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Purpose: The main reason for writing the article is a will to research the current problems of spatial order and cultural heritage in Toruń and its neighbourhood. Design/methodology/approach: There were three methods used for the research -the document examination method, the quantitative-statistical method, and the observational method. The objectives can be considered as achieved. The main subject scope of the paper was applying a very broad and multidisciplinary approach to the topic, considering whether globalisation and European integration, in terms of economic development, have an impact on the condition of the architectural space, especially the spatial order and the cultural heritage in Toruń and its closest vicinity. Findings: The situation of spatial development, town planning and preservation of cultural heritage in Toruń and its surroundings is not in the best condition. The built environment in this area does not experience such a harmonious and aesthetic development as it could. In many cases, one can talk about a decrease in different kinds of its values, for instance, cultural ones, perhaps except the financial values of real estate. Important drawbacks causing this state of affairs are market mechanisms, pressure from investors, and the inefficiency of blocking and securing mechanisms, which is related to the wrong law and weak management. Research limitations/implications: The main problems of spatial order and cultural heritage are very complex and require further research. Practical implications: The paper is connected with practice in the subject field. Social implications: The article’s social implications are an important value of the work. Originality/value: Even though this is not the first voice about spatial chaos in Poland, the situation is fundamentally not improving. The problem has been repeatedly confirmed not only in publications of scientists and specialists but even in government documents. In this study, an attempt was made to draw attention to a special, interdisciplinary aspect of the issue. The value of the paper is putting together many different issues which influence spatial order and cultural heritage. It is addressed to both scientists and monument lovers.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to determine the level of development in the EU-10 countrie in view of social phenomena. Design/methodology/approach: the TOPSIS method was applied to rank countries in terms of social phenomena – the list comprised countries, which in 2004 accessed the EU. The paper focused on social phenomena, i.e. health, the labour market, housing, demography and education. Findings: It refers to the basic assumptions and the importance of integration in the international context as well as the related theories. Moreover, it presents the relationship between integration and the level of development in countries in terms of the social aspects. At the same time it discusses the process of social changes which have taken place in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEESs) since their accession to the European Union. Research limitations/implications: The text discusses problems related to the European integration and social development in the EU countries. Practical implications: The manuscript concerns social development in the EU-10 countries and European integration. It may be of interest for the broadly understood governmental sector. Social consequences: Conducted studies will constitute the basis for the development of European and national development strategies in terms of improvement of welfare for the populations, while also indicating the direction of changes and ensuring comparability of the results concerning transformations in the countries, which accessed the EU in 2004. Originality/value: The originality of the study will stem from the application of the TOPSIS method, required to classify the countries and to determine the standard of their development in terms of social phenomena.
The article researches the development state of transport and transport infrastructure in Ukraine over last years. The research findings specify the topicality of the issue solution concerning the enhancement of transport and transport infrastructure in the conditions of structural, energy and financial crises, as well as considering a destructive influence of COVID-19 pandemic, occupation of Crimea, an anti-terrorist operation in East of Ukraine and a full-scale intervention of the Russian Federation started on February 24, 2022. Such methods of improving transport and transport infrastructure development in Ukraine have been offered under the research findings: the increase of public administration level with regard to all aspects of transport infrastructure; the use of proactive management; activation of searches and implementation of investment projects; introduction of an institute of public- private partnership on transport; partial and temporary decrease of tax burden; the development of complex solutions for transport services consumers under the infrastructure areas; optimization of transport pricing, etc.
The generalization of the European experience in waste management in the context of the directives, decisions and regulations adopted in the last decade in the European Union, as well as the state of the organizational, economic and regulatory framework for solving the waste problem in Ukraine, reveals a systemic lag in the implementation of new conceptual, methodological and practical approaches to the formation of an appropriate state policy. The dynamics of handling certain types of waste in Ukraine have been analyzed. Features of disposal and waste management in Ukraine have been identified. A comparative assessment of the dynamics of waste generation in European countries and Ukraine per capita has been carried out, a block model of the financing system for the waste management sector in Ukraine has been formed and the directions of effective waste management in Ukraine have been determined. Furthermore, priority policy measures for waste management and secondary resource use in Ukraine have been formulated.
