Purpose: The purpose of the article is to diagnose the motives of remote work among working students in the context of creating a 5.0 society. The study focuses on analyzing the motives that lead young employees to choose remote work, and on determining the frequency of use of this form of employment. Design/methodology/approach: The reseach was a pilot study and included professionally active and working students of the Faculty of Management at the University of Technology in Bydgoszcz. The research method was an electronic survey. Among the data analysis methods used were structure analysis and cluster analysis. Findings: The results of the research indicate that young employees mostly prefer stationary work, especially if the tasks assigned to them require social interaction. In assessing the importance of motives for working remotely, respondents disagreed. However, the motives of greatest importance in their opinion turned out to be time saving, easier reconciliation of work and family life and flexible working hours. Research limitations/implications: The study was limited to a small group of WZ PBŚ students, so future research may include a wider group of employees from different organizations. Practical implications: The article provides information on the employee's perspective on the motives for using remote work and its frequency. Social implications: The article addresses issues of work-life balance implications, employee well-being, changing the way we interact socially and sustainability. Originality/value: The study provides empirical evidence on how young workers perceive aspects of remote work, what motivates them to work remotely and with what frequency they use it in a post-pandemic environment.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the remote work of public sector employees during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, taking into account the evaluation of the efficiency of the tasks performed, taking into account the type of position held, the experience of the employees, technical and organizational aspects, the inconvenience of the work and the level of digital competence. Design/methodology/approach: Providing remote work is becoming increasingly common, especially in the context of the Sars-CoV2 pandemic. Both employees and employers recognize the benefits of a flexible work model, as well as several limitations and challenges. The findings of past research on remote work and the study's results indicate the relevance of this research area. This is particularly important concerning the public sector, which is not the subject of as much interest as the private sector. The problem of remote work is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, hence the need for research using various research methods and techniques. Therefore, our research is based on a mixed approach. They took advantage of the literature analysis and legal regulations on remote work in the public sector and applied a diagnostic survey using a survey questionnaire. In turn, statistical methods such as the chi-square test, p-value, and Pearson's coefficient were used for analysis. Findings: The results of our study showed that the evaluation of the effectiveness of remote work by public sector employees varies. In addition, of the seven hypotheses posed, three were positively verified: (1) the effectiveness of remote work depends on organizational conditions; (2) the effectiveness of remote work depends on the support of supervisors; (3) The effectiveness of remote work is related to perceptions of changes in the quality of services during the e pandemic. The results also suggest the need to develop management training programs that consider the role of support and communication with employees in the context of remote work. Research limitations/implications: The study provided valuable information on evaluating remote work in the public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the study has some limitations. On the one hand, confirmation of three of the seven hypotheses indicates the existence of relationships between the variables studied, but at the same time, highlights the need for further research. The analysis focuses on the public sector, which may not be entirely representative of other sectors, and the focus on employee perceptions may affect the subjectivity of the results obtained. Practical implications: The study's results highlight several critical recommendations for organizations in the public sector. First, there is a need to develop training programs that focus on support and communication in the context of remote work to ensure higher efficiency. Second, there is a need to implement a communication strategy to ensure that information flows effectively when working remotely. In addition, organizations should regularly monitor and analyze employee satisfaction and performance to identify areas for improvement. Finally, analyzing the impact of remote work on the quality of services provided is essential to identify and provide the necessary resources or support in relevant areas. Originality/value: The article addresses the timely and relevant topic of the impact of pandemic on remote work, which represents a research gap. From the literature, the issue has been analyzed in the context of the commercial sector, while limited research exists for the government sector. Our research fills a gap in the literature on remote work in the public sector in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing valuable information on the effectiveness and factors affecting the quality of remote work in this sector.
