A low-cost small-scale autonomous vehicle refers to a self-driving vehicle that is designed to be affordable and suitable for smaller applications or specific purposes. In this study, the firefly algorithm was utilized to address obstacle avoidance challenges in the presence of dynamic or statically positioned uncertain obstacles. The autonomous vehicle successfully reached the intended destination, demonstrating a satisfactory level of accuracy. Regardless of the starting point, the vehicle arrived at the predetermined position within an area measuring 5 meters in diameter. The achievement of such results can be attributed to the cost-effective selection of sensors, utilization of a simple algorithm, and the implementation of a moderately powered processor and circuit components.
Cartilage degeneration is a serious health condition in modern society, leading to problems in mobility and significant reduction in the quality of life of patients of all ages. It is mainly caused by obesity, workload, sports or trauma to the joint. Proper diagnosis is crucial to implement appropriate treatment to stop the further degeneration of the tissue. Usually the assessment is performed by using magnetic resonance. This paper describes the design and application of an alternative measurement system for vibroartography of the knee joint. The use of such device allows for fast, safe, easy and cheap assessment of joint condition, which in turn can lead to proper treatment planning. Similar portable systems can be rapidly deployed and used by entry level medical staff in hospitals, clinics or at patient’s home. The system consists of an orthosis, set of three vibroacoustic sensors, encoder for reading knee position, microcontroller with galvanic barrier and battery power and a computer for data storage and processing. The system is light, simple and portable. Data is recorded in both closed and open kinematic chains. Results show over 90% diagnostic accuracy based on the data obtained in the process of testing this device. In the future, the system will be further miniaturized and completely placed on the orthosis, leading to more portability and diagnostic merit.
Zwyrodnienie chrząstki jest poważnym schorzeniem współczesnego społeczeństwa, prowadzącym do problemów w poruszaniu się i znacznego obniżenia jakości życia pacjentów w każdym wieku. Jest to spowodowane głównie otyłością, obciążeniami, sportem lub urazami stawu. Właściwa diagnoza jest kluczowa dla wdrożenia odpowiedniego leczenia, które zapobiegnie dalszej degeneracji tkanki. Zwykle ocenę przeprowadza się za pomocą rezonansu magnetycznego. W artykule opisano konstrukcję i zastosowanie alternatywnego systemu pomiarowego do wibroartografii stawu kolanowego. Aplikacja takiego urządzenia pozwala na szybką, bezpieczną, łatwą i tanią ocenę stanu stawu, co z kolei może pomóc w zaplanowaniu odpowiedniego leczenia. Podobne systemy mobilne można szybko wdrożyć, ponieważ mogą być używane przez podstawowy personel medyczny w szpitalach, klinikach lub w domu pacjenta. System składa się z ortezy, zestawu trzech czujników wibroakustycznych, enkodera do odczytu pozycji stawu kolanowego, mikrokontrolera z barierą galwaniczną i zasilaniem bateryjnym oraz komputera do akwizycji, archiwizacji i przetwarzania danych. System jest lekki, prosty i przenośny. Dane są rejestrowane zarówno w zamkniętych, jak i otwartych łańcuchach kinematycznych. Wyniki wykazują ponad 90% trafności diagnostycznej na podstawie danych uzyskanych w procesie testowania tego urządzenia. W przyszłości system będzie jeszcze bardziej zminiaturyzowany i całkowicie umieszczony na ortezie, co zapewni większą przenośność i wartość diagnostyczną.
This research paper is a continuation of a prior study [12]that focused on the positive temperature range. The current work investigates the behavior of a laminated Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) piezoelectric transducer when exposed to negative temperatures. The study aims to understand the sensitivity of the transducer under varying ambient temperatures and frequencies, particularly for applications in wireless sensor networks. The integrated Macro Fiber Composite piezoelectric transducer is both theoretically modeled and empirically verified. Experimental tests involve subjecting the laminated MFC piezoelectric transducer to sinusoidal forces generated by an electro-pulse waveform generator, while a thermal chamber is used for temperature control. Controlled displacement is applied to the transducer at low-frequency (5 to 25 Hz) ranges and different moderate temperatures (0 to -40 degrees Celsius). The results highlight the significant influence of temperature and excitation frequency on the generated voltage by the MFC transducer.