Porównanie europejskich doświadczeń w gospodarce odpadami w kontekście dyrektyw, decyzji i rozporządzeń przyjętych w ostatniej dekadzie w Unii Europejskiej, a także stanu ram organizacyjnych, ekonomicznych i regulacyjnych z ukraińskimi wykazało systemowe opóźnienie rozwiązywania problemu odpadów w Ukrainie we wdrażaniu nowych podejść koncepcyjnych, metodologicznych i praktycznych do kształtowania odpowiedniej polityki państwa. Przeanalizowano dynamikę postępowania z niektórymi rodzajami odpadów w Ukrainie. Zidentyfikowano cechy unieszkodliwiania i gospodarowania odpadami w Ukrainie. Przeprowadzono charakterystykę porównawczą dynamiki per capita wytwarzania odpadów w krajach europejskich i w Ukrainie. Powstał blokowy model systemu finansowania sektora gospodarki odpadami w Ukrainie i wyznaczono kierunki jego efektywnej gospodarki. Sformułowano priorytetowe środki polityki w zakresie gospodarki odpadami i wykorzystania zasobów wtórnych. Priorytetowo potraktowano szereg przeszkód na drodze efektywnej gospodarki odpadami w Ukrainie. W kontekście kształtowania efektywnej strategii gospodarowania odpadami zalecono uporządkowanie jej trzech elementów składowych podsystemu: wpływów (źródeł powstawania) środków, ich akumulacji oraz kosztów (wydatków). Zaproponowana struktura wskazuje na obecność wielu przepływów środków, z których każdy jest w dużej mierze autonomiczny, ale razem tworzą komplementarny system. Zaproponowano ulepszenia ram prawnych. W szczególności zaleca się przeznaczenie większych środków na reorientację istniejącego modelu gospodarczego, co stworzy nowe warunki biznesowe i zwiększy napływ inwestycji do kraju.
In the article shows the stages of strategic audit of the health system in Ukraine context of the concept of social-ethical marketing. It was concluded on trends in the relationship between the reduction of specialized medical facilities and the reduction of the population based on the results of multivariate correlation and regression analysis. A survey of the population on access to health services shows that the majority of respondents do not have the opportunity to receive adequate medical care, which is exacerbated by declining incomes and the economic crisis. It was concluded that the health care system of Ukraine does not comply with the socio-ethical norms and principles of the marketing strategy of medical services. It was proposed to improve the reform of the health care system of Ukraine in terms of its compliance with socio-ethical principles.
