The main task of research was a quantitative and qualitative identification of rare earth elements within various Mesozoic sediments in the surroundings of the Holy Cross Mountains. Over 100 samples from archive boreholes, outcrops and mining waste were analysed using modern methods, like portable XRF, geochemical analysis (ICP-MS), electron microprobe and SEM. Results show enrichments of REE concentrations in sedimentary rock samples from the Niektań PIG-1 borehole (LREE up to 0.95%), Miedary outcrop (LREY up to 0.4%) and Lower Cretaceous phosphorites from mining waste in Chałupki and Annopol (LREE ~0.2%). Further investigation is strongly recommended in order to explain the distribution of REE in the study areas.
Polska posiada największe zasoby energii geotermalnej względem innych rodzajów energii odnawialnej. Energia geotermalna jest niezależna od warunków klimatycznych i atmosferycznych. Z końcem ubiegłego wieku w naszym kraju rozpoczęto prace badawcze poszukiwania i oszacowania zasobów wód geotermalnych, wskazano perspektywy ich wykorzystania oraz rozpoczęto budowę zakładów geotermalnych. Autor artykułu opracował możliwości pozyskania energii wód geotermalnych dla celów rekreacyjno-balneologicznych dla Tarnowa Podgórnego w Wielkopolsce. Na podstawie badań geologicznych autora wykonano projekt wiercenia, następnie dokumentację hydrogeologiczną, zaprojektowano i wybudowano ośrodek rekreacyjny Tarnowskie Termy otwarty w maju 2015 r. W artykule wskazano na rolę wyprzedzających badań geologicznych dla efektów poszukiwania wód geotermalnych. W Tarnowie Podgórnym nawiercono w utworach dolnojurajskich na głębokości 810-1170 m p.p.t. wodę geotermalną o wydajności 220m3/h, temperaturze 44°C i mineralizacji 80g/l. Tarnowskie Termy to 2 baseny geotermalne wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny, basen rekreacyjny oraz basen sportowy i do nauki pływania. Woda chlorkowo-sodowa z zawartością pierwiastków: J, Ba, Mg, Ca, F, Cu, Fe stwarza perspektywy do rozwoju balneologii. Dziennie w Tarnowskich Termach przebywa około 1500 ludzi. Obecnie po pewnym zastoju nastąpił w naszym kraju wzrost zainteresowania wykorzystaniem energii geotermalnej dla ciepłownictwa, rekreacji a nawet produkcji energii elektrycznej. Przełamano zastój budowy zakładu geotermalnego w Toruniu oraz zatwierdzono do realizacji wykonanie odwiertów geotermalnych na Podhalu, w Kole, Lądku Zdroju, Sochaczewie i Sieradzu. Problematykę wykorzystania energii geotermalnej powinno się również reaktywować w Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym.
Great resources of geothermal energy in relation to other types of renewable energy there are in Poland. Geothermal energy is independent of climate and weather conditions. At the end of the past century, research for geothermal water condition and construction of geothermal plants were started in our country and then, their resources were estimated and the options of their use were determined. Possibilities for acquisition of geothermal water energy for recreation and balneology purposes in Tarnowo Podgórne in Wielkopolska Region of Poland were presented in this article. On the basis of the author's geological research, project of drilling and hydrogeological documents were prepared and then, the recreation centre "Tarnowskie Termy" was designed and built. Opening of the centre took place in May 2015. The article points out the role of leading geological research for the effects of searching for geothermal water. Geothermal water with the flow rate of 220m3/h, 44°C of temperature and 80g/l mineralization was extracted in Tarnowo Podgórne in Lower J urassic formations at the depth of 810-1170 m b.g.l. Tarnowskie Termy consist of 2 geothermal pools - an indoor and an outdoor pool, a pool for recreation swimming, a competition pool and a pool for learning swimming. Sodium chloride water with I, Ba, Mg, Ca, F, Cu, Fe elements provides perspectives for development of balneotherapy. Each day, 1,500 people spend time in Tarnowskie Termy. Currently, after some stagnation, a growth of interest in using geothermal energy for heat engineering, recreation and even electrical energy production has been observed in our country. The construction of geothermal plant in Toruń was resumed, and drilling of geothermal boreholes in Podhale, Koło, Lądek Zdrój, Sochaczew and Sieradz was accepted for accomplishment. The question of geothermal energy use should be also revived in Upper Silesian Coal Basin.