This paper introduces a novel approach to building network cluster structures, based on the modified LEACH algorithm. The proposed solution takes into account the multitasking of the network infrastructure, resulting from various functions performed by individual nodes. Therefore, instead of a single head, dedicated to a given cluster, a set of heads is selected, the number of which corresponds to the number of performed functions. Outcomes of simulations, comparing the classical and the multifunctional approach, are presented. The obtained results confirm that both algorithms deliver similar levels of energy consumption, as well as efficiency in terms of the number of individual nodes discharged.
In today's digitalized and technology-driven society, where the number of IoT devices and the volume of collected data is exponentially increasing, the use of sensor data has become a necessity in certain fields of activity. This paper presents a concise history of sensor evolution and specialization, with a focus on the sensors used for localization, particularly those present in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) that make up inertial measurement units. The study starts with a general overview and progresses towards a more specific analysis of data sets collected from an accelerometer. In the materials and methods section, it emphasizes the imperfect nature of sensor measurements and the need to filter digital signals. Three different digital signal filtering techniques belonging to distinct filter categories are comparatively analyzed, with each technique having its own particularities, advantages and disadvantages. The analysis considers the effectiveness in reducing measurement errors, the impact of the filtering process on the original signal, the ability to highlight the underlying phenomenon, as well as the performance of the analyzed algorithms. The ultimate purpose of this article is to determine which filtration method is best suited for the signal at hand in the context of an indoor localization application.
Artykuł prezentuje analizę i potencjał szerokiego zastosowania platformy Arduino w monitorowaniu istotnych parametrów powietrza za pomocą relatywnie tanich czujników środowiskowych. W celach badawczych przetestowano wybrane sensory w ramach koncepcyjnego projektu, wykorzystując przy tym podejście statyczne w stabilnych warunkach oraz dynamiczne w warunkach środowiskowych szybko się zmieniających. Wykorzystano program komputerowy oraz platformę Arduino do analizy poszczególnych danych. Otrzymane wyniki ukazują perspektywy zastosowania projektu, potwierdzając użyteczność, efektywność oraz spójność danych rejestrowanych przez czujniki.
The article presents the analysis and potential of the wide use of the Arduino platform in monitoring important air parameters using relatively cheap environmental sensors. For research purposes, selected sensors were tested as part of a conceptual design, using a static approach in stable conditions and a dynamic approach in rapidly changing environmental conditions. A computer program and the Arduino platform were used to analyze individual data. The obtained results show the prospects for the application of the project, confirming the usefulness, effectiveness and consistency of the data recorded by the sensors.
Background: This paper explains the concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and highlights the benefits of its adoption. The purpose of the study was to identify and evaluate practices and approaches of organisations toward the implementation of IIoT solutions in the packaging industry in Poland. Methods: The results are based on non-sensitive quantitative data collected with the use of a survey questionnaire method and CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) as a data collection technique. Participants completed anonymous survey questionnaires, with responses analysed collectively without the identification of individuals. No continuous tracking or observation methods were used, and the data did not include personal information such as health, genetics, beliefs, or political views. Results: The results reveal that companies within this industry are not early adopters of IIoT, but they are rather digitally immature, with a poor degree of IIoT implementation, poor degree of quality systems digitisation, and no plan towards transformation to enterprise systems such as MRP, ERP, or CRM. The application of IIoT has potential for improvement. The paper outlines the analysis of organisational culture in terms of supporting innovation and continuous improvement, showing that the level of support is moderate, however, the bigger company is, the more supporting the organisational culture it has. Conclusions: Data reveal that the application of IIoT solutions in the packaging industry in Poland is still not very common. Poor adoption of IIoT may be related to fear of technology, budgetary issues, or lack of qualified staff. Although digitisation already changed the software and the hardware side of organisations, most of them are not digitally mature enough to be able to take advantage of the fourth industrial revolution, which can be a strategic advantage for early adopters.
Respiratory rate measurement is important under different types of health issues. The need for technological developments for measuring respiratory rate has become imperative for healthcare professionals. The paper presents an approach to respiratory monitoring, with the aim to improve the accuracy and efficacy of the data monitored. We use multiple types of sensors on various locations on the body to continuously transmit real-time data, which is processed to calculate the respiration rate. Variations in the respiration rate will help us identify the current health condition of the patient also for diagnosis and further medical treatment. The software tools such as Keil μVision IDE, Mbed Studio IDE, Energia IDE are used to compile and build the system architecture and display information. EasyEDA is used to provide pin map details and complete architecture information.
