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Organizing manufacturing work in a way that minimizes delays in individual production operations is a key factor in a highly competitive market. One of the key factors to prevent delays is their correct identification and proper definition of methods to reduce their impact on selected parameters of the production process. The study pre-sents the impact of Lean Manufacturing tools (5S, standardization and Total Productive Maintenance) on delays in the manufacturing process. A statistical analysis of the level of delays was performed, which was aimed at showing the essence of using Lean Manufacturing tools to improve the efficiency of the production process. In the example analyzed, the implementation of selected LM tools allowed for a reduction of delays related to fail-ures by approximately 18 hours.
Purpose: The aim of the research was to present the impact of the use of selected Lean Manufacturing tools (5S and Poka Yoke) on the efficiency of the production process and the number of non-conforming products generated during the manufacturing process. The research was carried out on the basis of data from a production plant in the automotive industry. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents a statistical analysis of the impact of the implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools on the production process - a case study. Findings: The obtained results allowed to present the scale of changes coming in the manufacturing process, confirming at the same time the positive effect of the implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools on the efficiency of the manufacturing process and the quality of manufactured products. As a result of the implementation of the 5S and Poka Yoke tools, an increase in efficiency was found in all production operations. Social implications: The analysis carried out can increase awareness of the importance of the impact of Lean Manufacturing on the production process. Originality/value: In the article, an original statistical analysis was carried out, indicating an increase in the efficiency of the production process due to the implementation of selected Lean Manufacturing tools.
Dostosowanie procesów produkcyjnych do założeń Przemysłu 4.0 to obecnie wciąż jedno z największych wyzwań dla wielu zakładów przemysłowych. Zastosowanie podejścia Lean manufacturing może nie tylko przybliżyć produkcję do tych założeń, ale także sprawić, że będzie ona bardziej opłacalna.
This review examines the trend of applying theories in LM performance and offers the latest recapitulation of related theories in LM performance. The methodology is based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) to search for multiple scientific information databases and to guarantee that no important study is overlooked. For the single theory, highly employed theories were the Theory of Constraints, Resource-based View/Natural Resource-based View Theory (RBV/NRBV), and Contingency Theory (CT). Meanwhile, several employed integrations of several theories in a publication. Concerning the year of publication, significant growth in articles with underpinned theories was published articles from 2020 onwards. This study offers several significant contributions to researchers to widen the knowledge related to the adaptation of theories in the field of lean performance, as research underpinned by a theory offers a solid and convincing result in investigating the research problems. The first limitation was the search string to identify the related articles, which could be extended to maximize the article search. The other limitation was the database used which was limited to the Scopus database. Despite the importance of underpinning theory in research, OM has been criticized for the inadequacies of its theory, with only one-third of OM research incorporating theory. However, a limited review was conducted on the theories used in LM performance theory. To reduce this gap, this review examines the trend of applying theories in LM performance and offers the latest recapitulation of related theories in LM performance.
Moroccan companies seek to be competitive worldwide by improving quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma are the most popular methodologies for continuous improvement in companies. The objective of this article is to determine the impact of Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing on the performance of different companies. The data was collected by a questionnaire sent to the various companies and industries in Morocco. 45 companies responded to this study, divided into several sectors. The criteria of this study are based on two levels: Financial and operational performance. A statistical study is carried out by SPSS software to analyze and interpret the collected results. The results of this study show that companies using Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing methodologies have a positive financial and operational performance compared to companies that only use Lean Manufacturing or companies that do not use Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing. Therefore, the combination of Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing is the ideal and perfect approach for the continuous improvement of different companies.
