W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy składu granulometrycznego i mineralogicznego zapraw glinianych stosowanych w tradycyjnym budownictwie wiejskim. Jest to kolejny etap badań mających na celu odtworzenie dawnych technik murarskich stosowanych w międzyrzeczu Warty i Neru, w centralnej części Polski. Polegały one na wznoszeniu budynków z miejscowego kamienia wapiennego (opoki) i cegły, uzyskiwanej metodą polowego wypału, wiązanych zaprawą glinianą. Obiekty zrealizowane w tej technologii stanowią o wyraźnej odrębności architektonicznej oraz krajobrazowej tego regionu i są coraz częściej uznawane za istotne dziedzictwo kultury materialnej.
The article presents the results of the analysis of the granulometric and mineralogical composition of clay mortars used in traditional rural construction. This is the next stage of research aimed at reproducing old masonry techniques used in the area between the Warta and Ner rivers, in the central part of Poland. They involved the buildings from local soft limestone and brick obtained by field firing, bonded with clay mortar. Objects constructed using this technology constitute a clear architectural and landscape distinctiveness of this region and are increasingly recognized as an important heritage of material culture.
The possible occurrence of the Oldest Halite (Na1) unit of the Zechstein PZ1 cyclothem in the Kłodawa salt dome was a discussed matter for many years. Profiling and sampling of the evaporite Zechstein succession (a transition of PZ1 to PZ2 cyclothems) visible in a corridor of the "Kłodawa” Salt Mine at the mining level -650 m, located near the NE marginal pillar of the dome, were done in 2011. The studied section includes rock salt, shale, sulphate and carbonate rocks inclined at 60-90o to the NE and represents a normal succession of the PZ1 and PZ2 cyclothems. The normal succession of the top part of the PZ1 cyclothem consists of two lithological units: 1) rock salt complex (extending over a distance of ca. 5.8 m), defined as the Oldest Halite (Na1) lithostratigraphic unit, and 2) anhydrite bed, c.a. 1.3 m thick, distinguished as the Upper Anhydrite (A1g). These deposits are overlain by 4 lithological units, considered as those creating the normal sequence of the lower part of the younger PZ2 cyclothem. The first one is a dolomitic shale bed, ca. 3.7 m thick, defined as the Stink Shale (T2). It is overlain by a dolomite layer, 0.3-0.5 m thick, representing the Main Dolomite (Ca2), and by an anhydrite series, over 17 m thick, attributed to the Basal Anhydrite (A2). The studied section ends with a rock salt complex, ca. 4 m thick, interpreted as the Older Halite (Na2). The bromine (Br) content in both salt units is relatively low: 81-86 ppm (7 samples) in the Na1 unit and 54-77 ppm (4 samples) in the Na2 unit, with a distinct upward-increasing trend in the latter. Similar low Br values and their distribution trends were characteristic for the top of the Na1 standard bromine curve in Poland and for the lower part of such curve for the Na2 salts. This geochemical similarity could support a proper stratigraphic position of both units. The analysed section was interpreted as a tectonic slice or intrusion, composed of Na1 rock salt overlain with the younger A1g sulphate, incorporated within the folded complex of Na2 rock salt. Such image confirms the current opinion of a more complicated internal structure of the so-called "marginal anticlines” within the Kłodawa dome, composed of intensively folded both salt units. It also documents that the oldest Zechstein evaporites (chlorides and sulphates) could occur above within the dome section than was stated earlier.
An economical and easy-to-implement technique is outlined by which the mean nocturnal atmospheric mixing state (“stability”) can be assessed over a broad (city-scale) heterogeneous region solely based on near- -surface (2 m above ground level [a.g.l.]) observations of the passive tracer radon-222. The results presented here are mainly based on summer data of hourly meteorological and radon observations near Łodź, Central Poland, from 4 years (2008–2011). Behaviour of the near-surface wind speed and vertical temperature gradient (the primary controls of the nocturnal atmospheric mixing state), as well as the urban heat island intensity, are investigated within each of the four radon-based nocturnal stability categories derived for this study (least stable, weakly stable, moderately stable, and stable). On average, the most (least) stable nights were characterized by vertical temperature gradient of 1.1 (0.5)⁰C·m-1, wind speed of ~0.4 (~1.0) m·s-1, and urban heat island intensity of 4.5 (0.5)⁰C. For sites more than 20 km inland from the coast, where soils are not completely saturated or frozen, radon-based nocturnal stability classification can significantly enhance and simplify a range of environmental research applications (e.g. urban climate studies, urban pollution studies, regulatory dispersion modelling, and evaluating the performance of regional climate and pollution models).