Purpose: The impulse to write the article was the coming into force on 7 April 2023 of the amendment to the Labour Code, which introduced regulations regarding remote work. The possibility of an employee working remotely was provided for in Art. 3 of the Act of 2 March 2020, the act on special solutions related to the prevention, counteracting and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases, and crisis situations caused by them (The Act, 2020, Item 1842). Due to the temporary nature of the above-mentioned regulation, it became necessary to statutorily regulate the principles of remote work. The new regulations undoubtedly constitute a challenge for employers and make the issue of remote work in labour law important and topical. Author presents the definition and types of remote work, as well critically evaluates new regulations. Design/methodology/approach: The deliberations are based on the related literature on the subject and an analysis of the legal provisions applicable in the area under discussion. Findings: The current structure of remote working is less restrictive. The amendment does not specify any conditions enabling the introduction of remote work. The current regulation allows for more flexibility than with teleworking, because remote work does not always have to be only work the effects of which can be sent via electronic communication. There are also some criticisms of the above, though. The new regulation is extensive, and numerous references to other articles make the provisions relatively illegible. The procedure for agreeing on remote work has been significantly formalised, and part of the risk associated with its performance has been transferred to the employee. Practical implications: Adjusting their business to the new legal requirements, entrepreneurs will need to implement far-reaching organisational changes. For this reason, knowledge about the remote work regulations has become increasingly important. Originality/value: The article raises the issue of remote work, which is important not only from the point of view of the employee but also from the entrepreneur’s perspective. The issues arising from this are the subject of only a few publications.
Adopting and using metaverse technologies for remote work is increasingly becoming a focal point for organizations across industries, including the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. This study aims to investigate the organizational drivers that influence the intention to use the metaverse for remote work within the FMCG industry. Using the extended TAM framework, the study investigated the effects of various constructs on organizational adoption intentions, including leadership support, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, organizational culture, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Primary data was collected from 341 respondents comprising executives and middle managers from representative multinational FMCG companies. The analysis was conducted using correlation analysis and multiple regression analyses. The results revealed that social influence, organizational culture, performance expectancy, leadership support and facilitating conditions significantly influenced the intention to adopt metaverse in remote work. Corporate culture was also found to have a significant influence on found corporate culture to significantly affect effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. The research recommended the importance of cultivating a supportive corporate culture. The top-level management should actively support and champion metaverse adoption initiatives. Additionally, firms operating in the FMCG sector should invest in robust network infrastructure, compatible hardware, and software necessary for metaverse adoption.
Przyjęcie i wykorzystanie technologii metaverse do pracy zdalnej staje się coraz ważniejszym punktem zainteresowania organizacji w różnych branżach, w tym w sektorze dóbr szybko zbywalnych (FMCG). Celem niniejszych dociekań jest zbadanie czynników organizacyjnych wpływających na zamiar wykorzystania metaverse do pracy zdalnej w branży FMCG. Wykorzystując rozszerzony model TAM, badanie analizowało wpływ różnych konstrukcji na zamiary organizacyjne dotyczące wdrożenia, w tym wsparcie liderów, oczekiwaną wydajność, oczekiwany wysiłek, kulturę organizacyjną, wpływ społeczny oraz warunki sprzyjające. Dane pierwotne zostały zebrane od 341 respondentów, w tym dyrektorów i menedżerów średniego szczebla z reprezentatywnych międzynarodowych firm FMCG. Badania zostały przeprowadzone przy użyciu analizy korelacji i analiz regresji wielokrotnej. Wyniki ujawniły, że wpływ społeczny, kultura organizacyjna, oczekiwana wydajność, wsparcie liderów i warunki sprzyjające znacząco wpływają na zamiar wdrożenia metaverse do pracy zdalnej. Wyniki ujawniły, że wpływ społeczny, kultura organizacyjna, oczekiwania dotyczące wydajności, wsparcie ze strony kierownictwa oraz warunki ułatwiające znacząco wpłynęły na chęć wdrożenia metaverse do pracy zdalnej. Badanie podkreśliło znaczenie kultywowania wspierającej kultury korporacyjnej. Zarząd najwyższego szczebla powinien aktywnie wspierać i promować inicjatywy wdrażania metaverse. Dodatkowo, firmy działające w sektorze FMCG powinny inwestować w solidną infrastrukturę sieciową, kompatybilny sprzęt i oprogramowanie niezbędne do wdrożenia metaverse.
