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This paper presents a methodology that combines radar polarization selection and recognition techniques for navigating objects in atmospheric formations, with a special focus on unmanned surface vehicles (ASVs). The proposed technique utilizes the concept of an energy dissipation matrix to represent these objects as characteristic “shiny dots”. By strategically changing the polarization of the emitted and received electromagnetic waves, the resulting echo energy dissipation matrix is determined. This approach allows the formation of an intensity-based repository of atmospheric formations, which gives SRPC a complete set of tools to account for atmospheric conditions in radar identification of remote objects, including ASVs. The practical application of this technique extends to the improvement of a distinct class of shipborne radar systems optimized for ASVs and their specific navigation requirements. Ultimately, this technology bridges the gap between advanced radar technology and the emerging field of unmanned ground vehicles, providing safer and more proficient navigation in challenging weather conditions.
This paper presents a comprehensive approach to the optimization of carrier routes and warehouses within multimodal transport systems, with a focus on a localized approach that takes into account specific regional features and constraints. The study develops an economic and mathematical model that considers both operational efficiency and cost minimization by integrating different modes of transport such as road, rail, and sea. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature and application of advanced optimization algorithms, the study proposes a new framework that improves the decision-making process in route planning and carrier selection. The proposed model is validated with real-world examples, demonstrating its practical applicability and potential to significantly improve the efficiency of multimodal transportation systems under different scenarios.
A seafarer’s personality is based on three distinct stages in the psychological development of his/her marine self-concept, including self-esteem, i.e., before his/her maritime studies, during maritime studies, and at the time of professional practice on board. In order to be able to work safely on board, a seafarer should be a leader with the necessary marine self-concept, the formation of which is a didactic mission of the MET institutions. The psychological internalization of the marine self-concept of future seafarers, as a value, is analyzed in the pilot study on a cognitive, emotional, and behavioral level with regard to the stages mentioned. Before studying seafaring young people perceive the sea in the direction of recreation and spiritual knowledge. The self-esteem of those who do not raise questions of self-knowledge is not strong. During their studies, maritime students seek professional meaning for themselves in respect of the sea. Their academic feelings are positive, their activities are more mature, and their self-esteem improves. The marine self-concept of the future seafarers during their professional practice on board is dynamic, as they get to know themselves and their suitability for work, try out things and achieve their own professional goals. They feel contentment, pride, and self-worth, as well as safety-related aspirations. Their activities become more appropriate and reliable, and their self-esteem is improved.
The research examined the effect of shipping company demographic characteristics on cabotage vessel finance and repayment in Nigeria. The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) have been concerned about the inability of the Ship Acquisition and Ship Building Fund (SASBF) beneficiaries to pay back disbursed loans fully, resulting in the suspension of further disbursement of the fund required for the development of Nigerian local content capacity. The Cabotage Act 2003 was intended for local content development of shipping and maritime logistics capacity. The fund realized through a 2% surcharge on cabotage trade has accrued since inception, but no shipowner has benefited from the CVFF loan. The study relied on both primary and secondary data. Data was collected through a well-structured questionnaire. The study utilized a Statistical Product Service Solution (SPSS v. 23) and a one-sample chi-square test as statistical tools for data analysis. The results reveal that demographic characteristics of shipping companies, such as age, number of vessels, number of employees and total annual revenue, significantly influence CVFF loan repayment. Purpose: To identify and analyze the shipping company demographic characteristics which influence cabotage vessel finance and repayment in Nigeria. The findings suggested practical steps for effective CVFF loan disbursement and reliable loan recovery. Methodology: The study utilized Statistical Product Service Solution (SPSS v. 23) and a one-sample chi-square test as statistical tools for data analysis. Results: The demographic characteristics of a shipping company, such as company age in years, number of employees, share capital, number of vessels and shipyards as well as the age of vessels and shipyards has a significant influence on her Character, Capacity, Credibility, Capital, Conditions, Collateral and Creditworthiness of the organization. Theoretical contribution: The research contributed to exploring, understanding, and applying the probability of credit default theory in shipping finance loan repayment. The demographic internal microeconomic organization Character, Capacity, Credibility, Capital, Conditions, Collateral and Creditworthiness significantly affects the ability of CVFF fund beneficiaries to repay the loans. Practical implications: Prospective borrower indigenous maritime operators should be duly and professionally evaluated to ensure sustainable cash flow and revenue projection during and after granting CVFF loans to guarantee complete repayment.
