Omówiono zastosowanie różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej (DSC) w celu doboru optymalnego profilu temperatury dla procesów wytła czania formującego izolacji i powłok kablowych. DSC jako użyteczne narzędzie badawcze pozwala na precyzyjne określenie kluczowych parametrów termicznych polimerów stosowanych w produkcji kabli, takich jak temperatura zeszklenia (Tg ), szacowany zakres temperatury płynięcia (Tf ) i temperatura degradacji (Td ). Na podstawie uzyskanych danych z DSC możliwe jest zbudowanie modelu termicznego procesu wytłaczania, umożliwiając określenie optymalnych temperatur w po szczególnych strefach wytłaczarki.
A sample of PVC was analyzed using DSC to det. thermal parameters such as glass transition temp., flow temp. range and degradation temp. Based on the detd. parameters, the optimum temp. in individual extruder zones for the polymer were selected.
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Przeprowadzono pirolizę czterech surowców biomasy roślinnej: słomy pszenicznej, paździerzy lnianych, odpadów kukurydzianych i pestek wiśni, w atmosferze CO₂ i w trybie kaskadowego wzrostu temperatury, aż do osiągnięcia 500°C. Do oceny otrzymanych biowęgli zastosowano analizę termograwimetryczną i różnicową kalorymetrię skaningową (DSC). Wyznaczono ubytek masy oraz temperaturę i wielkość efektów cieplnych zachodzących podczas ogrzewania w warunkach utleniających. Wynikiem analiz była ocena efektów cieplnych zachodzących pod wpływem utleniania biowęgli, która potwierdziła możliwość stosowania techniki DSC do oceny ich właściwości energetycznych.
Wheat straw, flax shives, corn waste or cherry pits were pyrolyzed in a CO₂ atmosphere in a cascading temp. increase mode until 500°C was reached. TG anal. and DSC were used to evaluate the obtained biochars. The mass loss, temp. and the magnitude of thermal effects occurring during heating under oxidizing conditions were detd.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań wybranych elementów układu napędowego stosowanego w pocisku rakietowym o kryptonimie W-755. Zbadano i opisano elementy wchodzące w skład łańcucha ogniowego generującego silny strumień produktów spalania. Badania prowadzono na pociskach rakietowych, demontując poszczególne elementy i urządzenia łańcucha ogniowego. Wykonano zdjęcia rentgenowskie oraz zdemontowano i zbadano zapłonniki, pironaboje, jak również ziarna prochowe wchodzące w skład silnika pierwszego stopnia i podsypek prochowych. Zweryfikowano także wybrane parametry elektryczne elementów układów łańcucha ogniowego, dla zapłonników PP-9RS i pironabojów PZ-253M5. Przeprowadzone badania przybliżają ideę działania układu zapłonowego stosowanego w pocisku rakietowym W-755 oraz problematykę związaną z oddziaływaniem produktów spalania w łańcuchu ogniowym, a także trwałość układów napędowych pocisków rakietowych w procesie długoletniego składowania.
Selected elements of the propulsion system used in the missile code W-755 were presented. The elements included in the fire chain that generate a strong stream of combustion products were described. The tests were carried out on missiles, dismantling individual elements and devices of the fire chain. X-rays were taken, and the igniters, pyrocartridges and powder grains contained in the first stage engine and the powder ballasts were dismantled and examined. Selected electrical parameters of fire chain systems were verified, including for PP-9RS igniters and PZ-253M5 pyrocartridge. The idea of the operation of the ignition system used in the W-755 missile and the issues related to the impact of combustion products in the fire chain as well as the durability of missile propulsion systems in the process of long-term storage were presented.