The Lower Jurassic (Hettangian–Sinemurian) continental deposits of the Mehadia area (Caraş–Severin County) belong to the Presacina Basin, Upper Danubian Units of the South Carpathians, Romania. This un-named succession is exposed along large areas within the Greaţca Quarry where deposits of a complex braided river system can be seen. Nine clastic facies are identified within the Mehadia section and grouped into two facies associations reflecting two main sub-environments. (A) a fine-grained association, up to 6.5 m thick, composed of greyish black and dark grey massive and horizontally laminated mudstones interbedded with fine- to medium-grained sandstones showing ripple lamination, tabular low-angle large-scale cross-bedding and in some places massive sandstones. Within this association coarsening and fining-upward sequences are visible, while subordinate pensymmetrical-like sequences were observed. The sediments of the fine-grained association are interpreted as having been deposited along an alluvial plain from flood waters. The sandstone interbeds are interpreted as crevasse channel-fills and the thinner sandstone bodies as proximal crevasse splays. (B) a coarse-grained facies association represented by sandstones and conglomerates, both clast- and matrix-supported, from granule to pebble clast sizes. Almost all basal members of this association are underlain by erosional surfaces, while internal erosional surfaces occur at some levels. The coarse-grained facies association is interpreted as having been deposited within active river channels of a sandy braided river system. The occurrence of numerous erosional surfaces, the recurrence of the facies within this association (channel bodies), as well as the abundant mudstone and sandstone intraclasts all point to frequent conditions of erosion (including redeposition) of previously deposited sediments. The relatively low fine-grained sediment content (<25%) can be explained by two factors: (1) a creation rate for accommodation space was not enough for the accumulation of a large amount of overbank deposits; (2) a lack of larger quantities of fine-grained material being transported in the river system. Both factors may have operated independently or interacted.
The Lower Jurassic to Aalenian carbonate-clastic Dudziniec Formation exposed in the autochthonous unit of the Tatra Mountains (Kościeliska Valley) hosts neptunian dykes filled with various deposits. The development of the fissures took place in multiple stages, with the same fractures opening several times, as is indicated by their architecture, occurrence of internal breccias and arrangement of the infilling sediments. Various types of internal deposits were derived in a different manner and from different sources. Fine carbonate sediments, represented by variously coloured pelitic limestones, calcilutites and fine calcarenites, most probably come from uplifted and corroded carbonate massifs (possibly from the allochthonous units of the High-Tatric succession). Products of weathering, both in dissolved form and as small particles, were washed into the sedimentary basin of the autochthonous unit, and redeposited within the dykes. The sandy varieties of the infillings, represented by red, ferruginous calcareous sandstones, come directly from the host rocks or from loose sediments present on the sea bottom at the time of fracturing. The most probable age of the infilling sediments is Sinemurian to Pliensbachian. The occurrence of dykes of this age is yet another feature confirming that the sedimentary development of the Lower Jurassic sandy-carbonate facies in the autochthonous unit was strongly influenced by synsedimentary tectonic activity, such as block-faulting.
Rejon niecki mogileńsko-łódzkiej jest, obok Podhala, jednym z najbardziej perspektywicznych rejonów w Polsce dla efektywnego zagospodarowania zasobów geotermalnych. Wykorzystanie energii geotermalnej w tym regionie powinno w pierwszej kolejności być związane ze zbiornikami dolnojurajskim i dolnokredowym. Obecnie w Poddębicach i Uniejowie eksploatowane są wody zbiornika dolnokredowego. Na różnym etapie zaawansowania występują projekty wykorzystania potencjału energetycznego w rejonie niecki mogileńsko-łódzkiej, w tym w: Kole, Sochaczewie, Sieradzu, Aleksandrowie Łódzkim, Konstantynowie Łódzkim, Łodzi. Istnieją również plany szerszego zagospodarowania wód geotermalnych w Poddębicach i Uniejowie. W celu określenia możliwości budowy nowych instalacji geotermalnych w rejonie niecki mogileńsko-łódzkiej wykonano analizę danych geologicznych oraz reinterpretację podstawowych parametrów hydrogeologicznych dolnokredowego i dolnojurajskiego zbiornika geotermalnego, w tym temperatur i mineralizacji wód oraz wydajności ujęć w obrębie analizowanych zbiorników geotermalnych. Skonstruowanie trójwymiarowego modelu geologiczno-parametrycznego obszaru badań wykonanego w programie Petrel umożliwiało określenie przestrzennego rozkład analizowanych parametrów zbiornikowych. W efekcie tych działań dokonano obliczeń przewidywanej mocy cieplnej instalacji geotermalnych i wskazania miejsc perspektywicznych dla dalszego zagospodarowania zasobów geotermalnych w rejonie niecki. Większy potencjał energetyczny, wynikający głównie z wyższych temperatur wód geotermalnych, związany jest z wodami zbiornika dolnojurajskiego, jednak w przypadku ich wykorzystania należy mieć na uwadze wysoką mineralizacje wód. Lokalizacje perspektywiczne dla wykorzystania wód geotermalnych poziomu dolnokredowego występują na znacznie mniejszym obszarze niż w przypadku zbiornika dolnojurajskiego. Wody tego zbiornika charakteryzują się niższą mineralizacją, ale także niższą temperaturą.
