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Owoce, w tym owoce mrożone, od lat cieszą się popularnością i uznaniem wśród konsumentów. Aby zaspokoić wymagania klientów i zapewnić bezpieczne produkty, surowce muszą spełniać standardy jakości. Mrożenie, jako proces technologiczny, ma na ogół niewielki wpływ na degradację zawartości substancji bioaktywnych i skutecznie przyczynia się do utrzymania jakości produktu końcowego. Publikacja ma na celu przedstawienie jakości mrożonych truskawek, malin i wiśni dostępnych w krajowym obrocie handlowym. Omówiono aspekty związane opakowaniami mrożonek i zwrócono uwagę na wybrane parametry wpływające na jakość mrożonek, w tym wielkość, wygląd owoców, dojrzałość czy zdrowotność w aspekcie występowania monitorowania zanieczyszczeń biologicznych czy pozostałościami środków ochrony roślin.
Fruit, including frozen fruit, has been popular and appreciated by consumers for years. In order to satisfy customer demands and ensure safe products, raw materials must meet quality standards. Freezing, as a technological process, generally has little impact on the degradation of the bioactive content and effectively contributes to maintaining the quality of the final product. This publication aims to present the quality of frozen strawberries, raspberries and cherries available in the domestic trade. Aspects related to the packaging of frozen fruit are discussed, and attention is paid to selected parameters affecting the quality of frozen fruit, including size, fruit appearance, ripeness or healthiness in terms of the occurrence of monitoring for biological contamination or residues of plant protection products.
Some practices such as fertilisation and pesticide use are carried out in order to obtain high yields in agricultural production. However, as a result of these practices, agricultural pollutants may occur as a result of incorrect agricultural practices. Problems such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, nutrient imbalance, salination in soils, eutrophication in waters, beneficial microorganisms in soils and damage to human and animal health occur due to faulty fertilisation and pesticide applications, misuse of agricultural soils, and inaccuracies in the disposal of plastic wastes. In this study, the literature on agricultural polluting factors was examined and it was aimed to raise awareness about agricultural pollution by explaining the harms of agricultural polluting factors to the environment and the health of living beings and by trying to offer solutions. Within the scope of this targeted awareness, this study; It is aimed to raise the awareness of producers in future production processes and to provide a stepping stone for scientific studies on this subject.
The article aims to evaluate – from the point of view of selected socio-economic aspects – the implementation of an innovative weed control technology into agricultural practice using laser energy targeted at reducing pesticide use. The achievement of the stated objective required an analysis of the research output concerning the problem of pesticide sustainability in European Union agriculture and an analysis of EU policies in this field. The paper also utilises data obtained through research by conducting in-depth interviews with representatives of three stakeholder groups: farmers, society and business. The subject of the interviews was to assess the impact of large-scale dissemination of an innovative weed control technology on selected socio-economic aspects. The article is one of the first studies to assess the social impact of innovative technologies using artificial intelligence and laser technology for weed control in agriculture. The implementation of this technology can have a significant impact on running farms in a more sustainable way, but a prerequisite for its successful use is the inclusion of social and economic considerations.
Celem artykułu jest ocena wprowadzenia do praktyki rolniczej innowacyjnej technologii zwalczania chwastów z wykorzystaniem energii lasera ukierunkowanej na ograniczenie stosowania pestycydów z punktu widzenia wybranych aspektów społeczno-ekonomicznych. Zrealizowanie postawionego celu wymagało analizy dorobku badawczego dotyczącego problemu pestycydów w zrównoważonym rozwoju w rolnictwa Unii Europejskiej oraz analizy polityk UE w tym zakresie. W artykule wykorzystano również dane uzyskane w drodze badań polegających na przeprowadzeniu wywiadów pogłębionych z przedstawicielami trzech grup interesariuszy: rolników, społeczeństwa i biznesu. Przedmiotem wywiadów była ocena wpływu upowszechnienia na szeroką skalę innowacyjnej technologii zwalczania chwastów na wybrane aspekty społeczno-ekonomiczne. Artykuł jest jednym z pierwszych opracowań dotyczących oceny wpływu społecznego zastosowania w rolnictwie nowoczesnych technologii wykorzystujących sztuczną inteligencję i technologię laserową usuwania chwastów. Wdrożenie tej technologii może mieć znaczący wpływ na prowadzenie gospodarstw w sposób bardziej zrównoważony lecz warunkiem koniecznym jej skutecznego wykorzystania jest uwzględnienie uwarunkowań społecznych i ekonomicznych.
