Przykłady zmechanizowanego i zrobotyzowanego napawania proszkowego elementów maszyn. Przedstawiono technologie napawania elementów obrotowych ze stali 34 HM proszkiem na osnowie kobaltu, zaworów silników spalinowych ze stali żaroodpornej oraz regenerację krawędzi form szklarskich z żeliwa stopowego proszkiem na osnowie niklu.
Examples of mechanized and robotized powder pad welding of machine elements. Processes of pad welding of the elements of revolution of 34 HM steel using powder on cobalt groundmass, the IC engine valves of heat resisting steel and regeneration of the edges of glass-making moulds of alloy cast iron using powder on nickel groundmass.
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In electro-mechanical devices such as tape or video recorders, moment coming from the engine needed to overcome the motion resistance of the magnetic tape is of the same order of magnitude as the frictional resistance (of the rotating elements) not only in bearings but mainly in the surrounding medium which is air. The author of this paper did not find any materials on the motion resistance of rotating superficial elements in the surrounding gaseous medium. He therefore built the relevant measuring equipment and made a lot of experiments which allowed him to draw interesting conclusions and make some observations. The results of selected measurements of the resistance moment M(op) of the rotational motion of superficial constructional/elements have been drawn in the form of graphs of Mop = f(n) fiunction, where n is the rotational speed of the selected element of disk in revolutions per minute (rpm).
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