This study aims to analyse the geosite candidates of the Betong District (Yala Province) in Southern Thailand by means of several methods including inventory, characterisation, classification, assessment and SWOT analysis. Results of the present study are illustrated through seven proposed geosites that become resources for the development of the Betong District, namely Betong Hot Spring, Inthasorn Waterfall, Chaloem Phra Kiat Waterfall, Mount Silipat and Nakor Hot Spring, as well as Piyamit Tunnel and Aiyerweng Skywalk, two human-modified sites which can be used to observe geological and geomorphological features. The present study is expected to promote the conservation and development of these resources as geological heritage of the district.
The Chęiny-Kielce Geological Landscape Park was proposed to be created in 1991, in order to protect the geological heritage of supra regional value, as well for educational purposes and development of geotourism. It was established in 1996 as the Chęciny-Kielce Landscape Park (ChKLP). The key adjective (Geological) was missing from its name due to the lack of relevant legislation (despite this, the ChKLP was promoted as a geological park, i.a., during the International ProGEO workshops in 1997 and 2003). At the beginning of 21st century, when a Global Geoparks Network was being organized, the ChKLP, as meeting all UNESCO geopark requirements, was proposed to be included in the network. The Geopark Kielce Centre (an institution previously established for geoheritage promotion purposes) was crucial in the foundation of the new geopark (on the basis on ChKLP), and preparing an application according to UNESCO instructions. The Chęciny-Kielce Geopark, eventually called Holy Cross Mountains Geopark (as its area was extended) was established and included in the Global Geoparks Network in 2021. It should be emphasized that the Polish Geological Institute also played a key role in the whole process, because both innovative ideas (the geological landscape park and the centre of geological education) originated in its Holy Cross Mts. Branch.
Geoheritage (geological heritage), that is tangible evidence of geological past and contemporary processes, is increasingly recognized as a valuable component of environment, worth conservation and popularization. It comprises elements of Earth's geodiversity, which are significant for scientific, educational, cultural, ecological or aesthetic reasons. Among them, the key role is played by geosites, at which elements of geoheritage are best exposed and have the most evident value. Various classifications of geosites by the main theme have been proposed and various methods of evaluation of geosites exist, involving among others, assessment of their scientific importance, cultural/historical value, threats and educational opportunities. Geoheritage in a given place or area may have global, national, regional or local significance. Globally significant geoheritage is protected at UNESCO World Heritage properties and in UNESCO Global Geoparks. In Poland, geoheritage is protected in national and landscape parks, more than 110 nature reserves, more than 1600 nature monuments and more than 120 sites of special scientific interest (documentary sites). This paper opens a section of "Przegląd Geologiczny", in which representative geosites of Poland will be successively presented.
Colour is a common physical property in exposures of unique geological objects, but is only marginally addressed in geoheritage literature. We here present our point of view on how this feature can be treated in geoheritage studies, with the general aim at setting up a broad discussion. Three functions of colour in geoheritage are outlined, namely geological interpretation (e.g., compositional and genetic peculiarities of sedimentary rocks), higher visibility due to colour contrast and aesthetic attractiveness to geotourists. Assessment of colour at geosites is challenging, especially because of uncertain colour nomenclatures. We propose to focus on colour identification, calculation of the number of colours, qualitative evaluation of colour contrast and comparison of colours of a given geological object to its landscape context. Geoheritage colours may have different meanings to geosite visitors, and colour-emotion associations revealed by national and international studies are important to trace these meanings.
Megaclasts are sedimentary particles larger than boulders. Their huge size and scattered occurrence make them objects that deserve geological heritage, requiring conservation. Investigation of megaclasts for the purpose faces difficulties because of the distinction between boulders and megaclasts. Local study of Quaternary large stones in Mountainous Adygeja (W Caucasus, SW Russia) suggests ~ 2 m as a suitable size criterion, although only locally. Shape, occurrence, and origin of megaclasts require additional attention. Geoconservation may result in anthropogenic disturbances of the natural landscape through removal of vegetation, access constructions, and restoration. The geotourism potential of megaclasts is partly determined by their huge size and their rare and scattered occurrence. Aesthetic qualities, local legends, and co-occurrence with prehistoric megalithic constructions increase this potential. The Maiden’s Stone in Mountainous Adygeja, which is ~ 35 m long, has been a tourist attraction already for decades. It is an impressive example of geoconconservation and geotourism connected with megaclasts. Generally, megaclasts increase the value (including the scientific importance) of the geological heritage of Mountainous Adygeja, where a geopark might be established.
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