The area of Mogilno-Łódź Trough is, next to Podhale, one of the most prospective areas in Poland for effective management of geothermal resources. The use of geothermal energy in this region should be, first of all, related to Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous reservoirs. At present, the reservoir waters are exploited successfully – in Poddębice and Uniejów – Lower Cretaceous. Projects of using the energy potential of waters from the Lower Jurassic reservoir (Koło, Sochaczew, Sieradz, Aleksandrów Łódzki, Konstantynów Łódzki, Łódź) are at different stages of development. In order to identify the possibilities of setting up new geothermal installations in the area of the Mogilno-Łódź Trough, the analysis of geological and hydrogeothermal parameters for a Lower Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic geothermal reservoir was conducted on the basis of the analysis of archival materials, research works, geological designs and an inventory of operational parameters of already existing geothermal installations. Hydrogeological and geothermal parameters were evaluated, including an estimation of water temperatures and mineralisation, as well as probable discharge of geothermal wells. The construction of a 3D geological-parametric model of the study area, made using Petrel software, enabled the spatial distribution of parameters being analysed, and next, the evaluation of geothermal resources in the Lower Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic reservoirs. As a result of those activities, the thermal power of the geothermal installations was calculated and prospective locations for further utilization (usage) of the geothermal resources were indicated. Considerable energy potential relates to geothermal waters of the Lower Jurassic reservoir, however, if they are used, high TDS should be taken into consideration. Thus a two wells (doublet) system will be advisable. Locations prospective for the use of geothermal waters from the Lower Cretaceous aquifer occur at limited area unlike the Lower Jurassic reservoir. Waters of that reservoir are characterised by a lower mineralisation, but also a lower temperature.
Produkcja energii elektrycznej przy wykorzystaniu niskotemperaturowych zasobów geotermalnych jest technicznie możliwa dzięki zastosowaniu technologii binarnych. W rejonie Niżu Polskiego niskotemperaturowe zasoby geotermalne związane są przede wszystkim z mezozoicznymi zbiornikami geotermalnymi. Największy potencjał hydrogeotermalny związany jest z piaskowcowymi utworami jury dolnej, występującymi w rejonie niecki mogileńsko-łódzkiej oraz niecki szczecińskiej, gdzie temperatury w obrębie zbiornika przekraczają 90°C, a potencjalna wydajność otworów wiertniczych jest odpowiednio wysoka (powyżej 50 m3/h). Znaczny potencjał geotermalny związany jest ze zbiornikiem dolnotriasowym centralnej części Niżu Polskiego, jednak ze względu na niskie parametry petrofizyczne skał zbiornikowych perspektywy produkcji energii elektrycznej należy wiązać w przyszłości przede wszystkim z potencjałem gorących suchych skał dolnego triasu, a nie z zasobami hydrogeotermalnymi.
Electricity production using low-temperature geothermal resources is technically possible by binary technology. The major geothermal resources in the Polish Lowlands are associated with Mesozoic aquifers. The greatest hydrogeothermal potential is connected with the Lower Jurassic sandstone in the Mogilno-Łodz Trough and Szczecin Trough, where the temperature inside the reservoir exceeds 90°C and potential discharge of wells is above 50 m3/h. Significant geothermal resources are associated with the Lower Triassic reservoir in the central part of the Polish Lowlands, however, due to the low petrophysical parameters of reservoir rocks, electricity production should be connecting with the petrogeothermal potential.