W artykule przedstawiono etapy strategicznego audytu systemu ochrony zdrowia w Ukrainie, w kontekście koncepcji marketingu społeczno-etycznego. Na podstawie wyników wielowymiarowej analizy korelacji i regresji sformułowano wnioski, dotyczące trendów, w związku między redukcją wyspecjalizowanych placówek medycznych, a redukcją populacji. Z badania ankietowego, dotyczącego dostępu do świadczeń zdrowotnych wynika, że większość respondentów nie ma możliwości uzyskania odpowiedniej opieki medycznej, co jest pogłębiane przez spadające dochody i kryzys gospodarczy. Stwierdzono, że system opieki zdrowotnej Ukrainy nie spełnia norm społeczno-etycznych i zasad strategii marketingowej usług medycznych. Zaproponowano poprawę reformy systemu opieki zdrowotnej Ukrainy, pod kątem zgodności z zasadami społeczno-etycznymi
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to establish the place of Ukraine on the process of European integration and the identification of obstacles to full membership in the European Union. Design/methodology/approach: The methodological and theoretical basis of the article is the fundamental provisions of economic theory, the works of scientists and economists in the field of international economic relations and integration. Findings: The article explores the problems of Ukraine’s integration into the EU. The study analyzed the attitude of Ukrainians towards European integration, identified the main arguments for and against accession to the EU countries, as well as the main internal and external threats of the integration process. It has been determined that in recent years the proportion of the population that has supported Ukraine’s accession to the EU has significantly increased. From the integration into the EU, Ukrainians primarily expect to expand the space of their own capabilities and the country's internal development in accordance with modern world trends. It is concluded that the population considers a high level of corruption in the country, problems in the Donbass and the inefficiency of public administration as the main obstacles to this process. Most residents of Ukraine consider it necessary to implement European reforms, but the consequence of their implementation has identified significant problems in terms of their real social effect. It is determined that Ukraine in some macroeconomic indicators lags significantly behind the EU countries, continues to lose its position in the global ranking of countries in terms of economic competitiveness, and remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. A significant problem for the development of Ukraine is the labor migration of the population and, in particular, the increase in the number of illegal migrants - Ukrainians in Europe. The main achievements in the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU are analyzed and the main threats to the further European integration are identified. It is concluded that Ukraine needs to develop its own “action plan” for the possibility of realizing national interests, taking into account the interests of the parties involved in the integration process. Originality/value: The mood of Ukrainian society, the current position of the state, the main obstacles and priorities that Ukraine faces on the way to the EU have been analysed in detail.
The purpose of the study is to research the effective international practice of European integration and identify the main system priorities of an effective transformation of the state policy of labor market regulation for Ukraine. The research methods are a comparative analysis concerning the activity of the employment services, the labor market situation in Ukraine and abroad, in particular in Eastern Europe, a statistical analysis of the structure of the employment level, of annual earnings etc., and a systemic analysis, aimed to improve the direction of labor market regulation.
Poland’s accession to the European Union has given many opportunities both in terms of access to the EU economy and European funds. Owing to the set sustainable development goals, the business sphere faces the challenge of their implementation through, among others, activities in the area of social and human capital, and environmental protection. It is important to model solutions that enable sustainable production and consumption. The introduction of innovative product and process technologies may contribute to increasing the competitiveness of SMEs in the Textile and Clothing sector, which in consequence should also contribute to the implementation of objectives of the Regional Smart Specializations for Lodz Province. An example of such solutions is the system for personalized production of clothes presented in the article. The aim of the article is to determine the current situation of the Polish clothing industry in trade with the European Union by analyzing comparative advantages for CN 61 and 62 (related to the clothing industry) and presenting the level of innovation of Lodz Province against the background of Poland as a region specializing in the production of clothing under the adopted Regional Smart Specializations for Lodz Province. It is assumed that the presented system for the personalized production of clothing may affect the competitiveness of this industry and the region.
The article analyzes new regionalism in the context of regional development in the conditions of European integration and globalization. In the first part of the study, traditional (“old”) regionalism was characterized as a cultural and pragmatic context of the region’s functioning and development, as well as a starting point for shaping the concept of new regionalism. Next, the discourse of new regionalism was presented as a theoretical concept, as well as a political and socio-economic doctrine, used in practical activities in the field of status changes, functions and conditions of development of modern regions. The last part of the article focuses on the analysis of new regionalism as a development paradigm. It has been shown, that in the condition of European integration and globalization, new regionalism, as a development strategy, creates new opportunities and promising perspectives in overcoming the problems and development inequalities of regions. The analysis and characteristics of the subject matter were extended to include elements of the critique of the new regionalism paradigm. This allowed to give practical meaning to theses and postulates of this concept and to show its weaknesses and limitations related, among others, to the change in the role of nations and the diversity of forms and content of region’s interests in the European Union.
