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Magnesium and its alloys are promising materials for temporary biomedical implants due to their properties that resemble bone tissue; however, low corrosion resistance hinders their clinical application. Surface engineering, particularly through oxide ceramic layers, offers a viable solution to enhance wear and corrosion resistance, thereby improving biocompatibility. Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) was applied to modify pure magnesium samples using sodium silicate electrolytes with different types and concentrations of phosphates. Multiple characterization techniques were used for surface analyses, including SEM, EDS, contact angle measurements, and profilometry. The results delineate the influence of electrolyte composition and applied voltage on coating thickness, pore size, and elemental incorporation. The PEO coatings exhibited porous structures with diverse pore sizes, influenced by the electrolyte composition and voltage. Morphological analysis revealed a scaffold-like surface structure with spherical and irregularly shaped pores. Elemental analysis confirmed the uniform incorporation of Si and P into the coatings. Anionic interaction played a significant role in forming the oxide layer, which is crucial for potential biomedical application. The study highlights the varied thickness levels and quality of PEO coatings, influenced by electrolyte composition and applied voltage. Coatings from a C4 electrolyte showed higher P and Si contents and the C4 electrolyte at 250 V demonstrated favourable characteristics, positioning them as promising candidates for biomedical applications on biodegradable magnesium alloys.
Purpose The article deals with materials science issues concerning the application areas in dental engineering. The monograph aims to present the results of the Author’s work against the background of general achievements, indicating the engineering aspects of dental implant-prosthetic treatment. They include clinical cases, most often concerning complete edentulism, with a detailed discussion of the methodology of the material, technological, and structural design of dental prosthetic restorations, especially the impact of additive manufacturing conditions and surface engineering technology on the mechanical properties and structure of prosthetic restorations. Design/methodology/approach The monograph covering the engineering and technical activities of implant prosthetic treatment includes the Author's aspects concerning the development of the methodology of computer-aided design of dental prosthetic restorations and surgical guides ensuring their correct installation in the oral cavity of patients, along with virtual modelling of treatment plans, modelling of the load status of individual elements of implant-prosthetic systems, development of the methodology of computer-aided production of elements of the prosthetic restoration system as well as implants and implant-scaffolds with the use of milling technology in CNC centres and additive manufacturing by selective laser sintering, the results of research on the influence of additive manufacturing conditions on the structure and properties of titanium and its alloy Ti6Al4V and cobalt alloy Co25Cr5W5MoSi containing studies of biochemical properties for applications for implant-prosthetic purposes in dentistry, the results of tests on the influence of ALD atomic layer conditions on the structure and surface properties of metals and their alloys used in implant-prosthetic treatment in dentistry and the results of tests of prosthetic fillings used in the treatment of Tooth decay. Findings The basis for all the described achievements of the monograph are the comprehensive results of research related to the study of the structure and properties of engineering materials, especially titanium and cobalt alloys used in dentistry, subjected to additive manufacturing using the Selective Laser Sintering SLS method and surface treatment using the Atomic Layer Deposition ALD method, as a domain of materials engineering, in the context of the Industry Integrated Idea 3xI 4 model. 0/5.0 and the 6xE 6 Expectation Principle, which there is a paradigm for materials science. What is important in the approach are the results of biological tests of materials produced in such a way, leading to numerous applications in the Author’s clinical practice in cooperation with dentists and the development of a general concept of a research, design, and production centre for prosthetic restorations and virtual acquisition of diagnostic data from cooperating dental clinics. Research limitations/implications The article is a monographic study referring to numerous of the Author’s publications, patents, and presentations at scientific conferences and invention fairs, in which very extensive source information is provided concerning both a very large number of literature items and extensive factual material, including the results of materiallographic studies and descriptions of clinical cases, although this study also presents numerous aspects not yet published in any previous works. Practical implications The study presents, among others, detailed prosthetic and implant-prosthetic solutions implemented by the Author of the study and successfully used by patients. Although the study is formally qualified in the engineering and technical sciences in materials engineering, it has strong links with biomedical engineering and the applied area of interventional dentistry. Originality/value Numerous original publications, patent solutions, completed projects, and awards at the International Innovation Fair discussed in the monograph, as well as clinical experience related to the treatment of thousands of dental patients in our Author’s clinic, confirm the originality of the approach and indicate the innovative nature of the achievements presented in the article so far. Many years of experience have led to the launch of a constantly developed production centre for prosthetic restorations and a virtual structure for obtaining diagnostic data from cooperating dental clinics. The article addresses scientists dealing with materials engineering applied in interventional dentistry and dental engineers in practice dealing with this issue.
