The studying the dynamic response of steel-concrete railway bridges of Langer type is huge importance of ensuring the safety of such structures under high-speed train loads. Numerical simulations at the design stage require knowledge of the modal characteristics: natural frequencies, shapes and damping. In addition, in the dynamics of railway bridges subjected to high-speed trains, it is important to check the impact of dynamic effects on the ultimate and serviceability limit states. As part of the investigations displacements and accelerations of selected measurement points arising from driving the test rolling stock are analyzed. In the first stage, calculations of the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors were carried out in the Robot program for two variants of mass description (distributed and discrete). In the second stage, dynamic train passages for various vehicle speeds were examined in terms of displacements and accelerations of measurement points by using the authors’ program MES3D.
Badanie odpowiedzi dynamicznej stalowo-betonowych mostów kolejowych typu Langera ma ogromne znaczenie dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa takich obiektów pod obciążeniem pociągów dużych prędkości. Symulacje numeryczne na etapie projektowania wymagają znajomości charakterystyk modalnych: częstotliwości drgań własnych, form i tłumienia. Dodatkowo w dynamice mostów kolejowych poddanych działaniu pociągów szybkobieżnych istotne jest sprawdzenie wpływu efektów dynamicznych na stany graniczne nośności i użytkowalności. W ramach badań analizowano przemieszczenia i przyspieszenia wybranych punktów pomiarowych powstałych od jazdy taborem próbnym. W pierwszym etapie przeprowadzono obliczenia wartości własnych i odpowiadających im wektorów własnych w programie Robot dla dwóch wariantów opisu masy (rozłożonej i dyskretnej). W drugim etapie zbadano przebiegi dynamiczne dla różnych prędkości pociągów pod kątem przemieszczeń i przyspieszeń punktów pomiarowych za pomocą autorskiego programu MES3D.
Based on the inverse approach and the finite element method, the quality of a reconstructed signal is discussed in this work. The responses caused by a distributed impact on a portion of a composite structure can be recovered using dynamic analysis. The structure is thought to be complex and made up of two different-sized plates made of two different materials. The robustness of the inversion method was studied, as well as the sensitivity of the numerical method compared to modal truncation and sampling of the frequency response function (FRF). Once the FRF had been identified, regularized deconvolution as per generalized singular value decomposition was used to reconstruct the impact signal characteristics. It was revealed that only one mode is required to reconstruct the impact signal.
Mechanical vibrations are a common problem encountered in many machines, especially for vertical turbine pumps. These pumps are generally difficult to stiffen or damp, but the effective diagnosis must begin with an understanding of the underlying vibratory sources. In the present work, a deep well vertical turbine pump experienced extremely high vibrations for a long time although it still being new. It hasn't been in operation for over 6 months. The pump system suffers from extremely high vibration levels relative to the rotational speed (1X motor dominant frequency). An efficient strategy was implemented by using well-conceived techniques. The experimental modal analysis confirmed a presence of a natural frequency. Modifications were carried out to overcome resonance. Finite element analysis was done to determine the reed critical frequencies as a powerful tool to identify and mitigate vibration issues. On-site motor balancing was done to remove vibrations due to the residual imbalance. Results revealed decreasing vibration level by about 66% after solving all problems.
The paper presents arch structures modeled by finite elements in which the nodes can be flexibly connected. Two-node curved elements with three degrees of freedom at each node were used. Exact shape functions were adopted to obtain stiffness and consistent mass matrices but they were modified by introducing rotational flexibility in the boundary nodes. Calculations of statics and dynamics of arches with different positions of flexible joints and different values of rotational stiffness of the joints were carried out.
The analysis of dynamic parameters finds effective application in processes related to the assessment of the technical condition of machines. Mass transport vehicles are particularly sensitive to maintaining an appropriate level of traffic safety through relevant design and diagnostics. The combination of numerical and experimental methods increases the efficiency of modal properties investigations, which can be used as diagnostic parameters. During the research, the authors performed a numerical model of a system composed of a rim and an inner disc of a wheel fitted in a Konstal 105Na tram, widely used in many polish cities and frequently subjected to repair and renovation processes. The Time Response analysis in SOLIDWORKS (also called Modal Time History) was then conducted, resulting in obtaining information about object vibration response in time domain to the impulsive excitation at given points. These signals were then processed in MATLAB aiming at determining the frequencies of natural vibration and damping ratios. The processing parameters in MATLAB were corresponding to the analysis settings of the experimental measurement, carried out within the BK Connect environment, with an impact modal hammer and piezoelectric transducers. When analyzing the experimental measurements, the authors applied Fast Fourier Transformation, Frequency Response Function and Complex Mode Indicator Function (the theoretical basis of which and practical sense of application were also presented in the paper). Finally, the results of the experiment were compared with simulation outcomes. This comparison allowed the obtainment of frequency characteristics of the vibration response to the impact and the determination of the dynamic parameters of the actual object. Six frequencies of natural vibrations were determined in the frequency range of 0 to 3000 Hz, as well as their damping ratios and autocorrelation indicators between modes. Similarities and potential sources of differences between the numerical and the experimental results were identified and explained, followed by conclusions on the practical application of the presented research methodology in the industry.