Skuteczne i sprawne zarządzanie warsztatem produkcyjnym może zapewnić przedsiębiorstwu przewagę konkurencyjną, a eliminacja marnotrawstwa w produkcji staje się priorytetem. W odniesieniu do powyższego podjęto przegląd piśmiennictwa, którego zasadniczym celem była analiza publikacji związanych z metodą Shopfloor Management (SFM). Autorzy wybrali to narzędzie Lean Production (LP) związane z zarządzaniem wizualnym z uwagi na osobiste doświadczenie zawodowe w obszarze wdrożeń SFM w firmach produkcyjnych branży metalowej. Kolejną przesłanką wyboru SFM był zauważony i poparty badaniem literatury metodą analizy słów kluczowych niedobór publikacji w języku polskim dotyczący implementacji SFM w rodzimych przedsiębiorstwach. Przegląd literatury wykazał rosnące zainteresowanie metodą SFM w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych oraz przyrost publikacji związanych z oceną skutków wdrożeń w tych krajach, przy jednoczesnym niedoborze piśmiennictwa dotyczącego polskich firm. Znaleziona luka badawcza odnosi się do niedostatecznie zbadanych obszarów, jak te związane z metodą SFM czy cyfryzacją i automatyzacją wizualizacji danych w warsztacie produkcyjnym. Autorzy podjęli próbę uzupełnienia zaobserwowanej luki wiedzy poprzez analizę wyselekcjonowanych artykułów wraz z zestawieniem wniosków z obserwacji uczestniczącej, doświadczenia zawodowego i własnych badań naukowych. Opracowanie skierowane jest zarówno do studentów nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości, jak i praktyków wdrożeń Lean związanych z organizowaniem systemów produkcyjnych. Podjęte badania pozwoliły dokonać systematyzacji elementarnego modelu strukturalnego metody SFM, który może być podstawą koncepcyjną dla praktyków wdrożeń w Polsce. Zagadnienia zawarte w niniejszym artykule nie tylko w syntetyczny sposób porządkują i uzupełniają wiedzę dotyczącą tej metody, ale leżą również w dziedzinie zainteresowań autorów i kontrybuują w rozwój ich dorobku naukowego.
Effective and efficient management of the production workshop can provide the enterprise with a competitive advantage, and the elimination of waste becomes a priority. Therefore, the authors performed a literature review, the main purpose of which was to analyze publications related to the Shopfloor Management (SFM) method. The authors chose this visual management tool due to personal professional experience in SFM implementation. Another reason for choosing SFM was the shortage of Polish publications concerning the implementation of this method in domestic enterprises, which the authors noticed in their study of the literature using the keyword analysis method. The literature review showed a growing interest in the SFM method in highly developed countries and an increase in publications related to the assessment of the effects of its implementation in these countries, with a simultaneous shortage of research on Polish companies. The research gap found refers to insufficiently researched areas, such as those related to the SFM method or data visualization in the production workshop. The authors attempt to fill the observed knowledge gap by analyzing selected articles and their conclusions from participatory observation, professional experience and own scientific research. The study is addressed to both students of management and quality sciences as well as practitioners of Lean implementation in the organization of production systems. The undertaken research systematizes the structural model of the SFM method, and may form the conceptual basis for Lean implementation for practitioners in Poland.
The study the possibility of using selected tools/methods of the Lean Manufacturing concept and tools supporting quality management in reducing production problems, was presented. The own research was divided into three stages in which production problems were identified, methods of reducing them were identified, and their effectiveness in terms of problem elimination/reduction was assessed. It was possible to identify the causes of the problems thanks to the 5Why method and the cause and effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram). In terms of the methods/tools of the Lean Manufacturing concept, the following were used: 5S method, visual management, One Point Lesson (OPL), Kaizen, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Own research was carried out in the automotive industry. The identified production problems include: stoppage of the production line, incorrect bending process, waste. Each of the methods/tools used had a different effect on limiting the identified production problems. For the purposes of the study, a three-point scale was also adopted, allowing to determine the impact of tools/methods on reducing the identified problems. Therefore, it turned out to be important to implement several methods/tools simultaneously. The implemented methods allowed for the effective limitation of the occurrence of the identified problems.
Today, manufacturing companies strive to find the stability between satisfying their customers by producing in accordance with their expectations (quantity and quality) and keeping leading positions when it comes to competitiveness on their markets. This paper aims to compare two very well-known philosophies in the manufacturing industry: Lean Manufacturing (LM) and Six Sigma (6S). The integration of these two philosophies solves the insufficiency that the absence of one of them causes, considering that Six Sigma is based on statistical tools that focus on measuring and reducing variations in processes and achieving goals set by the customers' requirements. Lean Manufacturing focuses mainly on the value added for a client, for example,by eliminating all kinds of waste from processes what leads to the reduction of time and cost of the process. Lean Six Sigma combines the features of both methods, which means that it meets the client's requirements based on statistical knowledge and the process flow control, but simultaneously in addition to that, it reduces the time and cost of the processes. As a result, it gives manufacturing companies the possibility of having loyal and satisfied customers and who provide companies with new customers. This paper has a greater goal of persuading the Angolan manufacturing industries to implement the Integrated Lean Six Sigma (IL6S) into their production and management processes.