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The research subject pertains to urgent matters concerning the evolving character of work, obstacles in regulations, and financial approaches adopted by organisations. The study is substantiated by its significance in the present-day business realm, its capacity to enlighten strategic decision-making, and its contribution to the ongoing discussions concerning the prospective nature of work. The research aims to thoroughly comprehend the monetary consequences of remote and hybrid work models. These aims encompass assessing financial metrics, examining the connection between work models and employee dynamics, and scrutinising the regulatory framework influencing financial decisions in the changing work environment. This qualitative study examines the financial implications of remote and hybrid work model trends. It focuses on the viewpoint of CEOs, CFOs, HR executives, and other critical management positions across various industries due to the growing remote work trend. The research conducted in-depth interviews with 20 management position holders to explore their experiences and decision-making processes. The study investigates how businesses integrate regulatory considerations into financial decision-making, address legal compliance, and adjust financial strategies to cater to remote work requirements. Furthermore, this research analyses the impact of tax implications on financial planning, necessitating closer collaboration between finance teams and tax experts. The research shows that adhering to regulations and labour laws directly impacts how much money is allocated for legal consultations and adjustments required for remote work. Tax implications are also important in financial decision-making, and organisations often seek expert advice to understand the financial impact. In addition, knowledge about government initiatives and incentives can help organisations make informed decisions about financial strategies, especially regarding technology investments and employee support programmes. The research presents significant qualitative viewpoints regarding the complex correlation among regulatory environments, financial decision-making, and the acceptance of remote and hybrid work patterns. The results provide applicable consequences for businesses dealing with the changing conditions of work models and add to the broader discussion on the future of work.
Tematyka badawcza dotyczy pilnych zagadnień związanych ze zmieniającym się charakterem pracy, przeszkodami regulacyjnymi oraz podejściem finansowym organizacji. Badanie potwierdza jego znaczenie we współczesnej sferze biznesowej, jego zdolność do podejmowania strategicznych decyzji oraz wkład w toczące się dyskusje na temat perspektywicznego charakteru pracy. Badanie ma na celu dogłębne zrozumienie konsekwencji finansowych modeli pracy zdalnej i hybrydowej. Cel ten obejmuje ocenę wskaźników finansowych, zbadanie powiązań między modelami pracy a dynamiką pracowników oraz analizę ram regulacyjnych wpływających na decyzje finansowe w zmieniającym się środowisku pracy. Badanie jakościowe analizuje finansowe implikacje trendów w modelach pracy zdalnej i hybrydowej. Koncentruje się na punkcie widzenia dyrektorów generalnych, dyrektorów finansowych, dyrektorów HR i innych krytycznych stanowisk kierowniczych w różnych branżach ze względu na rosnący trend pracy zdalnej. W ramach badania przeprowadzono wywiady pogłębione z 20 osobami na stanowiskach kierowniczych, aby poznać ich doświadczenia i procesy decyzyjne. W badaniu sprawdzono, w jaki sposób firmy uwzględniają kwestie regulacyjne w procesie podejmowania decyzji finansowych, zajmują się zgodnością z prawem i dostosowują strategie finansowe, aby sprostać wymaganiom pracy zdalnej. Ponadto w badaniu przeanalizowano wpływ implikacji podatkowych na planowanie finansowe, co wymaga ściślejszej współpracy między zespołami finansowymi a ekspertami podatkowymi. Z badań wynika, że przestrzeganie przepisów prawa pracy ma bezpośredni wpływ na to, ile pieniędzy przeznacza się na konsultacje prawne i dostosowania wymagane do pracy zdalnej. Implikacje podatkowe są również ważne w podejmowaniu decyzji finansowych, a organizacje często zwracają się o poradę eksperta, aby zrozumieć skutki finansowe. Poza tym wiedza na temat inicjatyw i zachęt rządowych może pomóc organizacjom w podejmowaniu świadomych decyzji dotyczących strategii finansowych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do inwestycji technologicznych i programów wsparcia pracowników. W badaniu przedstawiono istotne pod względem jakości punkty widzenia dotyczące złożonej korelacji między środowiskami regulacyjnymi, podejmowaniem decyzji finansowych oraz akceptacją modeli pracy zdalnej i hybrydowej. Wyniki dostarczają odpowiednie konsekwencje dla przedsiębiorstw zajmujących się zmieniającymi się warunkami modeli pracy i wnoszą wkład w szerszą dyskusję na temat przyszłości pracy.