This paper presents tubular tempestites from southern Poland and their application for environmental and sequence stratigraphy interpretation. Tubular tempestites are present in muddy successions of the Lower Jurassic Ciechocinek Formation and in the Middle Jurassic Częstochowa Ore-Bearing Clay Formation in the Silesian-Kraków region. They occur as sand-filled tubes of Spongeliomorpha and Thalassinoides entrenched in the mudstone, which form two characteristic horizons. Tubes were emplaced in semi-consolidated substrate and filled with sand brought by storm-generated bottom currents. The trace fossils reveal features typical of Glossifungites ichnofacies associated firmgrounds, which record discontinuities in the stratigraphical record, linked with a depositional hiatus or condensation and erosion of the sea-floor. The coincidence of these horizons with early phases of regional transgressions suggests that they represent transgressive surfaces of erosion. Their limited spatial extent probably resulted from varying intensity of erosion, which locally scoured deeply down to already consolidated substrate, whereas in other places erosion was weaker or even absent, and thus it is not marked in the sedimentary record there.
Nineteen samples of uppermost Triassic and Lower Jurassic claystones and mudstones, which were formed in the epicontinental Polish Basin, were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for rare earth elements (REE) and other selected trace elements (Sc, Y, Th, Zr and U). The results indicate that the source of most of the claystones and mudstones studied were sedimentary rocks of the upper continental crust of old cratonic areas, where the protolith had a mainly felsic character. However, in the latest Triassic a characteristic layer formed, implying significant input from mafic volcanic protolith. It was also found that moderately intense chemical weathering usually favoured increased concentration of the rare earths. Extremely strong hydrolysis, related to episodes of very hot and humid climate (greenhouse events), caused conspicuous impoverishment in REE in residual clays. Weathering and recycling processes modified the composition of REE to some extent, but generally did not obliterate the original characteristics of the protolith. In some samples, enrichment in rare earth elements was observed, caused by admixtures of accessory minerals (being a main carrier of REE) and/or increased sorting during recycling.
Upper Hettangian (Lower Jurassic) marginal-marine Przysucha Ore-bearing Formation exposed at Zapniów mine and clay-pit (northwestern part of the Holy Cross Mountains area, central Poland) revealed an interesting assemblage of dinosaur tracks. Although mostly yielding poorly preserved and isolated tracks probably left in shallow water conditions, the site nevertheless indicates a diversity of early saurischian (theropods and sauropodomorphs) and ornithischian (thyreophorans) dinosaur trackmakers. This new assemblage is partly consistent with the Lower-Middle Hettangian ichnorecord from the same region. The tracks are preserved in sediments of a barrier-foreshore origin within a barrier/lagoonal depositional system, belonging to the highstand systems tract, located below a marked erosional surface (sequence boundary), which is associated with a substantial fall in sea level at the end of Hettangian times. Here we described all previously and newly collected or observed in the field dinosaur tracks from both surface and underground exposures at Zapniów. Four ichnospecies: Grallator isp., Anchisauripus isp., cf. Tetrasauropus isp., and cf. Anomoepus isp. were identified. The theropod and ornithischian tracks show distinct similarities to those described from the richest in this region and most famous Gliniany Las dinosaur track assemblage, in age approximately coeval to Zapniów. Two sizes of theropod tracks (small and medium) indicate the presence of two different size classes or species of predators in this area. The described cf. Tetrasauropus isp. from Zapniów is the first unquestioned evidence of basal sauropodomorphs in the Upper Hettangian of the Holy Cross Mountains and first record of this ichnotaxa in the Lower Jurassic of Poland. Additionally, two theropod trackways (Anchisauripus isp.) show evidence for trotting. The new finds suggest similarities between marginal-marine environments (delta-plain and foreshore-barrier/lagoon lithofacies) association of dinosaurs containing low-browsing thyreophorans accompanied by small or juvenile sauropodomorphs and small to medium sized theropods. Presence of the ornithischian footprints suggests their prominent role as a major component in Middle-Upper Hettangian dinosaur faunas in marginal-marine environments dominating in the region.