Kompozyty na bazie polikaprolaktonu z dodatkiem wypełniacza w postaci włókien hydroksyapatytowych są jednym z potencjalnych materiałów do zastosowań inżynierii tkankowej. Materiały te odznaczają się nie tylko odpowiednią porowatością i wytrzymałością mechaniczną, lecz także bioaktywnością, biokompatybilnością i bioresorbowalnością. Z punktu widzenia możliwości aplikacyjnych danego materiału niezwykle istotna jest kontrola procesu degradacji kompozytu w czasie, tak aby rusztowanie mogło zapewnić stabilność mechaniczną do momentu odbudowy ubytku. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące wpływu procesu degradacji na właściwości fizykomechaniczne opracowanych porowatych kompozytów na bazie polikaprolaktonu (PCL) z dodatkiem zsyntezowanych włókien hydroksyapatytu (HA) o zróżnicowanej morfologii. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wpływ zsyntezowanego proszku na zmianę właściwości fizykomechanicznych kompozytów w procesie degradacji. Próbki do badań otrzymano metodą liofilizacji. Proces degradacji badano poprzez pomiar ubytku masy, zmiany mikrostruktury, powierzchni właściwej, gęstości i wytrzymałości na ściskanie w czasie. Pomiary prowadzono po 3, 6 i 12 tygodniach inkubacji w soli fizjologicznej buforowanej fosforanem (PBS). Wyniki badań wykazały, że proces degradacji badanych kompozytów jest bardzo wolny, a dodatek zsyntezowanego HA nieznacznie go przyspiesza. Ubytek masy kompozytu po 12 tygodniach inkubacji w PBS wynosił zaledwie 0,47%. Procesowi degradacji towarzyszy spadek gęstości i wzrost powierzchni właściwej materiału w czasie. Porównanie wytrzymałości opracowanych kompozytów PCL/HA przed i po 12 tygodniach inkubacji w PBS, pozwala wnioskować, że dodatek zsyntezowanego hydroksyapatytu wpływa na wzrost wytrzymałości kompozytów w czasie (nawet do 20%).
Polycaprolactone-based composites with filler in the form of hydroxyapatite fibers are one of the potential materials for tissue engineering applications. These materials are characterized not only by adequate porosity and mechanical strength, but also by bioactivity, biocompatibility and bioresorbability. From the point of view of the applicability of a given material, it is extremely important to control the degradation process of the composite over time, so that the scaffold can provide mechanical stability until the defect is restored. The paper presents the results of the study of the effect of the degradation process on the physicomechanical properties of the developed porous composites based on polycaprolactone (PCL) with the addition of synthesized hydroxyapatite (HA) fibers of different morphologies. In the study, special attention was paid to the effect of the synthesized powder on the change of physicomechanical properties of the composites during the degradation process. Samples for the study were obtained by freeze-drying method. The degradation process was studied by measuring weight loss, changes in microstructure, specific surface area, density and compressive strength over time. Measurements were conducted after 3, 6 and 12 weeks of incubation in PBS (phosphate-buffered saline). The results showed that the addition of synthesized HA slightly accelerates the degradation process of PCL/HA composites. Nevertheless, the degradation process is very slow. The weight loss of the composite after 12 weeks of incubation in PBS was only 0.47%. The degradation process is accompanied by a decrease in density and an increase in the specific surface area of the material over time. A comparison of the strength of the developed PCL/HA composites before and after 12 weeks of incubation in PBS, allows us to conclude that the addition of synthesized hydroxyapatite affects the increase in the strength of the composites over time (up to 20%).
Content available Znaczenie MRI w diagnostyce implantów piersi
Wszczepianie implantów piersi staje się coraz popularniejsze, zarówno jako zabieg kosmetyczny zwany augmentacją, jak i część terapii oszczędzającej w leczeniu raka piersi. Istnieje kilka możliwości implantacji, a także kilkanaście rodzajów uszkodzeń implantów. Obecnie badanie MRI jest najbardziej skuteczną metodą oceny położenia, jak i nieszczelności implantu.
Breast implant insertion is getting more popular lately both as an augmentation procedure or as a part of breast conserving surgery when treating breast cancer. There is a couple of ways the implant can be placed and even more ways it can be damaged. MRI is currently the most effective imaging technique used in breast implant evaluation in terms of its placement and potential damage.
