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Nothing stays the same. The only thing you can be sure of in life is change. Trudi Canavan Purpose: in the cognitive space of the article, an important and significant challenge arises, which is - in the perspective of the megatrends indicated in the article, demographic change and public health - the need to prepare a package of socio-economic activities dedicated primarily to the inhabitants of the areas where the process of closing down mining plants will take place. In this context, the issues of demographic change and health should be given priority in these areas in activities promoting social and economic activity in the transformation process. Methodology: the theses presented in the article were verified using the following methods: literature review, critical analysis of literature, analysis and comparison of documents and an example of good practices. Resultat: in the perspective of the next decades, numerous social and economic challenges and effects related to the transformation of mining plants in the space of local communities (commune, district) can be pointed out. While maintaining the hierarchy of objectives described in the European Green Deal Plan and clearly related to the plan for the transformation of mining plants, lasting cooperation of the three key stakeholders in this process, i.e., local communities (representation of local and territorial self-government), employers and representation of state policies, should be expected in their environment. Originality: the conclusions and recommendations from the article may be important for researchers and practitioners involved in the implementation of activities aimed at limiting the marginalization, differentiation and social and economic exclusion of residents of areas where the process of closing mining plants will take place.
Your goal must be to get everything without destroying anything. Sun Zi Purpose: in the cognitive space, the article focuses on the issue of dynamically growing social awareness of the impact of hard coal on climate change - which determines the need to implement a strategy to abandon this raw material. The authors of the article also point out that in connection with this process - as the world strives for sustainable and more ecological development - the transformation of the hard coal mining sector becomes an inevitable challenge. Methodology: the theses presented in the article were verified using the following methods: literature review, critical analysis of literature, analysis and comparison of documents and an example of good practices. Resultat: properly managing the transformation of the hard coal mining sector is key to ensuring that it delivers long-term social and economic benefits - while minimizing the negative impact of the transformation on mining communities and workers in the hard coal mining sector. Therefore, a holistic approach is important in this space, taking into account the ecological, economic, political and social context of transformation. Originality: the transformation of mining is necessary due to the sustainable development goals, environmental protection and the fight against climate change. It is also a political challenge that requires well-thought-out investments, policies and regulations to minimize the negative socio-economic effects of the transformation and to use the development potential of the transformed areas in all their dimensions.
Zmiana przepisów w sprawie szkodliwych czynników biologicznych dla zdrowia w środowisku pracy oraz ochrony zdrowia pracowników zawodowo narażonych na te czynniki wprowadzona w 2020 r. w polskim ustawodawstwie w związku z implementacją Dyrektywy Komisji (UE) 2019/1833 z dnia 24 października 2019 sprawiła, iż pracodawcy muszą z większą uwagą podchodzić do identyfikacji zagrożeń biologicznych i przeprowadzenia oceny ryzyka zawodowego związanego z narażeniem na szkodliwie czynniki biologiczne w środowisku pracy. Wychodząc naprzeciw temu obowiązkowi oraz biorąc pod uwagę trudności jakie do tej pory stwarza identyfikacja czynników biologicznych w środowisku górniczym autorzy w prezentowanym artykule przedstawili podstawowe aspekty prawne dotyczące czynników biologicznych oraz opisową procedurę oceny ryzyka zawodowego. Szacowanie ryzyka zaprezentowano na konkretnym przykładzie zagrożeń biologicznych występujących w rejonie ściany 126 w pokładzie 507 kopalni X. W opracowaniu wskazano możliwości identyfikacji zagrożeń biologicznych w środowisku górniczym na podstawie wywiadu, wizji lokalnej połączonej z badaniami środowiskowymi oraz dostępnej literatury. Jak również opisano poszczególne etapy opisowej metody oceny ryzyka zawodowego i podejmowanych działań profilaktycznych. Wskazano także zidentyfikowane wśród pracowników Oddziału G-1 stany chorobowe spowodowane kontaktem pracowników z czynnikami biologicznymi występującymi w wyrobiskach górniczych. Przedstawiona procedura jest cennym materiałem szkoleniowym umożliwiającym właściwe przeprowadzenie ryzyka zawodowego w związku z występującymi czynnikami biologicznymi w innych kopalniach i zakładach górniczych.
