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The article presents sandwich panels subjected to blast wave impact and accelerated fragments. The research discusses results obtained from original experimental setups that fill a gap in the area of investigation of the mechanical response of sandwich panels used in civil engineering applications under accidental design situations such as blast wave impact and/or fragment penetration. In field experiments, a high-speed camera was used to record both the fragment trajectory and the deflection of the sandwich panel. The authors proposed the equivalent static load for both the global analysis of the sandwich panel and the calibration of the numerical model. In FE modelling, CONWEP algorithm was used to simulate blast wave impact, and ductile damage model material to allow perforation of the sandwich panel faces. The convergence of mesh size was analyzed. For the validated numerical model, an evaluation of the effect of the size of the fragment (diameter/mass) on the outlet velocity and the size of the inlet andoutlet holes was carried out.
This study presents an experiment for investigating the residual strength and toughness of reinforced concrete, RC, and slab reinforced by a geogrid as shrinkage reinforcement along with lower tensile steel reinforcement. Three different parameters were considered, slab thickness, number of geogrid layers, and thickness of the upper concrete cover. Fifteen slab samples with sizes of 50 × 50 cm exposed to the impact load on its center before being re-load by the static load and six slab samples exposed to the static load only. The load and deflection relation were recorded through the static loading process for all specimens, where loading capacity, toughness, and toughness index were measured. The results show an enhancement in the slabs residual strength as the slab thickness and concrete cover increased. On the other hand, the residual strength of slabs has a remarkable decrease with the increase in geogrid layers. Moreover, the toughness has a positive relationship with the concrete cover and has an inverse relation with the slab thickness and the number of layers. A geogrid reduced the number and distribution of cracks and mitigated their severity, especially for double layers with the same concrete cover.
W niniejszym artykule zbadano zachowanie betonu z proszków reaktywnych o zmniejszonej emisyjności po badaniu udarności. Mieszanka betonu z proszków reaktywnych zawiera 10% żużla stalowniczego zastępującego cement CEM I 52.5 N oraz 4% odpadowych włókien. Wyprodukowano płyty żelbetowe i niezbrojone z betonu z proszków reaktywnych [SRPC]. Na płyty z żelbetu, wzmocnione siatką stalową, nałożono powtarzające się obciążenie uderzeniowe, spuszczając ciężar o stałej masie, aż do ich zniszczenia. Określono pierwsze zarysowania oraz uszkodzenia prowadzące do zniszczenia płyt, a uzyskane dane w obu przypadkach zostały przeanalizowane. Ustalono, jaka liczba upadków spowodowała pierwsze zarysowania i zniszczenie płyt. W doświadczeniu zarejestrowano dane przyspieszenia płyt w odniesieniu do czasu oraz wartości ugięcia w odniesieniu do czasu. Energia uderzeń płyt została oceniona według pierwszych zarysowań i zniszczenia. W rezultacie, w miarę zwiększenia zawartości włókien w płytach, wzrasta ich zdolność do absorpcji energii. Energia pękania płyt z włóknem i betonu zbrojonego osiągnęła 2094 dżuli w przypadku zniszczenia prowadzącego do zniszczenia i pochłonęła około 2 razy więcej energii niż płyty bez włókna i z żelbetu.
In this paper, the behavior of sustainable reactive powder concrete after the impact load test was examined. The sustainable reactive powder concrete mixture contains 10% steel slag substituting CEM I 52.5 N cement and 4% waste fibers. Reinforced and unreinforced concrete slabs were produced from sustainable reactive powder concrete [SRPC]. A repeat impact load was applied to the reinforced concrete slabs reinforced with steel reinforcement mesh by dropping a constant weight impact head until the slabs failed. The first crack damage and failure damage on the slabs were determined, and the data obtained in both cases were analyzed. It has been determined which number of falls caused the first crack damage and failure damage to the slabs. The acceleration data of the slabs with respect to time and the deflection values with respect to time were recorded in the experiment. The input energies of the slabs were evaluated according to the first crack damage and failure damage. As a result, as the fiber content in the slabs increases, the energy absorption capacity increases. The input energy of the fiber-doped and reinforced concrete slabs reached 2094 joules in the event of failure damage and absorbed about 2 times more energy than the non-fiber and reinforced concrete slabs.
In this study, refined finite element models of concrete filled steel tubular long columns with length diameter ratio (L/D) of 50 were established, and their dynamic responses under a rigid-body impact were explored. It is found that the form of impact load is only related to and can be predicted from the impact velocity of the rigid-body. The change of axial stress and strain with time is synchronous with that of the impact load. Furthermore, the variation characteristics of axial stress and strain with time are mainly related to the initial velocity of the rigid-body.
