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Content available Włoskie podróże Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie
Maria Skłodowska-Curie visited Italy three times: in years 1911, 1918, and 1931. Her travels to Italy are little–known facts that are rarely mentioned even in her most recent biographies. The first and third trips were related to scientific conferences, in Genoa and Rome, respectively. In many original materials, there is no information about the trip in 1911, hence in this article, we shall describe it in a more detailed manner along with its context. However, the least known is the second trip, which was in fact a research mission based on an invitation extended by Prof. Vito Volterra (founder of the Italian National Research Council, CNR), who represented the Italian government. During this trip, the Nobel laureate travelled over 3000 km across the Apennine Peninsula in just three weeks, searching for radioactive elements: radium and radon – reaching places that are difficult to access even today. Thanks to historical research, it was possible to find out most of the original materials in Italy concerning these trips. Thus, this article is the first attempt to compile the main information about our Nobel laureate’s three trips to Italy. It is complemented by the documentary film “Marie Skłodowska-Curie in Italy in search of radium” which was released in 2023 on the YouTube channel of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
In 1914, the second Radium Institute, after the Vienna Institute, was established in Paris. Maria Skłodowska-Curie became its director. It was a perfectly organized scientific and research facility. Almost immediately, the famous scientist began to think about creating a similar facility in Poland. Originally, the Radiological Laboratory was established in 1913 and was headed by Madame Curie from Paris. Madame Curieʼs dream became real only in the 1920s. The Radium Institute was opened in May 1932. It was the largest facility of this type in the world – it had a modern hospital and scientific and research facilities. The Radium Institute, as the Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology, operates dynamically to this day.
Content available Rewolucja w nauce : odkrycie polonu i radu
The history of radioactivity is inextricably linked with the figures of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Pierre Curie and Ernest Rutherford. Without a trace of exaggeration, it should be admitted that we owe the knowledge of this phenomenon to them. Thanks to their work and genius, the radiation emitted by the „strangeˮ elements has gained notoriety in the scientific world. Over time, they were joined by other researchers, expanding the foundations of the new science and building a huge palace on them. They also emphasized the practical use of radioactive elements. And although the phenomenon itself was discovered in 1896 by Antoine Henri Becquerel, the birth of radioactivity should be attributed to the pioneering work of Rutherford and the Curies. The discovery of polonium and radium by Marie and Pierre Curie marked the beginning of a fascinating journey that led humanity into the atomic age. Thanks to them, the alchemists’ dream came true.
Content available Radowa gorączka
When Marie Skłodowska-Curie began research on the radiation of uranium compounds discovered by Henri Becquerel, she uncovered two new chemical elements, sparking a revolution in atomic science. From the very beginning, radium was hailed as a miraculous element; itssalts emitted heat, colored porcelain and glass, and emitted a unique glow. Radium quickly found applications in medicine, where it was not only used to treat diseases but also employed in „mild radium therapy” for preventive purposes. Radium, however, possessed not only healing properties but also purported to have the ability to beautify, rejuvenate, prevent, and captivate. A global „radium fever” ensued, leading to the addition of radioactive salts to almost all everyday products. The stories of the „radium girls” and golfer Eben Byers, however, cast a shadow over the fame of radium.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomu stężenia radonu w wybranych budynkach mieszkalnych zlokalizowanych na terenie ziemi rybnickiej. Do pomiarów, prowadzonych w kilku kampaniach w latach 2005-2010 stosowano pasywną metodę pomiarów, z wykorzystaniem detektorów śladowych cząstek alfa. Wykonano 122 pomiary w piwnicach i na parterach w 61 budynkach. Czas ekspozycji detektorów wynosił od 3 do 6 miesięcy. Zakres mierzonych stężeń radonu wynosił od 10 do 390 Bq/m³ na parterach oraz od 28 do 740 Bq/m³ w piwnicach. Średnie arytmetyczne mierzonych wartości wynosiły odpowiednio: 74 Bq/m³ na parterach oraz 128 Bq/m³ w piwnicach i były wyższe od wartości średnich obliczonych dla całej Polski, jak i dla Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego (GZW).
