W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję zabezpieczenia żywnościowego batalionu zmechanizowanego w działaniach obronnych. Dokonano tego przez zidentyfikowanie obszaru procesu organizacji żywienia żołnierzy na szczeblu batalionu w czasie działań taktycznych, przedstawienie możliwości żywienia wojsk na szczeblu batalionu w działaniach obronnych oraz zaprezentowanie optymalnej koncepcji zabezpieczenia żywnościowego batalionu w założonej sytuacji działań taktycznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych rozważań wypracowano wnioski końcowe, które jednoznacznie wykazują zależność między optymalnym zabezpieczeniem pod względem żywnościowym batalionu zmechanizowanego w obronie a bezpieczeństwem wykonania postawionych przed dowódcą batalionu zadań bojowych.
The article presents the concept of food supplies for the mechanized battalion in defense operations. It was done by identifying the area of the organization of feeding soldiers at the battalion level during tactical operations, presenting the possibilities of feeding the forces at the battalion level in defense operations, and presenting the optimal concept of food supplies for the battalion in the assumed situation of tactical operations. As a result of the considerations, conclusions were developed, which clearly show the relationship between optimal food supplies of the mechanized battalion in defense and the security of the combat tasks put before the battalion commander.
The purpose of this paper is to present the concepts of deploying engineer troops in military operations in the late 1970s and early 1980s, on the basis of the publications contained in the classified Mysl Wojskowa journal. The publications concerned the main tasks of engineer troops in basic tactical operations, including in particular those consisting in crossing water obstacles or establishing barrier minefields in that period. The article analyses also the needs of engineer troops in the discussed period and describes the basic principles of using this type of arms for performing engineering tasks. Furthermore, the attention is drawn to the wide use of engineer troops in that period, which were responsible, to a considerable extent, for providing support for the fighting elements, including in particular armoured and mechanised units.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji użycia wojsk inżynieryjnych w działaniach bojowych na przełomie lat 70. i 80. XX w. na podstawie publikacji zawartych w czasopiśmie Myśl Wojskowa o klauzuli „tajne”. W publikacji zostały zawarte główne zadania wojsk inżynieryjnych w podstawowych działaniach taktycznych, w tym szczególnie w ramach pokonywania przeszkód wodnych, czy zakładania zapór minowych w tamtym okresie. Przeanalizowano również potrzeby wojsk inżynieryjnych tamtego okresu oraz pokazano podstawowe zasady użycia tego rodzaju wojsk w aspekcie wykonywania zadań inżynieryjnych. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na szerokie wykorzystanie wojsk inżynieryjnych w tamtym okresie, które były w dużej mierze odpowiedzialne za wspieranie pododdziałów walczących, w tym szczególnie pododdziałów pancernych i zmechanizowanych.
Dynamiczne zmiany w środowisku bezpieczeństwa połączone z rosnącą złożonością środków walki i systemów wsparcia dowodzenia zmuszają do refleksji nad kształtem przyszłych działań taktycznych. Choć ocenia się, że będą one prowadzone w środowisku sieciocentrycznym, na osiąganie złożonych celów taktycznych i operacyjnych w dużym stopniu będą wpływać warunki terenowe. Potrzeba wykorzystywania skomplikowanych narzędzi walki stawiać będzie wysokie wymagania przed obsługującym je personelem, a przewaga liczebna ustąpi miejsca dominacji technologicznej. Choć prawdopodobieństwo wybuchu konwencjonalnego konfliktu zbrojnego w Europie jest z każdym rokiem coraz mniejsze, nie można takiej ewentualności wykluczyć. Dlatego nadal aktualne pozostaje prowadzenie rozważań na temat działań bojowych, szczególnie w aspekcie zwiększania zdolności do obrony obszaru RP oraz zobowiązań sojuszniczych wynikających z artykuł piątego Traktatu Waszyngtońskiego.
The mutable nature of the security environment and the technological development of the systems employed by the military provoke thoughts concerning the hypothetical shape of future tactical operations. Despite the network-centric environment of tactical operations, in the future the role of terrain will not be diminished. The necessity of the employment of sophisticated equipment will impose considerable requirements on the personnel manning it. The success of future tactical operations will depend on technological superiority. In spite of the fact that nowadays the possibility of a military conflict in Europe is not so real, one cannot eliminate it in the future. This is why, it is still necessary to deliberate over combat operations, in particular in the context of enhancing the capabilities for the defence of the area of the Republic of Poland and allied commitments under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
Improwizowane ładunki wybuchowe tzw. IED stanowią podstawowe zagrożenie dla ludzi i sprzętu podczas działań wojsk koalicyjnych ISAF w Iraku i Afganistanie. W artykule przedstawiono rozwój nowych generacji pojazdów opancerzonych klasy M-ATV na podstawie doświadczeń wyniesionych z prowadzonych działań bojowych.