Analizie petrograficznej i petrofizycznej poddano piaskowce z otworów wiertniczych położonych w strefie Szczecin–Radom. Piaskowce reprezentują głównie arenity i waki kwarcowe, od bardzo drobno- do średnioziarnistych. Głównym typem spoiwa są matriks oraz cementy, wśród których wyróżniono kwarc, węglany, minerały ilaste oraz lokalnie piryt. Największe znaczenie w piaskowcach jury dolnej odgrywa cement kwarcowy, tworzący obwódki syntaksjalne na ziarnach kwarcu. Autigeniczne minerały ilaste są głównie reprezentowane przez kaolinit robakowaty. Występowanie autigenicznego illitu oraz Fe/Mg chlorytów stwierdzono lokalnie. Cementy węglanowe są reprezentowane głównie przez wczesną i późną generację syderytu (minerał szeregu syderyt–magnezyt). Przeważa syderyt wczesnodiagenetyczny, reprezentowany przez syderyt oraz syderoplesyt. Wartości δ18C syderytu mieszczą się w przedziale od –24,50 do –4,56‰PDB, a wartości δ13O wynoszą od –14,37 do –0,33‰PDB. Miejscami występuje syderyt późny o składzie chemicznym syderoplesytu oraz pistomesytu. Ponadto występuje Fe-dolomit/ankeryt oraz sporadycznie kalcyt. Piaskowce jurajskie charakteryzują się bardzo dobrymi i dobrymi właściwościami filtracyjnymi. Dominuje w nich porowatość pierwotna, która często przekracza 20%, a przepuszczalność mieści się w przedziale od 0,001 do 1930,756 mD. Najważniejszymi procesami diagenetycznymi w piaskowcach są kompakcja, cementacja i rozpuszczanie. Kompakcja zredukowała porowatość pierwotną przeciętnie o około 30%, a cementacja – o około 21%.
Sandstones from the boreholes located in Szczecin–Radom area have been subjected to petrographic and petrophysical analysis. Sandstones are represented mostly by quartz arenites and wacks, from very fine- to middle-grained. The main type of cements are matrix and cements, among which quartz, carbonates, clay minerals and locally pyrite were distinguished. Quartz cement occurring as syntaxial overgrowths developed on the quartz grains displays the greatest significance in the Lower Jurassic sandstones. Authigenic clay minerals are represented mainly by vermiform kaolinite. Authigenic illite and Fe/Mg chlorites are locally observed. Carbonate cements are represented mainly by early and late generation of siderite (mineral of series of siderite–magnesite). The early diagenetic siderite represented by siderite and sideroplesite is predominant. The siderite δ18C values are in the range from –24.50 to –4.56‰PDB and δ13O values range from –14.37 to –0.33‰PDB. The late siderite of pistomesite and sideroplesite chemical composition also occurs, but occasionally. Furthermore, there are Fe-dolomite/ankerite and occasionally calcite. The Jurassic sandstones are characterized by very good and good filtration properties. The primary porosity is dominant, it often exceeds 20%, and permeability is in the range of 0.001 to 1930.756 mD. The most important diagenetic processes operating in the sandstones are: compaction, cementation and dissolution. Compaction reduced primary porosity on average by about 30%, and cementation by about 21%.
Heavy mineral assemblages from the infill of Jurassic pre-Callovian palaeokarst in the Czatkowice Quarry, in the Kraków–Wieluń Upland, are zircon dominated. They contain also garnet, tourmaline, rutile and scarce grains of kyanite, staurolite and single chromian spinel. The textural features of the heavy minerals suggest that certain types of source rocks supplied the clastic material infilling in the karst studied. Most of the heavy minerals were derived from sedimentary or metasedimentary rocks as suggested by the high degree of roundness of the grains and also by high ZTR (zircon–tourmaline–rutile) index values. Rounded minerals may derive from Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic clastic rocks occurring in the area surrounding the Czatkowice Quarry. The chemical compositions of rounded detrital garnet and tourmaline grains suggest metamorphic and igneous rocks as initial sources, perhaps located in the Bohemian Massif. However, a hypothetical landmass located south of the Kraków–Wieluń Upland might have been an additional source area. The euhedral zircon and garnet grains were transported directly from crystalline rocks, which may have been Carboniferous-Permian volcanic rocks and crystalline basement elevations of Brunovistulicum exposed during Jurassic pre-Callovian sedimentation in the Czatkowice area.
The Snochowice Beds represent the lowermost part of the Lower Jurassic succession in the western part of the Mesozoic margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Central Poland). This thick, gravelly has a different lithological character to other Lower Jurassic sandy and fine-grained deposits. Eight lithofacies have been distinguished, mainly gravelly and sandy, grouped into four genetic associations: M – massive gravels, interpreted as clast-rich debris flow deposits, G – horizontally to cross-stratified gravels, interpreted as gravelly bars and bedforms, S – cross-stratified and massive sandstones, interpreted as sandy bars and bedforms and F – massive mudstones and claystones, generally fine-grained deposits, interpreted as overbank deposits. Analysis of depositional geometry and lithofacies successions allowed reconstruction of the sedimentary environment: landforms of alluvial fan type, formed mainly by braided river processes and rarely by sediment gravity flows. A decrease in the thickness and content of gravelly lithofacies towards the north and north-east is documented. Analysis of transport directions has revealed that the clastic material was transported toward the north and north-east, perpendicular to the main faults fringing the basin. Depositional geometry facies and palaeocurrent patterns of the Snochowice Beds indicate that sedimentation was controlled by tectonic activity.