The amendment of the regulations on harmful biological agents for health in the work environment and the protection of the health of workers occupationally exposed to these agents introduced in 2020 in Polish legislation in connection with the implementation of Commission Directive (EU) 2019/1833 of October 24, 2019 has made it necessary for employers to pay more attention to the identification of biological risks and conduct an occupational risk assessment of exposure to harmful biological agents in the work environment. To meet this obligation and taking into account the difficulties that the identification of biological agents in the mining environment has posed so far, the authors in the presented article presented the basic legal aspects of biological agents and a descriptive procedure for occupational risk assessment. The risk estimation was presented on a specific example of biological hazards occurring in the area of longwall 126 in the X mine's deck 507. The paper indicates the possibilities of identifying biological hazards in the mining environment on the basis of an interview, a site visit combined with environmental surveys and available literature. As well as described the various stages of the descriptive method of occupational risk assessment and preventive measures taken. Also indicated are the disease states identified among the employees of the G-1 Division caused by the contact of employees with biological agents present in the mine workings. The presented procedure is a valuable training material for the proper conduct of occupational risks in connection with biological agents present in other mines and mining plants.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania w górnictwie podziemnym dwóch rodzajów popiołów lotnych pochodzących z energetyki zawodowej spalającej węgiel kamienny. Badaniom podano mieszaniny wytworzone z popiołów lotnych pochodzących z kotła konwencjonalnego bez produktów odsiarczania spalin (10 01 02) oraz kotła fluidalnego z produktami odsiarczania spalin (10 01 82). Mieszaniny sporządzono wykorzystując wodę kopalnianą o gęstości 1023 g/dm3. Badane mieszaniny miały konsystencję płynną o rozlewności w zakresie 160-280 mm. Mając na uwadze uzyskane wyniki badań oraz wytyczne normy PN-G 11011:1998 należy stwierdzić, że w zakresie omawianych parametrów mieszaniny wytworzone na bazie popiołu pochodzącego z kotła fluidalnego (10 01 82) spełniają jej wymagania w zakresie rozlewności 160-240 mm, jedynie w technologii doszczelniania. W technologii podsadzki zestalanej żadna z zbadanych mieszanin nie spełnia ww. normy. Ponadto stosując w górnictwie podziemnym mieszaniny z popiołu lotnego bez produktów odsiarczania spalin pochodzącego z kotła konwencjonalnego należy dokładnie rozważyć jego możliwość, technologię w której ma być stosowany, a przede wszystkim miejsce jego aplikacji.
The paper presents the possibility of using two types of fly ash from utility power plants burning hard coal in underground mining. Mixtures made from fly ash from a conventional boiler without flue gas desulphurisation products (10 01 02) and a fluidised bed boiler with flue gas desulphurisation products (10 01 82) were tested. The mixtures were prepared using mine water With a density of 1023 g/dm3. The tested mixtures were of liquid consistency with a flowability of 160-280 mm Taking into account the obtained test results and guidelines of the PN-G 11011:1998 standard, it should be stated that, in terms of the discussed parameters, mixtures produced on the basis of ash from the fluidised bed boiler (10 01 82) meet its requirements in the range of flowability of 160-240 mm, only in the case of the backfilling technology. In solidifying backfill . technology, none of the mixtures tested comply with the aforementioned standard. In addition, when using fly ash mixtures without flue gas desulphurisation products from a conventional cat (10 01 02) in underground mining, careful consideration must be given to its feasibility, the technology in which it is to be used and, above all, where it is to be applied.
Proces zasypywania wyrobiska został zoptymalizowany w kopalni talku przy użyciu dostępnych cementowych odpadów pyłowych z pieca. Przygotowano cztery formuły zasypywania i przetestowano je w warunkach laboratoryjnych pod kątem ich przydatności. W szczególności określono wytrzymałość na zginanie i ściskanie (po związaniu), gęstość, koszty produkcji i wydajność preparatu. Wybrano optymalną formułę i zalecono jej stosowanie w praktyce.