The topic of waste incineration/co-incineration is critical, given the increasingly stringent regulations on environmental aspects. The widespread use of polymeric materials generates significant waste, posing an ecological problem. Current regulations mandate a reduction in the landfilling of plastic waste, which should be replaced by recycling, with the possibility of exploiting the energy potential due to its high calorific value. The electricity generation in Poland is mainly based on coal, so using polymers as alternative fuels is an important research issue. The research results presented in this paper make it possible to compare the properties of selected waste plastics and coal and their behavior during thermal processes, considering the quality of the gases released. Based on the thermal analyses, a FuzzyTherm model was introduced based on one of the fuzzy logic methods, one of the main artificial intelligence modeling approaches. The model predicts the temperatures corresponding to endothermic and exothermic reactions. The model achieved good accuracy. The maximum relative error between measured and calculated data is lower than 11%. These aspects constitute an innovative element of this paper.
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The correct manufacture of products using FDM printers is not an easy task, taking into account the value and repeatability of material properties. The properties of elements manufactured in this way depend on many factors, both technological and material. Poly(lactic acid) PLA is one of the most willingly used materials in additive techniques. It is sold in a very wide range of colours. This work was intended to answer the question of how the type of pigment affects the mechanical and thermal properties of products obtained from PLA. The correlation between the material properties and the structure of the material as well as the macroscopic structure of the product has also been investigated. The paper analyses the mechanical and thermal properties of products made of PLA filaments in 12 basic colours obtained from one supplier. Bending, impact strength, HDT and Vicat softening point tests were carried out. The percentage content of residues after calcination the samples was determined. Additional analysis (DSC) was performed to interpret the obtained tests results. They indicate that the mechanical properties differ significantly between different types of PLA with differences of up to 45%. Vicat softening point tests indicate differences of 5°C between the extreme values of these parameters. The DSC interpretive study did not clearly show the reasons for these differences in the properties of the filaments.
In this second part of the article, we delve deeper into the research area initiated in the first part, focusing on the critical exploration of polylactide (PLA) modification to enhance thermal and mechanical properties in PLA-based materials, building upon the insights obtained from comprehensive structural and thermal analyses utilizing analytical methods such as infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT), and thermoanalytical research (DRIFT, TG-DTG). A series of structural and thermal analysis research (TG-DTG, DSC, DRIFT) were performed for samples of polylactide (PLA), which is commonly used in additive technologies as a structural material. In total, four materials were considered, including two containing dyes with different colors, a material made of PLA recyclate and a graphene-modified PLA material. It was noted that PLA material reinforced with graphene phase (GRAFYLON®) retains the best thermal properties (TG-DTG), which results in its wider potential for processing, including further modification and usability in manufacturing vehicle structural elements. Recycled PLA material (ALFA+W) was characterized by a higher melting point (Tp ) by more than 20°C than other samples (DSC analysis), so it can be more useful in the production of structural elements operating and used at elevated temperatures.
This article presents the issue of recycling and maintaining the processing properties of materials made of plastics. For this purpose, samples from recycled, low-density, polyethylene were tested. The impact of the use of dyes and surface printing on the lifecycles of material and its quality was examined. For this purpose, an analysis was carried out using differential scanning calorimetry and thermos-gravimetry. It was found that the use of dyes may affect the quality of the material and increase the disposal costs of pre-used materials.
The article presents an analysis of the structure stability of polymeric ionic liquids. Using DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and TGA (Thermogravimetric analysis) techniques, new polymeric ionic liquids containing polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) groups as cations and aryl carboxylate groups as anions derived from benzoic and salicylic acids were studied. The DSC technique measures the heat absorbed or released by the sample during a programmed increase or decrease in temperature. On the other hand, using thermogravimetric measurement (TGA), the so-called thermogravimetric curve, which describes the dependence of the sample mass on temperature. The results obtained during the tests allowed to determine the enthalpy and glass transition temperatures for both samples.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę stabilności struktury polimerycznych cieczy jonowych. Za pomocą technik DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) oraz TGA (Thermogravimetric analysis) zbadano nowe polimeryczne ciecze jonowe zawierające grupy poliheksametylenobiguanidyny (PHMB), jako kationy oraz grupy arylokarboksylanowe, jako aniony pochodzące od kwasu benzoesowego i salicylowego. Technika DSC polega na pomiarze ciepła pochłanianego bądź wydzialnego przez próbkę podczas zaprogramowanego wzrostu lub zmniejszenia temperatury. Natomiast za pomocą pomiaru termograwimetrycznego (TGA) otrzymuje się tzw. krzywą termograwimetryczną, która opisuje zależność masy próbki od temperatury. Rezultaty uzyskane podczas badań pozwoliły na wyznaczenie entalpii oraz temperatur zeszklenia dla obu próbek.