Leczenie zmian nowotworowych kręgosłupa bazujące na protokołach klinicznych łączących chirurgię i radioterapię staje się w Polsce standardem postępowania. W chorobie przerzutowej połączenie chirurgii i radioterapii jest od dawna akceptowane. Największą przeszkodą w symbiotycznej ewolucji chirurgii i radioterapii były i są materiały stosowane w systemach stabilizacji kręgosłupa. Tradycyjne implanty tytanowe stanowią wyzwanie dla wielodyscyplinarnego postępowania u chorych z nowotworami kręgosłupa. Mogą one znacząco pogorszyć ocenę obrazu pooperacyjnego z powodu artefaktów, potencjalnie wpływając na właściwe zaplanowanie i przeprowadzenie radioterapii oraz odpowiednią kontrolę radiologiczną w celu wykluczenia progresji choroby. Wprowadzanie implantów bazujących na materiałach karbonowych zmniejsza znacząco liczbę artefaktów podczas obrazowania, co potencjalnie może przekładać się na poprawę jakości radioterapii. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono kliniczne i radiologiczne porównanie pomiędzy nowymi implantami karbonowymi a standardowymi implantami tytanowymi.
The treatment of spinal cancer based on clinical protocols combining surgery and radiotherapy is becoming a standard procedure in Poland. In metastatic disease, the combination of surgery and radiotherapy has long been accepted. The biggest obstacle in the symbiotic evolution of surgery and radiotherapy were and still are the materials used in spinal stabilisation systems. Traditional titanium implants, pose a challenge to the multidisciplinary management of patients with spinal tumours. They can significantly impair postoperative image assessment due to artefacts, potentially affecting the appropriate planning and delivery of radiotherapy and adequate radiological follow-up to exclude disease progression. The introduction of implants based on carbon materials significantly reduces the number of artefacts during imaging, potentially translating into improved radiotherapy quality. This study presents a clinical and radiological comparison between new carbon implants and standard titanium implants.
Bone infections are a challenging problem as they may cause a permanent patient disability and even death. Additionally, their relapse rate is relatively high. The implantation of a local drug delivery system can be an effective way to fight bone infections. In this study, we present the process of surface bioactivation and immobilization of nanoparticles loaded with drugs. Our aim was to improve osseointegration of the ZrO2 surface by coating it with a bioactive layer containing poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide)(PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) loaded with antibacterial drugs (gentamicin and bacitracin) using a biomimetic precipitation method. The ZrO2 substrates were prepared via pressing and sintering. The CaP-coating was obtained by immersing the substrates in ten-times concentrated simulated body fluid (10×SBF). NPs were prepared by the double emulsion method and the drug loading in NPs was assessed. Thus obtained NPs were applied on bioactivated ceramic substrates by the drop-casting method or by introducing them in the 10×SBF solution during the bioactivation process. The NPs were visualized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The NPs size and the Zeta potential were measured using dynamic light scattering (DLS) method. The microstructure of the coating and the efficiency of the NPs incorporation were tested by SEM. In this study, we proved the presented process to be an effective way to obtain biomaterials that could be used as drug delivery systems to treat bone infections in the future.
The absence of even a single finger results in a major impairment in the hand function (precise grasping, grip power), therefore significantly affecting the social and professional life of victims who are frequently young people. Finger amputation is a surgical treatment for ~69.000 patients in the EU after traumatic injury, in which replantation microsurgery fails due to the severity of tissue damage. The surgical reconstruction is currently possible only via autograft transplantation, e.g. a toe-to-hand transfer, thus leading to foot impairment. Some motion functional restoration is also possible using a bone-anchored silicone prosthesis but without the sense revalidation. Our current research focuses on alternatives for surgical reconstruction by means of novel patient- -specific, durable, biomimetic, bioactive and antibacterial implants for reconstructing lost bone and joints. The implant design – and the improved micro(neuro) surgery (beyond the project) – will consist in the fast successful rehabilitation, including the soft-tissue related mobility, the implantation of state-of-the-art nerve conduits as well as the aesthetic appearance. Key issues for the long-term functionality of the biomaterial-based reconstruction of hard tissue are based on surgical demands, such as: (1) perfect integration of a bone-substituting metal with the surrounding bone tissue (a) with no signs of loosening due to stress shielding at the interface and (b) enhanced with protective activity against bacterial inflammation (antimicrobial properties and formation of vascularized bone tissue (ossification)) even months to years after the injury; (2) biomimetic finger joints based on non-wearing materials without ossification meant to prevent the loss of the motion function.
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