The COVID-19 pandemic has caused vast changes in the functioning of societies and economies, including restrictions on the use of rail transportation. As a result, the number of passengers has declined, and despite the lifting of restrictions, it is still difficult to estimate when and if passenger rail traffic will return to its pre-pandemic state. Therefore, it seems important to consider the following: how the pandemic has affected the transportation behavior patterns of residents and, above all, what should be done to encourage passengers to use rail transportation more often, which is more environmentally friendly and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, it seems important to consider what the “new normal” in rail transportation should look like. This article analyzes the number of passengers traveling by rail in eight European countries. This work considers quarterly data for 2013‒2019, combined passenger forecasts for 2020‒2021, and annual forecasts of rail passenger traffic until 2025 built using data for 2012‒2021.
The development of construction aggregate extraction in the years 1993 - 2022 is presented. In order to estimate the volume of production of aggregates, econometric dependencies of aggregate extraction on three macroeconomic indicators, published on a monthly basis by the GUS, i.e.: GDP, cement consumption and the business index in the construction industry. The significant econometric relationships found for the analysed variables allow for the development of forecasts of aggregate extraction, which is an important advantage of the analysis.
Przedstawiono rozwój wydobycia kruszyw budowlanych w latach 1993 - 2022. W celu oszacowania wielkości produkcji kruszyw opracowano ekonometryczne zależności wydobycia kruszyw od trzech makroekonomicznych wskaźników, publikowanych w okresach miesięcznych przez GUS, takich jak: PKB; zużycie cementu i wskaźnik koniunktury w budownictwie. Stwierdzone istotne zależności ekonometryczne w przypadku analizowanych zmiennych pozwalają na opracowanie prognoz wydobycia kruszyw, co jest ważną zaletą analizy.
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Artykuł przedstawia szanse rozwoju do 2030 r. segmentu produkcji płyt IPM (ang. Insulated Metal Panels), płyt warstwowych w obustronnych okładzinach stalowych z rdzeniem izolacyjnym. Zawiera metodologię przeprowadzenia analizy rynku, omawia ich korelację z trendami zrównoważonego budownictwa oraz zestawia w formie wniosków działania, jakie muszą być wykonywane w celu uzyskania produktów optymalnych jakościowo.
The article presents opportunities for the development of the production segment by 2030 IPM boards (Insulated Metal Panels), sandwich panels in double-sided steel cladding with an insulating core. It contains the methodology for conducting market analysis and discusses them correlation with sustainable construction trends and comparisons in the form of proposals for actions that must be carried out in order to obtain products of optimal quality.
Pojęcie blackoutu nierozerwalnie związane jest z energetyką. Oznacza całkowitą przerwę w dostawie energii elektrycznej na większym obszarze ze względu na nagłą i niespodziewaną awarię systemu elektroenergetycznego. Na świecie tego rodzaju sytuacje zdarzają się coraz częściej i według prognoz będzie ich przybywało.