The article is a sort of advanced publication workshop prepared by a group of M.Sc. students in ICT participating in the course on QIT. The idea behind the publishing exercise is to try to link, if possible, individual own work just under realization for the thesis with new unique possibilities offered by the QIT. Each chapter is written by a single author defining concisely her/his research interest in the classical ICT field and trying to find possible correlations with respective abruptly developing branches of the QIT. The chapter texts are somehow moderated by the tutor but are exclusively authored by young researchers. The aim was to present their views on the possible development directions of particular subfields of QIT, if not fully mature, but still based on their own ideas, research and dreams.
This article discusses four fields of study with the potential to revolutionize our understanding and interaction with biological systems: quantum biophotonics, molecular and supramolecular bioelectronics, quantum-based approaches in gaming, and nano-biophotonics. Quantum biophotonics uses photonics, biochemistry, biophysics, and quantum information technologies to study biological systems at the sub-nanoscale level. Molecular and supramolecular bioelectronics aim to develop biosensors for medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, and food safety by designing materials and devices that interface with biological systems at the molecular level. Quantum-based approaches in gaming improve modeling of complex systems, while nanomedicine enhances disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention using nanoscale devices and sensors developed with quantum biophotonics. Lastly, nano-biophotonics studies cellular structures and functions with unprecedented resolution.
Europe has to face strong competitive challenges in the field of QIT from other regions of the world. The tools for the effective implementation of the challenges related to the start, we hope, of building a quantum civilization are both common and individual in particular European countries. Joint projects in the field of QIT, usually narrowly focused, are announced by large European Agencies and are related to their activities. Large-scale collaborative projects are of course the domain of the EC. National projects depend heavily on the capabilities of individual countries and vary greatly in size. The most technologically advanced European countries invest hundreds of millions of Euros in national QIT projects annually. The largest European FET class project currently being implemented is the Quantum Flagship. Although the EQF is basically just one of the elements of a large and complicated European scene of development of quantum technologies, it becomes the most important element and, in a sense, a dominant one, also supported from the political level. There are complex connections and feedbacks between the elements of this quantum scene. National projects try to link to the EQF. Here we are interested in such connections and their impact on the effectiveness of QIT development in Europe, and especially in Poland.
This article presents an industrial tomography platform for diagnosing and controlling technological processes. The system has been prepared in such a way that it is possible to add individual sensors that cooperate with the system of an intelligent cyber-physical platform with an open architecture. In addition, it is possible to configure and cooperate with external systems freely. As part of the experimental work, a platform has been developed that allows individual subsystems and external customer systems to work together. The cyber-physical system, a new generation of digital systems, focuses mainly on the complex interaction and integration between cyberspace and the physical world. A cyber-physical system consists of highly integrated computing, communication, control and physical elements. It focuses mainly on the complex interaction and integration between cyberspace and the physical world.
W artykule przedstawiono przemysłową platformę tomograficzną wykorzystywaną do diagnostyki i sterowania procesami technologicznymi. Aplikacja pozwala na dodawanie poszczególnych czujników współpracujących z systemem inteligentnej platformy cyber-fizycznej o otwartej architekturze, a dodatkowo możliwa była dowolna konfiguracja i współpraca z systemami zewnętrznymi. W ramach prac eksperymentalnych opracowano platformę, która umożliwia współpracę poszczególnych podsystemów i zewnętrznych systemów klienta. System cyberfizyczny, koncentruje się głównie na złożonej interakcji i integracji między cyberprzestrzenią a światem fizycznym. System cyberfizyczny składa się z wysoce zintegrowanych elementów obliczeniowych, komunikacyjnych, kontrolnych i fizycznych. Rozwiązanie koncentruje się głównie na złożonej interakcji i integracji między cyberprzestrzenią a światem fizycznym.