This paper presents the results of studies on the level of radon concentration in selected residential buildings located in the area of the Rybnik region. A passive measurement method, using alpha particle trace detectors, was applied for measurements carried out in several campaigns between 2005-2010. A total of 122 measurements were carried out in the basements and ground floors of 61 buildings. The exposure time of the detectors ranged from 3 to 6 months. The range of measured radon concentrations was from 10 to 390 Bq/m³ on the ground floors and from 28 to 740 Bq/m³ in the basements. The arithmetic means of the measured values were respectively: 74 Bq/m³ on the ground floors and 128 Bq/m³ in the basements and were higher than the average values calculated for Poland as a whole, as well as for the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (GZW).
Specific activity of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K was measured by gamma spectrometry in samples of soil and bottom sediments of rivers on the territory of potassium salt deposit development in order to collect information on radionuclide distribution. According to the results of examinations, the range of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K activity values in soils and bottom sediments of the territory of influence was <2.17–19.7 Bq/kg, <2.5–20.5 Bq/kg, 123–500 Bq/kg. Migration of the studied radionuclides is limited to 2 km zone. The results obtained provide useful information on the levels of naturally occurring radionuclides in the zone of influence of mining objects and are of interest for a comparative evaluation of the impact of salt mining on the radiation environment of the territory.
Content available remote History of radiotherapy in Poland. A brief outline of the problem
Objectives: The aim of this paper is to give brief outline on the history of radiotherapy in Poland from its beginnings until first decades of the second half of 20th century. Methods: The study is based on comparative and reconstructive analyses of literature, papers and communications dealing with the history of radiotherapy in Poland. Results: The history of radiotherapy in Poland can be perceived as a gradual process of shaping research centres and practical (clinical) application of radiotherapeutics. The Radium Institute in Warsaw, as well as radiotherapy centers in Poznań and Kraków gained key importance in the period up to the outbreak of World War II. After the end of the war, Gliwice became another important place for the history of the radiotherapy and oncology in Poland. Conclusions: Radiotherapy was early recognized by Polish physicians as promising in clinical treatment. It should be a subject of further studies, especially when formative period, thus before First World War, is analysed.
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań osadów pochodzących z wód dołowych, które w związku z zagrożeniem wodnym kopalń węgla kamiennego są usuwane. Przed ich zrzutem do wód powierzchniowych wody te są odprowadzane do podziemnych lub powierzchniowych osadników. Proces ten prowadzi do powstawania osadów, których skład odpowiada fazom mineralnym skał płonnych otaczających pokłady węgla, wymieszanym z fazami powstającymi z wód dołowych w osadnikach. Przeprowadzone badania mineralogiczne i chemiczne pozwoliły na stwierdzenie w osadach wód dołowych baru, strontu, ołowiu oraz kilku innych metali związanych z siarczanami, siarczkami, węglanami oraz minerałami ilastymi. Korelacje pomiędzy ilościami baru, strontu i radu pozwoliły na udokumentowanie diadochii Sr i Ra w barycie. Badania osadów wód dołowych są podstawą do określenia możliwości ich gospodarczego wykorzystania.
The article presents the results of research of sediments from underground waters which are removed due to the water hazard in hard coal mines. Before their drop into surface waters, they are discharged to underground or surface sedimentation tanks. This process leads to the formation of sediments, the composition of the sediments is the blend of the mineral phases mainly corresponding to gangue rocks surrounding coal deposits and the phases precipitated from underground waters in the sedimentation tanks. The conducted mineralogical and chemical researches enabled to find barium, strontium, lead and some other metals associated with sulfates, sulfides, carbonates and clay minerals. The values of correlation amounts of barium, strontium and radium enabled to documenting the diadochy in barite. The research of underground water sediments are the basis for determining the possibilities of their economic use.