Jurassic rocks in the central Tulsequah map area include conglomerates and interbedded fossiliferous finer clastics of the Takwahoni Formation (Laberge Group) which unconformably overlie Triassic rocks. Ammonite collections document the Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Bajocian stages. We refine the age and provenance of episodes of coarse clastic input and confirm the progressive change of dominant clast lithology from reworked sedimentary rocks above the Triassic-Jurassic unconformity to volcanic, plutonic and then metamorphic clasts in the Upper Toarcian. The uppermost coarse clastic unit is a Bajocian chert-pebble conglomerate which, along with the immediately underlying black mudstone, we include in the Bowser Lake Group. Together with regional correlations, this confirms that the age of the basal part of the Bowser Lake Group is diachronous, younging southwards into Stikinia. Sandstone petrofacies trends and changes in conglomerate clast composition indicate arc uplift and dissection followed by Middle Jurassic orogen recycling. The isotopic ages of detrital zircons and granite clasts compared with the biochronologically constrained ages of the enclosing strata suggests that processes of intrusion, arc uplift, unroofing, and clastic deposition during the Early Jurassic occurred over intervals of significantly less than five million years.
Quartzitic sandstone was distinguished at the lower part of the Kopieniec Formation from the Lower Subtatric Nappe (Kriżna Nappe; Fatricum) between the Bystra Valley and the Olczyska Valley, in the Tatra Mts. In previous editions of the detail geological maps of the Tatra Mts, this sandstone was not marked in this area. The quartzitic sandstone crops out at Wysokie hill, east of Kuźnice and can be easily recognized in the field. The sandstone is located above the series of the dark-grey organodetrital limestones and the black calcareous sandstones of the Fatra Formation (Rhaetian) and below the typical brownish- gray claystone of the Kopieniec Formation (Hettangian). Maximum thickness of quartzitic sandstone is about 15 m.
The Snochowice Beds – the Lower Jurassic gravels and conglomerates – are composed of the fragments of the most resistant rocks: the vein quartz, quartzites, quartzite sandstones and conglomerates, lydites and jaspers. The results of performed investigations allowed to modification of the existing opinion about the source areas. The results of petrographical analysis also allow to compare the group of the Snochowice Beds pebbles to the pebbles of the Lower and Upper Triassic rocks from the Mesozoic margin of the Holy Cross Mountains and the Inner Carpathians. The similarity of the main components: the pebbles of quartzites, lydites and jaspers of the Carpathian Triassic rocks and the Lower Jurassic gravels was the basis to identifying the Bohemian Massif as the source area, which was build mainly of the Paleozoic metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. In the Snochowice Beds pebbles were recognized also parts of rocks similar to the Cambrian rocks underlying the Jurassic rocks on the Upper Silesia Block.
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The Lower Toarcian Ciechocinek Formation from the Częstochowa-Wieluń region is composed of poorly consolidated mudstones, claystones and siltstones with subordinate sandstone intercalations. The succession is represented by twelve lithofacies grouped into seven facies associations of a shallow brackish marine basin with an embayment character. The sedimentation was dominated by clay and silt deposition from low-density suspension flows, spreading out from river mouths, and from suspension clouds whirled up during storms. Sand intercalations mark episodes of storms, removing coarser material from nearshore to more distal settings, migration of elongated sand bars, as well as sedimentation at river mouths and on sandy shoals. The deposition was affected by three main factors: (1) progradation and displacement of river mouths; (2) river discharge fluctuations;and (3) short-term weather changes.