Behaviours toward sustainable consumption periodic activities that improve the quality of life and improve relations with the environment. The aim of the study is to identify similarities and differences in employees’ behaviours according to the form of fully remote and hybrid work. The final data was collected through a survey of 360 respondents working remotely or hybrid. Hypotheses were tested using factor analysis. Four different behavioural areas were identified and analysed: eating and shopping habits, media and product consumption. Results indicate that remote workers more often than hybrids avoid shopping centres, refrain from purchasing ICT equipment and make a shopping list. Hybrid workers purchase food from local producers. The similarities between the worker groups are in the selection and consumption of food, with some exceptions. The control variable gender showed the greater involvement of women in sustainable consumption compared to men. The study suggests that managers and decision-makers should adopt strategies for strengthening employee attitudes toward implementing sustainable consumption in the workplace to enhance awareness and change worker’s habits.
Zachowania w kierunku zrównoważonej konsumpcji wpisują się w działania, które poprawiają jakość życia i wpływają na poprawę relacji ze środowiskiem. Celem badania jest identyfikacja podobieństw i różnic w zachowaniach pracowników w zależności od formy pracy zdalnej w tym trybu w pełni zdalnego i hybrydowego. Na podstawie wyników ankiety prze-prowadzono analizę hierarchiczną w czterech obszarach, która wykazała, że pracownicy zdalni częściej przygotowują posiłki, dbają o zdrowie, ale pracownicy hybrydowi wykazali przewagę jedynie w konsumpcji mediów. Pomimo tego, że grupy zdalne i hybrydowe nie w pełni spełniają standardy zrównoważonej konsumpcji, to wykazują podobieństwa i różnice w wybranych postawach. Badanie służy pogłębieniu wiedzy na temat postaw wobec zrównoważonej konsumpcji wśród pracowników zdalnych i hybrydowych. Wspiera osoby zainteresowane stanem świadomości konsumpcyjnej, pracując zdalnie. Artykuł jest częścią dyskusji na temat zrównoważonych działań w firmie. W badaniu uwzględniono diagnozę podobieństw i różnic w podejściu pracowników zdalnych i hybrydowych, wskazując postawy wobec zrównoważonej konsumpcji w różnych środowiskach pracy.
Tematem opracowania jest analiza potencjalnego wpływu powszechnej implementacji hybrydowego modelu pracy biurowej na środowisko naturalne. Obejmuje ona między innymi symulacje oszczędności zużycia energii i paliw, a także potencjalnego wstrzymania realizacji nowych obiektów biurowych, pod warunkiem wprowadzenia w Polsce powszechnego systemu pracy hybrydowej dla pracowników sektora usług.
The subject of this study is an analysis of the potential environmental impact of the widespread implementation of a hybrid office working model. It includes, among other things, simulations of energy and fuel consumption savings, as well as the potential halt in the construction of new office buildings, conditional on the introduction of a universal hybrid working system for service sector employees in Poland.
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Głównym celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie i zaprezentowanie, jak kształtował się poziom dobrostanu pracowników polskiej branży IT pracujących zdalnie. Opracowanie dostarcza praktycznych implikacji do budowania marki pracodawcy i zarządzania zespołami zdalnymi w postcovidowej rzeczywistości. Przeprowadzone badania skupiają się na branży IT jako niezwykle konkurencyjnej pod względem utrzymania zaangażowania i motywacji pracowników. Badanie ilościowe zostało przeprowadzone we wrześniu 2021 r. na grupie 1889 respondentów - pracowników pracujących zdalnie w siedmiu polskich oddziałach międzynarodowej korporacji, która jest jednym z największych pracodawców w branży IT w Polsce. Chociaż większość przedsiębiorstw z branży IT w Polsce nie wdraża strategii zarządzania dobrostanem pracowników, przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że ogólny poziom dobrostanu pracowników jest wysoki. Niemniej jednak programy związane z zarządzaniem dobrostanem pracowników powinny być opracowywane i na bieżąco wdrażane przez firmy, aby utrzymać wysoki poziom zaangażowania i motywacji pracowników pracujących zdalnie. Autorki doszły do wniosku, że strategie employer branding powinny zostać zrewidowane zgodnie z nową perspektywą uwzględniającą potrzeby pracowników pracujących zdalnie w zakresie dobrostanu: psychicznego, społecznego i fizycznego. Na podstawie analiz przeprowadzonych w niniejszym opracowaniu rekomenduje się organizacjom włączanie kwestii zarządzania dobrostanem pracowników pracujących zdalnie do strategii employer branding, co według menedżerów znacząco wpływa nie tylko na zaangażowanie i motywację zespołów, lecz również na budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku pracodawców.