Zeolity są uwodnionymi, krystalicznymi glinokrzemianami metali, w szczególności Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr i Ba, I i II grupy układu okresowego. Obecnie znane jest ponad 35 zeolitów naturalnych i ponad 150 zeolitów syntetycznych. Wśród zeolitów syntetycznych do najważniejszych można zaliczyć zeolity typu NaP i Na-X, Na-Y, 4A-X a do naturalnych mordenit, klinoptylolit i chabazyt. Jedną z możliwości zastosowań zeolitów jest usuwanie z wód zanieczyszczeń promieniotwórczych. Podjęto badania dotyczące możliwości wykorzystania tych substancji do oczyszczania wód kopalnianych z nuklidów promieniotwórczych z wykorzystaniem zeolitów naturalnych i sztucznych. W badaniach skoncentrowano się na usuwaniu z wód naturalnych nuklidów promieniotwórczych. Prezentowane badania polegały na przepuszczaniu przez kolumny(ę) z zeolitami oczyszczanej wody i odbieraniu na wylocie z kolumny kolejnych porcji wody oczyszczonej. W ten sposób otrzymywano dla każdej z badanych mieszanin serię próbek, które następnie były poddawane preparatyce chemicznej i pomiarom z wykorzystaniem techniki spektrometrii ciekłoscyntylacyjnej. W badaniach wykorzystano zeolit syntetyczny typu NaP1. Zeolity typu NaP1 otrzymywane są w wyniku reakcji hydrotermalnej odpadów (popiołów lotnych – powstających w wyniku energetycznego spalania węgla) z ługiem sodowym (NaOH). Badania wykazały wysoką efektywność usuwania izotopów radu z wód przeznaczonych do spożycia oraz kopalnianych.
Zeolites are hydrated, crystalline aluminosilicate minerals, containing metals from I and II group of periodic table of elements, especially Na, K, Mg, Sr, Ca and Ba. Nowadays more than 35 different natural zeolites are known as well as 150 synthetic ones. Among the latter zeolites, the most important are zeolites of NaP1 and Na-X types, Na-Y and 4A-X, while among natural zeolites best known are clinoptylolite, chabazite and mordenite. One of the possibilities of zeolite application is removal of radioactive contamination from water. For removal of radionuclides from mine waters the investigations on use of natural and synthetic zeolites have been undertaken, aimed on removal of radium isotopes. Laboratory experiments were performed with use of columns, filled with zeolite materials, through which treated water was percolating and aliquots of purified water were collected at outlet. For each of zeolite bed a series of samples (aliquots) were analysed – the radiochemical preparation of samples was done to retrieve radium isotopes. The prepared samples were measured with use of liquid scintillation spectrometry. The tested zeolite materials were synthetic zeolite NaP1, produced in the hydrothermal reaction of fly ash and sodium base (NaOH) and clinoptylolite. The high efficiency of radium removal with application of this technique was found not only for mine waters but also for potable waters.
In several coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB), in Poland, radium removal from mine water was necessary in order to mitigate the negative results of radium release with mine effluents. The most efficient method of radium removal was based on the application of barium chloride, implemented in full technical scale in two Polish collieries. Removal efficiency exceeding 95% of the initial activity was achieved. The technology was implemented in full technical scale in two collieries. The problem was that barium chloride is dangerous to health and moreover continuous use of the powdered chemical was required to achieve good results. Therefore, the possible application of zeolite for radium removal was tested in laboratory experiments. This passive technique would be less hazardous for miners and would not require full-time supervision meaning it would enable a reduction in workload. The main goal of the investigations described in this paper was to check the capability of zeolites to remove natural radionuclides from mine waters and compare the removal efficiency of radium isotopes with the results obtained from the application of barium chloride solution for the same purpose.
Mineral and therapeutic waters widely occurring in the Polish Carpathians contain a vast amount of biogenic elements. However, radioactive elements like radium isotopes are also found in these waters. This paper presents the first results of the activity concentration measurements of 224Ra in selected mineral waters of the Polish Carpathians. Additionally, the content of 226Ra and 228Ra, and the activity ratios of 224Ra/228Ra, 224Ra/226Ra and 226Ra/228Ra in the waters were determined. The work was based on a method for the simultaneous determination of 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra in water samples using the a/b liquid scintillation spectrometer. The results show that the activity concentrations of 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra in the mineral waters are comparable and vary from ca. 220 mBq/L to above 1500 mBq/L. The activity ratios of 224Ra/228Ra, 224Ra/226Ra and 226Ra/228Ra are variable within the ranges of 0.68 to 1.48, 0.65 to 1.48, and 0.78 to 2.05, respectively. The committed effective dose resulting from the intake of 224Ra through the water consumption is far lower than that from 226Ra and 228Ra.