Chloridazon był herbicydem stosowanym w uprawach buraka cukrowego, powodował hamowanie procesu fotosyntezy jednorocznych chwastów szerokolistnych. W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach chloridazon uznawano za nieszkodliwy, dlatego był chętnie stosowany przez rolników w wielu krajach. Rozkłada się on na dwa metabolity: chloridazon-desfenyl i chloridazon-metylo-desfenyl. Ze względu na swoją polarność i rozpuszczalność metabolity te zaliczane są do związków mobilnych, w związku z czym mogą zanieczyszczać wody powierzchniowe i gruntowe. Metabolity te mogą pojawić się również w wodzie przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi. Chociaż nie są one herbicydami, należy je monitorować, gdyż ich kumulacja i długotrwałe utrzymywanie się w wodzie może stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie najnowszych doniesień literaturowych dotyczących zanieczyszczenia wody herbicydami ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chloridazonu i jego metabolitów oraz wskazanie możliwości ich eliminacji z wody.
Chloridazon was an herbicide used in sugar beet crops; inhibited the photosynthesis process of annual broad-leaved weeds. In recent decades, chloridazon has been considered harmiess, so farmers in many countries have used it. Chloridazon is broken down into two metabolites: chloridazon-desphenyl and chloridazon-methyl-desphenyl. As a result of their polarity and solubility, these metabolites are classified as mobile compounds, therefore, they can contaminate surface and groundwater.These metabolites may also occur in water intended for human consumption. Although chloridazon metabolites are not herbicides, they should be monitored because their accumulation and long-term persistence in water can pose a threat to human health.The purpose of this article is to present the latest literature reports on herbicide water contamination, with particular emphasis on chloridazon and its metabolites, and to indicate the possibility of their elimination from water.
Specyficzne zachowanie niejonowych związków powierzchniowo czynnych w pobliżu tzw. punktu zmętnienia zostało wykorzystane w nowatorskim podejściu do projektowania i wytwarzania skutecznych i bezpiecznych detergentów do mycia owoców i warzyw, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zdolności do usuwania pozostałości pestycydów. Zastosowanie niejonowych związków powierzchniowo czynnych daje możliwość wymywania, zwłaszcza hydrofobowych pozostałości pestycydów z powierzchni owoców, a następnie przeniesienia ich do kąpieli myjącej na drodze solubilizacji micelarnej. Opracowany detergent wykazywał wysoką skuteczność w usuwaniu pozostałości pestycydów przy zachowaniu bezpieczeństwa stosowania pod kątem małego potencjału podrażnienia skóry. Wysoką wydajność i bezpieczeństwo stosowania detergentów powiązano z zależnym od temperatury zachowaniem niejonowych surfaktantów podczas procesu agregacji. Zrozumienie zależnego od temperatury zachowania mieszanin niejonowych związków powierzchniowo czynnych przyczyni się do efektywnego wykorzystania tych związków do opracowania wysoce wydajnych, a zarazem bezpiecznych detergentów przeznaczonych do mycia owoców i warzyw.
The compn. of a model detergent based on poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ethers was developed and analyzed in terms of cloud point, surface tension, micelle size and zein number. A soln. of a model detergent with a concn. of 1% by mass was used to wash apples (Malus domestica Champion), previously contaminated with pesticides (acetamiprid, boscalid, pyraclostrobin and pendimethalin). After washing, the apples were rinsed on a sieve with cold tap water, left to dry for 4 h at room temp., and then frozen. Fruits were subjected to QuEChERS extn. and the resulting extracts were analyzed by LC/MS to assess the effectiveness of removing pesticide residues. The developed detergent showed high efficiency in removing pesticide residues while remaining safe to use in terms of low skin irritation potential.