Dziś firmy produkcyjne dążą do znalezienia stabilności pomiędzy satysfakcją swoich klientów poprzez produkcję zgodną z ich oczekiwaniami (ilość i jakość) a utrzymaniem czołowej pozycji, jeśli chodzi o konkurencyjność na swoich rynkach. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu porównanie dwóch bardzo dobrze znanych filozofii w przemyśle wytwórczym: Lean Manufacturing (LM) i Six Sigma (6S). Integracja tych dwóch filozofii rozwiązuje problem braku jednej z nich, biorąc pod uwagę, że Six Sigma opiera się na narzędziach statystycznych, które koncentrują się na pomiarze i redukcji zmienności procesów oraz osiąganiu celów wyznaczonych przez wymagania klientów. Lean Manufacturing skupia się głównie na wartości dodanej dla klienta, na przykład poprzez eliminację wszelkiego rodzaju marnotrawstwa z procesów, co prowadzi do skrócenia czasu i kosztów procesu. Lean Six Sigma łączy w sobie cechy obu metod, co oznacza, że spełnia wymagania klienta w oparciu o wiedzę statystyczną i kontrolę przebiegu procesów, ale jednocześnie dodatkowo skraca czas i koszt procesów. W efekcie daje to firmom produkcyjnym możliwość posiadania lojalnych i zadowolonych klientów oraz zapewnia firmom nowych klientów. Większym celem tego artykułu jest przekonanie angolskiego przemysłu wytwórczego do wdrożenia zintegrowanej metody Lean Six Sigma (IL6S) w procesach produkcji i zarządzania.
W artykule przeprowadzony został przegląd okoliczności i sposobów wdrażania systemów zarządzania oraz problemów przy wdrażaniu Lean Manufacturing. Analiza stanowisk badaczy zagadnienia trudności przy wdrażaniu LM skupiając się na problemie różnic kulturowych. Celem podjętych badań jest omówienie zagadnienia problemów przy wdrażaniu Lean Manufacturing i systemów Zarządzania w odniesieniu do różnic kulturowych, kultury narodowej, etnicznej i organizacyjnej kultury pracy oraz proponowanej metodyki badawczej danych ankietowych zebranych w wielu zakładach na świecie tej samej korporacji międzynarodowej.
The article reviews the circumstances and methods of implementing management systems as well as the problems associated with the implementation of Lean Manufacturing. Analysis of the positions of researchers on the issue of difficulties in implementing LM, focusing on the problem of cultural differences. The aim of the research undertaken is to discuss the problems related to the implementation of Lean Manufacturing and Management systems in relation to cultural differences, national culture, ethnic and organizational work culture and the proposed research methodology of survey data collected in many plants around the world of the same international corporation.
Lean Manufacturing is a profound system designed to enhance every manufacturing industry's efficiency by reducing waste through internationally recognized tools and techniques. Enterprises of all sizes and industries strive to adopt Lean Manufacturing (LM) concepts to maximize their resources, such as personnel, facilities, materials, and operating schedules, to be economically effective. There are several models for implementing Lean philosophy in enterprises. The conducted research is aimed at reviewing and conceptualizing the LM system implementation framework in the enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe. The analysis was based on the results of surveys conducted in micro, small, medium and large enterprises, mainly in production, trade and service organizations. As a result, among others, the main premises, methods and benefits of implementing the LM system, thus identifying the specificity of the concept in the context of the size of enterprises and the industry from which they come, were indicated. The originality is the analysis of the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of Lean activities, distinguishing the size of the organization from the group of micro, small, medium and large organizations (MSME). The research results show that the LM implementation model in enterprises from Central and Eastern Europe is based on the Shingo model.