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In recent years, Indonesia has placed great attention on the use of renewable energy resources as a way to decrease gas emission. Located at the equator, Indonesia has many advantages in renewable energy resources, especially photovoltaic (PV). Photovoltaic offers a big opportunity to contribute to the power grid, yet it also comes with its challenges. The use of PV involves a major uncertainty as the inputs of PV are weather conditions that are constantly changing. With Indonesia planning to penetrate the PV farm into the power grid, it is necessary to be able to generate an accurate forecast to assist the power grid control operator. Many algorithms are applied to obtain a precise and accurate PV power generation. One of the algorithms generally used by researchers is the conventional back propagation neural network. It is one of the most commonly applied algorithms, yet it also has a complex setting and numerous parameters. To help overcome this issue, extreme learning machine (ELM) is applied alongside with backpropagation neural network (BPNN), resulting in a more promising result. However, the random value for ELM parameters has become another problem of its own. This paper discusses an advanced ELM to obtain a better PV forecast result. The combination of PV input, ambient temperature, global tilted irradiation (GTI), wind direction, wind velocity and humidity are applied on the kernel extreme learning machine (K-ELM). We found that K-ELM proposes a better performance compared to ELM in facing a nonlinear data, along with better learning capability, mapping ability, and an improved efficiency. We also developed the input data using BPNN, ELM and support vector machine (SVM) to compare training, testing and calculation time
W ostatnich latach Indonezja przywiązywała dużą wagę do wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii jako sposobu na zmniejszenie emisji gazów. Położona na równiku Indonezja ma wiele zalet w zakresie odnawialnych źródeł energii, zwłaszcza fotowoltaiki (PV). Fotowoltaika daje duże możliwości wniesienia wkładu w sieć energetyczną, ale wiąże się również z wyzwaniami. Korzystanie z PV wiąże się z dużą niepewnością, ponieważ wejścia PV to stale zmieniające się warunki pogodowe. Ponieważ Indonezja planuje penetrację farmy fotowoltaicznej do sieci energetycznej, konieczne jest wygenerowanie dokładnej prognozy, aby pomóc operatorowi kontroli sieci energetycznej. W celu uzyskania precyzyjnego i dokładnego wytwarzania energii PV stosuje się wiele algorytmów. Jednym z algorytmów powszechnie stosowanych przez badaczy jest konwencjonalna sieć neuronowa wstecznej propagacji. Jest to jeden z najpowszechniej stosowanych algorytmów, ale ma też złożoną nastawę i liczne parametry. Aby rozwiązać ten problem, zastosowano ekstremalną maszynę uczącą (ELM) wraz z siecią neuronową z propagacją wsteczną (BPNN), co daje bardziej obiecujący wynik. Jednak losowa wartość parametrów ELM stała się kolejnym problemem. W niniejszym artykule omówiono zaawansowane ELM w celu uzyskania lepszego wyniku prognozy PV. Kombinacja sygnału wejściowego PV, temperatury otoczenia, napromieniowania globalnego odchylenia (GTI), kierunku wiatru, prędkości wiatru i wilgotności jest stosowana na maszynie ekstremalnego uczenia jądra (K-ELM). Odkryliśmy, że K-ELM proponuje lepszą wydajność w porównaniu do ELM w obliczu danych nieliniowych, a także lepszą zdolność uczenia się, zdolność mapowania i lepszą wydajność. Opracowaliśmy również dane wejściowe za pomocą BPNN, ELM i maszyny wektorów nośnych (SVM) w celu porównania czasu szkolenia, testowania i obliczeń.
The purpose of this publication was the long-term forecasting of the landslide processes activation for the territory of the Precarpathian depression within the Chernivtsi region, taking into account the complex effect of natural factors. On the basis of statistical analysis and processing of long-term observations of landslide activation and natural time factors in particular solar activity, seismicity, groundwater levels, precipitation and air temperature, the relationship was analysed, the main periods of landslide activation were determined, the contribution of each time factor to the complex probability indicator of landslide development was estimated and long-term forecasting was carried out. An analysis of the influence of geomorphology on the landslide development was performed by using GIS MapІnfo. By means of cross-correlation, Fourier spectral analysis, the periodicities were analysed and the relationships between the parameters were established. It was found that the energy of earthquakes precedes the activation of landslides by 1 year, which indicates the “preparatory” effect of earthquakes as a factor that reduces the stability of rocks. The main periodicities of the forecast parameters of 9–11, 19–21, 28–31 years were highlighted, which are consistent with the rhythms of solar activity. The forecasting was carried out using artificial neural networks and the prediction function of the Mathematical package Mathcad, based on the received data, the activation of landslides is expected in 2023–2026, 2030–2035, 2040–2044 with some short periods of calm. The main periods of the dynamics of the time series of landslides and natural factors for the territory of the Precarpathian depression within the Chernivtsi region were determined, and a long-term forecast of landslides was made. Taking into account the large areas of the spread of landslide processes, forecasting the likely activation is an important issue for this region, the constructed predictive time models make it possible to assess the danger of the geological environment for the purpose of early warning and making management decisions aimed at reducing the consequences of a natural disaster.