Among nutrients and pesticides, agricultural draining ditches also transport pollutants discharged with untreated wastewater from the municipalities adjoining the ditch. When the ditch water is used for irrigation and aquaculture, risks for the environment and food production are suggested. For the conducted field study, a shrimp farm in Sinaloa (Mexico) was used to trace organic pollutants (pesticides and pharmaceutical residues) on their way from an agricultural draining ditch to a shrimp farm fed partially by the drain water. The concentrations of pollutants in the drain water ranged from 10 ng L-1 to 453 ng L-1. The pond water of the shrimp farm contained concentrations between <10 ng L-1 and 177 ng L-1. The shrimps were contaminated by pollutants at concentrations between 40 μg kg-1 d.w. (dry weight) to 3.3 mg kg-1 d.w. (fungicide Metalaxyl). Health risks for the cultivated shrimps cannot be excluded because some pesticides are known for their toxic effects to crustaceans. The concentrations of selected antibiotics in the shrimps were low and comparable with those found in the shrimps declared as seawater shrimps from a German supermarket. The incorporation of the antibiotics was probably caused by contact to the wastewater in the shrimp ponds and/or by contaminated shrimp feed. Additionally to the anthropogenic chemicals, coliforms were determined in the water (total coliforms: 30-50 CFU 100 mL-1; fecal coliforms: 0-20 CFU 100 mL-1). These values agree with the Mexican Norm NOM-242-SSA1-2009 representing a microbiological quality of water adequate for aquaculture. The number of coliforms measured in shrimp was higher than in pond water, suggesting bioaccumulation and a potential health risk for consumers.
The article reports on a study that examined the impact of agrochemicals on the levels of surfactants in soil. Specifically, the study found that the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides led to an increase in the levels of anionic surfactants (ASA) in the soil. Furthermore, the simultaneous application of fertilizers and pesticides had a greater effect on ASA levels than either factor alone. The use of pesticides also led to an increase in non-ionic surfactants (NSA), while the use of fertilizers resulted in a decrease in NSA levels. The study also found that the increase in the levels of mobile forms of key nutrients in the soil was associated with the accumulation of ASA in lower layers of the soil profile.The amount of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen under the low protection system increased by 3.0–23.2 mg kg-1 soil, mobile phosphorus by 14.0–144.0 mg P2O5, and exchangeable potassium by 9.0–222.0 mg K2O per kg soil, compared to the control. With the complex use of fertilizers and pesticides in one block, a trend of increasing mobile forms of nutrients in the soil was observed. The distribution of ASA amount in the soil profile is descending. The clear presence of ASA was established only in the soil layer of 0–40 cm. An increase of ASA content in the soil due to the use of agrochemicals and fertilizers is observed up to a depth of 60–80 cm. Using biological elements in agriculture significantly reduces the amount of these substances in the soil profile.
The article aims to investigate the state of soil elements in upland agriculture and the state of pesticide contamination in the environment of differing highland agricultural areas in Thailand. The number of heavy metals present was Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb > Ni > Cu > Cd, dominant pesticide contamination in the carbamate group is methomyl (0.11 mg/kg), and the organochlorine group is triazophos (0.02 mg/kg). Pesticide contamination was found to positively and significantly correlate with the soil’s total N and Fe content (p < 0.01). In the soil microbes, the dominant genera of Aquabacterium were found at the highland agriculture site H1, Massilia at H2, and Sphingomonas at H3.
The article is devoted to the development of methodical approaches to the management of environmental risks due to pesticide contamination of agrocenoses. An assessment of ecological risks due to the use of pesticides was carried out at the scientific research field of the Skvirskaya research station of organic production of the IAP of the National Academy of Sciences during the growing seasons of 2019–2021. The methods of assessing the ecological risks of potential pesticide contamination of agrocenoses based on the indicators of the agroecotoxicological index (AETI) and the ecotoxic impact of harmful substances (E) were used on the natural environment. It was shown that the level of environmental risk due to the use of pesticides in the research field of the station according to the weighted average indices (AETI) is characterized as low – risk, and the environmental risk due to the pesticides using is minimal. According to indicators of ecotoxicity (E), the pesticides that were used are characterized as having a low potential ecotoxic risk of impact on agrocenoses of cultivated plants. However, the total pesticide ecotoxicological load (ΣЕ = 0.425 compared to the standard EDDT = 1) indicates the possibility of disruption of ecological connectivities in the agroecosystem. One of the elements of environmental risk management can be the assessment of the pesticide load on agroecosystems and considering of the territory ability to self-clean. In order to minimize the environmental risks of pesticide contamination of agrocenoses, measures should be taken to regulate the use of chemical plant protection agents. This can be done by banning or limiting the use of pesticides that have a high level of ecotoxicity and are persistent in the soil. This will contribute to increasing the ecological safety of agro-ecosystems and the natural environment.