The study of the system composed of the inner disc and wheel rim of the 105Na type railway wheel, used in Polish Konstal streetcars, was aimed at determining the dynamic parameters of the object, such as the form and frequency of natural vibrations, and at evaluating the effectiveness of the method at given analysis settings. The experiment was conducted using triaxial piezoelectric transducers and a modal hammer with an aluminum head. A multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) testing approach was used because of the multiple excitation points and vibration measurements. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the measurements was performed in BK Connect software and the frequency response function (FRF) value waveforms were determined. The Rational Fraction Polynomial-Z method was used to extract modes from the frequency spectrum. In addition, the Complex Mode Indicator Function method was used, which resulted in the decomposition of the principal components of the FRF value matrix, allowing the identification of individual modes. The selection of the natural frequencies was performed on the basis of the obtained FRF and CMIF characteristics of the vibroacoustic response. Visualization of the form of the natural vibration was also performed. The result of the experiment was a set of comprehensive information on the modal properties of the studied object, which allowed to confirm the effectiveness of the selected method of analysis.
A machine has always been, is and will be the technical progress. The basis of every economy is the progressiveness of manufacturing engineering since it manufactures components for all industries. Technical requirements in manufacturing engineering are constantly leading to an increase of the technical level of manufacturing equipment. Profound knowledge of scientific fields precedes a successful fulfilment of the technical requirements. Structural units of manufacturing machines are complex mechanisms that must work reliably and safely with an emphasis on their important function. These units create new objectives for their research and optimization.
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Konstrukcje budowlane i ich elementy muszą spełniać wymagania dotyczące stateczności, sztywności i nośności. Są to warunki decydujące o bezpieczeństwie konstrukcji zarówno w okresie budowy, jak i eksploatacji. Ocena bezpieczeństwa odbywa się na podstawie badań diagnostycznych mających na celu kontrolę jakości wykonania wznoszonych obiektów lub zlokalizowanie uszkodzeń elementów konstrukcji powstałych podczas eksploatacji. W artykule skupiono się na eksperymentalnej analizie modalnej SISO ceramicznych elementów murowych. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono na dwudziestu próbkach cegły pełnej, z czego celowo uszkodzono połowę z nich, aby możliwa była ocena przydatności zastosowanej metody w postawionym problemie badawczym.
Building structures and their elements must meet the requirements related to stability, stiffness and strength. These are the conditions that determine the safety of the structure both during construction and operation. The safety assessment is carried out on the basis of diagnostic tests aimed at checking the quality of the erected objects or locating damages to structural elements caused during operation. The work focuses on the experimental SISO modal analysis of ceramic masonry elements. The experiment was carried out on twenty samples of solid and perforated bricks, half of which were deliberately damaged and thus to be able to assess the suitability of the method used in the research problem posed.
W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono analizę statyczną i rozwiązano zagadnienie własne dla modeli przestrzennych billboardów o trzech różnych geometriach i powierzchniach tablicy reklamowej. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki przedyskutowano wpływ zastosowanego kształtu konstrukcji na wartości naprężeń i przemieszczeń w układzie. Uzyskane wartości częstotliwości wraz z formami drgań dla poszczególnych postaci opatrzono stosownym komentarzem.
In the presented paper the results of static analysis are presented as well as the eigenproblem solution for 3D models of billboards with three different forms of their geometry and dimensions of advertising board. Based on these data, the influence of the applied structure shape on the values of stresses and displacements identified in such billboards is discussed. The determined values of the natural frequencies, and also the forms of vibrations specific for individual modes are provided with an appropriate commentary.
The paper presents the approaches to FE modelling of blade airfoil, contact between the shrouds and operational damage. The regularities are established concerning the influence of the finite element type, finite element mesh and model of contact interaction on the spectrum of natural frequencies of blade assemblies. The use of the developed computational models is substantiated to determine the forced vibration characteristics of the selected objects of investigation. Based on the performed numerical experiments it was substantiated of finite element model selection for analysis of characteristics of shrouded rotor blade vibrations.