The study concerns a natural cluster that arises as a consequence of the development of Euroregion. Each Euroregion has a "form" of a cluster "inscribed" into the philosophy of its functioning, which in turn creates a new management structure for the area covered by Euroregion. To document the above statement, the study attempted to compare the characteristics of Euroregion and a cluster, to describe mutual dependencies and convergences between them, which was included, among others, in the form of synthetic tables (Tables 4 and 5). Euroregion itself is a cluster, and it manages its subordinate area through Euroregional institutions. The term "natural" stems from the fact that Euroregion as a region bears the signs of naturalness, as it is created from the bottom up due to natural causes and motives, which through formalisation take on a specific shape of the structure with its institutions. Euroregion itself (a natural cluster), in addition to its management capabilities over the region, is also managed by the institutions representing it (described here is the Association of European Border Regions - AEBR). As a result, Euroregion as a natural cluster manages on its own and is subject to being managed.
Artykuł prezentuje analizę problematyki zarządzania wielopoziomowego na przykładzie polityki energetycznej Unii Europejskiej. Proces integracji w Europie Zachodniej stanowi złożone zjawisko polityczne, społeczne i gospodarcze. Odpowiednie zarządzanie złożoną strukturą UE jest zarówno próbą skuteczności procesu integracji, jak również ważnym wyzwaniem, od którego zależy przyszłość projektu integracyjnego. Polityka energetyczna stanowi interesujące studium przypadku, na bazie którego można doskonale zaobserwować zarówno możliwości, jakie oferuje model multi-level governance dla jej skutecznego prowadzenia, jak również podstawowe trudności w jego praktycznym wdrażaniu. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, iż koncepcja wielopoziomowego zarządzania mogłaby być bardziej efektywnie realizowana w polityce energetycznej UE, ale są ku temu różnorodne ograniczenia.
The article is an analysis of multi-level governance issues on the example of the EU energy policy. The integration process in Western Europe is a complex political, social and economic phenomenon. Adequate management of the complex EU structure is both an attempt at the effectiveness of the integration process and an important challenge for the future of the integration project. The energy policy is an interesting case study, on the basis of which we can perfectly observe both the possibilities offered by the multi-level governance model for its effective management as well as the basic difficulties in its practical implementation. The aim of the article is to show that the concept of multi-level governance could be more effectively implemented in the energy policy of the EU, although there are various constraints to this.
The article presents the question of solidarity in relation to the energy policy of the European Union. This topic seems particularly important in the context of the crisis of the European integration process, which includes, in particular, economic problems, the migration crisis and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit). The issue of solidarity was analyzed from the legal and formal, institutional, and functional and relational points of view. The aim of the article is to show to what extent the theoretical assumptions, resulting from the provisions of European law on the solidarity, correspond with the actions of the Member States in the energy sector. The practice of the integration process indicates that the particular national economic interests in the energy sector are more important for the Member States than working towards European solidarity. Meanwhile, without a sense of responsibility for the pan-European interest, it is not possible to effectively implement the EU’s energy policy. The European Commission – as the guardian of the treaties – confronts the Member States with ambitious challenges to be undertaken “in the spirit of solidarity”. In the verbal sphere, this is supported by by capitals of the individual countries, but in practice, the actions taken divide the Member States into opposing camps instead of building a sense of the European energy community. This applies in particular to such issues as: the management of the energy union, investments in the gas sector (e.g. Nord Stream I and Nord Stream II), and the position towards third countries – suppliers of energy raw materials to the EU (in particular towards the Russian Federation). Different views on the above problems make it extremely difficult for Member States to take action “in the spirit of energy solidarity”. Thus, the energy problem becomes another reason for the weakening of European unity.
