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Artykuł opisuje wyniki badań, których celem była identyfikacja parametrów mechanicznych stopy protezowej przeznaczonej do wspinaczki ściankowej. Proteza została wykonana przy użyciu metody przyrostowej, w technologii FDM/MEX (ang. Fused Deposition Modelling/ Material Extrusion). na wstępnym etapie prac badawczych, w celu doboru materiału do produkcji elementu protetycznego, przeprowadzono testy jednoosiowego rozciągania oraz trzypunktowego zginania na próbkach wykonanych z sześciu różnych materiałów. na podstawie otrzymanych wyników zaprojektowano i wykonano z dwóch wyselekcjonowanych polimerów funkcjonalny prototyp stopy protezowej. Ostatecznym krokiem było poddanie protezy testowi cyklicznego zginania na dynamicznej maszynie wytrzymałościowej wyposażonej w autorski adapter. Funkcjonalność wykonanego komponentu została również potwierdzona na ściance wspinaczkowej w kontrolowanych warunkach użytkowania. Na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych i analiz ich wyników stwierdzono, że stworzona proteza spełnia założone zadanie i zapewnia większy komfort podczas wspinaczki niż proteza codziennego użytku, utrzymując jednocześnie niski koszt produkcji.
The paper describes the results of a study aimed at identifying the mechanical parameters of a prosthetic foot designed for wall climbing. The prosthesis was manufactured with an additive method using FDM/MEX [Fused deposition modelling/ material Extrusion] technology. at the initial stage of the research, uniaxial tensile and three-point bending tests were carried out on specimens made of six different materials to select a material for the production of the prosthetic component. Based on the results, a functional prosthetic foot prototype was designed and fabricated from two selected polymers. The final step of the study was to subject the prosthesis to a cyclic bending test on a dynamic testing machine equipped with a newly-designed adapter. The functionality of the fabricated component was also confirmed on a climbing wall, under controlled conditions of use. Based on the tests and analysis conducted, it was concluded that the created prosthesis fulfills its purpose and provides more comfort during climbing than an everyday prosthesis, while keeping the production cost low.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the range of motion (ROM) of lumbar and thoracic articulations and static and dynamic plantar pressure in sport climbing athletes. Methods: The sample included 30 sport climbers with a minimum of 2 years training experience and 30 physical education students who served as an active untrained control. ROM was assessed by a Saunders digital inclinometer; plantar pressure by a baropodometric platform. Results: Mean spinal ROMs were greater in the sport climbers with the exception of extension, rotation, and lateral thoracic flexion, with a high degree of statistical significance obtained in the majority of the analyzed ROMs. The climbers exhibited increased mean forefoot pressure (smaller rearfoot pressure) in both the dominant and non-dominant extremities, with significant intergroup differences found in dominant forefoot/rearfoot pressure distribution. Conclusions: Sport climbers present increased lumbar and thoracic ROM, and the characteristics of climbing may also affect transverse arch structure and plantar pressure distribution.
The paper presents some insights into the topic of foreign tourists visiting Polish mountains, especially for hiking tours. The author used a method of combining the data gathered from the questionnaire sent to all operators of Polish mountain huts with the analysis of statistical data of PTTK Wisła and a short survey conducted among Czech and Slovak tourists. The result of the study confirmed that the number of foreign tourists participating in hiking in Poland is small and that they are generally unknown as a group. Also, the structure of this group is a bit surprising, as the number of German tourists is comparable or even higher than those from Slovakia and the Czech Republic sharing the same mountain ranges with Poland. Managers of mountain huts do not make much of an effort to attract tourists from abroad. Their main advertising is conducted through their web pages in English. As a result, Slovak and Czech tourists do not perceive the Polish mountains as a good place to hike. There is little consensus as to the reasons for this situation. The responses from the mountain huts managers were inconsistent and inconclusive. Generally, they agree that Polish mountains are attractive site of tourist activity. However, it turns out that the tourists prefer hiking in their own countries where they can find even more attractive and developed areas.
Cable transport has been used for a long time to move people in difficult terrain, mostly moutainous. Since the beginning of the 20th century, this means of transport is inextricably linked to mountain tourism, especially skiing. Cable cars and ski lifts have become the only means of transport for skiers in ski resorts. The article describes the development of cable transport in mountain areas and the benefits that followed. It also presents two examples of ski resorts, which had a significant contribution to development of tourism and skiing in mountain areas.
Sporty wspinaczkowe zdobywają coraz większą polularnosc, pojawiaja się nawet ich odmiany dostępne dla osób, które nie są profesjonalnymi alpinistami. Urządzenia umozliwiające wspinianie znajdziemy również na placach zabaw dla dzieci.
Content available remote Korona Ziemi dla pierwszego Polaka
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