The negative impact of global and regional climate changes upon the crop yields leads to the violation of the crop production stability. The development of reliable methods for assessment of the climatic factors by the reaction of the crops to them in order to minimize the impact of climatic stresses upon the sustainability of food systems is an urgent scientific task. This problem was studied on the example of growing corn. A mathematical analysis of the main meteorological indicators for 16 years of research has been performed on the basis of which the frequency and direction of the occurrence of atypical and extreme weather conditions in various periods of the corn vegetation season were established by the coefficient of significance of deviations of the weather elements from the average long-term norm. It has been proved that the probability of occurrence of such weather conditions in the period from April to September is 38–81% in terms of the average temperature of the month, and 31–69% in terms of precipitation. By using the information base of the corn yields in a stationary field experiment with the gradations of factors: A (the fertilizer option) – A1-A12, B (the crop care method) – B1-B3, C (the hybrid) – C1-C7, the most critical month of the corn ontogeny was established when the weather has a decisive influence upon the formation of the crop. With the help of the correlation-regression analysis it was proved that the corn yield most significantly depends on the average monthly temperature in June, and for the hybrids with FАО 200–299 – on the amount of precipitation in the month of May. The obtained mathematical models make it possible to predict the yield of corn at a high level of reliability depending on the indicators of the main climate-forming factors in June, that is, even before the flowering of the plants (before the stage of ВВСН 61).
W artykule omówiono stan bezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym w Polsce oraz cele stawiane przed krajami Unii Europejskiej związane ze zmniejszeniem liczby wypadków oraz liczby ofiar śmiertelnych. Ponadto dokonano analizy liczby wypadków w Polsce, uwzględniając okres od stycznia 2000 r. do maja 2022 r. Przeprowadzona analiza posłużyła do wyboru odpowiedniej metody prognozowania. Z uwagi na charakterystykę danych wykonano dekompozycję szeregu czasowego metodą LOESS oraz zastosowano wygładzanie wykładnicze metodą Holta-Wintersa. Opracowane modele poddano ocenie. Prognozę opracowano na dwa lata, koncentrując się przede wszystkim na roku 2023.
The article discusses the state of road safety in Poland and the goals set for the European Union countries related to reducing the number of accidents and the number of fatalities. In addition, an analysis was made of the number of accidents in Poland taking into account the period from January 2000 to May 2022. The conducted analysis was used to select the appropriate forecasting method. Due to the characteristics of data, the time series decomposition was performed using the LOESS method and exponential smoothing using the Holt-Winters method. The developed models were evaluated. The forecast was developed for 2 years, focusing primarily on 2023.
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are expected to introduce numerous benefits for future mobility. These potential benefits and many others vary substantially by the market share of AVs. Therefore, this research empirically estimates, using the Gompertz function, the projected growth rates of passenger vehicles in Hungary using historical patterns of human-driven vehicle ownership data based on projected per capita GDP. This study’s contribution to the literature is through a mathematical approach that predicts passenger cars market penetration rate, in which the assumptions and the used parameters of the model can be easily modified based on different case studies, or they can be updated due to the advancement in technology and progress in knowledge of the studied market.
Measured by the value of goods, about one-third of all international trade is moved by air. It stands for a big chunk of the transport market and global GDP, playing a crucial role in moving products of high value in relation to their weight, but also the backbone of overnight shipping and enabling e-commerce growth. This places air cargo as very dependent on overall economic deviations. As the world slowly exits the global pandemic state, each part of the aviation industry should be subject to analyses that confirm or contradict previous forecasts, thus helping to make correct business decisions by the relevant entities in the aviation industry. The following article is devoted to the analysis of the air cargo market. As a starting point, the article shows a general overview of the world's economy by pointing out the main variables that impact demand for air cargo and presenting forecasts on some of those. General air cargo market overview is the next subject. This part shows the latest trends connected with the general aviation market and the cargo part, outlining the general look. An overview of forecasts for the aviation market, coming from aircraft manufacturers, is the last of the analytical parts of this article, describing each entity's market outlook. Presented analyses were later used to determine trends most likely to show in coming years. The accurate description of those allowed for creating a coherent forecast of the air cargo market, with the calculation of actual cargo tonne-kilometers for oncoming years using a simple, multivariate forecasting method based on creating a historical data-driven model. The article concludes with a summary that provides an overview of the covered subjects.
