The aim of the article is to present the expectations of industrial enterprises towards suppliers related to quality, environment, occupational health and safety management systems (QEOH &SMS). The article presents the results of empirical research conducted in 151 companies operating on the Polish B2B market. The study was commissioned to a specialised research agency that conducted a targeted selection of companies registered in the Bisnode database, which is a business directory search platform. The expectations of production companies towards their suppliers regarding the implementation of QEOH&SMS were assigned a rank on a scale from one (the least important criterion) to five (the most significant). The methodological apparatus in this study was set so that it was possible to fulfil the research goal based on empirical data. A questionnaire was used to verify the characteristics of the operational process after the implementation of particular managerial systems. This article examines the relationship between the requirements for suppliers and the implementation of management systems by manufacturing companies. The results of the conducted research indicate that expectations of industrial enterprises towards suppliers related to QEOH&SMS are strongly focused on their development. Research shows that companies that adhere to the requirements of standardised management systems have a greater requirement for suppliers than companies that do not implement QEOH & SM requirements. In particular, the implementation of quality and environmental management systems by the surveyed organisations translates into increased requirements for suppliers. The article contributes to the existing scientific literature by analysing the impact of the implementation of individual management systems on the expectations towards suppliers. This study shows which of the 18 examined aspects are particularly important for manufacturing companies. Additionally, the expectations towards suppliers were classified into four groups (Corrective, Preventive, Improvement, Innovation).
Działalność przedsiębiorstwa wiąże się z potrzebą analizowania ryzyka oddziałującego na procesy firmy. Norma PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 dokonuje identyfikacji czynników ryzyka i ich wpływu na jakość wyrobu. W szacowaniu ryzyka punktowe oceny wyrażające subiektywne opinie zastępowane są coraz częściej formalnym zapisem niepewności. Artykuł ukazuje zastosowanie rozmytego systemu wnioskującego w procesie zarządzania ryzykiem, umożliwiającego bardziej precyzyjne określenie znaczących ryzyk w firmie. Publikacja wchodzi w skład cyklu prac prezentujących różne aspekty zarządzania procesowego w przemyśle stoczni jachtowych. Stanowi równocześnie teoretyczny wstęp dla kolejnego, przygotowanego już artykułu prezentującego uszczegółowiony opis tworzenia modelu pojęciowego normalizującego kryteria oceny ryzyka dla procesu laminowania w stoczni jachtowej.
The company’s activity is connected with the need to analyze the risk affecting the company’s processes. The PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard identifies risk factors and their impact on product quality. In the risk assessment, the point ratings expressing subjective opinions are increasingly replaced with a formal record of uncertainty. The article shows the application of a fuzzy application system in the risk management process. The publication is a part of a series of papers presenting various aspects of process management in the shipyard yacht industry. At the same time, it is the theoretical introduction to the next article presenting a detailed description of creating a conceptual model that normalizes the risk assessment criteria for the lamination process at the yacht shipyard.
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