Zones of Cl anomalies in Mesozoic and Cenozoic aquifers, defined as groups of wells with concentration of the chloride ion in groundwater exceeding 60 mg/dm3, were mapped on the basis of 12 000 archival chemical analyses. These zones are predominantly developed in tectonic conditions enabling the inflow of Mesozoic salt waters into useful aquifers: 1) fault zones, 2) hydrogeological windows above salt anticlines and elevated tectonic blocks, and 3) salt diapirs. As a result, significant decline in groundwater quality has been reported from many intakes due to the elevated concentration of chlorides, sodium and the amonium ion.
W pracy przedstawiono symulacje i ocenę wskaźnika hydrotermicznego (HTC) Sieljaninowa w 2015 roku w kontekście warunków aktualnych i oczekiwanych zmian klimatu dla potrzeb rolnictwa. Dla wybranej stacji meteorologicznej w centralnej Polsce wygenerowano dobowe wartości temperatur powietrza i opadów dla warunków aktualnych i oczekiwanych zgodnie z trzema typowymi dla Polski scenariuszami GISS Model E, zakładającymi podwojenie koncentracji CO2 - co jest spodziewane w latach 2050-2060. Dla roku 2015 oraz dwóch 500-letnich serii temperatur powietrza i opadów obliczono w okresach kroczących 30-dniowych wskaźnik hydrotermiczny HTC w istotnych z punktu widzenie nawodnień okresach od kwietnia do września. Łącznie w każdym roku wyznaczono 154 wartości wskaźnika HTC. Przebieg średnich wartości wskaźnika hydrotermicznego przedstawiono na wykresach wraz z odchyleniami standardowymi, 90% i 50% obszarami ufności. W badaniach wykazano, że rok 2015 należał do lat suchych bądź bardzo suchych w większości całego okresu wegetacji. Podobnie oceniony byłby w latach 2050-60 przy założeniu scenariusza zmian klimatu GISS. W pracy wykazano również, że wskaźnik HTC w sytuacjach nagłych dużych opadów przeszacowuje ocenę suszy meteorologicznej (zawyża wartości wskaźnika HTC).
This paper attempts to evaluate a year 2015 from the point of view of present and future expected climate for the purpose of agriculture production using the hydrothermal index of Sieljaninov (HTC). Air temperature and total precipitation were simulated for conditions current and expected for a chosen meteorological station in Central Poland, according to the GISS Scenario (which is typical for Poland assuming the CO2 concentration doubles, as is expected for the years 2050-2060). The year 2015 and two 500-year daily temperature and rainfall series were used for computing the hydrothermal index of Sieljaninov, with a 30-day window for vegetation periods, from April to September. The simulated hydrothermal index was presented on a graph during the vegetation period as a course of means with standard deviations, and 50% and 90% critical area. The presented results show the year 2015 as dry or very dry within the vegetation period as well from the point of view of future climate changes according to the GISS Scenario. In case of heavy rainfall during the dry period of plant vegetation hydrothermal index show over estimation tendency.
The shore zone of Jeziorsko Reservoir, located in central Poland, is subject to intense erosional processes, mainly abrasion, which lead to significant morphology transformation of the shore and, in some cases, to the formation of cliffs. The use of close-range photogrammetry allows evaluating the erosion rate and the identificationof the area of these changes. Currently, the morphometric data on all cliffs located on the east shore of Jeziorsko Reservoir are obtained with the close-range photogrammetry technique. The presented surveys are the first stage of long-term monitoring of the east shore of Jeziorsko Reservoir. The morphometric data of the shore will be collected over the next several years. It will enable to determine the rate and direction of abrasion processes. Combined with textural analysis of sediments, it will also allow defining the influence of geological structures on the cliff development.