Artykuł prezentuje problematykę solidarności w odniesieniu do polityki energetycznej Unii Europejskiej. Tematyka ta wydaje się szczególnie istotna w dobie kryzysu procesu integracji europejskiej, na który składają się w szczególności problemy gospodarcze, kryzys migracyjny oraz wystąpienie Wielkiej Brytanii z UE (tzw. Brexit). Zagadnienie solidarności zostało poddane analizie w trzech płaszczyznach badawczych: formalno-prawnej, instytucjonalnej oraz funkcjonalno-relacjonalnej. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, w jakim stopniu założenia teorii, wynikające z zapisów prawa europejskiego w zakresie solidarności korespondują z rzeczywistymi działaniami państw w sektorze energetycznym. Praktyka procesu integracji wskazuje bowiem, że partykularne, narodowe interesy gospodarcze w sferze energii są bardziej istotne dla państw członkowskich, aniżeli wspólne działanie na rzecz europejskiej solidarności. Tymczasem, bez poczucia odpowiedzialności za interes ogólnoeuropejski nie jest możliwe efektywne realizowanie założeń polityki energetycznej UE. Komisja Europejska – jako strażniczka traktatów – stawia przed państwami członkowskimi ambitne wyzwania, które mają być podejmowane „w duchu solidarności”. W sferze werbalnej znajduje ona poparcie w stolicach poszczególnych krajów, jednak – w praktyce – podejmowane są działania, które zamiast budować poczucie europejskiej wspólnoty energetycznej, dzielą państwa członkowskie na przeciwstawne obozy. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza takich kwestii, jak: zarządzanie unią energetyczną, inwestycje infrastrukturalne w sektorze gazowym (np. Nord Stream I oraz Nord Stream II), stanowisko wobec państw trzecich – dostawców surowców energetycznych do UE (w szczególności wobec Federacji Rosyjskiej). Zróżnicowane spojrzenie na powyższe problemy powoduje, że państwom członkowskim niezwykle trudno jest podejmować działania „w duchu solidarności” energetycznej. Tym samym, problematyka energii staje się kolejną przesłanką do osłabienia jedności europejskiej.
The Visegrad Group countries’ accession to the European Union (EU) gave new perspectives for the future economic and social development of the region. The full integration of the Visegrad Group countries with the European Union is conducive to generating new challenges i.a. in the field develop of broadly understood entrepreneurship. Textiles is one of the sectors of the European economy which, in the current financial perspective, significantly contributes to the creation of new jobs and the development of entrepreneurship, which ultimately affects the growth of competitiveness of the integrating countries. The aim of this paper is to examine the competitive position of the textile sector (CN 50-60 and 63) of the Visegrad Group countries as a whole in trade with the European Union in the period 2004-2016. Preliminary analysis of the problem allowed to formulate the following research hypothesis: The Visegrad Group countries’ accession to the European Union has a positive impact on entrepreneurship development and improving competitiveness of the textile sector of The Visegrad Group countries in the context of implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Przystąpienie państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej do Unii Europejskiej dało nowe perspektywy dla rozwoju gospodarczego i społecznego tego regionu. Pełna integracja państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej z Unią Europejską sprzyja generowaniu nowych wyzwań m.in. w zakresie rozwijania szeroko rozumianej przedsiębiorczości. Sektor tekstylny jest jednym z działów gospodarki europejskiej, który w obecnej perspektywie finansowej znacząco przyczynia się do tworzenia nowych miejsc pracy oraz rozwoju przedsiębiorczości, co finalnie wpływa na wzrostu konkurencyjności integrujących się państw. Celem pracy było zbadanie pozycji konkurencyjnej sektora tekstylnego gospodarki państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej w handlu z Unią Europejską w latach 2004-2016. Wstępna analiza problemu pozwoliła na postawienie hipotezy badawczej, która brzmi: akcesja państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej do Unii Europejskiej ma pozytywny wpływ na rozwój przedsiębiorczości oraz poprawę konkurencyjności sektora tekstylnego tych państw w kontekście realizacji Strategii Europa 2020.
