Studies were carried out in the summer seasons of 1995-1999 (from June to September) on the quantitative and qualitative composition of Enterobacleriaceae bacteria (including Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp.), and potentially pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus sp. in the water of 8 bathing sites of the Lake Wigry. Aeromonas hydrophila occurred in the all samples of studied water and was the most numerous in water sampled from sites of increased trophic levels. Irrespective of the site and time of sampling Pseudomonas aeruginosa was rarely isolated.In the total of 160 samples of water analysed Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli and Staphyloccocus aureus were determined in 32 (22.6%), 68 (42.4%) and 90 (55%) samples, respectively. Pathogenic bacteria of the genus Salmonella sp. and potentially pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus and Aeromonas hydmphila identified in the analysed offshore waters (also when Escherichia coli were absent) suggest that the use of the Lake Wigry waters for swimming, falling into account faecal bacterial counts, may not be sufficient to fully reflect safety conditions for bathers. The results of the research suggest that the evaluation of the Lake Wigry surface waters for recreational use should include the frequency of the occurrence of Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomunas aeruginosa. These three species, which arc not directly linked to faecal contamination, can cause various diseases of the skin, nasal and oral cavities, eyes, internal car and other problems in people swimming in contaminated water.
W sezonie letnim (od czerwca do września) 1995-1999 prowadzono badania składu ilościowego i jakościowego bakterii z rodziny Enterobacleriaceae (w tym Escherichia coli i Salmonella sp.) oraz bakterii potencjalnie chorobotwórczych Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa i Slaphylococcus sp. w wodzie 8 wybranych kąpielisk jeziora Wigry. Bakterie Aeromonas hydrophila występowały w wodzie wszystkich kąpielisk, najliczniej zaś w wodzie pobieranej z miejsc o zwiększonej trofii. Bakterie Pseudomonas aeruginosa izolowano rzadko, niezależnie od czasu i miejsca poboru prób. Bakterie z rodzaju Salmonella, gatunku Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus stwierdzano odpowiednio w 37 (22,6%), 68 (42,4%) i 90 (55%) na ogólną liczbę 160 przebadanych prób wody kąpielisk jeziora Wigry. Stwierdzane w wodzie badanych kąpielisk (zwłaszcza w miejscowościach Stary Folwark, Leszczewek, i Rosochaty Róg) bakterie Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus i Aeromonas hydrophila (nawet przy braku bakterii z gatunku Escherichia coli) sugerują, iż ocena przydatności wód jeziora Wigry dla celów kąpielowych na podstawie liczebności bakterii grupy coli typu kałowego może nie odzwierciedlać w pełni jej bezpieczeństwa dla kąpiących się. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań sugerują konieczność uwzględnienia w ocenie przydatności wód powierzchniowych jeziora Wigry dla celów rekreacji (zwłaszcza kąpieli) badań na obecność Salmonella sp., Slaphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas hydrophila i Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ostatnie 3 gatunki niezwiązane bezpośrednio z zanieczyszczeniami kałowymi bywają, bowiem przyczyną różnorodnych schorzeń skórnych, jamy nosowo-gardzielowej, oczu, ucha środkowego i szeregu innych spotykanych wśród kąpiących się w zanieczyszczonej wodzie.
The paper presents an attempt to determine the duration of the bathing season for the Baltic Sea at the coast of Kołobrzeg, based on data records collected within 1961-1990 by Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. The following six conditions were applied to determine the bathing conditions: water temperature (tw >15 °C) at 12 GMT, daily sunshine (U >4 hours), maximal daily (12-13 GMT ) solar radiation intensity (r), air temperature (t), wind speed (v) and relative humidity (f) at 12 GMT. Solar conditions were described using an index S >17. Correction coefficients of the index S were computed statistically. Thermal air conditions were determined in complex way by using effective temperature (TE > 12 °C). For each bathing day, which satisfied the conditions presented above, complex indexes: K and KE (arithmetical means of TE, tw and S) were computed. For particular days from May, 1 to October, 31 within 30-years, probability of favourable bathing conditions occurrence with the division into three degrees of intensity (favourableness) was calculated. Assuming probability of favourable bathing days occurrence at least at 50 % level, the duration of the bathing season in Kołobrzeg was determined. According to K (which does not take into account the colding influence of wind and air humidity) the bathing season lasts from June, 25 to September, 5. But according to KE the bathing season would limit only just to the period from July, 29 to August, 12. No distinct trends of many years' changes of bathing conditions were found. However the 7-8 years periodicity of these conditions, especially of K coefficient, is recorded.
The paper presents an attempt to determine the duration of the bathing season for the Baltic Sea at the coast of Kołobrzeg, based on data records collected within 1961-1990 by Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. The following six conditions were applied to determine the bathing conditions: water temperature (tw > 150C) at 12 GMT, daily sunshine (U>4 hours), maximal daily (12-13 GMT) solar radiation intensity (r), air temperature (t), wind speed (v) and relative humidity (f) at 12 GMT. Solar conditions were described using an index S.>17. Correction coefficients of the index S were computed statistically. Thermal air conditions were determined in complex way by using effective temperature (TE.120C). For each bathing day, which satisfied the conditions presented above, complex indexes: K and KE (arythmetical means of TE, tw and S) were computed. For particular days from May, 1 to October, 31 within 30-years, probability of favourable bathing conditions occurence with the division into three degrees of intensity (favourableness) was calculated. Assuming probability of favourable bathing days occurence at least at 50% level, the duration of the bathing season in Kołobrzeg was determined. According to K (which does not take into account the colding influence of wind and air humidity) the bathing season lasts from June, 25 to September, 5. But according to KE the bathing season would limit only just to the period from July, 29 to August, 12. No distinct trends of many years' changes of bathing conditions were found. However the 7-8 years periodicity of these conditions, especially of K coefficient, is recorded.
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