Open-data research is an important factor accelerating the production and analysis of scientific results as well as worldwide collaboration; still, very little data is being shared at scale. The aim of this article is to analyze existing data-access solutions along with their usage limitations. After analyzing the existing solutions and data-access stakeholder needs, the authors propose their own vision of a data-access model.
In order to improve the working stability of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system, we need the big data information mining and fusion processing of grid-connected system and the information integration and recognition of distributed marine green energy grid-connected system based on big data analysis method, and improve the output performance of energy grid-connected system. This paper proposed a big data analysis method of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system based on closed-loop information fusion and auto correlation characteristic information mining. This method realized the big data closed-loop operation and maintenance management of grid-connected system, and built the big data information collection model of marine green energy resources grid-connected system, and reconstructs the feature space of the collected big data, and constructed the characteristic equation of fuzzy data closed-loop operation and maintenance management in convex spaces, and used the adaptive feature fusion method to achieve the auto correlation characteristics mining of big data operation and maintenance information, and improved the ability of information scheduling and information mining of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system. Simulation results show that using this method for the big data analysis of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system and using the multidimensional analysis technology of big data can improve the ability of information scheduling and information mining of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system, realizing the information optimization scheduling of grid-connected system. The output performance of grid connected system has been improved.
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Cloud computing is a catchphrase for today's ICT world. The emerging trend of ``Everything as a service'' has made this rapid growing technology a very admired and highly demanding technology for a must adapted one. With the virtues of 24x7 service availability, multi tenancy, utility, speed, high productivity, agility, scalability of this technology, it has been proved as an emerging trend for the ICT industry as well as the academia. Today the rapid data analytics is changing the way companies try to win, and hence enabling them to generate instantaneous insights for supporting their most important business processes.In present technological era, cloud combining with IOT or Big Data, or highly popular commercial ERP solutions, namely SAP cloud, has touched the height of technological growth but one of the major reasons for the trepidation of its widespread adaptability is the security and authentication breach in cloud technology. Being used in highly commercial solutions, the security issues play a major role.Threat or vulnerability is more important to qualify rather than being quantified only. This paper is a proposal showing a quantifiable approach, focuses on several threats and security breaches and countermeasures their impact concentrating on a cloud based solutions, with the philosophy of the inevitability of testing on cloud security.
W warunkach technologicznego i fizycznego starzenia infrastruktury, istniejące systemy zasilania trakcji prądem stałym i zmiennym wymagają dalszego rozwoju i poprawy w zakresie zapewnienia przesyłu energii elektrycznej o wymaganej mocy i odpowiedniej jakości do taboru elektrycznego. Znane sposoby wzmocnienia zasilania trakcyjnego sprowadzają się nie tylko do wdrożenia najnowszych technologii i nowoczesnego sprzętu lecz również do zastosowania układów rozdziału energii elektrycznej. Autorzy artykułu rozpatrują możliwość wykorzystania energii alternatywnej do zasilania potrzeb własnych podstacji trakcyjnych i wzmocnienia sieci trakcyjnej prądu stałego. Zastosowanie baterii słonecznych do punktów konwersji pozwala na przejście od zasilania centralnego do rozdziału energii elektrycznej, co z kolei zmniejsza zużycie i straty energii bezpośrednio w sieci trakcyjnej. Przedstawiona metodyka obliczeń dla typowej strefy międzypodstacyjnej pozwala określić wymagane moce punktów wzmacniających oraz ich liczbę w celu zapewnienia dopuszczalnego minimalnego napięcia w sieci jezdnej. Całościowa ocena wskaźników technicznych i ekonomicznych układów centralnego zasilania elektrotrakcyjnego i rozdziału energii elektrycznej na ogół wykazuje znaczne oszczędności energii elektrycznej.
The existing AC and DC system of traction power supply in terms of moral and physical infrastructure aging require further development and improvement in terms of ensuring the transmission of electrical energy required capacity and quality of electric rolling stock. Known methods for enhancing traction power supply are reduced not only the introduction of new technologies and equipment but the using of distributed power systems. The authors examine the possibility of using alternative energy to power the auxiliary traction substations and DC traction network improvement. The use of solar panels for converting points can make the transition from a centralized to a distributed power supply, which in turn reduces the expense and loss of electrical energy directly in the traction network. The above method of calculation for a typical traction zone is determined the required power amplifier and the number of points for the minimum voltage in the contact network. Evaluation of technical and economic indicators of centralized and distributed supply of traction power systems shows significant savings of electric power.