Purpose. Recently, foreign economic activity in Ukraine has gradually shifted towards the European Union (EU). The EU’s special interest in the potential of Ukraine’s transit transport lies in the geographical position of the country, which is located on the main routes of international freight traffic. The article aims to study the status and development opportunities in the field of transit freight transport of the Ukrainian railway joint-stock company (JSC Ukrzaliznytsya) within the framework of European integration. Methodology. The article presents the analysis of the activity of the JSC Ukrzaliznytsya in the field of transit freight transport for the period of 2005-2017 and outlines the strategic prospects for its development as a significant transit route considering the conditions of European integration. The methodology included theoretical and practical research using statistical methods; methods of comparative analysis; ABC analysis method; and taxonomic method. Results. The JSC Ukrzaliznytsya was analysed to determine the status of its activity in the field of transit freight transportation for 2005-2017. A structural-dynamic analysis was made to estimate cargo volumes transported by railway enterprises and related revenues. 18 types of cargo were identified using the ABC analysis method based on two indicators, namely, “volumes of transportation” and “revenues from cargo transit”. Also, taxonomic indicators of the level of system development were considered and revenues from cargo transit for the analysed period were estimated. Finally, recommendations were proposed regarding the development of a joint-stock company as a strategic cargo transporter under the conditions of European integration with Ukraine. Practical implications (if applicable). The results of the conducted research and performed calculations confirmed the need to refocus the management activity of the JSC Ukrzaliznytsya in the field of cargo transit towards strategically important cargoes, which have the largest share in the structure of financial results. This will enable the company to achieve its leading role as a strategic transit carrier of the European Union in the near future.
This article attempts to determine the most significant tendencies and changes observed in Poland’s core markets of agricultural products, which occurred during the period preceding Poland’s accession to the European Union (1994-2003) and after the accession (2004-2013). The key markets of agricultural products include markets with the largest value of commodity production during the analysed period, such as cereals, potatoes, sugar beet, rapeseed, fruit, vegetables, pork, beef and poultry, cows’ milks and eggs. The development of domestic production, consumption and real purchasing prices were observed and compared in order to achieve the main objective. The research was preceded by the characterisation of macroeconomic and resource conditionalities of agricultural production as well as the trade balance of the Polish agrifood sector. On the basis of the conducted studies, there were singled out three groups of markets in which the situation during the period following Poland’s accession to the EU developed in a similar way.
W artykule podjęto próbę określenia najistotniejszych tendencji i zmian zaobserwowanych na podstawowych rynkach produktów rolnych w Polsce, które nastąpiły w okresie przed akcesją Polski do Unii Europejskiej (1994-2003) oraz po niej (2004-2013). Do podstawowych rynków produktów rolnych zaliczono rynki charakteryzujące się największą wartością produkcji towarowej w badanym okresie, takie jak: zboża, ziemniaki, buraki cukrowe, rzepak, owoce, warzywa, mięso wieprzowe, wołowe i drobiowe, mleko krowie i jaja. Realizacji celu głównego posłużyła obserwacja i porównanie kształtowania się krajowej produkcji i zużycia oraz realnych cen skupu. Badania poprzedzono scharakteryzowaniem uwarunkowań makroekonomicznych i zasobowych produkcji rolnej oraz bilansu wymiany handlowej polskiego sektora rolno-spożywczego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wyodrębniono trzy grupy rynków, na których sytuacja w okresie po akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej kształtowała się w zbliżony sposób.