The paper presents results of research and drilling works related to realization of Kleszczów GT-1 borehole, performed between July 5th and November 10th, 2009. Geothermal waters will be used for space-heating and recreational purposes in a planned center of sports and recreation. While planning the drilling it was assumed that the exploitation of geothermal waters will be conducted in a closed, extraction/injection well-system. The Lower Jurassic aquifer was assumed as the most favourable reservoir for geothermal use. Drilling of Kleszczów GT-1 well confirmed the significant resources of geothermal waters. The geothermal water obtained is a brine of Cl-Na hydrogeochemical type and of TDS reaching 4.6 g/dm3. Measured well-head temperature was 52.2 stopn.C. On the third drawdown of pumping test the yield of geothermal water to 200.6 m3/h were obtained and the position of dynamic water table was at a depth of 89.9 m which corresponds to measured drawdown. The results of geological work of the Kleszczów GT-1 borehole will be used to design the second borehole (Kleszczów GT-2) for a two wells system.
Petrographic types of sandstones belonging to the Baboš Quartzite Mb (Sinemurian) and the Waksmundzka Sandstone Mb (Sinemurian-Lotharingian) of the Med’odoly Sandstone Fm (Krina Unit, Fatricum) in the Kopy Sołtysie region were identified. In the literature, they were usually described as quartzites or quartzose sandstones, but in fact they represent quartz arenites or subarkose arenites. Their composition indicates that the source of clastic material was of a cratonic interior type or related to a recycled orogenic material rich in quartz. It is possible that the source was located in elevated parts of the Tatricum or Hronicum domains. Sedimentary features and facies context point to deepeningm of sedimentary environment from the shallower shelf (Baboš Quartzite Mb) to that of a deeper shelf (Waksmundzka Sandstone Mb).
Analizie petrograficznej i petrofizycznej poddano piaskowce jury dolnej w rejonie Bełchatowa, z ośmiu otworów wiertniczych: Florentyna IG 2, Gomunice 13, Jeżów IG 1, Kalisz IG 1, Niechmirów IG 1, Zakrzyn IG 1, Zamoście 1 i Zaosie 2. W pracach wykorzystano następujące metody badawcze: mikroskop polaryzacyjny (PL), katodoluminescencję (CL), skaningowy mikroskop elektronowy (SEM) i mikrosondę energetyczną (EDS, ISIS), badania rentgenostrukturalne (XRD) oraz laboratoryjne badania petrofizyczne. Piaskowce reprezentują głównie arenity i waki kwarcowe od bardzo drobno- do średnioziarnistych. Głównym składnikiem ich szkieletu ziarnowego jest kwarc, natomiast skalenie, litoklasty i łyszczyki występują w niewielkiej ilości. Dominującym rodzajem spoiwa jest masa wypełniająca typu matriks, której towarzyszą cementy: kwarcowy, węglanowy reprezentowany przez syderyt (oraz inne minerały szeregu syderyt-magnezyt) i Fe-dolomit/ankeryt oraz kaolinitowy. Skały te charakteryzują się bardzo dobrymi i dobrymi właściwościami filtracyjnymi. Porowatość piaskowców często przekracza 15%, a przepuszczalność mieści się w przedziale od 0,1 do 1361,7 mD. Parametry przestrzeni porowej pomierzone w porozymetrze kształtują się następująco: współczynnik porowatości dynamicznej 4,7–30,0%, średnia wartość ilości porów >1 μm 5–99%, średnica progowa 0,2–64,0 μm i histereza 2–87%.
Lower Jurassic sandstones from eight boreholes (Florentyna IG 2, Gomunice 13, Jeów IG 1, Kalisz IG 1, Niechmirów IG 1, Zakrzyn IG 1, Zamoście 1 i Zaosie 2) of the Bełchatów region were studied for petrography and petrophysical properties. The following research methods were used: polarizing microscope observations (PL), cathodoluminescence studies (CL), scanning electron microscope (SEM) investigations and energy dispersive spectrometer studies (EDS ISIS), X-ray diffraction analyses (XRD) and laboratory petrophysical examinations. The sandstones are represented by very fine- to medium-grained quartz arenites and wackes. The main component of the grain framework is quartz. Feldspars, lithoclasts and micas occur in minor proportions. The sandstone is bonded predominantly by matrix accompanied by quartz, siderite (and other minerals of the siderite–magnezite series), Fe-dolomite/ankerite and kaolinite cements. The rocks are characterized by good and very good filtration properties. Porosity of the sandstones, very often exceeds 15%, and permeability ranges from 0.1 to 1361.7 mD. Pore space parameters measured in porosimeter show the following trend: dynamic porosity factor: 4.7–30.0%, average amount of pores >1 μm: 5–99%, threshold diameter: 0.2–64.0 μm and hysteresis: 2–87%.