Agricultural, industrial, and domestic activities are major contributors to the contamination of natural environments. The aim of this study is to assess the level of sediment contamination by organic pollutants in three Moroccan lagoons: Moulay Bousselham, Oualidia, and Khnifiss. samples were analyzed using liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) in Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode to detect organophosphorus, carbamate, urea and its derivatives, and other chemical groups. Gas chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) was also used to analyze organochlorines. The samples were subjected to dispersive solid-phase extraction (dSPE) using QuEChERS before analysis. Fifteen active substances were detected, including organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, ureas, pyrethroids, and others. Three active substances, known for their high toxicity in aquatic environments (carbendazim, malathion, and chlorpyrifos), were identified. The heptachlor molecule (organochlorine family), although banned in Morocco, was still detected in the sediments of the lagoons of Oualidia and Khenifiss. Given the potential harm that these pesticides can cause to living organisms, it is crucial to introduce new crop protection techniques to address this issue.
The experience of teaching Phytopathology as an educational discipline is being examined in this article. This article shows how a separate topic (theme) can be used in the educational process for intensive learning and better mastering the subject; for assistance in solving specialized and practical problems of professional activity in the sphere of growing decorative plants, creating and exploiting the objects of the park-garden management; in teaching of growing the planting material of decorative plants both in the open air (nurseries) and greenhouses. Varieties of encouraging and stimulating the interest to mastering the subject have been exposed.
W artykule omawiane są doświadczenia nauczania Fitopatologii, jako dyscypliny edukacyjnej. Artykuł ten pokazuje, jak osobny temat można wykorzystać w procesie edukacyjnym do intensywnego uczenia się i lepszego opanowania przedmiotu. Może stanowić pomoc w rozwiązywaniu specjalistycznych i praktycznych problemów działalności zawodowej w zakresie uprawy roślin ozdobnych, tworzenia i eksploatacji obiektów gospodarki parkowo-ogrodowej, a także nauczaniu uprawy materiału do sadzenia roślin ozdobnych, zarówno na wolnym powietrzu (szkółki), jak i w szklarniach. Wyeksponowane zostały odmiany, zachęcające do opanowania tematu i pobudzające zainteresowania.
In this study, neurotoxic responses to exposure to chlorpyrifos (CPF) at different doses (55 and 110 μg l-1) and at different time intervals (24 and 96 h) were investigated in Siraz fish (Capoeta umbla) using 8-hydroxy 2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) activity, caspase-3, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and oxidative stress parameters [malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR)]. In this study, the LC50 value of CPF was deterined for the first time for C. umbla and calculated as 440 μg l-1. In this study, 12.5% (55 μg l-1) and 25% (110 μg l-1) of the LC50 value were used. The obtained data indicate a significant increase in the MDA level and inhibition of antioxidant enzymes in the brain (p < 0.05). Considering DNA damage and the apoptotic process, no significant changes were found in 8-OHdG and caspase-3 activity at both doses exposed for 24 h, but a significant increase was detected in both markers at 96 hours compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In the case of AChE activity, which is one of the neurotoxic markers in the brain, while inhibition was determined only at the high concentration (110 μg l-1) at the end of 24 hours, a decrease in enzyme activity was observed at the end of 96 hours in both concentration groups. In the light of all these results, we can say that CPF showed inhibitory effects on enzyme activity and inducing effects on MDA, caspase-3 and 8-OHdG levels. Based on these results, it can be concluded that CPF contributes to oxidative stress in fish and may have neurotoxic effects.