The main purpose of the article is to examine and analyze the well-being among employees of the Polish IT industryworking remotely. The study provides practical implications for building an employer brand and managing remote teams in the post-covid reality. The conducted research focuses on the IT industry as extremely competitive in terms of keeping employees engaged and motivated. The quantitative study was conducted in September 2021, on a group of 1,889 respondents - employees working remotely in seven Polish branches of an international corporation, which is one of the largest employers in the Polish IT industry. Although the majority of IT companies in Poland do not implement employee well-being management strategies, the conducted research shows that the overall level of employee well-being is high. Nevertheless, programs related to the management of employee well-being should be developed and implemented on an ongoing basis by companies to maintain a high level of engagement and motivation of employees working remotely. The authors carne to the conclusion that employer branding strategies should be revised based on a new perspective, taking into account the needs of employees working remotely in terms of well-being: mental, social and physical. Based on the analyzes carried out in this study, companies are recommended to include the issue of managing the well-being of employees working remotely in their employer branding strategy, which, in the opinion of managers, significantly affects not only the involvement and motivation of teams, but also builds a positive image of employers.
Praca zdalna w ostatnich latach stała się popularną i pożądaną formą na polskim rynku pracy. Została ona w dużym stopniu wymuszona przez pandemię COVID-19, jednak jej specyfika spowodowała, że wielu pracowników i pracodawców chciałoby ją utrzymać chociaż częściowo tak że po pandemii. Część pracowników nadal postrzega ją jako pewnego rodzaju przywilej i ułatwienie w realizowaniu obowiązków rodzinnych. Innym kojarzy się ona z pandemią i zakazem opuszczania mieszkania bez wyraźnej potrzeby. Ocena pracy zdalnej jest zatem subiektywna, uzależniona od zawodu i kwalifikacji wykonującego ją pracownika, jego sytuacji rodzinnej i zdrowotnej, a nawet miejsca zamieszkania. Opinie pracowników na ten temat stały się przedmiotem różnorodnych badań, w tym badań własnych autorki. Pokazują one, że istnieje duże zapotrzebowanie na tę formę pracy, jednak nie w pełnym wymiarze godzin. Najczęściej respondenci chcieliby pracować z domu 2-3 dni w tygodniu roboczym. Jest to zjawisko o tak dużej skali, że istnieje potrzeba szybkiego uregulowania przepisów dotyczących pracy zdalnej. Prawdopodobnie nastąpi to w najbliższym czasie, gdyż projekt przepisów wprowadzających zmiany w Kodeksie pracy trafił już do sejmu.
Remote work has become a popular and desirable form on the Polish labor market in recent years. It was largely forced by the COVID-19 pandemic but its specificity meant that many employees and employers would like to maintain it, at least partially, also after the pandemic. Some employees still perceive it as a kind of privi lege and help in fulfilling family duties. Others associate it with the pandemic and a ban on leaving the apartment without a clear need. The assessment of remote work is therefore subjective, depending on the profession and qualifications of the employee performing it, his family and health situation and even his place of residence. The opinions of employees on this matter have become the subject of various studies, including the author's own research. These studies show that there is a high demand for this form of work but not in a full -time system . Most respondents would like to work from home 2-3 days a week. This is a phenomenon on such scale that there is a need to regulate quickly the rules on remote work. This will probably happen in the near future, as the draft provisions amending the Labor Code have already been submitted to the Sejm.
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Purpose: The aim of this article is to describe employees’ expectations and managers’ practices in the implementation and use of tools supporting remote work. Design/methodology/approach: To this end, employee opinion surveys were conducted using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) method (n = 500) and structured interviews were performed with managers (n = 14). Cross tabulation was employed to quantitatively verify statistically significant relationships and coding of the interview contents was applied in the qualitative analysis. Findings: Based on the results, the impact of personal skills, IT support and tool selection on the use of remote work tools (and employee satisfaction) are assessed. Research limitations/implications: In view of the newly emerging employee challenges it seems critical to refer to the latest research and constantly update the knowledge of all those involved. Hybrid work can change employees’ opinions and attitudes and further diversify teams’ expectations towards managers as well as the tools they use. Practical implications: Good practices are identified and recommendations are formulated regarding the application of the tools by managers in practice. Originality/value: The article organizes the issues of using technical tools for management during forced remote work. It shows employees expectations and best practices, which could be valuable for managers.