Produkcja szczupła to rozbudowany system zaprojektowany w celu zwiększenia wydajności każdej branży produkcyjnej poprzez redukcję odpadów dzięki uznanym na arenie międzynarodowej narzędziom i technikom. Przedsiębiorstwa niezależnie od wielkości i branży starają się przyjąć koncepcje Lean Manufacturing (LM) , aby zmaksymalizować swoje zasoby, takie jak personel, obiekty, materiały i harmonogramy działania, aby były ekonomicznie efektywne. Istnieje kilka modeli implementacji filozofii Lean w przedsiębiorstwach. Realizowane badania mają na celu dokonanie przeglądu i konceptualizacji ram wdrożeń systemu LM w przedsiębiorstwach w Europie ŚrodkowoWschodniej. Analizę oparto na wynikach z badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w mikro, małych, średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstwach, głównie w organizacjach produkcyjnych, handlowych i usługowych. W rezultacie wyłoniono m. in. główne przesłanki, sposoby oraz korzyści z wdrożeń systemu LM identyfikując dzięki temu specyfiki koncepcji w kontekście wielkości przedsiębiorstw oraz branży z których pochodzą. Oryginalnością jest przeanalizowanie skuteczności, efektywności oraz wydajności działań Lean w rozróżnieniu na wielkość organizacji z grupy mikro, małych, średnich i dużych organizacji (MSME). Wyniki badań skazują że model wdrożenia LM w przedsiębiorstwach z Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej oparty jest na modelu Shingo.
Współczesne organizacje działające na konkurencyjnym, globalnym rynku obserwują znaczący wzrost zainteresowania problematyką zarządzania jakością początkowo wyrobów i usług, a w konsekwencji systemów zarządzania, co powoduje rozwój nowych metod doskonalenia jakości w organizacjach. Proces ten determinowany jest coraz mocniejszym naciskiem na obniżenie kosztów produkcji i generowanie oszczędności w połączeniu z redukcją zbędnych kosztów. W efekcie powstały korzystne warunki do rozwoju nowych metod zarządzania jakością, takich jak: Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing i Kaizen, które są szeroko rozpowszechnione w organizacjach, w tym zwłaszcza w przedsiębiorstwach z różnych branż i o różnych profilach działalności na całym świecie. W artykule zaprezentowano wybraną koncepcję doskonalenia procesów logistycznych według metodyki DMAIC w ujęciu teoretycznym i praktycznym. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości praktycznej aplikacji koncepcji doskonalenia procesów według metodyki DMAIC, zmierzającej do redukcji wartości złomu produkcyjnego w przedsiębiorstwie wytwarzającym okucia okienne.
Contemporary organizations, that are operating in a competitive, global market observe a significant increase of interest in the issues of quality management, initially in products and services, and in the consequence in the management systems, which results in the development of new methods of quality improvement in organizations. This process is determined by increasing emphasis on reducing production costs and generating savings combined with the reduction of unnecessary costs. As a result, advantageous conditions were created for the development of new quality management methods, such as: Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen, which are widespread in many organizations, especially in enterprises of various industries and business profiles around the world. The article presents a selected concept of the improvement of logistics processes according to the DMAIC methodology in theoretical and practical terms. The aim of the article is to present the possibility of a practical application of the process improvement concept according to the DMAIC methodology, heading to reducing the value of production scrap in an enterprise that produces window fittings.
Status of Lean Manufacturing Practices and Its Influence on the Adoption of Industry 4.0 in the Malaysian Furniture Industry. Lean Manufacturing practices is being promoted throughout the manufacturing industry in the country to boost industrial productivity. Therefore, a study was carried out to determine the level of adoption, benefits, and challenges faced by furniture manufacturers in adopting LM. Further, it was also evaluated if LM facilitated the transition towards Industry 4.0 adoption. The questionnaire-based survey involved 484 furniture manufacturers, of large-size and SMEs. The results found that the adoption of LM was prevalent among large-sized companies, and LM improved product quality and customer satisfaction, while reducing manufacturing lead time in the companies. The 5S method of work place organization, process mapping and waste reduction and elimination were the most common LM tools adopted by the companies. On the other hand, the major challenges encountered when implementing LM were lack of know-how, backsliding to old work ways, and resistance to adopt among the employees. The result also revealed that companies practicing LM also suggested that they were more prepared to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies, as the practice of LM has not only reduced waste on the production.
