W artykule poruszono kwestię napraw i wzmocnień obiektów budownictwa ogólnego w kontekście przepisów Prawa budowlanego. Wymieniono obowiązki właścicieli i zarządców obiektów budowlanych oraz kompetencje organów administracji publicznej podczas ich użytkowania. Podano definicje remontu, naprawy, wzmocnienia konstrukcji, a także modernizacji budynków oraz różnice między tymi pojęciami. Zwrócono uwagę na formalne aspekty napraw budynków zabytkowych.
The article discusses the issue of repairs and reinforcement of general construction facilities in the context of the provisions of the Construction Law. The obligations of owners and managers of building structures and the competences of public administration bodies during their use are listed. The definitions of renovation, repair, structure reinforcement and modernization of buildings, as well as the differences between these concepts are given. The formal aspects of historic buildings repairs were also discussed.
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The article presents the curriculum for architectural studies in the context of technical courses, such as building engineering, structures, materials science and building physics. The authors of the publication compare the method of conducting these courses and their participation in the entire study program on the example of selected Polish universities (Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering of the Lublin University of Technology and the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa). Authors of the article present changes that have occurred in the curriculum of these courses before and after the reform of higher education from 2019, what impact it has on the education of future architects, and what new opportunities these changes offer will be analyzed.
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