Biofotonika jest obszarem na skrzyżowaniu nauk o życiu i świetle. W porównaniu z innymi obszarami jest dyscypliną relatywnie nową. Obejmuje zastosowania światła jako źródło energii umożliwiające badania podstawowe i rozwój zastosowań w naukach biologicznych, farmaceutycznych, środowiskowych, rolniczych, oraz medycznych. Termin biofotonika i jej obecnie tak szerokie ujęcie tematyczne funkcjonuje relatywnie od niedawna, ale jednak już od kilkudziesięciu lat. Połączenie światła i wymienionych nauk funkcjonowało znacznie wcześniej. Można wymienić wiele znacznych kamieni milowych na drodze jej wczesnego i późniejszego rozwoju, poczynając od najprostszych technik mikroskopowych, fototerapie początkowo skupioną wiązką światła a potem wiązką laserową, i następnie odkrycie i rozwój białka zielonej fluorescencji, rozwój super-rozdzielczej mikroskopii fluorescencyjnej, szczypce optyczne i ich zastosowania w biologii, szerokopasmowe techniki spektroskopowe w pasmie UV-VIS-IR-MIR, pulsoksymetrię i inne optyczne techniki diagnostyczne, różne metody obrazowania a w tym optyczną tomografię koherencyjną. Biofotonika to rozwój technik diagnostycznych ale i terapeutycznych w dermatologii, okulistyce - leczenie retinopatii cukrzycowej, terapia fotodynamiczna i jej rozwój w obszarze fotoimmunoterapii. Techniki neuromodulacji i nanomanipulacji optycznej obejmują optogenetykę i niegenetyczne metody fotostymulacji. Biofotonika to zasilane i sterowane światłem nanomaszyny/nanoroboty molekularne. Biofotonika jest skorelowana z fotobiologią, fizyką i inżynierią biomedyczną, foto-elektro-biochemią, a także z kwantowymi technikami informacyjnymi, np. poprzez takie techniki jak ghost-imaging czy drug discovery. Biofotonika to złożony sprzęt laboratoryjny, biomedyczny i przemysłowy.
Biophotonics is an area at the intersection of life and light sciences. Compared to other areas, it is a relatively new discipline. It covers the use of light as an energy source enabling basic research and development of applications in biological, pharmaceutical, environmental, agricultural and medical sciences. The term biophotonics and its currently broad thematic approach has been used relatively recently, but still for several decades. The combination of the light and the biology is much older. Many significant milestones in its early and recent developments can be listed, starting with the simplest microscopy techniques, focused beam phototherapy, and then the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, the development of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, optical tweezers and their applications in biology, broadband spectroscopic techniques in the UV-VIS-IR-MIR spectrum, pulse oximetry and other optical diagnostic techniques, various imaging methods, including optical coherence tomography. Biophotonics is the development of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in dermathology, ophthalmology - treatment of diabetic retinopathy, photodynamic therapy and its development in the field of photoimmunotherapy. Techniques of neuromodulation and optical nanomanipulation include optogenetics and non-genetic methods of photostimulation. Biophotonics includes nanomechanies/molecular nanorobots powered and controlled by light. Biophotonics is correlated with photobiology, biomedical physics and engineering, photo-electro-biochemistry as well as with quantum information techniques, e.g. through techniques such as ghost-imaging or drug discovery. Biophotonics to complex laboratory, biomedical but also industrial equipment.
W ramach artykułu przedstawiono podstawowe informacje na temat Internetu Rzeczy oraz bezprzewodowych sieci czujników. Następnie zaprojektowano prototypowy system IoT, opisano ogólnie jego działanie oraz przedstawiono dostępne zabezpieczenia tego typu systemów. Na przykładzie wybranych rozwiązań sprzętowo programowych przeanalizowano możliwości i narzędzia służące do zdalnego zarządzania, integracji oraz organizacji wymiany danych. Na tej podstawie przedstawiono opis wybranych, przykładowych rozwiązań praktycznych i zaproponowano metodykę selekcji, projektowania i programowania tego typu systemów. Zaprezentowano schemat połączeń dla układu pojedynczego węzła sieciowego, omówiono pokrótce usługi uruchomione na serwerze oraz scharakteryzowano ogólnie protokół MQTT (wymiana danych za pośrednictwem sieci komputerowej). W opracowanym systemie zaimplementowano podstawowe zabezpieczenia. Całość komunikacji odbywała się bez szyfrowania informacji (dane przesyłane jawnym tekstem). Przedstawiono również wyniki podstawowych badań wykonanych z użyciem programu Wireshark oraz zwrócono uwagę na potencjalne formy ochrony systemów IoT. Głównym celem poniższego artykułu było pokazanie jak ogromne znaczenie ma bezpieczeństwo transmisji danych w tego typu systemach.
