This paper adopts the concepts of observatory and competitive intelligence (CI) to model a system that will generate better insights for decision-makers in the solid waste industry. The first part of this work is to design and develop a data warehouse (DWH) of solid waste statistics using data assembled from disparate sources. Our methodology of design is the entity relationship diagram (ERD) and our implementation tool is MySQL running on phpMyAdmin. The second part of our work will be to turn our developed DWH into a Web application using the Yii PHP component framework. Our findings indicated that the application of both concepts of observatory and CI lead to better insights for decision-makers and hence better organizational performance.
This article presents a discussion of most important advantages and disadvantages of framework programming with comparison to traditional programming. Particular references and examples of two modern web development frameworks were presented, Gideon, and Yii. Some other frameworks are also mentioned in the article alongside with their advantages and disadvantages.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia dyskusję na temat najważniejszych wad i zalet programowania, z wykorzystaniem frameworków, w porównaniu do tradycyjnego programowania. Przedstawiono w nim przykłady dwóch nowoczesnych frameworków, służących do tworzenia aplikacji i stron internetowych, Gideon i Yii. Również inne frameworki zostały wspomniane wraz z dyskusją nad wadami i zaletami ich stosowania
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