One of the sectors of the European economy affecting the effective implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy is the textile industry sector. In the current financial perspective, the European Union is making a significant contribution to maintaining its growth with the aim of creating opportunities for job creation. Croatia's accession to the European Union (EU) gave new perspectives for future economic and social development of the country. Full integration of the country is also conducive to generating new challenges, especially for economic entities operating in the Croatian textile sector. The aim of this paper is to examine the competitive position of the textile sector of the Croatian economy in the period 2005 – 2016. Preliminary analysis of the problem allowed to formulate the following research hypothesis: Croatia's accession to the European Union has a positive impact on improving the competitiveness of the Croatian textile sector in the context of implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Jednym z sektorów gospodarki europejskiej mających wpływ na efektywną realizację założeń Strategii Europa 2020 jest sektor tekstylny. W obecnej perspektywie finansowej Unia Europejska znacząco przyczynia się do utrzymania wzrostu sektora upatrując w tym szansy na stworzenie nowych miejsc pracy. Przystąpienie Chorwacji do Unii Europejskiej dało nowe perspektywy dla przyszłego rozwoju gospodarczego i społecznego kraju. Pełna integracja kraju sprzyja również generowaniu nowych wyzwań w szczególności dla podmiotów gospodarczych, które funkcjonują w chorwackim sektorze tekstylnym. Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie pozycji konkurencyjnej sektora tekstylnego gospodarki Chorwacji w latach 2005 – 2016. Wstępna analiza problemu pozwoliła na postawienie hipotezy badawczej, która brzmi: akcesja Chorwacji do Unii Europejskiej ma pozytywny wpływ na poprawę konkurencyjności chorwackiego sektora tekstylnego w kontekście realizacji Strategii Europa 2020.
Content available Agriculture in Ukraine towards European integration
Ukraine has already made a number of important steps on the way to the European integration. But they are mostly not quite systematic or incomplete. First of all it concerns agriculture. There are favourable natural conditions in Ukraine but economic and political situation here is an obstacle to its successful development. Agriculture today is the most profitable sector of Ukraine’s economy. It brings the biggest foreign exchange impact of exports of agricultural products and food. So, on the way to European integration we should pay great attention to this sector of the economy. However, it is clear that in future we cannot rely only on the agricultural sector, since in this case there is a real danger to become an agrarian supplement rather than an agrarian country. The more so, that a structure of export of agricultural produce of Ukraine is on a large account unsatisfactory, as raw material prevails in it, and in the structure of its import there are mainly the finished products. In addition, for the necessities of agrarian economy much technique is imported, which makes the prevailing part in the general mass of technology serving this sector. Therefore, the main results of agricultural research, its trends and prospects in terms of European integration are depicted and analyzed in this article. The agriculture and fulfilment of its mission in Ukraine are shown. The analysis results of Ukrainian export and import of agricultural products and food as well as the determination of the present situation causes and the main ways and possibilities of its improvement are presented.
Content available Idea Schengen w obliczu kryzysu imigracyjnego
Schengen to synonim europejskiej integracji. Beneficjentami są miliony osób korzystający codziennie z prawa do swobodnego przekraczania granicy wewnętrznej, cudzoziemcy mogący podróżować po krajach Schengen na podstawie jednolitej wizy, przedsiębiorstwa prowadzące działalność gospodarczą w wielu państwach Unii Europejskiej. Od początku istnienia strefy Schengen fundamentem prawidłowego funkcjonowania były: solidarność, wzajemne zaufanie i lojalność wobec innych należących do niej państw. W związku z masowym napływem imigrantów do Europy i zamachami terrorystycznymi w Paryżu coraz głośniej w Unii Europejskiej o ograniczeniu swobodnego przepływu osób. Możliwość swobodnego przemieszczania się po Europie znajduje się obecnie w poważnym niebezpieczeństwie. W artykule podjęto próbę analizy sytuacji społeczno-politycznej w Europie oraz jej potencjalnego wpływu na przyszłość dorobku Schengen.
Schengen is a synonymous of European integration. The beneficiaries are millions of people who every day exercise their right to free crossing of internal border, foreigners that could travel to the Schengen countries on the basis of a unitary visa, the enterprises that operate in many European Union countries. Since the Schengen area introduction, the foundation of its proper functioning have been as follows: solidarity, mutual trust and loyalty to other countries belonging to it. Due to the massive influx of immigrants to Europe and the terrorist attacks in Paris, the discussion to limit the free movement of persons in the EU is getting louder. The possibility of free movement around Europe is now in serious jeopardy.
