W artykule opisano realizację obwodnicy Nysy jako przykład i dowód na to, że najczęściej i najchętniej realizuje się obecnie obiekty mostowe w konwencji ustrojów betonowych sprężonych, dążąc przy tym do pewnej unifikacji rozwiązań.
The article describes the completion of the ring road of Nysa as an example and proof that currently bridge structures are designed most frequently and most readily in the convention of prestressed concrete systems, while striving for the unification of solutions.
Materiał skalny budujący mury twierdzy srebrnogórskiej jest bardzo różnorodny, a jego zasadniczą masę stanowią pozyskiwane na miejscu drobnolaminowane gnejsy i łupki łyszczykowe. Wejścia do kazamat oraz obramienia strzelnic i wszelkie narożniki, krawędzie i rynny wykonano z beżowego lub szaro-beżowego piaskowca z Radkowa względnie czerwono zabarwionego piaskowca z Czerwieńczyc. Szczegółowa analiza materiału kamiennego występującego na terenie całego fortu wykazały, że jakkolwiek kolorystycznie jest on do pewnego stopnia zróżnicowany, to jednak pod względem petrograficznym reprezentuje trzy rodzaje skał: granity, gnejsy i piaskowce. Podstawowym budulcem murów są drobnoziarniste granity biotytowe pochodzące z okolic Maciejowic, Malerzowic i Starowic oraz leukogranity i aplogranity z okolic Jarnołtowa, Nadziejowa i Kamiennej Góry. Razem z tymi skałami pozyskiwane i stosowane były też drobnolaminowane gnejsy stanowiące fragmenty ich osłony względnie ksenolity. Do obramień otworów okiennych i wentylacyjnych użyto jasnożółtych piaskowców pochodzących najprawdopodobniej z okolic Żelazna w Kotlinie Kłodzkiej.
A variety of rock material was used to build the walls of the Fortress in Srebrna Góra (Silver Mountain). Most of it was fine-grain laminated gneisses and mica slates quarried on site. The entrance to casemates and the frames of merlons and all corners, edges, and rain-pipes were made from beige or grey and beige sandstone from Radków or red-coloured sandstone from Czerwieńczyce. A detailed analysis of the stone material found within the entire fort showed, that though it varies somewhat in terms of colour, the petrographic features are represented by three types of rock: granites, gneisses, and sandstones. The basic material used for the construction of walls included fine-grained biotite granites from the Maciejowice, Malerzowice, and Starowice regions and also leucogranites and aplites from the Jarnołtów, Nadziejów, and Kamienna Góra regions. In addition to these rocks, fine-grained gneisses were also quarried and used that were part of the cover of xenoliths. Lightyellow sandstones from the Żelazno area in the Kłodzko Valley were most probably used for building window frames and vents.
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Przedstawiono wyniki zintegrowanych badań termiki powierzchniowej oraz badań magnetotellurycznych w rejonie miasta Nysa dla określenia optymalnej lokalizacji otworu geotermalnego. Założono, że zastosowane metody umożliwią wskazanie przebiegu zawodnionych stref szczelinowych (uskokowych) w prekambryjskich skałach krystalicznych poprzez lokalizację anomalii geotermicznych i geofizycznych. Wykonano 5 profili magnetotellurycznych o łącznej długości 5 km oraz 73 płytkie otwory wiertnicze o głębokości 1,2 m dla pomiarów termicznych. Łączny obszar badań objął powierzchnię około 1 km2 . Badania dały zbieżne dla obu metod wyniki, wskazując lokalną strefę o najniższych opornościach i jednocześnie najwyższych temperaturach przypowierzchniowych, która została uznana za optymalną dla planowanego wiercenia.
The article presents the results obtained through integrated surface measurements of temperature in soil and magnetotelluric surveys within the town of Nysa (SW Poland) in order to determine the optimum location for a geothermal well. It was assumed that the geophysical methods used would make it possible to establish the location of water-filled fissure (fault) zones in Precambrian crystalline rocks and the associated geothermal anomalies. Five magnetotelluric profiles were obtained with a total length of 5 km and 73 shallow boreholes (1.2 m deep) were drilled for thermal measurement purposes. The study area was small, amounting to ca. 1 square kilometre in total. Both survey methods yielded correlated results, indicating a local zone with the lowest resistivity and highest near-surface temperatures as the optimum location for the drilling activities planned.
The fort "Prusy "is an impressive for its size citadel of the Nysa fortress of the 18th century. Rarely met in other parts of our country the tenaille trace works of the major fortifications of the defensive work and a good status of preservation, even the eighteenth century fort elements qualify it to take under the special protection. The centre of the defence setting-up of the Fort Prusy is a five-pointed star surrounded by a dry main moat. Behind it is a ring of ravelins and counterguards. From the outside, the second dry moat with the shaft on counterscarp runs and only on fragments preserved by a hidden road. In the north, before the ravelin Pomorze are the remains of flashes Diericke. In the southern part run two connecting shafts to the Bombardier Fort and External Jerusalem Ramparts. The construction of the fort which was started in 1 743 was completed in 1745, then it was expanded and modernized several times, until the eighties of the nineteenth century. Built to defend and deter, raw in its military function was patinated over time. Although the sun, water, and further green significantly deformed its historical form it arouses admiration and interest for its creators. On one hand, today we would like to see ravelins, salients and counterguards in their original form, and even live staging of the historic battle on their reconstructed slopes. On the other hand, the invasive green-clad fortress attracts us with its mystery, it becomes a place of rest, not only to commune with history, but also with nature. The area of the fort is also an excellent training ground for teaching of students the development of conservation plans and implementation of project work, where the space formed with a human hand is filled with green areas with large natural and landscape values, but also with green threatening the structure of walls and slopes. The author has made an important substantive contribution to the preparation of materials which enable to enter the facility in the register of monuments.
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Prussia Fort, which was built in order to perform a defensive and frightening function, severe in its military form, has become patinated and even romantic in character. Despite the fact that the sun, water and plants deformed its historical shape to a considerable extent, it still inspires admiration and interest for its creators. On the one hand, we would like to see nowadays fortification works, counterguards and the moat in their original forms or to experience the staging of a historical battle which would take place on the reconstructed ramparts of the Fortress. On the other hand, the fortress which is covered with invasive plants attracts us with its mystery and has become not only a place of relaxation but also a place where we can have contact with history and nature. In the works concerning the revitalization of the complexes, a key meaning, particularly in the first stage, is constituted by a proper land development of green areas. Trees and bushes most often grow spontaneously in the majority of the fortress area. Their roots not only destroy walls but they also stabilize constructions. The most significant tasks to be performed by architects of landscaping design are as follows: emphasis on historical elements, liquidation of invasive plants which destroy the form of fortification works, the choice of valuable units with regard to landscape and quality, the assessment of the functioning ecosystem, the project of designing green areas in an attractive way with regard to the space.
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