At present, a deep transformation of the agrobiocenose organisation under the intense anthropogenic factors’ influence is of particular importance. Thus, a significant increase in the number and harmfulness of pests’, phytopathogens’ and weeds species was noted due to the prevailing favourable conditions for their mass reproduction, expansion of habitats, and harmfulness, which inevitably leads to a significant deterioration in the phytosanitary state of cultivated crops. The phytosanitary trouble of agrobiocenoses allows us to say that today plant protection, being the final link in the cultivating technology for agricultural crops, is one of the most important stages in preserving the harvest improving the quality of the products obtained, and reducing their cost. In the current study it was tried to review the modern paradigm of the agricultural technological process efficiency. The relevance of this research is due to the fact that modern technological processes in agriculture cannot be implemented without the practical use of plant protection measures, in particular, the chemical method, which consists in the use of chemical compounds against pathogens of plants, pests, weeds, and is the most common, contributing to a significant increase in the yield of cultivated crops and labour productivity in agricultural production. All this, in our opinion, indicates the high practical significance of the results obtained.
The study aimed to evaluate the current status and potential risks of pesticide use of 23 chili growing households in the Thanh Binh district, Dong Thap province, Vietnam. The result shows that farmers used a total of 40 commercial pesticide names with 43 active ingredients, of which two active ingredients, i.e. Benomyl and Fipronil, were banned. The frequency of pesticide spraying for chili protection averaged at 8.93 times/crop, for weed control at 1.83 times/crop, for pests at 12.43 times/crop, for disease control at 14.48 times/crop and for chili growth promoting at 4.82 times/crop. Farmers sprayed pesticides with higher doses than recommended on the labels when pests and diseases occurred on chili farm. The active ingredients in powder and liquid pesticides of Mancozeb, Metalaxyl, Propined, Difenoconazole, Abamectin and Azoxystrobin have been frequently used with estimated concentrations of 5023±3886.36, 337.71±237.50, 4093.92±3628.57, 289.27±264.73, 31.60±29.02 and 652.57±468.35 g/L/ha, respectively. The predicted amounts of ineffective use of such pesticides as Benomyl, Cypermethrin, Fosetylaluminium, Propiconazole, Tebuconazole, Buprofezin, Chlorfenapyr and Difenoconazole, could pose great risks to the environment and humans. Burning is the main method chosen by chili farmers in the treatment of pesticide packaging after use. The study suggests local environmental managers should train farmers in the use and management of pesticide wastes more appropriately.
Contamination of surface and groundwater by neonicotinoids is a global problem and requires comprehensive action by individual countries in order to identify in detail the processes affecting the transport of these pesticides, their properties, and their harmfulness to the environment. The aim of this study was to assess the transport (expressed by sorption parameters) of selected neonicotinoids in the aquatic environment, using batch tests. Tests were carried out for acetamiprid individually and a mixture of five neonicotinoids (acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam), for three different aquifer materials and quartz sand. Based on the obtained values of the sorption parameters, the greatest sorption of neonicotinoids was observed on soil with the highest content of organic matter and clay minerals content, while no sorption of these pesticides was observed on quartz sand. In addition, it was noticed that individual neonicotinoids undergo sorption to a different degree — thiacloprid was the most sorbed (R-value in the range 3.13–26.03), while thiamethoxam was the least (R-value in the range 1.89–8.41).
The paper shows that seed and planting material treatment is the most economical and least dangerous way to use pesticides. The formula of ecotoxicity calculation for comparing the danger level of soil pollution by various substances was given. The analysis of influence of some seed disinfectants: Black Jack (active substances – humic acids (19–21%) and fulvic acid (3–5%); Kelpak (active substances – auxins (11 mg/l), cytoxins (0.03 mg/l); Dalila (imidacloprid 600 g/l); Impact K (flutriafol (117.5 g/l) and carbendazim 250 g/l) on various groups of plants, soils and microorganisms was carried out. It was proven that the use of drugs with fungicidal action causes a certain effect on some soil parameters, mostly due to the effect on the microbiological activity of the soil. The results obtained in the research show that each of the chemical compounds, which is the active substance of the studied pesticides, does not have a significant detrimental effect on the rhizosphere biota when used separately; however, regular use of chemical pesticides can lead to an irreversible disturbance of the natural microbial balance in the soil and a gradual loss of fertility. Much attention is paid to the study of soil organisms, in particular earthworms, which have become the main test species in the tests to assess the toxicity of new xenobiotics, as well as to calculate the risks of adverse effects of pollutants on the environment. It was shown that pesticides of different nature of action have varying effects on soil microbiota and earthworms. Studies have shown that pre-sowing treatment of seeds with pesticides has undeniable economic, organizational and technological advantages over other methods of applying chemical plant protection products. The calculation of the ecological danger of pesticides was carried out and it was concluded that pre-sowing seed treatment can be called an ecologically low-hazardous measure. The paper recommended the main ways to prevent the increase of the negative impact of pesticides (including seed disinfectants) on the environment.