With gamma spectrometric method 23 samples of mineral and thermal waters of Bosnia and Herzegovina were analyzed. Activity concentrations of the investigated radionuclides were in the range 12–346 mBq·L-1 for 40K, 1.1–791 mBq·L-1 for 226Ra, 0.2–221 mBq·L-1 for 228Ra, 13–367 mBq·L-1 for 238U, and 0.6–17 mBq·L-1 for 235U. For all investigated radionuclides annual effective dose was estimated. The estimated total annual committed effective dose received by population as a result of ingestion of water was in the range 0.11–2.51 μSv·y-1 for thermal water and in the range 0.11–38.8 μSv·y-1 for mineral water. Measurement of activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the examined samples was carried out with a gamma-spectrometer with high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector, having a relative efficiency of 70%.
Natural radioactivity has been measured in 22 different bottled waters from central and southern Poland. Although most of the investigated waters originate from the Outer Carpathian Mts. (Flysch Carpathians), samples from the Krakow-Częstochowa Upland, Lublin Basin, Podlasie Depression, Silesian-Krakow Monocline -Lodz Basin and Sudety Mts. were also analysed. Mineralization of these waters is dominated by the HCO), Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ ions andfalls within the range from 186 mg/l to 2930 mg/l. Except for "Staropolanka 2000" and "Wielka Pieniawa", the activities of radium isotopes in all other waters are in the order of several mBq/l, with the maximum values reaching 100 mBq/l. The activities of uranium isotopes are below 75 mBq/l, with the average values of 4.9 mBq/l and 11.7 mBq/l for 238U and 234U, respectively. The calculated annual committed effective dose from uranium and radium isotopes resulting from the consumption of the investigated waters by teenagers and adults is lower than the recommended value of 0.1 mSv/year. However, if some of the analysed waters ("Dobrawa", "Nalqczowianka", "Polaris", "Aquarel", "Hermes", and highly mineralized waters) are used to prepare food for infants below 1 year old, then the annual committed effective dose will exceed the recommended value.
W niniejszym artykule przypomniano najważniejsze osoby i okoliczności, które (pośrednio lub bezpośrednio) pomogły Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie – do dzisiaj jedynej laureatce Nagród Nobla zarówno z Fizyki jak i z Chemii – przygotować się do roli badacza. Wskazano niektóre aspekty jej własnego sposobu myślenia, który tak mocno zaważył na losach nauki i kultury światowej.
The paper points out some circumstances and some people that – directly or indirectly – influenced the scientific development of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, the only winner of the Nobel Prizes both for Physics and for Chemistry. It also focuses on some aspects of her intellectual approach which revolutionized the science in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Wody chlorkowe Karpat polskich o mineralizacji do około 170 g/dm3 występują lokalnie w strefach utrudnionego przepływu wód podziemnych i są ujmowane z głębokości około 1000 m. Badania zawartości izotopów promieniotwórczych w tych wodach wykazują zdecydowanie większe zawartości izotopów radu (226Ra i 228Ra) – w granicach od kilku do ponad 1000 mBq/dm3, w stosunku do stężeń izotopów uranu (238U i 234U) notowanych w ilościach rzędu kilku-, kilkudziesięciu mBq/dm3.
Chloride water of Polish Carpathians with total dissolved solids up to about 170 g/dm3 are occurred in local zones of water flow hindrance and was taken from the depths up to 1000 m. Radioactive isotopes research in the chloride water indicated the distinctly higher concentration of radium isotopes (226Ra and 228Ra), range from a few to above 1000 mBq/dm3, in comparison to concentration of uranium isotopes (238U and 234U) between a few to tens of mBq/dm3.