The backfilling process was optimized in a talc mine by using an available cement kiln dust waste. Four backfilling formulatuion were prepd. and tested under lab. conditions for their aplicability. In particular, flexural and compressive strength (after setting), d., prodn. costs and operationsl satisfaction of the formulation were detd. An optimum formulation was selected and recommended for pract. use.
Październik 2023 roku przyniósł polskiemu górnictwu zmianę jednej z ważniejszych norm obowiązujących w tym sektorze – normy PN-G-04037 dotyczącej zabezpieczenia przeciwwybuchowego zakładów górniczych. Jedną z głównych zmian, które wprowadza najnowsze wydanie normy, jest liczba prób wymaganych do pobrania w poszczególnych obszarach wyrobisk. [...] Podstawową metodą analizy zawartości części niepalnych jest metoda spalania. Jest ona pracochłonna (ważenie próbki przed i po spaleniu z bardzo dużą dokładnością, przygotowanie naważki, obliczenia) i energochłonna z uwagi na duże zużycie energii przez piece muflowe...
The article presents the latest solution of the ZZB battery power unit for the working system of SWS-1700ENB self-propelled blast truck, developed at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in Gliwice. Use of an internal electric charger allows charging the ZZB batteries assembly from the power grid with a rated voltage of 500V and 1000V without the need for the blast truck to travel to the charging place with the possibility of charging the batteries from the electric generator while the vehicle is driving. SWS-1700ENB self-propelled blast truck, manufactured by Lena Wilków Sp. z o. o. with the ZZB assembly is intended for use in underground, non-methane mining plants extracting metal ores and underground, non-methane mining plants extracting minerals other than hard coal and metal ores.
The process of gateroad development, also known as preparatory works, and then ensuring their stability throughout their lifetime, is avery important issue from the point of view of mining (extraction) operations. This article attempts to develop an optimal strategy for thegateroad development process in coal mines, based on theassumptions of the value chain model used by companies. Themodel developed is aimed not only at increasingcompetitive advantage due to a reduction in the cost of coal mining, but primarily at changing the mentality of employees and their approach to the work performed allowing for improved mining efficiency.
Power and Energy storaging is bacoming as one of contemporary the biggest chalenges. Main reason is development of renewable Energy sources and irregular production cycle. In article is described typology of energy and power storaging solutions and solid gravity energy storage (SGES) place in this typology with briefly description of gravity storages idea. As an industrial proces SGES are analyzed theoretical and practical SGES feasibility. Constraints and functionality of SGES is a background for SGES feasibility analysis in main areas of feasibility (technical, legal, economic and operational). Because expectations for SGES are not definied in article was done analysis for two ways –for existing shaft with equipment and for expected SGES capacity. Results of analysis are presented as final conclusions.
The use of lithium batteries in power supply systems for devices and/or machines in mines requires ensuring an appropriate level of work safety. This applies in particular to hard coal mines, and especially methane mines and mines at risk of fire or explosion. For this reason, the lithium cells used must, together with the BMS battery management system, be isolated from the influence of the environment by placing themin special explosion-proof housings. In connection with the above, the operation of cells without the so-called BMS is, as the authors' preliminary research shows, practically prohibited. In practice, various BMSs are used, most often with the so-called passive balancing. However, their use means that the lithium battery is balanced only during charging, which means that the weakest cells in the battery determine its operating time. As for active BMSs, they are used less often due to their rather complicated structure and costs, but their use extends the operation of the lithium battery.The article presents a new version of the special structure of the BMS system, which will balance the battery cells using the passive and active method. This will extend the battery life and ensure a safe charging process. The BMS system can be used in mining machines and devices and energy storage devices powered by a battery consisting of lithium cells.
Closed methane hard coal mines may become a source of methane used in the energy industry. There are many unliquidated tunnel workings left, they contain lotof workingswith a large capacity of free space, and a network of cracks formed in the rock mass. Release of methane to the atmosphere is practically reduced to zero. Closed mines can be a source of methane used to produce energy. This article presents the example of the "Moszczenica" mine as a source of methane, which is captured and converted into electricity and heat.