Plastics are widely used in various industries and households, which has an impact on the condition of the natural environment in terms of waste. Today, the leading plastics’ disposal method is landfilling. It should be emphasized that the production of electricity in Poland is based mainly on hard coal and lignite, which is associated with the continuous production of various types of waste, including post-flotation coal waste (coal sludge). That is why rational waste management, recycling, proper disposal, use, and improvement of the existing and implementation of new technological solutions are crucial for environmental protection. This study undertakes cognitive research on the possibility of using PA6 polyamide waste, marked by high calorific value. Thermal analysis techniques (DSC-TG-QMS) were applied for this purpose. The study includes a comparison of the results of tests conducted for polyamide recyclate, coal sludge, and PA6 recyclate composite with a filler constituting 5% of coal sludge.
W pracy podjęto badania poznawcze nad możliwością wykorzystania odpadów poliamidowych PA6, charakteryzujących się wysoką kalorycznością. Zastosowano w tym celu techniki analizy termicznej (DSC/QMS). W pracy porównano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych dla recyklatu poliamidowego, mułu węglowego i kompozytu z recyklatu PA6 z napełniaczem stanowiącym 5% mułu węglowego.
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Główną wadą organicznych materiałów fazowo zmiennych, które są coraz częściej stosowane w magazynach energii termicznej, jest ich niska przewodność cieplna. Zmniejszenie oporu cieplnego po stronie medium magazynującego realizowane poprzez dodanie nanomateriałów to jeden ze sposobów na poprawę efektywności procesu wymiany ciepła. Przeprowadzono badania entalpii i temperatury przemiany fazowej, ciepła właściwego oraz czasu przemiany fazowej w trakcie topnienia i krzepnięcia komercyjnie dostępnego materiału fazowo zmiennego z dodatkiem dwóch rodzajów nanoproszków (a-Fe₂O₃ i a-Al₂O₃) o udziale masowym 0,8%, 6,5% oraz 13%. Nie stwierdzono znacznego obniżenia entalpii i temperatury przemiany fazowej dla każdej z przygotowanych próbek. Istotnym negatywnym efektem towarzyszącym przy wzroście udziału nanomateriału był znaczny wzrost czasu przemiany fazowej w trakcie topnienia.
The enthalpy and phase transition temp., sp. heat and phase transition time were detd. during melting and solidification of com. available phase transition material and with the addn. of 2 types of nanopowders (a-Fe₂O₃, a-Al₂O₃) in the amt. of 0.8%, 6.5 % or 13%. No significant decrease in enthalpy and phase transition temp. was observed for each of the prepared samples. A significant neg. effect accompanying the increase in nanomaterial content was a significant extension of the phase transition time during melting.
Skaningowa kalorymetria różnicowa (DSC) umożliwia stosunkowo szybkie i łatwe badanie materiałów charakteryzujących się różnym stanem skupienia i konsystencją, co zapewnia szerokie spektrum zastosowań badawczych dla przemysłu odlewniczego.
