania.
Deliveries planning in transport systems is a complicated task and require taking into account a wide range of factors. Enterprises wanting to propose solutions that meet the clients’ needs and be competitive on the market must prepare their offer based on decision support systems including factors characteristic for the real process. The aim of the article is to present a concept of a decision support system based on a multi-criteria vehicle routing problem in real conditions (Real-World VRP). Taking into account the latest trends in the optimization of the delivery plan, the model includes three criteria - the cost, time and success rate of the delivery plan as a criterion relating to the quality of the delivery plan. Among other assumptions, it should be pointed out that the heterogeneous structure of the rolling stock has been taken into account, the number of which is not limited, the vehicles return to the place of origin. The travel time of the connection and the time of loading operations are random variables. The limited driver’s work time and driving time were also applied. The effect of the work presented in the article is the concept of the decision support system in the freight transport, taking into account the quality criterion of the delivery plan.
This article concerns a decision-support system based on artificial neural networks (ANN) enabling analysis and forecasting of the durability of forging tools used in the hot forging process of a cover forging – a sealing element of the driveshaft in road freight vehicles. The process of knowledge acquisition, adopted neural network architecture and parameters of the developed network are presented. In addition, 3 variants of a hybrid layer (gas nitrided layer GN + PVD coating) were applied to the selected tools (punches applied in the 2nd top forging operation): GN/AlCrTiN, GN/AlCrTiSiN, and GN/CrN, in order to improve durability, and the resultant tools were also compared to standard tools (with only gas nitriding) and regenerated tools (after repair welding regeneration). The indispensable knowledge about the durability of selected forging tools (after various surface engineering variants), required for the process of learning, testing and validation for various neural network architectures was obtained from comprehensive, multi-year studies. These studies covered, among other things: operational observation of the forging process, macroscopic analysis combined with scanning of tools’ working surfaces, microhardness measurements, microstructural analysis and numerical modeling of the forging process. The developed machine-learning dataset was a collection of approx. 900 knowledge records. The input (independent) variables were: number of forgings manufactures, pressing forces, temperature on selected tool surfaces, friction path and type of protective layer applied to tool. Meanwhile, output (dependent) variables were: geometrical loss of tool material and percentage share of the four main destructive mechanisms. Obtained results indicate the validity of employing ANN-based IT tools to build decision-support systems for the purpose of analyzing and forecasting the durability of forging tools.
The purpose of this study is twofold: first, it is aimed at determining the architecture, energy balance of the system and the operational logic of the requests for energy use. Second, a defining a methodology that can help energy planners in the choice of the more appropriate alternatives of hybrid renewable energy system. Based on energy balance and operational logic within HRESs is proposed to conduct optimization research within socio-economic and energy efficiency scenarios. This research is proposed to use within DSS that can support the decision makers in selecting criteria, alternatives and trade-offs, thus making the energy planning simple. The methodology is divided in 3 steps: The selection of system structure in general, the determination of parameters of the system elements in all possible variants, and finally the estimation of efficiency and choosing the optimal variant of the system. For each alternatives is calculated the utility function within scenarios.
Content available Supply chain risk management by Monte Carlo method
In this paper, the conceptual model of risk-based cost estimation for completing tasks within supply chain is presented. This model is a hybrid. Its main unit is based on Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). Due to the fact that the important and difficult to evaluate input information is vector of risk-occur probabilities the use of artificial intelligence method was proposed. The model assumes the use of fuzzy logic or artificial neural networks – depending on the availability of historical data. The presented model could provide support to managers in making valuation decisions regarding various tasks in supply chain management.
W artykule zaprezentowano przykład zastosowania hybrydowego systemu wspomagania decyzji w kontekście zarządzania ryzykiem w łańcuchu dostaw. Główny moduł sterownika bazuje na koncepcji symulacji Monte Carlo. Wektor danych wejściowych zawiera istotne informacje, których wyrażenie w postaci zmiennych ilościowych stanowi wyzwanie, w związku z czym zaproponowano użycie sztucznej inteligencji. W zależności od dostępności do danych historycznych, sterownik decyzyjny zastosuje sieci neuronowe lub logikę rozmytą. Zaprezentowane rozwiązanie może stanowić wsparcie dla menedżerów podczas podejmowania decyzji będących odpowiedzią na różnorodne ryzyka w obszarze zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw.
Opracowanie dotyczy zastosowania programowania liniowego całkowitoliczbowego w optymalizacji wielokryterialnej. Celem badań było opracowanie modelu sterownika decyzyjnego umożliwiającego jednoczesną minimalizację poziomu zapasów półfabrykatów wygenerowanych w procesie cięcia, jak i odpadów po rozkroju. Zadaniem sterownika było dobranie odpowiedniego programu rozkroju z uwzględnieniem zamówień produkcyjnych, bieżących zapasów półfabrykatów i ograniczeń odnośnie dopuszczalnych poziomów zapasów.