Reliability prediction of the brake pads is indispensable to guarantee their safety. In the paper, the fatigue reliability of brake pads is analyzed by dynamic stress-strength interference (SSI) model considering strength degradation. Firstly, reliability model of the brake pads was established based on stress-strength interference model considering the influence of impact load. Then reliability of the brake pads was predicted under different impact load frequency and initial strength. Finally, the influence of random degradation strength on reliability was studied by contrast. The analysis results show that random strength degradation, impact load and initial strength have great influence on reliability prediction for the brake pads. Therefore, the reliability prediction of the brake pads fatigue strength considering strength degradation is more in line with the actual situation and the calculation accuracy is higher.
The article presents determination methods of characteristic values of the reaction force course during the impact on fruit and vegetables to quickly assess their firmness or maturity. Moreover, various methods of modelling of the plant material behaviour during the impact that use differential equations, analytical equations, statistic models and numerical methods were discussed. Furthermore, dynamic methods that use fruit dropping on a rigid plate and measurement techniques that use a rigid element that hits a motionless fruit were reviewed and assessed. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods were presented. Statistical models are better for assessment of the bruise damage, but theoretical models are more useful for understanding the impact of various factors related to the impact damage. Various methods of application of rheological theories that describe a behaviour of the produce tissue treated as an elastic, elastic and plastic and visco-elastic were also described.
W artykule przedstawiono sposoby wyznaczania charakterystycznych wielkości przebiegu siły reakcji podczas uderzenia owoców i warzyw mających na celu szybką ocenę ich jędrności lub dojrzałości. Omówiono także różne metody modelowania zachowania się materiałów roślinnych podczas udaru wykorzystujące równania różniczkowe, równania analityczne, modele statystyczne oraz metody numeryczne. Dokonano również przeglądu i oceny metod dynamicznych stosujących zrzut owocu na sztywną płytę oraz technik pomiarowych wykorzystujących sztywny element uderzający w nieruchomy owoc. Przedstawiono wady i zalety tych metod. Modele statystyczne są lepsze do oceny uszkodzenia obicia, ale teoretyczne modele są bardziej przydatne do zrozumienia wpływu różnych czynników powiązanych z uszkodzeniem udarowym. Pokazano również różne próby zastosowania teorii reologicznych opisujących zachowanie się tkanki produktów rolniczych traktowanych jako sprężysty, sprężysto-plastyczny i lepko-sprężysty materiał.
Forging hammers are machines whose operation causes negative effects both at the place of their foundation (the soil settlement) and in their surroundings (e.g., vibrations propagating to the other devices, noise, etc.). Knowledge of the parameters characterizing the time history of the force that arises as a result of impact of a ram on a shaped material is of fundamental importance for the correct analysis of both the structure of the hammer and its impact on the surroundings. In the paper, the effect of the shape and duration of a pulse load on the dynamic response of a hammer-foundation forging system was assessed. An analytical method of description of the forces that arise as a result of impact of the ram on the forged material, using different forms of pulses was presented. The forces defined in this way as loads in a mathematical model of three degrees of freedom forging system were used. The equations of motion derived from d'Alembert's principle were solved numerically in the Matlab program. The analyses for eight forms of the pulse loads with the same pulse sizes but different durations were performed. The results in the graphs were presented. It was found, among other things, that a greater impact on the maximum displacement, velocity and acceleration of each component of the hammer-foundation system as well as on the maximum forces transmitted to the soil has the duration of a pulse than its shape.
Content available remote Metallographic analysis of piercing armor plate by explosively formed projectiles
This work discusses the impact consequences of Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFP) on the process of armor penetration. Based on the example of piercing shields made of armor steel ARMOX 370T with anti-vehicle mine of MPB type to verify the effectiveness of EFP charge. The influence of the projectile on the armor wall was analyzed on the basis of metallographic examination of the material from the armor, its plastic deformation and the change in the structure of the material within the shock influence area. As a result of the slug projectile impact on the armor surface a crater as a hole was formed with a diameter of approx. 105–120 mm, with noticeable traces of dynamic plastic deformation which occur at high speeds and high temperatures. In addition, microstructure analysis of the mines liner was performed, as in before and after piercing based on the analysis of EDS for phase precipitates identification.