The paper analyses the reasons for the interest in natural gas as a potential marine fuel to replace the existing fuels derived from crude oil. The increase in environmental awareness and the effects of human activity caused the process of searching for more environmentally friendly fuels. Naturally, interest has been shifted to a well-known energy source commonly found on Earth in quantities much more considerable than crude oil. This fuel, in the form of liquefied natural gas, seems to be an attractive substitute for the currently dominant types of marine fuels. The technologies of its extraction, liquefaction, storage and transport were mastered, and marine engines were adopted for its combustion as dual-fuel engines. The regulations introduced by the International Maritime Organization and the European Parliament, forcing the reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the combustion of marine fuels, require taking action to meet them. The proposals for individual next 30 years are given. Due to the introduction of regulations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it is necessary to switch to fuels with a lower or zero carbon content or biofuels recognised as more environmentally friendly. Due to only 25% lower carbon content in methane with its higher lower heating value, it is possible to reduce the direct emission from this gas by about 30%. However, methane leaks occur in the processes from natural gas extraction to the energy effect in engines as a fuel, significantly worsening its image as an ecological fuel. Researches indicate that with current technologies, natural gas should not be recognised as an ecological fuel until gas leaks are significantly reduced. The article justifies why LNG should be considered a transient marine fuel, with the need to switch to other synthetic fuels, ammonia, and hydrogen.
he article presents the regulations of the International Maritime Organization aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from international shipping. One of the main objectives is to search the alternative to fossil fuels. The main problem is the lack of indication of the target fuel for shipping. The current changes, forced by international regulations, are made by the decisions of shipowners who themselves are looking for an alternative fuel that will enable them to continue their activities. Attempts have been made to use fuels considered as transient, which will be used in the perspective of about 10 years. However, this is too short a time compared to the life of the ship (20-30 years). This will force another change in the type of fuel used on ships still in operation, which will result in additional costs associated with the adaptation of the ship’s power plant fuel systems to a different type of fuel. The article evaluates the changes that currently taking place. Scenarios of the most likely directions of changes in a perspective of 2050 have been indicated.
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies are becoming increasingly common, with ever-expanding applications. Low-altitude imaging makes it possible to quickly acquire high-resolution data for various objects, especially for mapping. This paper presents the mapping of a bridge and its notice marks, lights, and span to produce electronic navigation charts for inland navigation. The research object was the Clowy Bridge on the Regalica River in Szczecin, Poland. In order to carry out the research, two photogrammetric flights were made, and three sets of photos were created, from which orthophotos were developed. The research included the analysis of the orthophoto generation process, as well as quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of the research demonstrated the possibility of using this type of data for mapping bridges to create electronic navigation maps for inland navigation.
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of maritime transport/shipping-related publications between 1975 and November 2018 in order to describe the profile and research themes. Comprehensive queries were used to reveal the general structure of maritime transport/shipping-related literature in the context of the Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-Expanded) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) databases. The analysis was conducted using bibliometric mapping. Five years of maritime/shipping literature was also comparatively presented. The results indicated major research areas, leading authors, countries, organizations, journals, and publications with the contributions of the comments of leading authors. Within the five-year period, maritime surveillance research and marine engineering research clusters were identified as developing clusters that expanded and received increased interest. Economic studies decreased, while operations research increased in the maritime transport/shipping literature. Optimization research and marine engineering research appear to be growing research clusters. Interdisciplinary research appears to have a high chance of being published in SCI-Expanded and SSCI in the future. The main contribution of this paper was the identification of areas of current research interests which allowed the quantification and visualization of changes in the entire body of shipping literature over a short time period.
With change being the only thing that is constant, modern world is undergoing a disruptive change to many aspects of everyday life. Covering 70% of our planet, oceans and industries connected with them are of no exception. The apparent drive towards autonomization in shipping will not only change the way vessels are navigated, but will affect virtually all services needed for the vessels to be navigated. These include not only the design of ships themselves, training of their crews, remote supervision of onboard processes, but also the extremely important - yet not always appreciated - domain that allows for a safe navigation: maritime hydrography. This paper discusses some insights on how the autonomous vessels and future hydrographers may benefit from each other.
The chapter focuses on safety examination of a technical system of a maritime ferry that is the component of a shipping critical infrastructure. The model of the critical infrastructure safety without considering outside impacts is applied to determination of the maritime ferry technical system safety indicators. The operation impact model on critical infrastructure safety is created and applied to safety and resilience analysis of this system. The safety and resilience indicators are determined for this system under the assumption that its components’ safety functions are piecewise exponential. The comparison of the maritime ferry technical system safety indicators without considering outside impacts with indicators considering its operation impact is done.