Purpose: Many manufacturers have recently become interested in using fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPs) in structural applications. Synthetic fibres, such as carbon and glass fibres, have been commercialised internationally for decades, but they cause environmental issues because synthetic fibres are non-biodegradable and difficult to recycle once they have served their purpose, potentially polluting the environment. Thus, natural fibre composites like kenaf is a possible replacement for synthetic fibre due to their superior physical and mechanical properties. Kenaf appears to be the best candidate for replacing synthetic fibres in order to accomplish the goal of environmental preservation while also displaying excellent properties such as equivalent specific strength, low density, and renewable resources. Design/methodology/approach: The kenaf fiber was treated in KOH and added to ABS matrix to produce new composites at different loading (10, 15, 20 and 25 wt.%) by using Two Roll Mill machine. The influence of the fiber on the composites properties was evaluated. The produced material was subjected to SEM, MFI, TGA and DSC analysis. Findings: The incorporation of the treated kenaf fiber has an influence on the properties of kenaf/ABS composites. The addition of 10 wt.% kenaf was found to be the best loading with MFI value, initial degradation temperature and glass transition temperature at 0.8208 g/10 min, 322.63°C and 130°C respectively. The fiber was well dispersed in the matrix and shown good adhesion to the ABS. The addition of treated fiber contribute to a reduction in the MFI, improved the thermal stability of the composites and typical effects of Tg of the composite compare to pure ABS. Research limitations/implications: The results suggest the need to continue the study in order to further analyse higher kenaf loading and shed more light on the properties of the composites to improve understanding of kenaf/ABS composites. Originality/value: Obtained results are a solution to alternative of synthetic fibers, which may contribute to the sustainable development of composites materials industry through the utilization of kenaf fiber with ABS matrix.
The article presents the results of research on selected thermal, mechanical properties, as well as the microscopic structure of filaments and details made on a 3D printer in FDM technology. The materials used in the study were PETG (polyethylene terephthalate doped with glycol) and PLA (polylactide) doped with copper. As part of the study, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was performed in order to determine the temperatures of phase transformations and changes in melting enthalpy values of filaments before the printing process and also elements made of them. The second part of the research was electrocorrosive ageing process of printouts, carried out in the Simulated Body Fluid solution in a device generating 0.3 A direct current, voltage with value 4.3 V for the entire duration of the test, which was 720 h. After this process DSC test was conducted again. The next stage of the research was Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of printouts before and after electrocorrosive ageing process. This test was carried out to characterize the dynamic-mechanical properties as a function of frequency, temperature and time. Additionally, microscopic analyses of the surfaces of the tested printouts were performed in order to assess the changes after electrolysis.
Long-term storage in adverse conditions of polymer materials, initiates ageing process as it affects their useful properties. That process covers all physical and chemical conversions taking place in the structure and effects in conversion of parameters of the material. The subject of this paper was to emphasize changes in some chosen parameters of UHMWPE gained during tests conducted on friction nodes applied in endoprostheses. The frictional – wear tests have been proceeded on samples of UHMWPE paired with contra - samples made of CoCrMo and Ti6Al4V alloys. There have also been conducted Shore’s D hardness tests, as well as DSC analysis. DSC thermograms analysis shows, that the load used at friction – wear tests affected the crystallinity chase and thermal features of polyethylene.
Długotrwałe przechowywanie materiałów polimerowych w niekorzystnych warunkach powoduje inicjowanie procesu starzenia. Proces ten w tym przypadku rozumiany jest jako całokształt przemian fizycznych i chemicznych zachodzących w ich strukturze, wpływających na zmianę właściwości tworzyw polimerowych. Celem pracy było wskazanie zmiany wybranych parametrów UHMWPE zebranych podczas badań prowadzonych nad skojarzeniami węzłów tarcia stosowanymi w endoprotezoplastyce. Badaniom tarciowo - zużyciowym poddano próbki wykonane z UHMWPE współpracujące z przeciwpróbkami wykonanymi ze stopu CoCrMo oraz Ti6Al4V. Przeprowadzono także badania twardości Shore'a D oraz analizę za pomocą różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej DSC.
Skaningowa kalorymetria różnicowa (DSC) jest jedną z najczęściej stosowanych laboratoryjnych technik analizy termicznej, znajdującą również zastosowanie przemysłowe. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie definicji, podstaw teoretycznych oraz możliwości zastosowania skaningowej kalorymetrii różnicowej w przemyśle odlewniczym. Zaprezentowano w nim wykorzystanie DSC w analizie różnic struktury fazowej odlewów ze stopu AI-Zn-Mg, wykonanych w technologii masy bentonitowej oraz odlewaniu kokilowym.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is one of the most commonly used laboratory thermal analysis techniques, also finding industrial applications. The aim of this article is to present the definition, theoretical basis and the possibility of applying differential scanning calorimetry in the foundry industry. As an example of application, this article presents the results of the DSC analysis of AI-Zn-Mg alloy cast made in two different types of casting processes (sand mold and permanent mold).