Mierząc wartością towarów, około jedna trzecia całego handlu międzynarodowego odbywa się drogą powietrzną. Stanowi to dużą część całego rynku transportowego, jak również globalnego PKB, odgrywając kluczową rolę w przenoszeniu produktów o dużej wartości w stosunku do ich wagi, ale jest także podstawą wysyłki nocnej i jako taka umożliwia rozwój e-commerce. Plasuje to rynek transport towarów drogą lotniczą jako zależny od ogólnych odchyleń ekonomicznych. Gdy świat powoli wychodzi z globalnej pandemii, każda część branży lotniczej powinna zostać poddana analizom, które potwierdzają lub zaprzeczają wcześniejszym prognozom, pomagając w ten sposób podejmować prawidłowe decyzje biznesowe przez odpowiednie podmioty z branży lotniczej. Poniższy artykuł poświęcony jest analizie rynku lotniczego cargo. Jako punkt wyjścia artykuł przedstawia ogólny przegląd gospodarki światowej ze wskazaniem głównych zmiennych, które mają wpływ na popyt na przewóz ładunków drogą lotniczą, a także przedstawieniem prognoz dotyczących niektórych z nich. Kolejnym punktem jest ogólny przegląd rynku lotniczego cargo. W tej części przedstawione są najnowsze trendy związane z rynkiem lotniczym, a także z częścią cargo, nakreślając ogólny wygląd. Przegląd prognoz dla rynku lotniczego, pochodzących od producentów statków powietrznych, to ostatnia z analitycznych części artykułu, opisująca perspektywy rynkowe poszczególnych podmiotów. Przedstawione analizy posłużyły później do określenia rzeczywistych trendów, które z największym prawdopodobieństwem ujawnią się w nadchodzących latach. Właściwe ich opisanie pozwoliło na stworzenie spójnej prognozy rynku ładunków lotniczych, z wyliczeniem rzeczywistych tonokilometrów cargo na nadchodzące lata za pomocą prostej metody prognozowania na podstawie wielu zmiennych opartej na stworzeniu modelu opartego na danych historycznych. Artykuł kończy się podsumowaniem, które zawiera ogólny przegląd omawianych tematów.
The release of methane into the mine atmosphere poses a threat to the miners. Methane is an explosive gas at concentrations of 5-15% in air by volume and throughout the history of coal mining has been the cause of devastating explosions in mines around the world. For these reasons, in methane coal mines, the concentration of methane emitted from the coal face and the entire mine is controlled by means of a well-designed ventilation system, a system controlling the concentration of methane in the mine atmosphere and a system for methane drainage of the rock mass and goafs. The presented article concerns the forecast of the average concentration of methane on a given day, in the places of sensors located in the longwall roadways of discharge air exhausted from the longwall: up to 10 m in front of the wall and at the outlet of the roadway. Both forecasts were made using the prognostic equations on the basis of measurement data concerning the ventilation roadways of one of the longwalls at JSW SA.
The article presents research data on the amount of salts in the irrigated soils of the Mughan-Salyan massif, their composition, water-salt regime, and their forecast. It was found that the soils on the territory of the massif were saline to varying degrees. In general, the area of non-saline soils in the massif is 125,650 ha, mildly - 272,070 ha, moderately - 210,560 ha, highly - 125,850 ha, very highly - 109,450 ha and saline soils - 27,520 ha. The absorbed bases in the soils of the massif were studied, and it was determined that they change depending on the amount of salts as follows: in mildly saline soils, Ca - 57.82-68.31%, Mg - 25.26-36.28%, Na - 5.49-6.43%; in moderately saline soils - 56.77-65.76%, 27.03-35.58%, 7.12-7.94%, respectively; in highly saline areas - 54.05–64.75%, 24.94-43.67% and 9.19-14.42%. As you can see, the soils are mildly and moderately saline. The soils in the surveyed areas are saline to varying degrees (i.e., the average value of salts in the 0-100 cm layer of the soil varies between 0.25 and 1.00%). The biological product used in these soils contains a wide range of macro and microelements, humic acids, fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that do not contain BioEcoGum mineral fertilisers. This biological product was used for the first time and one of the main goals was to study the improvement of water-physical properties of soils after its use. Therefore, the water-salt regime of the soils of the study area was studied on three experimental sites selected for the area, the number of irrigations for different plants, and their norms were determined taking into account the depth of groundwater in the soils and shown in tabular form. They are widely used in farms and these regions, taking into account the proposed irrigation norms and their quantity.