The probabilistic general model of critical infrastructure accident consequences consists of three particular models of semi-Markov processes such as: the process of initiating events generated by a critical infrastructure accident, the process of environmental threats coming from released chemicals that are a result of initiating events and the process of environmental degradation as a result of environmental threats. The general model of critical infrastructure accident consequences and procedure of its application to the maritime transport critical infrastructure understood as a network of ships operating at the sea waters is presented in the research. By using the statistical data coming from sea accidents reports, the general model is applied to the identification and prediction of the environmental degradation associated with ship accidents and chemical releases within the Baltic Sea. Moreover, the proposed model is applied to estimate the environmental losses associated with these accidents and the environmental degradation in the neighborhood area.
The paper presents Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI) introduced through International Maritime Organization (IMO) which defined the carbon dioxide emission as a result of transport specific cargo mass on specific distance. The total fuel consumption from all elements of vessel energetic system causes the carbon dioxide emission. Ship-owners should inform the marine administration about the fuel consumption from all vessels of 5000 tons of gross tonnage or more from 1st January 2018. In marine transport about 85% of carbon dioxide emission comes from such vessels. The calculating of EEOI is voluntary now but it is indicated to do it. It allows on an assessment the differences between the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) obligatory during design process of a vessel and its power plant and EEOI. Due to it may be estimated the correctness of vessel and power plant operation in exploitational conditions. The basic way of EEOI decreasing is slow steaming of a vessel. The power demand for propulsion (and fuel consumption) is proportional to the third power of vessel velocity (according to the propeller characteristics) on the other hand the hull resistance (the demand for thrust by propeller) is proportional to the second power of vessel velocity. As a result it causes the decreasing of total fuel consumption for covering the same distance but increasing the time of voyage. It is for acceptance during a bad economic situation. Although it will be no acceptable during a good economic situation when it will be required the increasing of vessel velocity (decreasing the time of voyage). The other effective methods are under research which allows to reach the same aim. It is known such methods of vessel operation which leading to the decreasing of that index. The paper shows these methods with their characteristics.
W artykule omówiono wprowadzony przez Międzynarodową Organizację Morską (IMO) wskaźnik zwany eksploatacyjnym indeksem efektywności energetycznej statku (EEOI), który określa emisję dwutlenku węgla w wyniku transportu jednostki masy ładunku na jednostkową odległość. Za emisję CO2 odpowiada zużycie paliwa przez wszystkie elementy okrętowego układu energetycznego. Od 1 stycznia 2018 r. armatorzy muszą zgłaszać do administracji morskiej ilość zużytego paliwa przez poszczególne statki o tonażu od 5000, które odpowiadają za 85% zużycia paliwa w transporcie morskim. Wyznaczanie wskaźnika EEOI jest obecnie dobrowolne, ale wskazane, aby go wyznaczać. Pozwala to na określenie różnic między projektowym indeksem efektywności energetycznej statku (EEDI), który jest obligatoryjny w procesie projektowania statku i elementów układu energetycznego, a eksploatacyjnym. Dzięki temu można oszacować poprawność eksploatacji siłowni i statku w warunkach rzeczywistych. Podstawowym sposobem zmniejszenia wskaźnika EEOI jest zmniejszenie prędkości eksploatacyjnej statku. Zapotrzebowanie na moc napędu (i zużycie paliwa) jest proporcjonalne do trzeciej potęgi prędkości statku (wg tzw. charakterystyki śrubowej), natomiast opór kadłuba (zapotrzebowanie na siłę naporu przez śrubę okrętową) jest proporcjonalny do potęgi drugiej prędkości statku. Skutkuje to zmniejszeniem zużycia paliwa na pokonanie tej samej drogi, ale wydłuża czas podróży. W okresie dekoniunktury na rynku żeglugowym jest to do przyjęcia. Jednak wraz z pojawieniem się oznak koniunktury, które będą wymagać wzrostu prędkości statku (skrócenia czasu podróży) będzie to niemożliwe. Poszukuje się więc innych skutecznych metod, które pozwolą osiągnąć ten sam cel. Znane są możliwości takich sposobów eksploatacji statku, które prowadzą do zmniejszenia tego wskaźnika. W artykule wskazano na te metody wraz z ich charakterystyką.