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W artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości wykorzystania parafiny LTP 53/35 produkowanej przez firmę Polwax pod kątem jej wykorzystania jako materiału magazynującego ciepło tzw. PCM. Badania wykonano przy użyciu różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej DSC, która jest powszechnie wykorzystywana w badaniach materiałów PCM. Potencjał do magazynowania ciepła parafiny określono na podstawie porównania jej z wodą, która jest powszechnie używana w magazynach zarówno ciepła jak i chłodu.
The article contains an analysis of potential to heat storage of paraffin LTP 53/35 Polwax production. For this study one of the thermal analysis methods was used - Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) which is frequently used to study phase change materials. The potential to heat accumulation of the investigated paraffin has been determined in comparison to heat storage potential of water, which is widely used in heat and cold storage.
A review of methods for testing the compatibility of high energy mixed components is presented. The advantages, deficiencies as well as the limitations of particular research methods are described based on selected applications reported in the literature. The most frequently used techniques for testing compatibility are thermal methods, such as DSC, TG, VST, and HFC, in which the processes of decomposition of samples conditioned at elevated temperatures are analyzed. Examples of non-thermal methods for testing compatibility, such as DFT, FTIR or XRD are reported in the literature as well. Incompatibility may lead to thermal detonation, which can occur even at low degrees of conversion. For this reason, the authors focused specifically on the limitations of methods for determining compatibility at high degrees of conversion. The methods allowing testing of compatibility based on an analysis for the initial decomposition stage are recommended.
The paper describes the research on the method of production of granulated phase-change materials (PCM) used in construction industry for the accumulation of thermal energy. As mineral materials for the granules preparation zeolite from fly ash Na-P1 and natural diatomite dust were used which were impregnated with paraffinic filtration waste and granulated using a combined granulation method. Obtained granules were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Mechanical strength of the materials was determined in a “drop strength” test. Performed analyses revealed that mineral composition and micromorphology of the diatomite and zeolite granules were varied, with zeolite granules having higher mechanical strength.
Electrical and thermal properties of anthrone Quantum-chemical density functional theorem (DFT) calculations indicate that the value of the reorganization energy indicates the possibility of efficient hole capture by the anthrone molecule during transport process of charge carriers. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies indicate the temperature stability of anthrone molecules above the melting point up to 164°C. The glass transition is determined at 153.7°C and melting point at 157.05°C.
Obliczenia funkcjonału kwantowo-chemicznego (DFT) wskazują, że wartość energii reorganizacji wskazuje na możliwość efektywnego wychwytywania dziur przez cząsteczkę antronu podczas transportu nośników ładunku. Badania metodą różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej (DSC) wskazują na stabilność temperaturową cząsteczek antronu powyżej temperatury topnienia do 164°C. Temperaturę zeszklenia określono jako Tg = 153,7°C, a temperaturę topnienia jako Tc = 157,05°C.
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Badano dwa materiały gumowe przeznaczone do użytku jako uszczelki w zaworach przystosowanych do wysokich temperatur. Właściwości mechaniczne (wytrzymałość, elastyczność, twardość i odporność na ścieranie) badanych materiałów określono dla nowych uszczelek. Skład chemiczny uszczelek określono metodą różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej DSC (differential scanning calorimetry). Analiza próbek potwierdziła różnice w składzie badanych uszczelek, co znalazło odzwierciedlenie w ich odmiennych właściwościach mechanicznych.
Two rubber materials intended for valve gaskets operated at high temp. were studied for mech. properties (strength, elasticity, hardness, and abrasion resistance) and by differential scanning calorimetry to det. chem. compn. of the rubber materials. One of the rubber contained ethylene, propylene and vinyl acetate units and the another one ethylene, propylene and butadiene units.
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