W artykule przedstawiono podejścia do modelowania elementów skończonych płata łopaty, styku osłon oraz uszkodzeń eksploatacyjnych. Ustalono prawidłowości dotyczące wpływu typu elementu skończonego, siatki elementów skończonych oraz modelu interakcji stykowej na widmo częstotliwości drgań własnych zespołów łopatek. Uzasadnione jest wykorzystanie opracowanych modeli obliczeniowych do wyznaczania charakterystyk drgań wymuszonych wybranych obiektów badań. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych eksperymentów numerycznych uzasadniono wybór modelu elementów skończonych do analizy charakterystyk drgań osłoniętych łopat wirnika.
The method of calculation of natural frequencies and forms of oscillations of a two-link mechanical system of a robot manipulator is proposed. Links of the system are considered as straight rods with a step change of cross-sectional parameters. The equations of motion of a mechanical system are based on the technical bending theory. The analysis of oscillation processes is carried out using the matrix method of initial parameters.
Although the study of oscillatory motion has a long history, going back four centuries, it is still an active subject of scientificr esearch. In this review paper prospective research directions in the field of mechanical vibrations were pointed out. Four groups of important issues in which advanced research is conducted were discussed. The first are energy harvester devices, thanks to which we can obtain or save significant amounts of energy, and thus reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. The next discussed issue helps in the design of structures using vibrations and describes the algorithms that allow to identify and search for optimal parameters for the devices being developed. The next section describes vibration in multi-body systems and modal analysis, which are key to understanding the phenomena in vibrating machines. The last part describes the properties of granulated materials from which modern, intelligent vacuum-packed particles are made. They are used, for example, as intelligent vibration damping devices.
Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) are extensively employed for hip plant component material due to their certain properties in a specific design to achieve the requirements of the hip-joint system. Nevertheless, if there are similar properties, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that the knee plant is efficiently and effectively working. Therefore, it is important to develop an ideal design of functionally graded material femoral components that can be used for a long period. A new ideal design of femoral prosthesis can be introduced using functionally graded fiber polymer (FGFP) which will reduce the stress shielding and the corresponding stresses present over the interface. Herein, modal analysis of the complete hip plant part is carried out, which is the main factor and to date, very few research studies have been found on it. Moreover, this enhances the life of hip replacement, and the modal, harmonic, and fatigue analysis determines the pre-loading failure phenomena due to the vibrational response of the hip. This study deals with the cementless hip plant applying the finite element analysis (FEA) model in which geometry is studied, and the femoral bone model is based in a 3D scan.
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Zrozumienie natury fizycznej zjawisk wibracyjnych od zawsze było ważne podczas projektowania i konstruowania maszyn i urządzeń. Jedną z dziedzin nauki i techniki, pozwalającą badać zjawiska wibracyjne, jest analiza modalna. Analiza modalna dotyczy badania własności dynamicznych obiektów technicznych metodami symulacyjnymi i eksperymentalnymi. Eksperymentalna analiza modalna jest realizowana w warunkach laboratoryjnych i wymaga przeprowadzenia eksperymentu, podczas którego badany obiekt jest pobudzony do drgań. Podczas eksperymentu dokonuje się pomiarów wymuszenia oraz odpowiedzi w wielu punktach pomiarowych rozmieszczonych na badanym elemencie.
W pracy podjęto tematykę wyznaczania parametrów modalnych i tłumienia laminatów przemysłowych stosowanych do celów konstrukcyjnych. Eksperymentalną analizę modalną przeprowadzono dla pięciu materiałów laminowanych typowych dla zastosowań przemysłowych. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają na identyfikację częstości drgań własnych i postaci własnych drgań oraz współczynników tłumienia modalnego, na podstawie których podano zalecenia ich zastosowania w projektowaniu konstrukcji.
The study deals with determination of modal parameters and damping of industrial laminates used for constructional purposes. The experimental modal analysis was performed for five laminated materials typical for industrial applications. Obtained results allow identifying natural frequencies and modal shapes of vibrations as well as modal damping factors, based on which the recommendations of their applications in structural design were given.
Praca prezentuje analizę konstrukcji modelowego elektrowibratora z magnesami trwałymi. Analiza została przeprowadzona na przygotowanych przestrzennych modelach obliczeniowych z wykorzystaniem narzędzi do obliczeń MES i CFD firmy Autodesk. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań symulacyjnych określono trwałość łożyskowania, wytrzymałość wału, konstrukcji wirnika i kadłuba, wyznaczono częstości drgań własnych wirnika i kadłuba oraz przeprowadzono analizę termiczną maszyny. Wykonana analiza pozwoliła na ocenę nowej konstrukcji elektrowibratora na etapie modelu, przed wykonaniem rzeczywistej maszyny.