This paper concerns the use of integer linear programming in a multi-criteria optimization. The aim of the research was to develop a model of the decision support system allowing simultaneous minimization of the intermediate products stocks level and waste generated in the process of cutting. The goal of controller was to select the appropriate cutting program, including production orders, the current inventory and limits on permissible stocks levels.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań, dotyczące, procentowego udziału mechanizmów niszczących dla dwóch typowych wariantów eksploatacji narzędzi kuźniczych: smarowanych i chłodzonych oraz bez smarowania. Prezentowane wyniki pochodzą z opracowanego przez autorów systemu wspomagania decyzji (SEPEK-2) działającego w oparciu o sztuczną sieć neuronową. Wiedza o analizowanym zagadnieniu trwałości narzędzi kuźniczych, potrzebna do procesu uczenia sztucznej sieci neuronowej zawarta była w zestawie danych uczących, pochodzących z kompleksowych badań, zrealizowanych w warunkach przemysłowych. Zestaw danych uczących obejmował zbiór 450 rekordów wiedzy. W pracy przestawiono proces pozyskiwania wiedzy, przyjętą architekturę sieci neuronowej oraz parametry opracowanej sieci. Przeprowadzona globalna analiza wyników generowanych przez opracowany system, dla trwałości traktowanej jako zwiększająca się liczba odkuwek (od 0 do 25000 sztuk), wykazała że dla narzędzi smarowanych i chłodzonych dominującym mechanizmem jest zmęczenie cieplno-mechaniczne, a nie zużycie ścierne, które rzeczywiście dominuje w procesach kucia dla narzędzi niechłodzonych i niesmarowanych. Należy podkreślić, że zdecydowana większość opracowań z tego obszaru przypisuje, że to zużycie ścierne jest dominujące, a jak wykazały wyniki badań i analiz dla wybranych reprezentatywnych procesów kucia, przy wykorzystaniu systemu wspomagania decyzji opartego o SNN, to zmęczenie cieplno-mechaniczne jest dominujące w tych procesach. Jednakże ze względu na łatwą mierzalność oraz popularnie stosowane modele zużycia ściernego, bazujące na modelu Archarda, to właśnie zużyciu ściernemu przypisuję się największy udział, choć w rzeczywistości dla narzędzi smarowanych i chłodzonych zmęczenie cieplno-mechaniczne wzmaga ów efekt przypisywany zużyciu ściernemu. Natomiast ogólnie przyjęty pogląd jest słuszny, w przypadku narzędzi niesmarowanych. co potwierdziły także analizy przy wykorzystaniu SNN.
The paper presents the results of research concerning the percentage participation of destructive mechanisms for two typical variants of exploitation of forging tools: lubricated and cooled, and without lubrication. Discussed results come from the developed by the authors the decision support system (SEPEK-2) based on artificial neural network. The knowledge about the durability of forging tools needed for learning artificial neural network was included in the training data set, from comprehensive studies, carried out in industrial conditions. Set of training data set included 450 records of knowledge. The paper presents the process of acquiring knowledge, adopted neural network architecture and parameters developed network. Carried out a global analysis of the results generated by the developed system for the durability of forging tools treated as the maximum number of produced forgings to their destruction (from 0 to 25,000 items), showed that for the lubricated and cooling tools the dominant mechanism is thermo-mechanical fatigue, and do not abrasive wear, which actually dominates in the process of forging tools for uncooled and unlubricated tools. It should be emphasized that the overwhelming majority of studies in this area is attributed that to abrasive wear is dominant, and as shown by the results of research and analysis for the selected representative forging processes, with the use of decision support system based on ANN, the fatigue a thermo-mechanical is dominant in these processes. However, due to the easy measurability and commonly used models wear, based on the model of Archard, it is abrasive wear assigned the largest participation. In fact, for the tool lubricated and cooled tools a thermo-mechanical fatigue intensifies this effect attributed to abrasive wear. While the generally accepted view is correct, in the case of tools unlubricated, as confirmed by the analysis using ANN.
This paper proposes ways of personalization the process of analysis and management of financial flows of the company that provide definition of strategy for business development. In order to ensure the individual approach have been analyzed the methods of optimization of for making strategic decisions and have been identified peculiarities of their application in this area. This allowed to determine several measures to provide for dynamic changes that occur in the financial condition of the company under the influence of implemented solutions and select the most appropriate decisions to change strategy. For successful implementation, the search of strategy should to provide an individual approach to determining the quality of finances management by taking into account the personal data of activity the company. The modern concept of use of computers and information technology and implementation the expert knowledge provides for the creation of intelligent information systems in specific subject areas: management, audit, statistics etc. Therefore, for solving the basic problems is proposed development of intellectual information system of financial management, which will offer the user optimal options, making for strategy development through intellectual component. As the prototype of such a system is the intelligent information system of financial management (IISFM) that is characterized by a set of informational, technical, programmatic and technological means of telecommunication, knowledge bases and data banks, methods and procedures.
This paper presents software supporting management of agricultural holding. Programs supporting farmer activity are divided into two groups: software for current farm management (record and reporting) and for planning and design. The Organizer of Agricultural Technology OTR-7 software is an example of the second group of applications. It enables to design a fleet for farm and to calculate a coefficients characterizing its production results.
Przedstawiono oprogramowanie wspomagające zarządzanie gospodarstwem rolnym. Programy do wspomagania działalności rolnika podzielono na dwie grupy: programy do bieżącego zarządzania gospodarstwem (ewidencyjnosprawozdawcze) oraz do planowania i projektowania. Przykładem drugiej grupy aplikacji jest program Organizator Techniki Rolniczej OTR-7. Program umożliwia zaprojektowanie parku maszynowego dla gospodarstwa oraz wyliczenie wskaźników charakteryzujących jego wyniki produkcyjne.
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