Glyphosate is an inhibitor of the shikimate pathway in plants and the most widely used broad-spectrum herbicide. Due to the abundance of its use, there exists a necessity to measure the levels both in humans and in the environment to control the nefarious outcomes of its use. The appropriateness, selectivity, and the specificity of the employed analytical methods are crucial for the reliability of the resultant deductions when conducting biomonitoring studies on possible exposure to chemicals, whether the samples are biological or environmental in nature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the analytical techniques used to monitor glyphosate levels in human and environmental samples. A detailed web-based literature search was conducted to gather data on the analytical techniques used for glyphosate determination. The most preferred authentic samples are blood, urine, and milk. Environmental samples include plants, soil, and water. Among widely used analytical techniques used to detect glyphosate are High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, Gas Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Depending on the sample and study, the most suitable analytical method has been selected. A critical evaluation and publication of pre-existing literature on analytical methods in glyphosate-based herbicide detection will thus aid all relevant researchers in the determination of an appropriate, selective, and specific methodology.
Mówiąc o ochronie roślin, najczęściej mamy na myśli stosowanie chemicznych środków ochrony roślin. Od szeregu lat zgodnie z zaleceniami Unii Europejskiej następuje wycofywanie wielu pestycydów, szczególnie tych, które mają negatywny wpływ na układ endokrynnych człowieka i zwierząt stałocieplnych, a także tych, które wykazują brak selektywności dla organizmów pożytecznych i zapylaczy oraz w sposób długotrwały ujemnie oddziałują na środowisko.
Owady zapylające, wśród nich pszczoły, są bardzo ważnym ogniwem w procesie produkcji żywności. Szacunki wykazują, że dokonują one ponad 80% zapyleń roślin uprawnych. Ochrona upraw przed chwastami i różnego rodzaju chorobami prowadzona jest od kilkudziesięciu lat z wykorzystaniem coraz to nowszych substancji chemicznych, a także z wykorzystaniem metod integrowanych. Przedstawione w niniejszym opracowaniu wyniki prowadzonych na świecie badań naukowych wskazują na zdecydowanie negatywny wpływ pestycydów na rozwój i przeżywalność pszczołowatych. Wykazano, że wpływają one na zmniejszenie, a nawet zanik populacji tych pożytecznych owadów, co w konsekwencji powoduje straty w gospodarce żywnościowej. Znalezienie równowagi między koniecznością ochrony upraw a dobrostanem owadów zapylających staje się dzisiaj pilnym i koniecznym wyzwaniem dla nauki.
A review, with 82 refs., of pesticides and their effects on the bees.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań procesów zaawansowanego utleniania chlorfenwinfosu z rzeczywistego strumienia ścieków komunalnych. Stopień eliminacji chlorfenwinfosu wyniósł 26–82% w zależności od zastosowanego procesu doczyszczania. Stwierdzono, że zaawansowane procesy utleniania stanowią interesującą alternatywę dla klasycznych procesów oczyszczania, w szczególności jako IV lub V etap doczyszczania ścieków.
Chlorfenvinphos (CFVP) was added to samples of treated municipal wastewater and oxidized in the presence of TiO₂ and UV, O₃ and UV radiation or sulfate radicals generated in the presence of Na₂S₂O₈, glucose and visible light (PDS + Vis) for 10 and 20 min. The CFVP content in the tested samples was detd. by HPLC method. The highest degree of CFVP degrdn. (82%) was obtained using the PDS + Vis method.
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