Environmental pollution is a growing concern for many organizations, commissions, state governments, and companies. The use of fossil fuels in transportation contributes significantly to increased emissions of harmful sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Maritime transport, as one of the largest emitters of such harmful compounds, has encountered many emission restrictions and legal limitations. These include the creation of areas of strict exhaust gas control (ECA). According to the MARPOL Convention, Annex VI, Special Emission Control Areas have been in force since 01.01.2015, and they include the following areas: the Baltic Sea, North Sea, North America (covering the designated coasts of the USA and Canada and portions of the Caribbean Sea near the USA). According to current regulations, vessels providing services in ECAs are required to maintain sulphur oxide emissions that do not exceed 0.1%. The introduction of new regulations results in costs that have to be covered by shipowners. To meet these standards, the two most popular methods are the use of special flushing systems (scrubbers) and low-sulphur fuels (e.g., LNG). This publication addresses the use of LNG as fuel for the main propulsion of sea-going vessels operating in areas covered by strict sulphur emission controls. It also presents LNG demand forecasts for various ship types, as well as possible solutions satisfying the Sulphur Directive. The purpose of this paper is to present a way to determine the size of the global demand for LNG. The percentage of vessels powered by LNG and other fuels was used as a basis for estimating global LNG demand in shipping until 2030.
The Polish dairy sector is subject to constant adjustment processes due to significant political events that took place in 1989–2020. The first was the systemic transformation, the consequences of which are visible in the entire Polish economy, the second was the accession to the European Union, and the third was the abolition of production quotas in 2015 and the Covid-19 pandemic lasting from March 2020. In the preparation of the article, literature on the subject was used, reports published by the Central Statistical Office in statistical yearbooks of agriculture and industry, as well as reports published by the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics (IERiGŻ-PIB) in Warsaw, which were used to describe the causes and effects of phenomena occurring in the dairy sector in Poland in the years 1995-2020. The article uses simple descriptive and cause-effect methods. Based on the conducted analyzes, it was found that the integration with the EU resulted in the rebuilding of the institutional environment for agri-food producers and processors. Among all agricultural markets, the most dynamic changes took place in the dairy sector. It was related to extensive intervention mechanisms on the milk market in the EU, which limiting production and applying a wide range of subsidies for farmers.
Polski sektor mleczarski podlega ciągłym procesom dostosowawczym ze względu na istotne wydarzenia polityczne, które miały miejsce w latach 1989–2020. Pierwszym z nich była transformacja ustrojowa, której konsekwencje są widoczne w całej polskiej gospodarce, drugim akcesja do Unii Europejskiej, zaś trzecim zniesienie kwotowania produkcji w 2015 roku oraz pandemia Covid-19 trwająca od marca 2020 roku. W opracowaniu artykułu wykorzystano literaturę przedmiotu, raporty publikowane przez GUS w rocznikach statystycznych rolnictwa i przemysłu, a także raporty publikowane przez Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej (IERiGŻ-PIB) w Warszawie, które posłużyły do opisania przyczyn i skutków zjawisk zachodzących w sektorze mleczarskim w Polsce w latach 1995-2020. W artykule zastosowano proste metody opisowe i przyczynowo-skutkowe. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że integracja z UE spowodowała przebudowanie otoczenia instytucjonalnego dla producentów i przetwórców rolno-żywnościowych. Spośród wszystkich rynków rolnych najbardziej dynamiczne zmiany zachodziły w sektorze mleczarskim, było to związane z rozbudowanymi mechanizmami interwencyjnymi na rynku mleka w UE, przejawiającymi się limitowaniem produkcji oraz stosowaniem szerokiego wachlarza dopłat dla rolników.
