This paper presents an analysis of the impact of inertial forces of the electrolyte flow in an interelectrode gap on the effects of ECM process of curvilinear rotary surfaces. Considering a laminar flow in the interelectrode gap, the equations of the flow of the mixture of electrolyte and hydrogen in the curvilinear orthogonal coordinate system have been defined. Two classes of equations of motion have been formulated, which differ in the estimates referred to the components of velocity and pressure, and which were analytically solved using the method of perturbation. Using the machined surface shape evolution equation, the energy equation, and the analytical solutions for velocity and pressure, the ECM-characteristic distributions have been determined: of mean velocity, pressure, mean temperature, current density, gas phase concentration, the gap height after the set machining time for the case when there is no influence of inertial forces, the effect of centrifugal forces and, at the same time, centrifugal and longitudinal inertial forces.
Przedstawiono przypadki występowania nieprawdziwego portretu Józefa Hermana Osińskiego, (zyka z XVIII wieku, w publikacjach, na pamiątkowym medalu, a nawet na poświęconym mu pomniku w Rzeszowie. Wykazano, że rzekomy portret Osińskiego w istocie przedstawia Williama Thomsona (lorda Kelvina), a początek fałszywego przedstawiania wizerunku Osińskiego miał miejsce przed pięćdziesięciu laty w redakcji „Naszej Księgarni”, a później, za pośrednictwem Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich, rozpowszechnił się w wielu mediach. Sprawa portretu wymaga pilnego sprostowania i naprawienia wyrządzonych szkód.
A summary is presented of the numerous publications of the false portrait of Józef Herman Osiński, a Polish physicist of the XVIII century, in publications, medals, and even in his monument in Rzeszów. The alleged portrait of Osiński is in fact an image of William Thomson (Lord Kelvin). The false portrait of Osiński was originated (fty years ago in the „Nasza Księgarnia” Publishing House, and then widely publicized by Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich. This aQair requires fast correction and explanation to the public.
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Fifty years ago, a portrait of Józef Herman Osiński, an eminent Polish physicist and electrician of the 18th century, was suddenly ‘discovered’ and published in a book on famous electricians. We present solid evidence that the purported portrait was in fact that of Lord Kelvin, which by an editorial mistake was labeled with the name of Osiński.
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