Cleats (fractures, joints) are discontinuities in coals, including lignites. They are important in mining activity because of their gas and water permeability in hard coal, and mainly because of their water permeability in lignites. As opposed to hard-coal cleats, lignite cleats have not been studied in detail before. The present contribution does so, using as an example the 1st Middle-Polish Lignite Seam (MPLS-1) in the Jóźwin IIB opencast mine in central Poland. It should be mentioned here that any remarks in the present contribution concerning MPLS-1 refer exclusively to this lignite seam in the Jóźwin IIB opencast mine. The investigated discontinuities consist of two sets, i.e. the face and butt cleats, which are roughly oriented NW–SE and NE–SW, respectively. The mean spacing of the face cleats is ~12.4 cm, while the mean spacing of the butt cleats is ~12.8 cm. The maximum average aperture is ~4.9 mm for the face cleats and ~4.1 mm for the butt cleats. The cleat spacing and aperture do not depend on the lignite thickness, but the cleat spacing increases with increasing mineral-matter and xylite content, whereas the aperture increases when the contents decrease. The regional folding and local salt diapirism tentatively explain the formation of the orthogonal system of the lignite cleats, partly because of the parallelism of the face cleats and the major tectonic directions in central Poland.
The First Middle-Polish lignite seam of Middle Miocene age is exploited in all opencast mines in the Konin-Turek area, central Poland. This lignite seam contains a large number of xylites, for which the compaction coefficient was calculated as equal to 1.2. On the other hand, it is known that the compaction coefficient for the whole 1st Middle-Polish lignite seam is approximately 2.0. It follows that the compaction coefficient of xylites is 60% of the compaction coefficient for the whole lignite seam. Therefore, the compaction coefficient for the 1st Middle-Polish lignite seam can be easily determined on the basis of the compaction coefficient of xylites. In contrast to other methods, compaction studies of xylites are characterised by easy measurements and simple calculations, and allow neglecting, e.g., post-sedimentary deformation of the lignite seam.
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Using the characteristic of accumulated woody debris, data on vegetation, and data on previous climate fluctuations, we reconstructed the history of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) encroachment and retreat in a raised bog. The available patchy information on plant cover allowed us to pinpoint events in the development of pine seedlings and the first cases of trees dying off on the time scale. The results obtained show that the process of natural bog afforestation and deforestation was very dynamic and lasted only 22 years. These short-term changes in the tree populations were clearly linked to short-term climate fluctuations. The annual precipitation and mean temperature of winter months were the most important variables and the main factors directly influencing the young woodland. We assumed that the woody remnants represent the last stage of the contemporary phase of high germination and dying-off (GDO) of pine trees. The spatial distribution of woody debris and its characteristics indicate the naturalness of vegetation during this temporary ‘woodland phase’. The study show that the investigation of woody debris can be used to further improve our understanding of bog vegetation dynamics, especially with regard to the influence of periodical climate fluctuations on transitions between open and forested peatland.
Palaeoslopes of Weichselian sand-bed braided rivers have been reconstructed for two stages of fluvial development in the Toruń Basin. (1) The palaeoslope of the ‘fossil’ fluvial succession (buried under Weichselian tills) was calculated on the basis of the median grain size and the Shields parameter. The hydraulic gradient thus found is comparable with the hydraulic gradient of the present-day river. (2) The second developmental stage of the Toruń Basin (as a apart of the Noteć-Warta ice-marginal valley) took place after deglaciation. The slopes of river terraces are a few times lower than those calculated on the basis of the Shields parameter. The palaeoslope of the then river was estimated on the basis of a constant interdependency between the braidplain width, the channel geometry and the grain size. The river gradient that was thus calculated is similar to the measured terrace slope. Palaeoslope estimates in valleys similar to those in the Toruń Basin should consider the width of the braidplain.
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Opisano model obliczeniowy wykorzystywany w symulacjach energetycznych i symulacjach przepływów płynów metodą sieciową AFN (ang. Air Flow Network). Zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki numerycznych symulacji zachowania się fasad podwójnych uwzględniając następujące czynniki: budowa i sposób wentylacji fasady, warunki pogodowe, orientacja elewacji względem stron świata, a także wielkość różnie umiejscowionych względem fasady wentylacyjnych otworów wlotowych i wylotowych. Następnie przedstawiono zapotrzebowanie na energię do chłodzenia i ogrzewania dla budynku o całkowicie transparentnej elewacji - porównując otrzymane wyniki dla fasady podwójnej z wynikami otrzymanymi dla fasady pojedynczej.