Purpose: The main purpose of the paper is to identify the gap between the risks indicated by managers at the beginning of the pandemic and some selected actual challenges. Design/methodology/approach: The text includes both a literature review and the authors’ own study consisting of two parts. The first one deals directly with how companies manage risk. The study used a descriptive form that was completed by managers in the first half of 2020. The second part of the study was conducted using the CAWI method and concerned the evaluation of remote working from the perspective of employees. The particular value of combining these surveys is the possibility to compare risk management with the actual risk. External reports were also used to comment on the results. Findings: Research findings concerning the risks identified at the beginning of the pandemic and the attempt to assess them through the prism of the opinions of employees who worked under pandemic conditions indicate that technology will be an important aspect of many components of the HR function in the future. Thus, it can be accepted that the technological aspect (including the increasing use of IT at work) should be more widely taken into account by employers in the HR risk management methodologies. It is useful to carry out ex-post analysis in risk management methodologies in order to improve the methods of risk identification. Research limitations/implications: The research results presented and the statements put forward are certainly subject to limitations. As mentioned earlier, many of the indications are region- or sector-specific, and a detailed assessment of risk management must be carried out using case study methods. The conclusions arrived at should therefore be treated in a directional manner. However, this does not change the fact that the pandemic itself is certainly a regional as well as a universal issue and poses similar challenges to all. Practical implications: Pointing to the application aspect of the study results, it is worth noting that COVID-19 effects or market changes are conducive to the creation of new standards in the field of human resources risk and the promotion of sustainable use of human capital. The research methodology can be used to analyse the phenomenon of HR risk in organisations, and the research results can be a valuable contribution to building the mentioned standards in organisations. Social implications: Work on new types of risk should also have a positive impact on human capital construction. Further advances in knowledge in this area will be particularly important as it is estimated that the challenges of work organisation (including remote working) in times of pandemic will stay for long time. Originality/value: This paper addresses the issue of HR risk management in the face of the pandemic and the development of remote working. The research problem being identified is whether the pandemic situation gives rise to new areas of HR risk and whether the experiences of this period should influence the way risk is managed in the future.
Purpose: In response to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, many employers have decided to switch to remote work. This form of work has become a new professional reality for employees representing all generations. Each of them in their own way found themselves in these new working conditions. The article focuses on the experience of the youngest cohort of workers in this regard. The main goal of the paper is to recognize the experience of Generation Z employees in the area of remote work and to identify key factors that, in the opinion of representatives of Generation Z, favor or limit remote work in an uncertain time of Covid-19. Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted a diagnostic survey with a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was carried out using the CAWI method. It was filled in by 334 respondents who represent Generation Z, professionally active, who worked remotely during the pandemic. As many as 310 questionnaires were selected for the final analysis. Findings: Young people like the model of remote work because they can derive many benefits from it. Representatives of Generation Z wonder whether the return to office work will deprive them of their privileges and make them submit to a certain discipline and rules applicable there. Research limitations/implications: Due to the limitations of the research sample it is important to underline that generalizing the research results must be done with caution. The authors of the article intend to continue the research carried out on the discussed topic, as well as in the field of adaptability to remote work of other three generations: Y, X, and BB. Practical implications: Recognition of experience of both employers and young employees in the field of remote work, there is a great opportunity for new solutions in HRM and work management, more relevant to the challenges of the pandemic and post-pandemic world of work. Originality/value: The paper analyzes the remote work experience of employees in pandemic reality. Its value is to look at the issue from the perspective of the experience of the youngest employees representing Generation Z. The article is addressed to human resources managers.