Forecasts of economic processes can be determined using various methods, and each of them has its own characteristics and is based on specific assumptions. In the case of agriculture, forecasting is an essential element of efficient management of the entire farming process. The pork sector is one of the main agricultural sectors in the world. Pork consumption and supply are the highest among all types of meat, and Poland belongs to the group of large producers. The article analyses the price formation of class E pork, expressed in € per 100 kg of carcass, recorded from May 2004 to December 2019. The data comes from the Agri-food data portal. A creeping trend model with segments of linear trends of various lengths and the methodology of building ARIMA models are used to forecast these prices. The accuracy of forecasts is verified by forecasting ex post and ex ante errors, graphical analysis, and backcasting analysis. The study shows that both methods can be used in the prediction of pork prices.
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a well-known method that based on inputs and outputs calculates the efficiency of decision-making units (DMUs). Comparing the efficiency and ranking of DMUs in different periods lets the decision-makers prevent any loss in the productivity of units and improve the production planning. Despite the merits of DEA models, they are not able to forecast the efficiency of future periods with known input/output records of the DMUs. With this end in view, this study aims at proposing a forecasting algorithm with a 95% confidence interval to generate fuzzy data sets for future periods. Moreover, managers’ opinions are inserted in the proposed forecasting model. Equipped with the forecasted data sets and concerning the data sets from earlier periods, this model can rightly forecast the efficiency of the future periods. The proposed procedure also employs the simple geometric mean to discriminate between efficient units. Examples from a real case including 20 automobile firms show the applicability of the proposed algorithm.
Gaz ziemny jest podstawowym paliwem energetycznym w gospodarce światowej. Zgodnie z informacją opublikowaną przez Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA w dokumencie Prezentacja Spółki – zużycie gazu w 2018 roku wyniosło 19,7 mld m3 . W związku z tym, że stopień czerpania krajowych złóż gazu ziemnego jest coraz większy, zapotrzebowanie na gaz ziemny będzie zaspokajane przez rosnący import. Bilansowanie krajowego zapotrzebowania na gaz będzie wymagało precyzyjnej znajomości wielkości krajowej produkcji gazu ziemnego. Z drugiej strony Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy co roku publikuje Bilans zasobów złóż kopalin w Polsce. Zgodnie z publikacją dotyczącą stanu zasobów na dzień 31.12.2018 r. w Polsce udokumentowano 298 złóż gazu ziemnego, na Bałtyku – 5, w Karpatach – 35, na przedgórzu Karpat (dalej: Przedgórze) – 105 oraz na Niżu Polskim (dalej: Niż) – 153. Bilans przedstawiony przez PIG – BIP za rok 2018 wykazał stan wydobywalnych zasobów gazu ziemnego w wielkości 139,93 mld m3 (łącznie zasoby bilansowe i pozabilansowe). Wielkość zasobów przemysłowych złóż gazu ziemnego na dzień 31.12.2018 r. wyniosła 66,64 mld m3 . Należy podkreślić, że wszystkie dane w Bilansie zasobów złóż i kopalin w Polsce podawane są w normalnych metrach sześciennych. W związku z tym dane publikowane przez PIG – BIP nie uwzględniają rzeczywistej kaloryczności gazu ziemnego wydobywanego z różnych złóż. Począwszy od roku 2014 w Polsce podstawową jednostką rozliczeniową jest jednostka energii (kWh). Wprowadzenie rozliczenia w jednostkach energii spowodowało, że wartość 1 m3 gazu zaazotowanego wydobywanego ze złóż znajdujących się na Niżu jest niższa od wartości gazu wydobywanego ze złóż Przedgórza i Karpat. Średnia kaloryczność gazu wydobywanego ze złóż Niżu wynosi około 8,0 kWh/m3 , natomiast ze złóż Przedgórza – 11,2 kWh/m3 . Głównym celem niniejszej pracy było wykonanie prognozy wydobycia gazu ze złóż krajowych na podstawie publikowanego przez PIG – BIP Bilansu zasobów złóż kopalin w Polsce. Prognozę wydobycia gazu z krajowych złóż przygotowano dla lat 2020–2030, dla każdego rejonu gazonośnego oddzielnie. W celu dostosowania wielkości raportowanych do obowiązujących jednostek energii prognoza wydobycia gazu wykonana dla złóż obszaru Niżu została przeliczona na wydobycie gazu wysokometanowego.
