Water is widely used in the mining industry, particularly in mineral enrichment processes. In the process of magnetic separation or flotation of crushed ore, a concentrate (an enriched product), and tailings (a product with a low content of a useful component) are obtained. One of the main tasks of enrichment processes is the efficient use of water resources. This is achieved by reclaiming and subsequent reusing water contained in ore beneficiation products by extracting it in industrial thickeners. Optimizing this process makes it possible to reduce water usage in the mining industry, reduce costs of mineral enrichment processes, and address extremely urgent environmental protection problems. To evaluate the process of sedimentation of the solid phase in the pulp within the thickener, measurements of parameters of longitudinal ultrasonic oscillations and Lamb waves that have traveled a fixed distance in the pulp and along the measuring surface in contact with it are used. The proposed approach allows for the consideration of pulp density, particle size of the solid phase in the ore material and the dynamics of changes in these parameters in the thickener at the initial stage of the sedimentation process. Based on the obtained values, adjustments can be made to the characteristics of its initial product, leading to reduced water usage and minimized loss of a useful component.
Availability, relative simplicity and low cost, combined with ever-increasing capabilities, have led to a significant increase in the use of ultrasonic measurements of mining process variables in recent times. The scope of application varies from the study of the characteristics of raw materials and products of its processing to the operational assessment of the current parameters characterising the state of the process equipment. The purpose of this study is to develop methods for obtaining information about the characteristics of mineral raw materials as a result of ultrasonic logging of wells in a rock mass. The proposed approach makes it possible to improve the quality of information support for the management of technological processes of mining and processing of ore and thereby improve the quality of products supplied to the metallurgical stage and reduce overall production costs.
Thickeners are process units that are often used at mining enterprises. There, they are involved in dehydration of mineral con-centration products when water is removed from wet tailings containing metal concentrates. In mineral processing, large quantities of process water are used to separate different minerals from each other, so dehydration plays a major role in ore processing and preparation for concentration. This research aims to develop methods and tools of ultrasonic measurement of characteristics of settlement of solid-phase slurry particles and to assess their possible application to the automatic control system of the thickener to improve its efficiency.
The article describes the method of controlling the recovered grade based on measuring the intensity of volume ultrasonic oscillations and Lamb waves covering a fixed distance through the test medium and on a metal plate contacting the test medium at various time points of deliberate motion of ground materials. The authors suggest a method of determining density of ground ore particles in the pulp periodically after isolating the pulp flow in the vertical part of the measuring vessel based on measuring attenuation change values in Lamb waves covering a fixed distance on a plate contacting the medium under study and high frequency volume ultrasonic oscillations that have come through it within a certain time period. There are given dependencies of amplitudes of measuring channels based on volume ultrasonic oscillations and surface Lamb waves, size distribution according to solid phase pulp particles for various types of ores under study, a set of curves for determining the recovered grade with regard to various types of ores under study.
Non-linear, dynamic, non-stationary properties characterize objects of the iron ore beneficiation line. Therefore, for their approximation, it is advisable to use models of the Hammerstein class. As a result of comparing the three models of Hammerstein: simple, parallel and recursive-parallel, it was shown that the best result for identifying the considered processes of magnetic beneficiation of iron ore by the minimum error criterion was obtained using the Hammerstein recursive-parallel model. Hence, it is recommended for the identification of beneficiation production objects.
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