The article presents basic information on the Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks. Then a prototype IoT system was designed, its operation was described in general and the available security measures for such systems were presented. On the example of selected hardware and software solutions, the possibilities and tools for remote management, integration and organization of data exchange were analyzed. On this basis, a description of selected, exemplary practical solutions was presented and a methodology for selecting, designing and programming such systems was proposed. The connection diagram for a single network node is presented, the services running on the server are briefly discussed and the MQTT protocol (data exchange via a computer network) is generally characterized. Basic security has been implemented in the developed system. All communication took place without information encryption (data sent in clear text). The results of basic research carried out with the use of the Wireshark program are also presented, as well as the potential forms of protection of IoT systems. The main purpose of the article below was to show the great importance of data transmission security in such systems.
This paper presents the results of comparison of vibration reduction levels between standard square based piezo actuators and piezoelectric sensor-actuator hybrids. Modelling was done using FEM method in ANSYS software. Model consisted of a steel plate with piezo elements attached. One of the elements was used as an actuator to excite plate’s vibrations. The other was either a standard homogeneous square based actuator or a sensor actuator hybrid with 2 possible sizes of the sensor part of said hybrid. Harmonic analyses were performed for the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th mode shapes with the goal function being the minimalization of displacement vector sum of a number of nodes (there were 3 possible cases). Significant vibration reduction levels were obtained with no significant differences in said levels between standard actuators and sensor-actuator hybrids. Reducing the size of sensor part of sensor-actuator allowed for lower voltages needed to achieve vibration reduction levels.
Vibration diagnostics is of particular importance in rail transport safety systems because the signals received from vibration sensors installed on rolling stock, bridges, tunnels, and other infrastructure objects have great diagnostic information potential. Despite this, in practice, there are cases when the adequacy of the results of the vibration control and diagnostics task is not ensured. The reason is that the sampling step of the vibration signal does not change when the train speed changes. Given the need to change the sampling interval depending on the train speed, this article proposes an adaptive technology for vibration signal sampling that allows the building of intelligent systems of adaptive vibration control of malfunctions in rail transport.
W artykule opisano wyniki realizacji prac przedstawicieli Politechniki Wrocławskiej dotyczące opracowania systemu diagnostycznego do oceny stanu technicznego taśm przenośnikowych.
The paper describes results of the efforts carried out by the representatives of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology related to development of a diagnostics system to be used for the assessment of the technical condition of conveyor belts.
The paper describes results of the efforts carried out by the representatives of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology related to development of a diagnostics system to be used for the assessment of the technical condition of conveyor belts.
The focus of this review paper is to present the state of the art regarding RFID implementations in wood supply chains, covering the tree marking stage till the transportation to the final processor. The easier than ever collection of data using sensors and the emerging ability to exchange information in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT) form a very promising new environment for the optimization of wood supply chains. Driven by currently enhanced, ability to store different layers of information per merchantable unit (tree assortments at final or semi-final form or containers of woody biomass), RFID applications can provide valuable solutions and revolutionize wood supply chains by warranting traceability, combating illegal logging, minimizing waste and offering detailed information of the wood products properties, among other benefits that are presented in the text. The benefits can be identified at the ecological, social and economic levels, addressing the sustainability concerns of modern societies. To make use of this huge potential, a continuous flow and fusion of information at all supply chain stages must be taken for granted, as well as the close cooperation among stakeholders.
The 2,3-dihydro-quinazolin-4(1H)-one was synthesised via the deployment of SBA-Pr-SO3H and its application was explored as a highly selective fluorescent sensor for Hg2+ ion; fluorescence intensity was decreased selectively by Hg2+ ions. Furthermore, this compound also indicated for its superb anti-interference ability among other ions. It is important to mention that this compound could be employed to detect a very low amount of Hg2+ ions, which are highly toxic and general contaminants. The docking study shows that the molecule, 2,3-dihydro-quinazolin-4(1H)-one, is a good inhibitor for the 5ACC enzyme.
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