W artykule podsumowano wyniki dotychczasowych badań osadów ilastych formacji ciechocińskiej (jura dolna, toark) oraz przedstawiono wyniki nowych analiz mineralogicznych i geochemicznych z otworów wiertniczych Brody–Lubienia BL-1 i Suliszowice BN-38. W dolnej części badanych profili (poziom tenuicostatum) zespoły minerałów ilastych składają się głównie z detrytycznego illitu oraz podrzędnego kaolinitu i chlorytu. Sedymentację zdominowaną przez illit przerwał wzrost dostawy kaolinitu na pograniczu parasekwencji VIIIb/VIIIc. W górnej części (poziom falciferum) zawartość kaolinitu jest znacząco wyższa niż w części dolnej. W całym profilu nie zaobserwowano smektytów. Skład minerałów ilastych był przeważnie kontrolowany przez warunki klimatyczne i reżim wietrzenia. W poziomie tenuicostatum wciąż zaznaczał się wpływ ochłodzenia panującego w póĽnym pliensbachu. Odzwierciedla to większa zawartość illitu i chlorytu w dolnym odcinku profilu, spowodowana zahamowaniem hydrolizy. Warstwy o znacznym stosunku kaolinit/illit na pograniczu parasekwencji VIIIb/VIIIc wskazują na silne wietrzenie w wilgotnym klimacie subtropikalnym lub tropikalnym, odpowiadające początkowi głównej fazy globalnego ocieplenia, które się zapisało na licznych profilach w Europie u schyłku poziomu tenuicostatum. W górnym odcinku formacji ciechocińskiej kaolinit pozostał dominującym minerałem ilastym, co sugeruje panowanie klimatu ciepłego i wilgotnego. Mineralogiczny zapis paleoklimatu został nieco zmieniony przez wpływ składu mineralnego materiału dostarczanego z obszarów Ľródłowych i warunki paleośrodowiskowe. Procesy diagenetyczne nie były dość silne, by dokonać transformacji kaolinitu, ale mogły przeobrażać smektyt i minerały mieszanopakietowe w illit i/lub chloryt. Ze względu na rozwój litologiczny i zawartość syderytu, tylko osady ilaste z dolnej części formacji ciechocińskiej mają lokalnie realne znaczenie gospodarcze, ze względu na rozwój litologiczny i niższy udział syderytu. Zawierają one zasoby udokumentowane i perspektywiczne bardzo dobrych surowców ceramiki budowlanej i niektórych odmian surowców kamionkowych. W przeciwieństwie do osadów hetangu, iły ogniotrwałe i inne iły ceramiczne są tu nieobecne z powodu zubożenia w kaolinit.
This paper summarizes the results of research performed on the Ciechocinek Formation clays (Lower Jurassic, Toarcian) and presents the results of a new mineralogical and geochemical study of the Brody–Lubienia BL-1 and Suliszowice BN-38 boreholes. In the lower part of the studied sections (tenuicostatum zone), clay minerals assemblages comprise predominantly detrital illite with subordinatekaolinite and chlorite. Illite-dominated sedimentation was interrupted by an increased input of kaolinite at the viiib/viiic parasequence boundary. In the upper part (falciferum zone) the kaolinite content is significantly higher than in the lower part. Smectite was not observed in the whole section. The clay minerals composition was mostly controlled by climatic conditions and weathering regime. Duringthe tenuicostatum zone, the influence of Late Pliensbachian cooling was still noticeable. It coincides with the higher illite and chlorite content in the lower interval due to prevention from extended hydrolysis. Levels of the high kaolinite/illite ratio at the viiib/viiic parasequence boundary interval suggest strong continental weathering in the humid-subtropical to tropical climate related to the onset of the main phase of global warming that was recorded in many sections of Europe at the top of the tenuicostatum zone. In the upper interval of the Ciechocinek Formation, kaolinite is still the dominant clay mineral suggesting mostly warm and humid climate conditions. The palaeoclimate record wasslightly modified by mineralogic composition of material supplied from source areas and by palaeoenvironmental conditions. Diagenetic processes were not sufficient to transform the initial kaolinite, but it may have altered smectite and mixed-layers into illite and/or chlorite. Only the clay deposits from the lower part of the Ciechocinek Formation locally reveal a real economic significance because of lithologic development and lower siderite content. They contain economic resources and reserves of raw materials very good for building ceramics and some type of stoneware clays. In contrast to Hettangian deposits the refractory and other ceramic clays are absent because of kaolinite depletion.
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