W pracy opisano sposoby i metody, jakie w ciągu ponad sześćdziesięciu lat zastosowano, aby ograniczyć negatywny wpływ wód pochodzących z kopalń Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Celem było wskazanie pozytywnych osiągnięć z określeniem kierunku prowadzenia dalszych badań i prac nad zagospodarowaniem i oczyszczaniem zasolonych wód kopalnianych.
The article describes the ways and methods which were applied during more than sixty years in order to reduce the negative impact of waters originating from mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The objective was the indication of positive achievements with the determination of the direction of conducting of further works regarding the management and purification of salty mine waters.
The paper summaries the data of activity concentrations of uranium, radium isotopes, mineralization and temperature of thermal waters. The data were gathered not only from our measurements of thermal waters occurring in the Polish Carpathians, but also from the attained published references in the world. The graphical relations between concentrations of the uranium and radium isotopes in thermal waters and their parameters such as temperature and mineralization were drawn up and discussed. The relation between the contents of 226Ra and 228Ra for the investigated waters was also analysed. The relations show that the influence of temperature on the mineralization and radioactive elements in thermal waters is complicated.
Content available remote Maria Skłodowska-Curie i Pierre Curie w epokowym roku 1898
For many reasons the year 1898 was unusual for Maria Skłodowska-Curie and her husband. After defining the subject of the doctoral thesis and choosing Henri Becqerel as thesis supervisor, Maria started intensive experimental work. In the allotted room called storeroom, in conditions that were far too inadequate, they managed to put up a unique measuring equipment composed of instruments whose originator was Pierre Curie. In the ionization chamber and in the piezoelectric quartz charges formed, whose mutual neutralization was shown by the quadrant electrometer. Ionization current, which was measured quantitatively, was proportional to the radiation of the sample. Studying many elements, their compounds and minerals enabled Maria to state that uranium is not the only element endowed with the power of radiation; the second one turned out to be thorium. Anomaly detected in the radiation of uranium minerals made it possible for Maria to draw an extremely important conclusion: radioactive uranium and thorium are not the only elements endowed with such an attribute. Pitchblende, which was studied by the Curie couple, had to contain also other radioactive substances. Gustave Bémont also participated in the chemical analysis of the uranium ore and it is worth reminding that he was involved in the discovery of polonium and uranium. The phenomenon of radioactivity couldn’t have been explained if it was not for the sources of strong radioactivity. Those sources undoubtedly could have been the discovered elements but their scanty content in the uranium ore made their isolation very difficult and laborious. Access to industrial remains after procession of pitchblende from Jachymov (Sankt Joachimstahl), obtained owing to the mediation of Eduard Suess, provided the source of this raw material. From it, in a shack also called le hangar , the Curie couple isolated the first samples of the radium salt. This element, later extracted by discoverers on a grand scale and handed over in a various forms to researchers and institutions, became a foundation of physics and chemistry of radioactive elements.
Content available remote Chemia analityczna w pracach Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie
Maria Skłodowska-Curie - a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry - the elements of learning of chemistry gained just by a dint of work of more than ten months in Warsaw in the Institute of Industry and Agriculture Museum. The Nobel Prize concerned a contribution to the progress of chemistry through the discovery of radium and polonium, separation of radium and study of properties of this amazing element. It was awarded for an extremely arduous work, during which the chemical reactions being the principles of analytical chemistry were realized. Unlike to a typical analytical procedure, an initial attempt here was the thousands of kilograms of uranium ore: pitchblende. The final effect was small amounts of new elements: polonium and radium. Both the knowledge and the intuition of the researcher let her have a triumph. The difficulties she experienced because the properties of the searched chemical elements could only be evaluated thanks to the knowledge on other chemical elements. A significant achievement was the determination of the samples by means of radioactivity measurement, which gave rise to radiochemical analytical methods. An extreme analytical precision was demanded in multiple processes of fractional crystallization and precipitation which finally led to the calculation of the atomic mass of radium.
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