Badania oceniające trwałość żywności, nazywaną często cyklem życia produktu czy okresem przydatności do spożycia (shelf life), są obecnie niewystarczająco wykorzystywane przez producentów. Znajomość rodzajów badań przechowalniczych (standardowych, przyspieszonych, PAO, NHDD, obciążeniowych) oraz umiejętność prawidłowego ich doboru we współpracy z laboratorium eksperckim umożliwiają uzyskanie silnej pozycji na rynku, a także optymalizację kosztów takich badań. Dzięki właściwym badaniom przechowalniczym producent zyskuje wiedzę o swoim produkcie, którą może skutecznie wykorzystać do tworzenia w procesie projektowania nowych produktow czy modyfikacji już wytwarzanych przy zapewnieniu ich bezpieczeństwa i oczekiwanej przez konsumentów jakości.
Studies evaluating the durability of food, being often called a shelf-life of the product are currently underused by manufacturers who have entered into an era of new challenges related to consumer expectations on low-processed food, as most natural (clean label) with high nutritional value. Knowledge of all available types of shelf life studies (standard, accelerated, PAO, NHDD, challenge tests) and the ability to select them correctly for purpose which must be obtained in collaboration with professional expert laboratory - in this field is the key to success to build a strong market position and optimize cost of this project. Owing to the proper shelf life study, the manufacturer gains a broad and accurate knowledge about his product that can be successfully used in a number of areas related to the design of new products, modification of already produced while ensuring their safety and quality expected by the consumer.
A new strategy of enrichment of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) and denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (DPAO) at low temperature ranging from 8 °C to 11 °C was demonstrated through two lab-scale reactors operated in sequential anaerobic-aerobic (AO) or anaerobic-anoxic (AA) conditions. It was found that the AO reactor is able to achieve a good phosphorus removal performance after 40 days of operation, while a similar stable phosphorus removal can be obtained in the AA reactor after 80 days. This result suggests that the enrichment of PAO was easier than that of DP AO at low temperature. Through switching batch tests, when DPAO is exposed to aerobic conditions, it can immediately exhibit a good phosphorus removal similar to that under anoxic conditions, while PAO can only present poor phosphorus removal when exposed to anoxic conditions, suggesting that two different types of Accumulibacter were enriched both in AA and AO reactors. Microbial analysis with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2 -phenylindole) staining revealed that Accumulibacter was dominant both in the two reactors, accounting for 61.6% and 79.3% of all bacteria in AA and AO reactors, respectively. Although the different amount of Accumulibacter was enriched in the two reactors, the similar microbial morphologies were observed by using scanning electron micrograph (SEM), both presenting long-rod morphology. This kind of Accumulibacter may display affinities for sodium acetate used as the carbon sources here. This strategy proposed in this study was shown to be effective in achieving a very high enrichment of Accumulibacter at low temperature by linking chemical analysis with microbial observation.
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Identyfikacja PAO występujących w próbkach osadu czynnego pobranych z dwóch duńskich oczyszczalni ścieków. Zbadano strukturę populacji Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis na podstawie filogenetycznej analizy genu kinazy polifosforanowej.
Polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) are the group of microorganisms primarily responsible for effective phosphorus removal from wastewater. Samples of activated sludge from two Danish full scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were analyzed for their populations of PAOs using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The investigations showed that PAOs may account for up to 20% of the community biomass in full scale WWTPs. Among two bacterial groups tested, Tetrasphaera turned out to be the dominant PAO in both plants and constituted about 15% of all bacteria in activated sludge.