Praktyki Lean Manufacturing (LM) są promowane w całym przemyśle wytwórczym w kraju w celu zwiększenia produktywności przemysłowej. W związku z tym przeprowadzono badania mające na celu określenie stopnia inkluzji, korzyści i wyzwań, przed jakimi stoją producenci mebli stosujących lean manufacturing. Ponadto sprawdzono również, czy LM ułatwiło przejście do przyjęcia Przemysłu 4.0. W badaniu ankietowym wzięło udział 484 producentów mebli, dużych, średnich I małych przedsiębiorstw Wyniki wykazały, że stosowanie LM było powszechne wśród dużych firm, a LM poprawiło jakość produktów i satysfakcję klientów, jednocześnie skracając czas realizacji produkcji w firmach. Metoda 5S organizacji miejsca pracy, mapowanie procesów oraz redukcja i eliminacja odpadów były najczęstszymi narzędziami LM stosowanymi przez firmy. Z drugiej strony, głównymi wyzwaniami napotkanymi podczas wdrażania LM był brak know-how, cofanie się do starych sposobów pracy i niechęć pracowników do adopcji. Wynik ujawnił również, że firmy praktykujące LM sugerowały również, że były bardziej przygotowane do przyjęcia technologii Przemysłu 4.0, ponieważ praktyka LM nie tylko zmniejszyła ilość odpadów na hali produkcyjnej, ale także poprawiła przepływ informacji, który jest ważny dla cyfrowych narzędzi Przemysłu 4.0.
Technological changes have gained strategic importance in the thinking and actions of many market players, penetrating at the same time into all links of the value chain and the ways of their connections, which changed the range of competition and the way in which the needs of buyers are met. With the development of industry 4.0 there is a need to create new business models. Building a good business model is a challenge because it requires taking into account the new conditions and resources of the company. The model iAn integral element in training of personnel in the Lean Manufacturing concept is the search for attractive forms of education which, in addition to the transmission of knowledge about a given instrument/method, will also be characterised by a wealth of practical knowledge. The use of simulation games is unquestionably an approach that allows to obtain a wide spectrum of practical knowledge in conjunction with increasing the effectiveness of conducted training/workshops. The article presents the theoretical basis describing both the essence and the advantages of the use of simulation games in conducting training for the personnel (both lower and upper level). The main objective of this article is to present the simulation game prepared by the authors - the simulation of “The Installation of the House”. As a co-operative game, it engages all the participants in active searching for losses and their origins in the process, and in looking for methods and techniques of eliminating wastage. This game has been developed for educational purposes, as a support for the teaching and training of personnel (employees of all levels of management). This simulation game, however, can be implemented in the training of production workers in the various companies, in order to ensure better understanding the methods of searching for wastage in the production process.
Employers are under a legal obligation to provide employees with safe and hygienic conditions of work. These conditions are created by environmental factors that depend on the specifics of the enterprise, production technology and used machinery and equipment. A large number of the risks to which employees are exposed is associated with the use of machinery, equipment and working tools (as confirmed by Statistics Poland). Numerous manufacturing companies increasingly use the practice of involving operators, independently from the maintenance department, in the upkeep and maintenance of machinery and equipment in order to increase efficiency. These activities are undertaken within the scope of Autonomous Maintenance (AM), which is one of the essential elements underpinning the TPM system. The activities performed by operators within AM, such as daily inspections, lubrication or simple repairs, reduce the number of machinery breakdowns. Nonetheless, they could be a potential source of risk for employees. Companies applying the traditional division of tasks entrust the performance of such activities to qualified maintenance staff, so the proper identification of risks that takes into account the specificity of the activities performed by operators and the provision of training in the safe organization of work represent a significant feature of safety improvement. Enterprises may adopt multiple solutions in this regard, including the tools and techniques of the concept of Lean Manufacturing.