Purpose: The article's primary goal is to identify the most important values in the life of representatives of Generation Z after their experience of remote work in an uncertain time of COVID-19 pandemic and critical competencies essentials at home-office. Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted a diagnostic survey with a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was carried out using the CAWI method. It was filled in by 310 respondents who represent Generation Z, are professionally active and worked remotely during the pandemic. Frequency and percentage statistics and descriptive parametric were applied in the statistical evaluation. Findings: The research results showed that, in Gen Z-ers' opinion, they need specific competencies to be effective in remote work. They indicated the most important ones: the ability to use remote technologies and manage their own time, independent problem solving, self-motivation and commitment. Research limitations/implications: The authors intend to continue the research carried out in the discussed topic, as well as in the field of adaptability to remote work of other three generations, i.e., Y, X and BB. Due to the limitations of the research sample, it is important to underline that generalizing the research results must be done with caution. Practical implications: Human resource managers are challenged to develop the competencies necessary for effective work in a virtual environment. It is also a guideline for which areas employees need support and appropriate training policy. Originality/value: Our paper contributes to the latest insight into essential competencies for Gen Z in remote work. Managers need this knowledge to manage young employees from the Z generation best and ensure their effectiveness while working remotely.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the challenges that are significant for the implementation of remote work in the opinion of the representatives of Generation Z in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The implementation of the chosen goal was possible thanks to the literature review and the survey carried out among the representatives of Generation Z in Poland. The empirical part of the article presents the results of the authors' own research. The survey was conducted among representatives of the Z generation and concerned the perception of challenges related to remote work and the assessment of their impact on its implementation. Findings: Working time flexibility and remote work outside the office are becoming the norm. The conducted research allowed to identify the perception of challenges for the implementation of remote work by representatives of Generation Z in Poland. According to the respondents, the most important of them are: the necessity of technical and IT development of the organization and its resources. It is important to develop the competences of employees, both those necessary to manage remote work (virtual teams) and its implementation in accordance with the expectations of the employer. Great importance is also attached to the need to monitor remote work by the employer (implementation of the control function in management) and the development of self-control skills and self-discipline of employees. Research limitations/implications: The conducted research is one of the first in Poland and may be an inspiration for the next ones. Their limitation is the number of respondents who took part in the survey. Nevertheless, conducting them allowed to identify the perception of the challenges of implementing remote work by representatives of Generation Z in Poland. Practical implications: The awareness of the challenges related to remote work among the representatives of Generation Z allows for better preparation of the organization, both employees and managers, for the implementation of remote work. Originality/value: The value of the article is the identification of the perception of challenges for the implementation of remote work by employees of Generation Z. Research was carried out on representatives of a generation that, due to the knowledge of new technologies, seems to be prepared for remote work, and in the coming years will constitute an increasing percentage of people on the labor market (both as specialists and managers). The research shows that in order to achieve the benefits of remote work for both the employee and the employer, it is necessary to meet the challenges of working in a virtual environment. The results and conclusions of the conducted research may be useful for managers, employees and job applicants who should develop the required competences.
Hałas jest jednym z najbardziej powszechnych czynników szkodliwych i uciążliwych w miejscu pracy. Jakie stanowiska pracy są na niego szczególnie narażone i jak można się przed nim ochronić?
The article assesses the quality of an employee's work while performing remote work, which was introduced in connection with the pandemic of the new COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which posed a threat to health and life. The research results were collected using a statistical method in the form of an Internet questionnaire. The assessment of this way of working was made on two time levels, when remote work was introduced on a massive scale and 1.5 years from then on. The survey was conducted periodically and was generally available to the units belonging to the study group for a period of three months. The survey questionnaire has been made available so that the largest number of people who meet the survey requirements have access to it. Internet portals and groups associating office workers were used.
W artykule dokonano oceny jakości pracy pracownika podczas wykonywania pracy zdalnej, która została wprowadzona w związku z pandemią nowej choroby COVID-19 wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2, stanowiącej zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia. Wyniki badań zebrano metodą statystyczną w postaci ankiety internetowej. Oceny tego sposobu pracy dokonano na dwóch poziomach czasowych, kiedy na masową skalę wprowadzono pracę zdalną i 1,5 roku od tego momentu. Ankieta była przeprowadzana cyklicznie i była ogólnie dostępna dla jednostek należących do badanej grupy przez okres trzech miesięcy. Kwestionariusz ankiety został udostępniony tak, aby jak największa liczba osób spełniających wymagania ankiety miała do niego dostęp. Wykorzystano portale internetowe oraz grupy zrzeszające pracowników biurowych.