The structure analysis of the permanent magnet electro vibrator model is presented in the work. The analysis was carried out on prepared spatial computational models using Autodesk’s MES and CFD calculation tools. As a result of the simulation tests, bearing durability, shaft, rotor and body structure strength, the rotor and body vibrations frequencies, and thermal analysis of the machine was carried out. The analysis made possible to evaluate the new design of the electro vibrator at the model stage before the actual machine was made.
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The article presents theoretical and experimental investigation in order to obtain dynamic properties of hybrid machine tool body in comparison with cast iron body. For this purpose, the theoretical and experimental modal analyses were carried out. The influence of the mineral cast material for filling voids on the dynamic properties of the machine tool body was discussed. During the analysis, the modes and frequencies of free vibrations, the amplitude values and the damping ratios were compared. Despite lowering the free vibration frequency of the hybrid construction, compared to the cast iron body, in some cases, the dynamic propertieswere affected. This could be determined on the basis of decreasing the amplitude value of the transfer function (from 12.16% to 58.66%) and the increasing the vibration damping coefficient ratio (from 12.22% to 75.24%) in the case of a hybrid body as compared to a cast iron body. The final conclusions were drawn about the application of mineral casts in the construction of machine tools and its impact on the dynamic properties of the structure.
The article presents methods of testing the dynamic behavior of a machine. The analysis of structural vibration is necessary in order to calculate the natural frequencies of a machine, and the response to the expected excitation. The dynamic properties of the machine can be determined by experimental methods. Presents the results of the tractor–baler-wrapper unit tests using operating deflection shapes (ODS) analysis for determining the vibration patterns of machine under various operating conditions
W artykule przedstawiono metody badania zachowań dynamicznych maszyny. Analiza drgań jest niezbędna do obliczenia częstotliwości drgań własnych maszyny oraz odpowiedzi na oczekiwane wymuszenie. Właściwości dynamiczne maszyny można określić metodami eksperymentalnymi. Przedstawiono wyniki badań agregatu ciągnik–prasoowijarka z wykorzystaniem eksploatacyjnej postaci drgań (ODS) pozwalające na wyznaczenie odkształceń dynamicznych konstrukcji na rzeczywiste wymuszenia działające w różnych warunkach polowych.
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The aim of the study is to propose a diagnostics method based on blade’s vibration model in frequency domain. Amplitude spectrum A(ω) and phase spectrum φ(ω) have been experimentally identified which define transfer function G(jω) = P(ω) + jQ(ω) and their real P(ω) and imaginary Q(ω) parts. Transfer function G(jω) and resulting frequency, amplitude, phase characteristics and real P(ω) and imaginary Q(ω) parts are parts of blade’s diagnostics model. Changes in those characteristics are directly related to changes in the technical condition of the blades. It has been noticed that small changes in the technical condition cause large changes in frequency characteristics, which proves their usefulness in the diagnosis process.
Celem badania jest zaproponowanie metody diagnostycznej opartej na modelu drgań łopatek w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Zidentyfikowano eksperymentalnie widma ampli-tudowe A(ω) i fazowe φ(ω), które definiują transmitancję operatorową G(jω) = P(ω) + jQ(ω) oraz jej rzeczywiste P(ω) oraz urojone Q(ω) części. Transmitancja operatorowa G(jω) i wynikająca z niej częstotliwość, amplituda, charakterystyka fazowa oraz rzeczywiste P(ω) i urojone Q(ω) części są częściami modelu diagnostycznego łopatki. Zmiany w tych charakterystykach są bezpośrednio związane ze zmianami w stanie technicznym łopatek. Zauważono, że małe zmiany w stanie technicznym powodują duże zmiany w charakterystykach częstotliwościowych, co świadczy o ich przydatności w procesie diagnostycznym.
This paper presents application of Finite Element Method in designing of a vibration isolated object. A model of power generator of 113 MW was chosen for the analysis. Such the generator is used in one of power plants in Silesia district. Several frequency domain dynamic analyses aimed at assessment of influence of vibration isolation on acceleration level of the generator foundation were performed. Three different models of the generator were considered. For the purposes of verification of the obtained results measured vibration accelerations were used.
W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie metody elementów skończonych w projektowaniu obiektów wymagających zastosowania wibroizolacji. Jako model testowy wybrano generator o mocy 113 MW. Generator ten jest eksploatowany w jednej z elektrowni na Śląsku. Przeprowadzono kilka analiz dynamicznych w dziedzinie częstotliwości dla trzech różnych modeli, aby zweryfikować wpływ wibroizolacji na poziom przyspieszenia na podłożu. W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykorzystano również wyniki pomiarów przyspieszenia drgań.
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