This paper explores the decoupling trend between GDP and freight volumes in the ECOWAS states to develop short sea shipping model for the ECOWAS sub-region aimed at reducing the cost per transported unit within the sub-region. The research is based on cross-sectional data from ECOWAS countries spanning from 2000 to 2013 and sourced from the ECOWAS Commission and National Bureaus of Statistics of some member countries. The data were analysed using arc elasticity which is a transport demand modelling tool, to determine the level of variations among trade volumes in the ECOWAS sub-region. It was discovered that total freight volume improved proportionally with growth in GDP for most of the periods in the ECOWAS member countries. This is confirmed by the coefficients of elasticity close 1 or higher than 1. In certain periods, however, the coefficient of elasticity of total freight volumes was found to be approximately zero, thus, indicating that considerable potential freights were lost. More stable values have the coefficients of general elasticity below 1. In most of the ECOWAS countries, the coefficients of general elasticity are unstable, both negative and positive values have a range of values (from -43.709 to 52.364). Hence, freight traffic volume and GDP in the ECOWAS region is highly decoupled. This has raised a serious question as to the prudence of continued dominance of road transport mode for intra-regional freight movement in the ECOWAS sub-region. The result of the study revealed a strong correlation between GDP, the population of member states and the volume of freight in the ECOWAS member countries. The research also showed that the development of short sea shipping model in the sub-region would depend considerably on growth in GDP, improvement in the productivity of the population and increase in seaport corridors of the ECOWAS sub-region.
Zasadniczym celem autorów publikacji jest przeprowadzenie analizy i dokonanie oceny podejścia do zarządzania przewozami ładunków wielkogabarytowych w pojazdach nienormatywnych. Analizy dokonano na przykładzie przewozów ponadgabarytowych w Polsce na tle barier i stymulatorów przewozu ładunków ponadnormatywnych występujących w Unii Europejskiej. Tok wywodów ma także na celu zweryfikowanie następującej hipotezy badawczej: „Optymalizacja zarządzania przewozami ładunków wielkogabarytowych w pojazdach nienormatywnych jest możliwa dzięki kompleksowej platformie rejestracji przejazdów, aplikowania o pozwolenie na przejazd, wyznaczania trasy przejazdu, monitorowania przewoźników, a także w drodze permanentnej poprawy komunikacji pomiędzy jednostkami administracji publicznej”. W publikacji: zdefiniowano ładunki wielkogabarytowe i pojazdy nienormatywne oraz dokonano ich uproszczonej klasyfikacji; zaprezentowano miejsce przewozów wielkogabarytowych w transporcie oraz wskazano wymagania związane z poruszaniem się pojazdów nienormatywnych; scharakteryzowano podejście do zarządzania przewozami ładunków wielkogabarytowych w pojazdach nienormatywnych w Polsce; zdiagnozowano bariery oraz stymulatory rozwoju rynku przewozów ponadgabarytowych; zaproponowano modyfikacje w zakresie przewozu ładunków wielkogabarytowych w pojazdach nienormatywnych w Polsce.
The main goal of the authors of this publication is to analyze and evaluate the approach to the management of oversize loads in special transport vehicles. The analysis was made with regard to heavy and oversized transportation in Poland against the background of barriers and stimulants for heavy and oversized transportation in the European Union. The reasoning of the arguments is also to verify the following research hypothesis: "Optimization of the management of oversize loads in special transport vehicles is possible thanks to a comprehensive platform for registering such shipments, applying for a permission to operate on roads, determining the route, monitoring carriers, as well as through permanent improvement of communication between public administration units". In this publication: oversize loads and special transport vehicles were defined and roughly classified; the place of heavy and oversized transportation was presented and requirements related to the movement of special transport vehicles were indicated; the approach to managing oversize loads in special transport vehicles in Poland was characterized; barriers and stimulants for the development of heavy and oversized transportation were diagnosed; as for heavy and oversized transportation in special transport vehicles in Poland, modifications were proposed.
The aim of this paper is to identify and quantify the direct economic effects resulting from navigational restoration of the Dąbie Lake inland fairway, a part of the West Pomeranian region (PL) transport system that runs across the Dąbie Lake. This narrow and shallow inland fairway constitutes the bottleneck for inland waterway freight transport, which must therefore use the sea fairway and thereby incur extended time, increased cost, and reduced efficiency of inland waterway transport. The paper’s second section presents the transport and microeconomic effects that restoring the fairway’s navigability across Lake Dąbie would have on the inland navigation system, thereby increasing the capacity, effectiveness, and safety of inland waterways freight traffic. Restoration of the inland fairway would significantly reduce generalized and external costs of inland waterways transport.