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W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu diagnostycznego górniczej ładowarki bocznie wysypującej, z wykorzystaniem rozproszonego systemu sterowania, bazującego na magistrali CAN. Zaprezentowano opracowywane w ITG KOMAG moduły wykorzystujące magistralę CAN przeznaczone do zabudowy w maszynach do pracy w wyrobiskach górniczych zagrożonych wybuchem metanu i pyłu węglowego zgodnie z dyrektywą ATEX. Przedstawiono układ pomiarowy, który pozwoli na nadzorowanie eksploatacji ładowarki oraz jej diagnostykę.
The concept of diagnostic system for mine side discharge loader with use of distributed control system, based on Controller Network Area (CAN), intended to be used in the machines designed according to ATEX Directive for operation in mine roadways threatened by methane or coal dust explosion hazard is presented in the paper. The measuring system which enables supervising the loader operation as well as its diagnostics, is described.
Context-aware computing is a paradigm that relies on the active use of information coming from a variety of sources, ranging from smartphones to sensors. The paradigm usually leads to storing large volumes of data that need to be processed to derive higher-level context information. The paper presents a cloud-based storage layer for managing sensitive context data. To handle the storage and aggregation of context data for context-aware applications, Clouds are perfect candidates. But a Cloud platform for context-aware computing needs to cope with several requirements: high concurrent access (all data needs to be available to potentially a large number of users), mobility support (such platform should actively use the caches on mobile devices whenever possible, but also cope with storage size limitations), real-time access guarantees – local caches should be located closer to the end-user whenever possible, and persistency (for traceability, a history of the context data should remain available). BlobSeer, a framework for Cloud data storage, is a perfect candidate for storing context data for large-scale applications. It offers capabilities such as persistency, concurrency and support for flexible storage schema requirement. On top of BlobSeer, Context Aware Framework is designed as an extension that offers context-aware data management to higherlevel applications, and enables scalable high-throughput under high-concurrency. On a logical level, the most important capabilities offered by Context Aware Framework are transparency, support for mobility, real-time guarantees and support for access based on meta-information. On the physical layer, the most important capability is persistent Cloud storage.
In this paper we present the concept of a scalable job centric monitoring infrastructure. The overall performance of this distributed, layer based architecture called SLAte can be increased by installing additional servers to adapt to the demands of the monitored resources and users. Another important aspect is to offer a uniform global view on all data which are stored distributed to provide an easy access for users or visualisation tools. Additionally we discus the impact of these uniform access layer on scalability.
Session guarantees define consistency properties of replicas in a distributed system from the point of view of a single, migrating client. Consistency is checked by ensuring execution of required operations by servers. Consistency protocols of session gua- rantees usually use version vectors for efficient representation of sets of writes. This paper presents performance evaluation of several consistency protocols of session guarantees that use different forms of version vectors. The evaluation was carried out by means of simu- lation experiments.
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We are concerned with the problem of defining a complex, hybrid, agent based discrete system in a modular way. The modularity results from looking at the system from a numbci of different perspectives, each dealing with a specific aspect of the system. As a solution a synchronisation operator is proposed which glues agent aware systems on shared agents and transitions. The construction turns out to be a categorical product. We also show that a logic to talk about the temporal and the structural properties of the product can be obtained by gluing suitable logical frameworks from the components.
W pracy rozważa się problem modularnego definiowania złożonych, hybrydowych, dyskretnych systemów agentowych. Modularność wynika z patrzenia na system z różnych perspektyw, z których każda opisuje pewne specyficzne jego aspekty. Zdefiniowano operator, który synchronizuje systemy agentoiuo zorientowane w oparciu o wspólnych agentów oraz tranzycje. Konstrukcja operatora synchonizującego okazuje się być produktem w odpowiedniej kategorii. Pokazano także, że logikę opisu temporalnych i strukturalnych własności systemu agentowego, będącego produktem perspektyw, można otrzymać przez odpowiednie złożenie systemów logicznych dla perspektyw.
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