Natural gas is the basic fossil fuel in the global economy. According to the information published by Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA in the document Company Presentation, gas consumption in 2018 amounted to 19.7 billion m3 . Due to the fact that the domestic reserves of natural gas are increasingly depleted, the demand for natural gas will be satisfied by growing imports. Balancing gas demand will require precise knowledge of the volume of domestic natural gas production. On the other hand, every year the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PIG – BIP) publishes Balance of mine resources in Poland. According to the publication on the state of resources as of December 31, 2018, 298 natural gas fields have been documented in Poland, 5 in the Baltic Sea region, 35 in Carpathians, 105 in Carpathian Foreland and 153 in Polish Lowland. The balance presented by PIG – BIP for 2018 showed the state of natural gas contingent resources in the amount of 139.93 billion m3 (total balance resources). The volume of industrial reserves of natural gas deposits as at December 31, 2018 was 66.64 billion m3 . It should be emphasized that all data published in the Balance of mine resources in Poland are given in normal cubic meters. Therefore, the data published by PIG – BIP do not take into account the actual calorific value of natural gas produced from various fields. Starting from 2014, the basic accounting unit in Poland is the energy unit (kWh). Due to the introduction of the settlement in energy units, the value of 1 m3 of nitrogen-rich gas produced from the fields located in the Lowland region is lower than the value of gas produced from the Carpathian Foreland fields and the Carpathians. The average calorific value of gas produced from the Lowland fields is about 8.0 kWh/m3 , while the average calorific value of gas produced from the rest of the Foreland is about 11.2 kWh/m3 . The main goal of this article was to make a forecast of gas production from domestic deposits based on the Balance of mine resources in Poland published by the Polish Geological Institute –National Research Institute. The forecast of gas extraction from domestic deposits was made for the years 2020–2030. The production forecast was prepared for each gas-bearing region separately. In order to adjust the reported volumes to the applicable energy units, the gas production forecast for the Lowland fields was converted into high-methane gas production.
The purpose of this study is to develop mathematical models based on artificial intelligence: Models based on the support vectors regression (SVR) for drought forecast in the Ansegmir watershed (Upper Moulouya, Morocco). This study focuses on the prediction of the temporal aspect of the two drought indices (standardized precipitation index – SPI and standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index – SPEI) using six hydro-climatic variables relating to the period 1979–2013. The model SVR3-SPI: RBF, ε = 0.004, C = 20 and γ = 1.7 for the index SPI, and the model SVR3-SPEI: RBF ε = 0.004, C = 40 and γ = 0.167 for the SPEI index are significantly better in comparison to other models SVR1, SVR2 and SVR4. The SVR model for the SPI index gave a correlation coefficient of R = 0.92, MSE = 0.17 and MAE = 0.329 for the learning phase and R = 0.90, MSE = 0.18 and MAE = 0.313 for the testing phase. As for the SPEI index, the overlay is slightly poorer only in the case of the SPI index between the observed values and the predicted ones by the SVR model. It shows a very small gap between the observed and predicted values. The correlation coefficients R = 0.88 for the learning, R = 0.86 for testing remain higher and corresponding to a quadratic error average MSE = 0.21 and MAE = 0.351 for the learning and MSE = 0.21 and MAE = 0.350 for the testing phase. The prediction of drought by SVR model remain useful and would be extremely important for drought risk management.