The article is based on practical experience and research, presenting the author's concept of applying the principles of cybersecurity of IT/OT systems in key functional areas of a mining plant operating based on the idea of INDUSTRY 4.0.In recent years, cyberspace has become a new security environment, which has introduced significant changes in both the practical, and legal and organizational aspects of the operation of global security systems. In this context, it is particularly important to understand the dynamics of this environmental change (both in the provisions of the NIS 2 directive and the KSC Act) [1]. Building a legal system as a national response to the opportunities and challenges related to its presence in cyberspace was an extremely complex task. This results not only from the pace of technological change, but also from the specificity of the environment and its "interactivity". The trend in international law that has emerged during COVID-19 and the current geopolitical situation is to treat organizations from the mining and energy sector as one of the important actors in national and international relations [2].The new regulations introduce and expand international cooperation between individual entities and regulate security strategies and policies, which should take into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, with particular emphasis on, among others, ensuring the continuity of system operation, handling security incidents and constantly increasing awareness of cybersecurity and cyber threats. It should not be forgotten that threats in cyberspace represent a different class of organizational challenges, largely similar to those posed by other asymmetric threats such as terrorism. Their common feature is that they require less hierarchical and more flexible solutions on state structures. Cybersecurity, both socially and technologically, with all its consequences, emerges as one of the most important concepts of the security paradigm at the national and international level [3].
Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Global Navigation Satellite System technologies are increasingly prevalent in geodetic mapping work, playing a significant role in mine surveying tasks such as drawing maps for volume calculation, monitoring displacement, and deformation of mine surfaces and structures above mine tunnels. Currently, there are many studies on the application of these technologies in various aspects of mine surveying work. This paper will synthesize these studies to evaluate the effectiveness of applying GNSS and TLS technologies in mining surveying. The authors has reviewed 44 papers/projects in recent years and found that these technologies are developing rapidly, with the accuracy of coordinate and altitude measurement increasingly improving to approximately millimeters in both horizontal and vertical directions.
Technologie naziemnego skanowania laserowego (TLS) i globalnego systemu nawigacji satelitarnej (GNSS) są coraz bardziej powszechne w pracach związanych z kartowaniem geodezyjnym, odgrywając znaczącą rolę w zadaniach geodezyjnych w kopalniach, takich jak tworzenie map do obliczania objętości, monitorowanie przemieszczeń i deformacji powierzchni i konstrukcji nad wyrobiskami górniczymi. Obecnie prowadzonych jest wiele badań nad zastosowaniem tych technologii w różnych aspektach prac geodezyjnych w kopalniach. W artykule dokonana została synteza tych badań w celu oceny efektywności zastosowania technologii GNSS i TLS w górnictwie. Autorzy dokonali przeglądu 44 artykułów/projektów z ostatnich lat i stwierdzają, że technologie te bardzo szybko się rozwijają, a dokładność pomiaru współrzędnych i wysokości wzrasta do poziomu pojedynczych milimetrów zarówno w kierunku poziomym, jak i pionowym.
Post-mining grounds and spoil tips frequently render landscapes permanently flawed. As a result of mining activity, considerable stretches of land are often permanently excluded from further use. Due to the extensively transformed landscape, it is necessary to implement revitalisation processes. Relevant design and investment activities, coupled with the cooperation of specialists such as architects, civil engineers, geotechnicians, hydrotechnicians and environmental engineers, along with local authorities, can offer a comprehensive functional programme for areas degraded by mining and provide local residents with an attractive leisure area. This article discusses the current state of knowledge on the revitalisation of former mining areas, with special regard to architectural, environmental, social, and economic aspects. The aim of the study is to review and promote design solutions which permanently restore previously degraded areas to local communities. Various concepts of revitalisation of degraded areas are presented, based on examples of landscape architecture at home and abroad. The selected examples comprise natural regeneration, reclamation, and ecological engineering. These are examples of a holistic and modern approach to the development of tourist and environmentally active areas in post-mining sites and spoil tips. Furthermore, the study presents the authors' proposal concerning the revitalisation of a spoil tip area at LW Bogdanka mine for winter sport purposes and other activities, for which the demand was signalled by their management. The discussed examples can serve as an inspiration for future actions and executive projects, undertaken in accordance with the guidelines of Agenda 2030 and Fit for 55 policies.