Ensuring work safety in manufacturing enterprises is one of the employer's basic obligations under legal provisions. Actions taken in this area translate into a reduction in the number of registered accidents at work, occupational diseases or potentially accidental events. Limiting these types of events is possible by implementing preventive solutions to reduce the risk ,employers 'and employees' cooperation in the field of occupational health and safety. These activities may take the form of technical solutions, but above all organizational. Enterprises use various management concepts that have an impact on improving work safety. One of the solutions eliminating or reducing hazards occurring at workplaces is the TWI (Training Within Industry) program. The TWI program is the foundation of a management culture based on continuous improvement and a continuous learning process. It is considered the starting point to implement the Lean Manufacturing concept. One of the TWI modules is aimed to creating a safe workplace, i.e. TWI-Job Safety (TWI-JS). The publication presents the results of the analysis of operations performed at a selected workstation in the production enterprise in the aspect of identifying and eliminating or limiting possible direct and indirect causes of hazards that may lead to accidents at work. For this purpose, a four-step TWI-JS method was used.
Content available Lean Manufacturing in the ceramic industry
The problem of implementation of the concept of Lean Manufacturing in the ceramic industry, based on the enterprise manufacturing ceramic fancy goods, is presented in this article. The most important information about the concept of Lean Manufacturing, as well as the current state of implementation of the Lean concept in the ceramic industry. Major barriers in the implementation of the Lean concept are identified and selected instruments of the Lean concept applied in individual areas of the waste elimination are assigned.
The increase in competitiveness between production enterprises results from the contemporary conditions of the global economy. Technical progress, globalization and constantly increasing customer requirements contribute to the development of organizational and business management techniques. The improvement of production is currently accompanied by modern tools and methods of Lean Manufacturing concepts such as: SMED, 5S, Kaiznen, Kanban, Poka-Yoke etc. The SMED method plays an important role in improving production processes. It also affects the reduction of losses and wastage, increase of value for stakeholders (especially for customers), as well as better motivation for employees. Thanks to the SMED method, the production company is able to achieve greater efficiency and productivity, as well as the high quality of products and services provided.
The main purpose of this article is to present an author’s methodology of production levelling and to show the impact of levelling on the time during which the product passes through the process and on staff performance. The article presents the analysis of literature concerning the method of improving the production process, especially taking production levelling into consideration. The authors focussed on the definition and methodologies of production levelling. A diagram of interrelations showing determinants and efficiency measures of production levelling as well as an author’s production levelling methodology have been presented. An example of the implementation of production levelling in one of the departments of a company manufacturing surgical instruments has also been shown. Analysis of the current state, stages of implementation and end effects have been presented. Attention was focussed on the time during which the product passes through the process and on staff performance.
W pracy przedstawiono metodę TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) wraz z jej poszczególnymi filarami. Omówiono historię powstania metody oraz pozytywne aspekty występujące w efekcie poprawnego jej wdrożenia. Jako dowód możliwości implementacji metody TPM w przedsiębiorstwach włókienniczych opisano proces i korzyści wdrożenia tej metody w firmie Enkev Polska S.A., będącej wiodącym, międzynarodowym producentem wyrobów z włókien naturalnych w Polsce.
The article presents the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) method together with its individual pillars. The history of the method development and positive aspects occurring as a result of its correct implementation are discussed. As evidence of the possibility of implementing the TPM method in textile enterprises, the process and benefits of implementing this method in the company Enkev Polska S.A., which is the leading international producer of natural fibers products in Poland, are described.
W artykule przedstawiono zarys metody 5S wywodzącej się z autorskiego systemu Toyoty – Toyota Production System jako nowego podejścia kierownictwa przedsiębiorstw w usprawnianiu i doskonaleniu procesów wytwórczych. Przedstawiono podstawy, poszczególne etapy i zalety metody, bazując na literaturze oraz informacjach z publikowanych analiz biznesowych opartych na tej metodzie zachęcając tym samym do jej upowszechniania w przedsiębiorstwach włókienniczych.
The article presents an outline of the 5S method derived from Toyota`s proprietary system – Toyota Production System as a new approach of the management of enterprises in improving production processes. The basics, individual stages and advantages of the method are presented basing on the literature and information from published business analyzes based on this method, thus encouraging its dissemination in textile enterprises.
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