Rozwój regionalnych, transgranicznych połączeń kolejowych w Europie Zachodniej stanowi istotny czynnik wzrostu ekonomicznego oraz ważny aspekt integracji europejskiej. Koleje regionalne łączące sąsiadujące państwa nie tylko stanowią dopełnienie głównego systemu transportowego kontynentu, ale stanowią istotny wkład w rozwój ekonomiczny obszarów nadgranicznych. Polska w okresie transformacji i integracji europejskiej po roku 1989 doświadczała bardzo wielu zmian w zakresie kolejowych połączeń transgranicznych. Znoszenie wiz do państw sąsiednich, likwidacja granicy celnej czy wreszcie przystąpienie do strefy Schengen walnie przekładały się na funkcjonowanie połączeń. Obecnie realny wpływ posiada regionalna i państwowa polityka transportowa, a także dążenia przewoźników do pozyskiwania nowych klientów. Główną barierą są przepisy odnośnie ruchu kolejowego. Nadal potencjał kolei w obsłudze połączeń transgranicznych nie jest w pełni wykorzystany. Znamienny jest fakt, że połączenia z krajami bałtyckimi, mimo politycznej wagi projektu Rail Baltica, nie funkcjonują dobrze. Artykuł prezentuje przemiany w zakresie regionalnych, kolejowych połączeń transgranicznych w latach 1990–2016, przedstawiając je w odniesieniu do połączeń dalekobieżnych.
The development of regional, cross-border rail connections in Western Europe is an important factor in economic growth and brings a significant contribution to the European integration. Regional railways connecting the neighbouring states not only complement the main transport system of the continent, but stimulate local development of border areas. Since 1989, the begin of socio-economic transition, Poland has experienced many changes in the field of cross-border rail connections. The abolitions of visas for neighbouring countries, the access to common market (the abolition of custom border) and finally accession to the Schengen area has been instrumentally translated into functioning of the rail connections. At present, the real impact have regional and national transport policies as well as efforts of rail companies to acquiring new customers. Still, the potential of railways to operate cross-border connections is underestimated. However, the situation at the borders of countries with large tradition (Germany, the Czech Republic) rail is steadily improving. Significantly, the connection with the Baltic countries, despite the political importance of the project Rail Baltica, does not function well. The article presents changes in the field of regional, crossborder rail connections in the years 1990 - 2016, presenting them with regard to long-distance connections.
Moving the customs border of the European Union on to the line of the Bug river and the appearance of foreign investors in the eastern Poland in the impact area of the No. 2 Pan-European Transport Corridor has created new opportunities for development in the recent years. This article aims to characterize logistical centres and their potential on the example of eastern Poland’s No. 2. Pan-European Transport Corridor’s area. The analysis of the nature and function of the logistical centre leads the author to derive his own definition of a logistical centre.
Przesunięcie granicy celnej Unii Europejskiej na linię Bugu i pojawienie się inwestorów zagranicznych na wschodzie Polski w pasie oddziaływania II Paneuropejskiego Korytarza Transportowego stworzyło w ostatnich latach nowe możliwości rozwojowe. Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie centrów logistycznych i ich potencjału na przykładzie Polski wschodniej, w pasie Paneuropejskiego Korytarza Transportowego nr II. Analizę charakteru, funkcjonalności i rodzajów centrum logistycznego zakończono wyprowadzeniem przez autora własnej definicji centrum logistycznego. W artykule opisano inwestycje transportowe we wschodniej części Paneuropejskiego Korytarza Transportowego nr II oraz wskazano na zagrożenia, np. konkurencję za wschodnią granicą ze strony centrów logistycznych lokalizowanych na Białorusi, które mogą przechwytywać ruch towarowy z Rosji i Chin.
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