In this paper we present the application of the homotopy analysis method for determining the free vibrations of the simply supported beam. The linear and nonlinear cases are considered. The homotopy analysis gives the possibility to search for the solution of a wide range of problems described by means of the operator equations. The numerical examples are presented to confirm the exactness and fast convergence of the introduced method. The presented computational examples confirm the precision and the fast convergence of investigated method. In the linear case we knew the exact solutions, so we could compare with them the solutions obtained with the aid of homotopy analysis method. Differences between the obtained solutions were slight. However, the advantage of the examined method is that we receive here the approximate solution in the form of continuous function which can be used then in a further analysis or to perform various simulations.
W artykule przedstawiono homotopijną metodę analizy równań opisujących drgania swobodne układu o jednym stopniu swobody opisane równaniami liniowymi oraz nieliniowymi. Homotopijna metoda analizy daje możliwość poszukiwania rozwiązania szerokiego zakresu problemów opisanych za pomocą równań operatorowych. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady liczbowe w celu potwierdzenia dokładności i szybkiej zbieżności metody. W przypadku liniowym znane było dokładne rozwiązanie, dzięki czemu można było porównać je z rozwiązaniami uzyskanymi za pomocą analizy homotopijnej. Różnice między otrzymanymi roztworami były niewielkie. Zaletą badanej metody jest jednak to, że otrzymano przybliżone rozwiązania w postaci ciągłych funkcji, które można wykorzystać w dalszych analizach, w tym do interpretacji wyników badań doświadczalnych.
W pracy przedstawione jest porównanie wartości przemieszczeń i kluczowych odkształceń nawierzchni asfaltowej z punktu widzenia wyników analizy dynamicznej i statycznej przy obciążeniach impulsowych. Obciążenie impulsowe na nawierzchnię drogową występuje w nieniszczących badaniach, pozwalających określić własności materiałowe mieszanek asfaltowych np. Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). W celu określenia stanu przemieszczeń i odkształceń wykorzystano osiowosymetryczny model nawierzchni drogowej zaimplementowany w programie Abaqus.
The paper presents the comparison of the results of displacements and key strains of asphalt pavement for dynamic and static analysis under impulse load. Impulse load on road surface occurs in non-destructive tests to determine the material properties of asphalt mixtures, eg Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). The axisymmetric pavement model was used to determine the state of displacement and deformation with Abaqus.
Purpose: About 70% injury of gymnasts happened during landing – an interaction between gymnast and landing mat. The most injured joint is the ankle. The current study examined the effect of mechanical properties of landing mat on ankle loading with aims to identify means of decreasing the risk of ankle injury. Method: Gymnastic skill – salto backward stretched with 3/2 twist was captured by two high-speed camcorders and digitized by using SIMI-Motion software. A subject-specific, 14-segment rigid-body model and a mechanical landing-mat model were built using BRG.LifeMODTM. The landings were simulated with varied landing-mat mechanical properties (i.e., stiffness, dampness and friction coefficients). Result: Real landing performance could be accurately reproduced by the model. The simulations revealed that the ankle angle was relatively sensitive to stiffness and dampness of the landing mat, the ankle loading rate increased 26% when the stiffness was increased by 30%, and the changing of dampness had notable effect on horizontal ground reaction force and foot velocity. Further, the peak joint-reaction force and joint torque were more sensitive to friction than to stiffness and dampness of landing mat. Finally, ankle muscles would dissipate about twice energy (189%) when the friction was increased by 30%. Conclusion: Loads to ankles during landing would increase as the stiffness and dampness of the landing mat increase. Yet, increasing friction would cause a substantial rise of the ankle internal loads. As such, the friction should be a key factor influencing the risk of injury. Unfortunately, this key factor has rarely attracted attention in practice.
Content available remote Research of derailed wheelset impact marks on the concrete sleepers
The process of destruction of reinforced concrete sleepers under the railway wheel impact loading is being studied. The article proposes the impact test method of sleepers using a pendulum impact machine. It was developed a device to measure the parameters of impact marks. Using the proposed device it was analyzed the form of the impact marks left by the railway wheel.
W artykule przeanalizowano charakter uszkodzenia żelbetowych podkładów kolejowych poddanych działaniu dynamicznego obciążenia udarowego od kół taboru kolejowego (na bazie badań z użyciem kafara wahadłowego). Przeprowadzono badania laboratoryjne żelbetowych podkładów kolejowych aż do zniszczenia. Opracowano urządzenie do pomiaru geometrycznych parametrów śladu uderzeń koła pociągu.