W pracy dokonano próby izolacji i identyfikacji mikroorganizmów akumulujących polifosforany (PAO), zasiedlających laboratoryjny sekwencyjny reaktor porcjowy (SBR) przeznaczony do usuwania ortofosforanów ze ścieków w warunkach laboratoryjnych. W celu wyselekcjonowania bakterii o potencjalnych zdolnościach do akumulacji polifosforanów próbki osadu czynnego poddano głodzeniu w warunkach tlenowych, a do podłóż stałych dodano inhibitor syntezy ATP (DCCD - dicykloheksylokarbodiimid). Wyizolowane szczepy bakterii, a także hodowle mieszane, poddano następnie testom na podłożach płynnych celem potwierdzenia ich przynależności do grupy PAO. W każdym teście występowały naprzemiennie trzy fazy beztlenowe i dwie tlenowe. W ciągu 9-miesięcznych badań stwierdzono, że dominujące w osadzie czynnym były bakterie cylindryczne gramujemne, ale licznie występowały też formy cylindryczne gramdodatnie, szczególnie z rodzaju Arthrobacter. Wyizolowano także ziarniaki, głównie z rodzaju Staphylococcus. Spośród gatunków dominujących w hodowlach głodzonych najwięcej szczepów należało do rodzajów Arthrobacter, Aeromonas, a także Brevundimonas. Czyste szczepy bakterii, zastosowane w teście hodowlanym mającym potwierdzić cechy PAO, nie wykazały jednak zdolności do poboru ortofosforanów ze ścieków w warunkach tlenowych i zużywania związków organicznych, wraz z jednoczesnym uwalnianiem ortofosforanów przy braku dostępu tlenu. Przyczyną braku wykazywania cech PAO mogła być nieobecność innych mikroorganizmów, mogących synergistycznie oddziaływać z badanymi szczepami. W przypadku hodowli mieszanych również nie stwierdzono poboru i uwalniania ortofosforanów, natomiast test z osadem czynnym wykazał pozytywny rezultat, charakterystyczny w modelu PAO. Wyniki te świadczą o obecności PAO w badanym osadzie czynnym, jednakże wydaje się prawdopodobne, że wyizolowane szczepy nie należały do PAO.
The aim of this work was to isolate and identify the polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) that populate a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) designed for the removal of orthophosphates from wastewater under laboratory conditions. In order to isolate bacteria with potential capacity for polyphosphate accumulation, the sludge samples were subjected to aerobic starvation, and the solid media used for cultivation were supplied with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), an ATP synthesis inhibitor. The isolated bacterial strains, as well as the mixed cultures, were then tested in liquid media to confirm the typical PAO phenotype. Each test consisted of five alternate phases - three anaerobic and two aerobic. The nine-month experiment produced the following findings. Gram-negative rods dominated the activated sludge samples, but Gram-positive rods, mainly those of the genus Arthrobacter sp., were also in abundance. The micrococci isolated from the sludge were predominantly of the genus Staphylococcus sp. Most of the strains that dominated the cultures subjected to aerobic starvation were of the genera Arthrobacter sp., Aeromonas sp. and Brevundimonas sp. The pure bacterial strains that were tested in the liquid media to confirm the typical PAO phenotype showed no capacity either for the uptake of orthophosphates from the wastewater under aerobic conditions, or for the utilization of organic compounds with simultaneous release of orthophosphates under conditions of oxygen deficiency. Seemingly, the absence of other microorganisms with the capacity for synergetic interactions was the underlying cause of the pure strains' failure to share the typical PAO phenotype. The lack of capacity for the uptake and release of orthophosphates was also observed in the mixed cultures. The test performed with activated sludge produced a positive result, typical of the PAO model, which substantiates the presence of PAO in the activated sludge being tested. However, it may as well be assumed that the isolated strains were not PAOs.
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The effect of MoDTC with and without ZnDTP on reduction in friction and wear was determined under partial EHL conditions with a two roller machine, where the experiments were conducted using polyalphaolefin (PAO), polyol ester (POE), and their blended oils as the base fluids. When using PAO as a base fluid, a significant friction and wear reducing effect appeared at a low Mo concentration. On the contrary, the coefficient of friction and the wear amount in POE containing MoDTC with and without ZnDTP increased with increasing Mo concentration. In the blended oils containing MoDTC with a constant Mo concentration, the additive effect decreased as the ratio of POE was increased. This indicates that the co-adsorption between POE and MoDTC onto the rubbing surface prevented the formation of an effective boundary lubrication film. The experimental results also showed that a friction and wear-reducing effect depends on the ratio of concentration of ZnDTP to that of POE.
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