Tereny powyrobiskowe naziemne oraz powstające przykopalniane hałdy niejednokrotnie stanowią trwałą skazę w krajobrazie. W związku z procesami górniczymi, znaczne połacie terenu zostają często trwale wykluczone z dalszego użytkowania. Silnie przekształcony krajobraz stwarza konieczność dla wdrażania procesów rewitalizacyjnych. Odpowiednie działania projektowe i inwestycyjne, przy współpracy z architektami oraz lokalnymi samorządami są w stanie zaoferować bogaty program funkcjonalny dla terenów zdegradowanych działalnością górniczą, zapewniając jednocześnie okolicznym mieszkańcom atrakcyjną przestrzeń wypoczynkową. W artykule dokonano przeglądu aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat rewitalizacji terenów pogórniczych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aspektów środowiskowych, społecznych i ekonomicznych takich działań. Celem artykułu jest przegląd i popularyzacja rozwiązań projektowych, które w sposób trwały przywracają tereny zdegradowane lokalnym społecznościom. Przedstawiono różne koncepcje rewitalizacji terenów zdegradowanych, opierając się na przykładach realizacji z dziedziny architektury krajobrazu z kraju i ze świata. Wybrane przykłady obejmują naturalną regenerację, rekultywację i inżynierię ekologiczną. Są to przykłady holistycznego i nowoczesnego podejścia do realizacji przestrzeni turystycznych i aktywnych przyrodniczo na terenach dawnych wyrobisk oraz hałd kopalnianych. Opracowanie przestawia również autorską propozycję rewitalizacji terenu hałdy przy kopalni LW Bogdanka na cele związane ze sportami zimowymi. Omawiane przykłady mogą posłużyć jako wzór dla przyszłych działań podejmowanych zgodnie z założeniami polityki Agenda 2030 i Fit for 55.
The present research aims to address the drinking water crisis in the Mahan River catchment area resulting from the disruption of groundwater availability due to extensive coal mining. The study uses GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to map the groundwater potential of the area by analysing several factors that affect groundwater availability, including rainfall, water depth, geomorphology, geology, soil, land-cover/land-use, and topographic characteristics derived from DEM. The groundwater potential map created using the MCDA technique classified the area into low, moderate, and high groundwater potential zones. The map was validated and verified using water table depth and electrical conductivity values available in the region, indicating that it can be used to identify groundwater recharging sites. The study’s results show that about 30% of the area has high groundwater potential, and more than 45% of the area has moderate groundwater potential. The information derived from the study can be used for sustainable management and proper planning of groundwater resources in the Mahan River catchment area. Overall, the study presents a useful approach to address the groundwater depletion problem resulting from coal mining activities in the Mahan River catchment area.
Airdeck blasting is a promising technique for improved blast efficiency, reducing explosive consumption, and enhancing fragmentation. Nevertheless, it lacks widespread adoption due to design guideline gaps and differing opinions on air deck placement. This study offers technical guidance based on field experiments to optimise air deck blasting. Full-scale blast experiments were conducted at four distinct limestone benches to evaluate the efficacy of air deck implementation. At Bench-1, experiments were performed using conventional blasting (with full-column charge) and air decks at three strategic air deck positions (i.e., top, mid, and bottom) within blast holes at a selected quarry site. For Benches 2 and 3, comparative fragmentation analyses were conducted between conventional blasts and those utilising air decks positioned in the middle of the explosive column. Furthermore, the impact of multiple mid-air decks within explosive columns was also evaluated at Bench-4. A comparison of blast fragmentation results revealed that fragments obtained through the air decking technique surpassed those from the full-column charge, regardless of air deck placement. Among the tested air deck positions, the single air deck positioned at the middle of the explosive column yielded superior fragmentation results than other locations. In addition, this technique showed a reduction in explosive charge, back break, and toe-related issues.