Projektowanie samochodu musi uwzględniać zarówno aspekty materiałowe, jak i nowoczesne rozwiązania konstrukcyjne zorientowane na poprawę bezpieczeństwa biernego samochodów. Wymaga to licznych testów własności mechanicznych i technologicznych przeprowadzanych przy różnej szybkości odkształcenia. Dobór materiału i postaci geometrycznej elementów konstrukcyjnych w strefie przedniej i bocznej decyduje o energochłonności pojazdu w przypadku kolizji. Zastosowanie wysokowytrzymałych stali AHSS na elementy struktury nośnej pozwala na jednoczesną redukcję masy samochodu, a także na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa biernego.
The design of a car must take into account both material aspects and modern constructional designs associated with the improvement of the car’s passive safety. It requires numerous tests of mechanical and technological properties performed at different strain rates. The selection of a material and geometrical shapes of constructional elements in frontal and side zones of a vehicle affects its crashworthiness during crash events. The application of high-strength AHSS steels for a car structure elements enables both to reduce a car’s weight and to improve the passive safety
Przeprowadzono testy udaru próbek folii termoplastycznej wytwarzanej ze skrobi ziemniaczanej i gliceryny z dodatkiem keratyny oraz poli(alkoholu winylowego) (PVAL). Zbadano wpływ dodatków oraz warunków przechowywania na wartość siły i wydłużenia krytycznego oraz na charakter uszkodzenia folii. W warunkach wilgotności względnej powietrza 50% próbki z dodatkiem PVAL uzyskiwały najwyższe wartości siły reakcji oraz najniższe wartości wydłużenia. Dodatek keratyny powodował znaczne obniżenie zarówno wartości maksymalnej siły reakcji, jak i wydłużenia folii. Próbki z dodatkiem PVAL ulegały uszkodzeniu poprzez przebicie o wymiarach zbliżonych do wymiarów impaktora, a dodatek keratyny nadawał próbkom cechy szkła i uszkodzenie miało charakter wielokrotnych pęknięć promieniowych. Folia przechowywana w powietrzu o wilgotności 91% i 99% charakteryzowała się niskimi wartościami siły niszczącej, co ogranicza jej zakres zastosowania.
Three films (thickness 0,11–0,24 mm) made of thermoplastic starch modified with glicerol, poly(vinyl alc.) or/and keratin were prepd. by extrusion with blowing and studied for impact strength at relative air humidity 50–99%. The poly(vinyl alc.)-contg. films exhibited the highest crit. force response and the lowest elongation. The addn. of keratin resulted in decrease of both the crit. force response and elongation. The film samples studied under high relative humidity showed a low crit. force.
The paper presents the results of measurements of surface pressure of Fuerte avocado with the use of Tekscan system in impact loading conditions were presented. Contour lines of thrusts for two variants of loading which differ with speed and energy in the moment of crash were determined. Average values measured during the test were determined and statistical analysis was carried out for them. It was determined that the increase of speed and energy results in the increase of value of the maximum surface pressure but does not influence significantly their distribution on the resistance surface. It was proved that in the central area of contact mainly elastic strains appeared at the lack of plastic strains of tissue.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów nacisków powierzchniowych avocado odmiany Fuerte przy pomocy systemu Tekscan w warunkach obciążeń udarowych. Wyznaczono warstwice nacisków dla dwóch wariantów obciążenia różniących się prędkością i energią w momencie zderzenia. Wyznaczono średnie wartości wielkości mierzonych podczas testu i przeprowadzono dla nich analizę statystyczną. Ustalono, że wzrost prędkości i energii zderzenia powoduje zwiększenie wartości maksymalnych nacisków powierzchniowych, ale nie wpływa w istotny sposób na ich rozkład na powierzchni oporowej. Wykazano, że w centralnej strefie styku występowały głównie odkształcenie sprężyste przy braku odkształceń plastycznych tkanki.
Konstrukcje lotnicze pracują w zmiennych i różnych warunkach środowiskowych wpływających na właściwości kompozytów polimerowych, z jakich często wykonywane są elementy samolotów i śmigłowców. W artykule zaprezentowano wpływ kolejności ułożenia warstw kompozytu warstwowego na właściwości kompozytu wystawionego na działanie środowiska wody morskiej. Dodatkowo wprowadzono czynnik degradujący w postaci niskoenergetycznych obciążeń udarowych, których działaniu poddawane są w czasie użytkowania konstrukcje lotnicze. W wyniku badań zauważono, że obciążenia udarowe wywierają istotny wpływ na właściwości kompozytu bez względu na jego budowę wewnętrzną. Oprócz uszkodzeń mechanicznych wywołujących obniżenie właściwości wytrzymałościowych materiału, powstałe uszkodzenia osnowy ułatwiają wnikanie czynników środowiskowych (woda) do wnętrza struktury kompozytu, co wzmaga procesy destrukcji materiału. Badania kompozytów warstwowych ze wzmocnieniem hybrydowym pozwoliły zaobserwować istotne różnice właściwości takich materiałów poddanych obciążeniom udarowym i działaniu czynników środowiskowych.