W artykule przedstawiona została platforma Whiteboard, dająca możliwość wsparcia edukacji zdalnej, oraz refleksje autora z jej zastosowania. Ponadto analizowane są aspekty wykorzystania tej platformy w kształceniu stacjonarnym.
The distant teaching during pandemic provoked all the teachers searching some tools that could support their job. In the paper the platform Whiteboard is presented. Moreover, the author shares her reflections on its practical use. The platform gives a lot of opportunities to support teaching in STEM subjects, like mathematical formulas in MSWord-type editor and in LaTeX editor, graphs of functions, charts, angles or rulers. It allows for individual work of each student under supervision of the teacher and giving/receiving the support when only it is needed. Moreover, this tool can be used to provoke discussion in the class, in the cases of correct or incorrect solutions. This way it supports creation and development of abilities: of critical thinking and finding the correct arguments in the discussion. The Whiteboard platform occurred to be perfect tool for activation of students during distant learning. They were aware that their work (or its lack) is visible for the teacher, so the students were motivated to get prepared to the practical classes, basing on the earlier lectures. The platform can be used to achieve the same goals in the stationary teaching.
Pandemia koronawirusa miała istotny wpływ na rynek pracy w Polsce, zmusiła pracodawców i pracowników do dokonania zmian i przystosowania się do nowych warunków. Spowodowała transformację wielu procesów w firmach, m.in. procesów rekrutacji i selekcji kandydatów. Przedsiębiorstwa wprowadziły nowe zasady rekrutacji dostosowane do sytuacji. Gdy bezpośrednie kontakty zostały ograniczone, okazało się, że skuteczne zatrudnianie nowych pracowników jest możliwe zdalnie. Firmy zaczęły aranżować spotkania online z kandydatami, które dały wiele nowych możliwości – firmy mogły zatrudniać specjalistów z całej Polski. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie nowoczesnych i tradycyjnych metod selekcji. Wskazano, w jaki sposób prowadzić e-rekrutację, z jakich nowoczesnych narzędzi korzystać w trakcie procesu doboru. Opisano, na czym polegają: wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji w procesie rekrutacji, automatyzacja procesów rekrutacyjnych oraz niekonwencjonalne metody selekcji, takie jak np. grywalizacja. Druga część artykułu zawiera opis tradycyjnych metod selekcji. W części tej dokonano charakterystyki takich metod, jak np.: assessment center, analiza danych biograficznych, test kompetencyjny.
The coronavirus pandemic had a significant impact on the labor market in Poland. It forced employers and employees to make changes and adapt to new conditions. It has transformed many processes in companies, including the recruitment and selection of candidates. Enterprises have introduced new recruitment rules. When direct contact was limited, it turned out that it was possible to successfully hire new employees remotely. Companies began to arrange online meetings with candidates, which led to many new opportunities – companies could hire specialists from all over Poland. The aim of the article is to present modern and traditional selection methods. The article describes how to conduct e-recruitment and what kind of modern tools to use during the selection process. It describes the use of artificial intelligence in the recruitment process and the automation of recruitment processes. Unconventional selection methods, such as gamification, have been described. The second part of the article contains the characteristics of traditional selection methods. This part describes the characteristics of such methods as, for example, Assessment Center, analysis of biographical data, and a competence test.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję stanowiska i program badań komunikacji silnika asynchronicznego pierścieniowego i pomiarów jego parametrów pracy w sposób zdalny. W tym celu stworzono sprawną aplikację, która umożliwi komunikację oraz udostępnianie danych pomiarowych. Aplikacja została napisana w Javie z użyciem bazy danych H2. Natomiast aplikacja webowa, wykorzystywana do komunikacji zdalnej studentów ze stanowiskiem tzw. front-end, została napisana we frameworku Flutter.
The article presents the concept of the stand and the program of research of the asynchronous ring motor communication and measurements of its operating parameters remotely. For this purpose, an application has been created that will enable communication and sharing of measurement data. The application was written in Java using the H2 database. On the other hand, the web application, used for remote communication of students with the position of the so-called front-end was written in the Flutter framework.
JavaScript jest wyłączony w Twojej przeglądarce internetowej. Włącz go, a następnie odśwież stronę, aby móc w pełni z niej korzystać.