Content available Global trends in maritime cruise fleet development
The exercise of the economic and social functions of maritime tourism has undergone significant changes in recent years. A case in point is the development of the maritime cruise fleet, in both quantitative and qualitative terms, across various regions. This is a result of, among other things, the changing needs of international tourists in particular regions. The worldwide expansion of globalization has also marked a turnaround in preferences, with customers now willing to visit regions formerly unattractive or rarely considered by tourists. These changes are also visible in the variety of transport modalities available to passengers for both domestic and international voyages. To a large extent, these changes stem from technological developments. New possibilities for quick and efficient passenger transport have contributed to transforming maritime tourism in many countries. This, in turn, has led to increasing volumes of tourist traffic, generating economic growth for such nations. This article discusses contemporary trends in the world’s cruise ship fleets in the context of the technical parameters of global cruise shipping. The authors have attempted to determine the basic quantitative parameters and metrics expected for characterizing the global cruise ship fleet. To accomplish this, the method of linear regression has been used, with the input data being the sizes of cruise ship fleets and some other characteristic parameters, during particular time periods, carrying capacities, registered tonnages, numbers of passenger cabins, main and auxiliary engine powers, and levels of fuel consumption. The econometric model of linear regression has allowed calculating the projected values for the nearest future.
Content available Current trends of protectionism in shipping industry
The purpose of this paper is to systematize the practical experience of the state protectionism in shipping industry at the current stage of its development. The reasons of protectionism in maritime transport are considered and the analysis of the world fleet ownership and flags of registration is conducted. The comparative analysis of the Dutch and Norwegian tonnage tax regimes and other current tax incentives in the different countries is made. The advantages and shortcomings of protectionist measures in shipping industry from the macroeconomic and microeconomic points of view are analysed. The results of research contains elements of novelty: the scientific representation of state protectionism in shipping industry gained further development by systematization of international experience of application of direct and indirect measures in shipping and allocation of the main trends of protectionism; the classification of protectionist measures in shipping industry is improved by the specification of the structure of indirect methods.
This paper offers an analytical discussion on the terminology and timeframes related to the future of shipping. The discussion is based on issues that have surfaced within the Swedish research project Autonomy and responsibility. The paper argues that the concept ‘autonomous ships’ has become an indicator of that seafarers soon will become obsolete – which may have negative consequences for the supply of maritime competence in coming years - and that the proper definition of the term ‘autonomous’ describes something that will never apply to a ship. Ships can be given the possibility, but hardly the full right or condition of self-government. It is argued that ‘smart ships’, or perhaps ‘intelligent ships’, are more appropriate, since these terms describe the current and future state of technology without predicting how humans will prefer to use it. The estimated timeframes for implementation of unmanned ships suggest no threat to the seafaring occupation for coming generation. The content of the occupation will of course change due to the phase of implementation of degree of digitalization, but there will always be a need for maritime knowledge and understanding.
Content available Main aspects of a maritime e-navigation project
Many devices and systems, including electronic ones, are used in the operation of sea-going vessels. Fast technological development in the field of electronics, radio communications and computer science inspires the more and more new proposals for the changes of these devices and systems. The rules and scope of sea-going vessels equipment, related to ensuring their safety, are strictly regulated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Considering the above, several countries have submitted to the IMO-Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) a proposal to prepare a vision of a broad strategy for incorporating new technologies in a structural manner, ensuring their compatibility with already existing different navigation and communication technologies and services. The overriding goal of this strategy would be to improve the efficiency, safety and reducing the cost of the entire system, providing global coverage and applicable to all types of sea-going vessels. In response to this proposal, the MSC decided to start work on the project "Preparation of e-navigation strategy". The article presents the general concepts and goals of the e-navigation project. Priority needs of e-navigation users were also discussed. The key elements of the project are presented too. The radio communication aspects of the e-navigation project were also considered. Finally, the enavigation Strategy Implementation Plan (SIP) and its progress were presented.
It was presented short analysis of connection ISM Code on vessels on the number of incidents threats. Introduced into force ISM Code in 1998 and 2002 (contained in chapter 9 of SOLAS Convention) as obligatory on vessels have had the aim of decreasing the number of injuries, serious injuries, fatalities, other incidents threats and total loses during vessel operation in maritime shipping. The next aim vicariously was improving the maritime safety and prevention of marine pollution from ships. As a result of ship-owner and crew requirements, it should eliminate from shipping market the bad and poor management systems of charterers or ship operators and improper qualified crewmembers. The company and the ship shall comply with the requirements of ISM Code and the company shall have the Document of Compliance (referred to in regulation 4 of ISM Code). After about twenty years when ISM Code was in force some comparisons, conclusions and remarks were presented. It is observed the decreasing number of vessel total losses but other comparisons is not so clear due to different definitions of incident being obligatory in states of flag and different databases in the different Memoranda of Understanding. The influence of introducing ISM Code on maritime shipping is serious in good or bad matters (e.g. the increasing of bureaucracy).
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