Aerospace structures work in various environmental conditions that affect the properties of polymer composites from which are often made the items of airplanes and helicopters. The paper presents the layers arrangement order effect of the composite layer on the properties of the composite exposed to the seawater environment. In addition, samples were exposed to an impact load, often occurring during aircraft operation. As a result of tests it was noticed that impact loads have a significant effect on the properties of the composite, regardless of its internal structure. In addition to the mechanical damage causing a reduction of mechanical material properties, the resulting damage to the matrix facilitate penetration of environmental factors (water) to the interior of the composite structure, which enhances the material destruction process. The study of composites with hybrid reinforcement make possible to observe significant differences in properties of these materials subjected to impact loads and influence of environmental factors.
Introduction of electronic protection into documents makes it necessary for the documents to undergo multicriteria tests, and results in a growing need for the development of specialized testers, an example of which can be constituted by a multifunctional testing device. The article presents a control system for a tester which realises the following tests: stamping, writing in, abrasion in an electronically protected document. The authors also describe the structure of hardware used and the structure of tests the devices can realise. Additionally, behavioural analysis with the use of UML activity diagrams is presented as well as technical parameters of the control system developed and its possible areas of application in a series of testing devices.
Wprowadzanie do dokumentów papierowych zabezpieczeń elektronicznych stwarza konieczność ich wielokryterialnego testowania, a tym samym opracowywania specjalistycznych testerów. Przykładem takiego urządzenia jest tester wielofunkcyjny. W artykule przedstawiono system sterowania tym urządzeniem, realizującym testy: stemplowania, zapisu oraz ścierania w dokumencie z zabezpieczeniem elektronicznym. Opisano strukturę sprzętową systemu sterowania oraz strukturę realizowanych testów. Przedstawiono analizę behawioralną z zastosowaniem diagramów aktywności języka UML. Zaprezentowano parametry techniczne opracowanego systemu sterowania oraz możliwości jego zastosowania, w typoszeregu urządzeń testujących.
If a thin-walled member is subjected to dynamic load, the estimation of its structural behaviour has to count for the strain-rate influence upon stress-strain material characteristics. It is particularly important when a thin-walled member works as an energy absorber. In the paper, the problem of collapse load, post-failure behaviour and energy dissipation of a tubular structure subjected to lateral impact load is presented. The analytical solution of the problem of initial collapse load and post-failure behaviour of a single tube is discussed. The analysis is limited to the “dynamic progressive crushing”, which means that we take into account the strain-rate but neglect inertia effects. The solution is based on the yield-line analysis and takes into account the impact velocity and strain rate, using the Cowper-Symonds constitutive relation. The same problem concerning both the single tube and multi-member tubular structure subjected to lateral bending impact load is solved using Finite Element (FE) simulation, which also takes into account the impact velocity and strain rate, using the corresponding to Cowper-Symonds Perzyna material model. Results of numerical calculations are compared with those obtained from the quasi-dynamic tests performed at different loading velocities on single tubes. The results are shown in load-deformation diagrams and diagrams of deformation patterns.
Content available remote The identification of degenerated systems in the impact energy dissipation process
Purpose: The article presents an analysis of impact energy dissipation process with selected non-classical dynamic models. Design/methodology/approach: Identification of impact energy dissipation phenomena in mechanical systems with a layered structure (eg. composite ballistic shields) is quite a challenge, because on the one hand it is sought to the model, whose parameters are as much as possible responsible for the energy dissipation, on the other hand, the number of parameters should be optimized. Searched model should be reduced to a simple description of the whole phenomenon and completely imitate entire mechanical system. Description of the impact energy dissipation was modeled with selected degenerated systems in this case. Models were subjected to hammer extortion the specified impulse of force. The mathematical description of pulsed extortion was carried out by using the energy and balance equation of power. Verification of mathematical identification equations for selected model parameters was performed by computer simulation technique. Findings: This is original analytical method, which uses the degenerated systems in various configurations. It involves the use of specially derived identification equations, which are described by the decrease of potential energy of the system during the vibrations induced by a single impulse load. Research limitations/implications: Method of identification requires the use of appropriate input function. Input function could be a periodic type or a type of step function. Practical implications: Estimation of the energy consumption objects in terms of method of identifying the parameters of the model. Originality/value: Presented work includes the identification of piercing the ballistic shield, and it is a part of work on the implementation of the degenerated models to describe these phenomena.
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