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Content available remote Analysis of the polish copyright law and related laws
The article discusses issues of copyright and related rights in the light of the provisions that are in force in Poland. The concepts of 'work' and 'creator' are presented, and attention is called to abuses related to attributing authorship of someone else's work. The topic of disposing of the rights to a work created under an employment relationship and the issue of contracts concluded are discussed. The problem of intellectual property rights in projects carried out for the Ministry of National Defence is also raised.
Content available remote Analiza polskiego prawa autorskiego i praw pokrewnych
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia prawa autorskiego i praw pokrewnych w świetle obowiązujących w kraju przepisów. Przedstawiono pojęcie utworu i twórcy, zwrócono uwagę na nadużycia związane z przypisywaniem autorstwa cudzego utworu. Omówiono temat dysponowania prawami do utworu stworzonego w ramach stosunku pracy oraz kwestię zawieranych umów. Poruszono również problem praw własności intelektualnych w projektach wykonywanych na rzecz Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej.
The article discusses issues of copyright and related rights in the light of the provisions that are in force in Poland. The concepts of 'work' and 'creator' are presented, and attention is called to abuses related to attributing authorship of someone else's work. The topic of disposing of the rights to a work created under an employment relationship and the issue of contracts concluded are discussed. The problem of intellectual property rights in projects carried out for the Ministry of National Defence is also raised.
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