Improvised explosive devices (IED) create a main threat for personnel and equipment at coalition operations of ISAF forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The development of new generation of armoured vehicles of M-ATV class has started on the base of experience from those missions and is presented in the paper.
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The article reflects significant changes going on in the area of transitional phases (TPs) in military operations on the tactical level. It is observed that the topic is a subject of many changes recently. The opinions of experts who are dealing with transitional phases are presented using different approaches. What is more, the importance of TPs accomplishment in military operations seems to be unnoticed. In the author's point of view transitional phases should be recognized as a whole and should be classified as a supplementary category, an area which combines basic categories such as defence, offence and delay operations. The TPs have a temporary character, but they assert flexibility and fluency during combat, they also allow conducting operations in a proper pace. The transitional phases appear parallel to basic tactics. Also, they connect basic tactics categories with other kinds creating the military operations to be a permanent process. Thus everything what happens on the battlefield is interconnected and inseparable. That means that transitions form one to another phase of combat and can be preceded by one or more TPs. Each successive stage can end up with transitional phases. To sum it up, the author in the article presents a suggestion how transitional phases should be classified and recognized nowadays in the theory of tactics.
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The political changes of the last decade of the 20th and the beginning of 21st century as well as the escalation of internal and international conflicts connected with them, has initiated many réévaluations in conceptions with respect to the use of the armed forces. These changes did not omit the tactics theory as a component of military art, which studies the events occurring on the battlefield. That is why today - paying attention to the actual conditions, the role of the armed forces in assuring security - it is worth asking the following question: how do we understand the tactics and tactical level operations and what are the relationships between them? While the basic role of the armed forces was to prepare and wage a war, tactics generally were understood as the theory and practice of fight. Armed forces, as a political tool of the country, had to execute two essential tasks: to defend the interests by guarding the territory and/or to conquer other nations to achieve intended political goals (end-states). Such statements are not rising any controversies, if we assume (in accordance with C. Clausewitz’s theory) that the role of a soldier is only the fight. One question remains unanswered: is this opinion still valid today, in a new realm of security? The analysis of soldiers’ participation in crisis situations confirms that his role is not only to fight but also to execute the tasks stemming from the needs of stabilisation in the regions of conflicts, such as humanitarian aid, etc. This situation caused the widening of the notions of ‘tactics’ and 'tactical operations', not only limiting them to the fighting.
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A continuous development of civilisation causes a progressive environment urbanisation. New towns are constantly appearing, the already existing ones expand very fast. Scientists dealing with the environment urbanisation predict that in the middle of the 21st century towns will cover 75% of people’s living area. Fast economic development will increase the level of urbanisation and density of the area. Not only the size but also the character of the urban area will change. Towns and urban areas, as political, administrative, industrial and culture centres, gain more and more importance. They are often railway, road, air and sea junctions. Towns contain enormous qualified human reserves as well as food, resources and industrial goods reserves. They play an important role in the whole country functioning. The last conflict in Iraq shows that taking control of urban complexes that are important in the functioning of the country (government administration, media, energy supplies) determines the success of military operations. It means that towns will not lose their military importance in probable future combat operations, which has been proved by the analysis of the last conflicts from the second half of the 20th century. It has been concluded that operations in urban areas will become dominant operations. Therefore NATO's land forces have been increasingly interested in problems of urban fighting. American theoreticians and commanders claim that there is need to put forth a great intellectual effort and to invest big funds in order to find solutions to problems related to fighting in unfriendly environment such as built up areas. These analyses should be carried out very conscientiously, as both the process and its final product are very important. Mechanisms that allow building modem conceptions of fighting in urban areas should be clearly defined. Requirements relating to armament, equipment, training and the needs in the development of new commanding staff should be stated.
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Since the end of the Cold War, a significant increase of conflicts, mostly of ethnic or religious origin, has been observed. Many of them, especially when they are accompanied by such problems as famine, massive cases of not complying with human rights, waves of refugees, are too serious for the international community not to be taken into consideration. One of the most effective ways to solve problems and conflicts endangering international security is to use armed forces in military operations other than war. Air force plays an important role in actions of this kind. The article deals with principles of military operations other than war and the use of armed forces in them. These principles include the aim and purposefulness, common effort, security, limitations, endurance, legal aspects. Different kinds of actions in military operations other than war have been presented; special attention has been drawn to the role of air force and factors that influence planning to use air force in military operations other than war. Support operations are discussed in the last part of the article.
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