This article examines the short- and long-run effects of water price, system input, income, temperature on domestic water demand for Amman area over the period of 1980–2012. An empirical, dynamic autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model for water demand is developed on a yearly basis. This approach is capable of testing and analysing the dynamic relationship with time series data using a single equation regressions. Results show the ability of the model to predicting future trends (short- and long-run association). The main results indicate that water demand in limited water environment is partially captured in the long-run by the amount of water reaching the customer. The short- and long-run elasticities of water price (–0.061, –0.028) and high temperature (0.023, 0.054) indicate inelastic behaviour on water demand both in short- and long-run, while the lagged water price has a significant effect on demand. Income represented by gross domestic product (GDP) slightly affects water consumption in the long-run and insignificantly in the short-run (0.24, 0.24). Water consumption is strongly linked to consumption habits measured by lagged billed amount 0.35, and is strongly linked to amount of supplied water both in short- and long-run (0.47, 0.53). These results suggest that water needs should be satisfied first to allow controlling water demand through a good pricing system. Moreover, the association identified between demand and water system input, and the lesser elasticities of water price and other explanatory variables confirm the condition of water deficit in Amman area and Jordan. The results could be rolled out to similar cities suffering scarce water resources with arid and semi-arid weather conditions.
The aim of the study was to indicate the procedure of using laboratory physical model tests of scour around bridge piers for the purposes of determining the potential scour of a riverbed on field bridge crossings. The determination of the uniform modeling scale coefficient according to the criterion of reliable sediment diameter limits the application of the results of tests on physical models to selected types of sediment. The projected depths of scouring of the riverbed at the pier in nature were determined for an object reproduced in the scale of 1:15 determined from the relationship of flow resistance, expressed by hydraulic losses described by the Chézy velocity coefficient, the value of which, in the model and in nature, should be the same. Expressing the value of the Chézy velocity coefficient with the Manning roughness coefficient and introducing the Strickler parameter, it was shown that the coarse sand used in the laboratory bed models the flow resistance corresponding to the resistance generated by gravel in nature. The verification of the calculated size of scouring was based on popular formulas from Russian literature by Begam and Volčenkov [16], Laursen and Toch’s [20] from the English, and use in Poland according to the Regulation ... (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 63, item 735) [32].
Celem pracy było wskazanie procedury wykorzystania laboratoryjnych fizycznych badań modelowych rozmyć wokół filarów mostowych dla potrzeb określenia potencjalnego rozmycia koryta rzecznego na terenowych przeprawach mostowych. Wykorzystanie wyników badań laboratoryjnych w prognozowaniu rozmyć wokół filarów nowo projektowanych mostów wymaga uwzględnienia wpływu skali modelu. W warunkach analizowanego zadania skalę modelu ustalono z relacji parametrów granulometrycznych rumowiska wykorzystanego w badaniach modelowych i rumowiska rzecznego w cieku, dla którego prowadzono prognozę rozmyć. Określenie współczynnika nieskażonej skali modelowania według kryterium miarodajnej średnicy rumowiska ogranicza zastosowanie wyników badań na modelach fizycznych do wybranych rodzajów rumowiska rzecznego. Prognozowane głębokości rozmycia dna przy filarze w naturze zostały określone dla obiektu modelowanego w skali 1:15 ustalonej z relacji oporów przepływu, wyrażonych stratami hydraulicznymi opisanymi współczynnikiem prędkości Chezy, którego wartość na modelu i w naturze powinna być taka sama. Wyrażając wartość współczynnika prędkości Chezy, współczynnikiem szorstkości Manninga i wprowadzając parametr Stricklera, wykazano, że piasek gruby zastosowany w korycie laboratoryjnym modeluje opory przepływu odpowiadające oporom jakie generuje żwir w naturze. Do weryfikacji obliczonych wielkości rozmyć wykorzystano popularne wśród projektantów formuły z literatury rosyjskiej Begama i Volčenkova [35], angielskiej Laursena i Tocha [36] oraz zalecane do stosowania w Polsce według Rozporządzenia… [5]. W rezultacie otrzymano wzory opisujące wielkości rozmyć dla badanego obiektu ze wskazaniem zakresów ich stosowania.
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