Content available Swoszowice siarką słynące i pachnące do dziś
Sulpfur has accompanied us since the dawn of time. Wincenty Kadłubek mentions it for the first time, presenting the legend of the destruction of the Wawel Dragon. According to Dr. A. Wójcik, sulphur could have been one of the reasons for moving the capital from Kraków to Warsaw. The exploitation of this mineral lasted about 500 years. During this time, approximately 700,000 tons of sulphur ore were mined in an area of approximately 5 km, drilling approximately 1,000 shafts and leaving 600 heaps. Following J. Esprinohard, Jan Pazdur quotes a message from 1597 that “when the plague prevails in Kraków, which happens often, most of the citizens leave the city and live for some time near the sulphur mine in Swoszowice and no one is affected by the disease at that time”. Sulphur mining is a niche business, currently as much as 99 percent of this raw material is obtained worldwide in large-scale desulfurization processes of gas, oil and exhaust gases. This was not the case before; sulphur mining in Swoszowice was an important branch of the economy of the Kingdom of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sulphur mining in Swoszowice was finally discontinued over 70 years ago, but it is worth knowing the history of mining in this oldest and longest operating mine in Poland.
Sulphur-bearing limestones encountered in the Mokrzyszów borehole in 1956 sparked the beginning of their exploration, carried out up to 1971 under the guidance of prof. Stanisław Pawłowski, which allowed discovery of about 979 Mt of sulphur resources. Such success was based on combining theoretical studies of sulphur formation in limestone by hydrogen-driven gypsum replacement with geophysical detection of possible sulphur deposit sites. The mining that immediately followed reached a maximum annual production of 4-5 Mt between 1975-1990. The introduction of borehole-based Frasch-type mining provoked many questions regarding sulphur recovery management in relation to the deposit's internal structure. This in turn led to thorough geological study of how mining success depends on the various geological Deposit features. After a decline of mining at the end of the 20th century due to an increased supply of recoverable sulphur from hydrocarbon exploitation, the greater part of the minable resources remain untouched. Many of these became inaccessible for recovery due to the construction of settlements on their territory and strong local opposition to mining. The expected decline in the supply of recoverable sulphur will make those sulphur deposits still accessible for mining a valuable future source, and they merit special protection.
The Arctic region is aprospective areafor ore mining and urbanization progress. The areas of Europe located beyond the Arctic Circle have unique features of the natural environment. Conducting mining works in this place is associated with certain difficulties resulting from weather conditions (numerousrains, long winters, polar night) anddue to the high riskof permanent environmental pollution. An example of the specificity of arctic mining is Kvalsund in northern Norway, where there is a copper mine that is currently under development. Another example is the Monchegorsk region in Russia, which is currently no longer mining. Both of these places are associated with sulphide deposits of non-ferrous metals and the resulting consequences. The purpose of this text was to show the differences and similarities of these mining plants, andon this basis to demonstrate the complexity of the issues of exploitation and reclamation of mining areas in the Arctic.
The cutting tools in mining industry are especially prone to rapid wear, since most of the rocks exhibit aggressive abrasion attributes. A typical representative of fast wearing mining end-tools is a conical pick (also known as tangential-rotary cutter). In order to decrease the premature deterioration, the manufacturers and users tend to enhance the lifespan of the tool by wide range of approaches, namely heat treatment, chemical treatment, burnishing, hard facing etc. In order to estimate the wear rate of a given pick one has to select appropriate procedure and method of evaluation. By this time, most commonly applied method is to estimate the wear rate basing on mass loss measurements of the tools being exploited with constant cutting parameters and fixed conditions. The Authors proposed also a new method of volumetric wear assessment, basing of three-dimensional photogrammetric scanning and compared the results with the outcome of traditional mass wear evaluation of the same sets of tools. Additionally, this paper contains recommendations regarding both approaches (volumetric and mass), especially focusing on the possibilities of the new method concerning measurements of the manufactured tool.
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