The article described a computational model of energy flows in building spaces. For the proposes of analysis the computer model was defined using Finite Control Volume Techniques and a Air Flow Network model. Number of factors was taken into consideration: the construction (Single Skin Facade or Double Skin Facade), facade ventilation, weather conditions, orientation and also different strategies of inlet and outlet locations. Then the performance of energy demand for cooling and heating for a building facade with a completely transparent were presented.
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Atmospheric load is an important source of nutrients and pollutants to ecosystems. During the flux through forest canopies that deposition is intensively modified enriching in some elements and pooring in others. Both, atmospheric load and flux of elements through forest canopies, were investigated in the Kampinos National Park (central Poland) during vegetative seasons (April-October) of the years 1998 and 2000. Throughfall was compared with atmospheric deposition in five different forest ecosystems: pine, birch, locust tree, alder, and oak. Atmospheric deposition data was obtained from rain collectors equipped with artificial foliage of an area similar to the actual leaf surface area in a given ecosystem. Results showed that H[^+] and Pb[^2+] flowed passively through tree canopies. NO[3^-], PO[4^3-], SO[4^2-], NH[4^+], Na[^+], Cd[^2+], Zn[^2+] and Cu[^2+] were retained in the canopies (the process was the most intensive for ammonium - 58%, and phosphorus - 60% retained), whileCl[^-], Mg[^2+], K[^+] and Ca[^2+] were leached out of canopies (throughfall, in comparison to bulk precipitation, was enriched by up to 109% in case of potassium). These processes all occurred more vigorously in deciduous trees, like alder and oak, and less intensively or not at all in pine tree stands. Trees living in symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (alder and locust tree) were equally effective at trapping nitrogen from atmospheric loads, as at non-symbiotic tree species. The calendar day has no influence on the throughfall balance of elements with the only exception for calcium (only in alder forest also magnesium and chlorine), which was more intensively leached out during the autumn then on the beginning of vegetation season.
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W opracowaniu podano zawartość dwóch grup cyklicznych węglowodorów nasyconych, triterpanów i steranów, w osadach dolomitu głównego z obszarów: pomorskiego, Polski centralnej oraz NW obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich w celu określenia materiału źródłowego i paleośrodowiska badanych biomarkerów (33 próbki rdzeni z 17 otworów wiertniczych). Wyniki analizy chromatograficznej (gc-ms) wykazały, iż zarówno całkowita jak i względna ilość triterpanów i steranów zmienia się znacznie w poszczególnych próbkach. Ich dystrybucja pozwala przypuszczać, że badane poziomy dolomitu głównego zawierają materię organiczną pochodzenia bakteryjnego i algowego ze znacznym udziałem materiału terygenicznego. Źródłowy materiał organiczny deponowany był w osadach ewaporacyjnych i węglanowych facji salinarnej i hipersalinarnej. Wyraźnie wyższy potencjał redox (warunki słabo utleniające) wykazują osady południowo-wschodniej części basenu cechsztyńskiego, w strefie Korabiewice-Nieświn-Opoczno.
This report focusing on the 2 groups of saturated cyclic compounds (triterpanes and steranes) from the Main Dolomite sediments from Pomerania, central Poland and NW surrounding of Świętokrzyskie Mts. areas (33 samples of core material from 17 wells). The main aim of this work was determined organic source and palaeoenvironmental condition of examined biomarker. Data obtained from chromatogram analysis (gc-ms) indicate that both absolute and relative amounts of triterpanes and steranes vary greatly in particular samples. Theirs distributions suggest that investigated Main Dolomite horizons contain organic matter of bacterial and algae origin with strong terrestrial contribution. Organic source material was deposited in evaporatic and carbonate sequences in saline and hypersaline facies. Significantly higher redox potential characterized sediments from SE part of the Zechstein basin within Korabiewice-Nieświn-Opoczno area.
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