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The paper presents selected results of studies conducted within the framework of the following research project: “Use of graphene and new multilayer explosive technologies in materials for shaped charge liners" (The National Centre for Research and Development in Poland: project No: DOB-BI08/03/01/2016). This study was performed by a consortium made up of the following entities: Institute of Precision Mechanics, Military University of Technology and the Mototechnika company (Poland). The main objective of the performed experiments was to test the effectiveness of shaped charge liners produced with the use of powder metallurgy methods, from mixtures containing copper powder and graphene-coated copper powder. The content of the latter equaled 0%, 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. Shaped charge jets created with the use of liners made from the powder mixtures tested were recorded with the help of X-ray technology. Firing tests were conducted against steel barriers and the depth of penetration was determined. The obtained results showed that the addition of graphene powder to pure copper powder practically does not increase the depth of penetration of the shaped charge jet compared to scenarios in which sintered liners without this additive were used.
W artykule zostały przedstawione wybrane wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego: „Zastosowanie grafenu i nowych technologii wielowarstwowych materiałów wybuchowych w materiałach na wkładki kumulacyjne” (nr projektu NCBiR: DOB-BI08/03/01/2016). Praca ta była przeprowadzona w konsorcjum, w skład którego wchodziły: Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna oraz przedsiębiorstwo Mototechnika. Głównym celem wykonanych eksperymentów było zbadanie skuteczności wkładek kumulacyjnych, wytworzonych metodami metalurgii proszków, z mieszanek zawierających proszek miedzi oraz proszek miedzi pokryty grafenem. Zawartość tego ostatniego wynosiła odpowiednio:0%, 1%, 5% i 10%. Dokonano rentgenograficznej rejestracji strumieni kumulacyjnych przy zastosowaniu ładunków zawierających wkładki wytworzone z testowanych mieszanek proszkowych. Przeprowadzono próby strzelania do przegród stalowych i określono głębokość penetracji. Otrzymane wyniki badań wykazały, że dodatek proszku grafenowanego do proszku czystej miedzi praktycznie nie zwiększa głębokości wnikania strumienia kumulacyjnego w stosunku do przypadku, gdy zastosowano wkładki spiekane bez tego dodatku.
The effect of graphene (0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 wt%) on the mechanical properties and thermal stability of rigid PVC was investigated. The morphology and thermal properties were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric thermal analysis (TGA). Additionally, tensile properties, impact strength and hardness were determined. It was found that the addition of graphene can increase the impact strength and hardness and extend the thermal stability time of PVC.
Zbadano wpływ grafenu (0,01; 0,1; 0,5 i 1% mas.) na właściwości mechaniczne i stabilność termiczną twardego PVC. Strukturę i właściwości termiczne analizowano za pomocą skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM) i termograwimetrycznej analizy termicznej (TGA). Ponadto określono właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu, udarność i twardość. Stwierdzono, że dodatek grafenu może zwiększyć udarność i twardość oraz wydłużyć czas stabilności termicznej PVC.
A graphene/NPB structure with Re₂O₇ as an interfacial layer in the context of its potential use in the design of an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is investigated. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study shows the formation of the Re₂O₇ phase on a monolayer graphene on quartz during thermal deposition in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). The ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) study shows an enhancement of the work function of the graphene heterostructure after deposition of the Re₂O₇ layer up to 5.4 eV. The hole injection barrier between the Re₂O₇/graphene heterostructure and the N-bis-(1- naphthyl)-N,N-diphenyl-(1,1-biphenyl)-4,4-diamine (NPB) layer was estimated to be 0.35 eV, which is very promising for a good OLED performance.
In this paper, a compact 2×2 hexagon ring-shaped MIMO antenna operating at the terahertz band is proposed for future 6G wireless communication applications. The antenna is designed using graphene, due to its unique high-speed transmission capabilities. DGS and NL decoupling approaches are applied to enhance isolation between the two radiating elements. A parametric study is performed to investigate the significance of using these methods. Performance in terms of different metrics is studied using the CST Microwave Studio simulator. The final outcomes show that the proposed MIMO antenna achieves 23 dB of isolation, 0.004859 of ECC, 0.004 bits/sec/Hz of CCL, and efficiency of 98%.
The use of carbon nanomaterials as fillers in the process of obtaining polymer composites by extrusion poses many problems. The high agglomeration ability and low bulk density of carbon nanomaterials do not allow to easy production of composites characterized by very good dispersion of the filler in the polymer matrix, which is required to obtain a high-quality product. The advantage of this type of fillers is that the improvement of the composite properties can be achieved even at a low degree of filling. In this article, we describe a method for obtaining polylactide composites with a nanofiller in the form of graphene nanoplatelets. To overcome the difficulties associated with the use of graphene, we divided the process of obtaining composites into two stages. In the first stage, we made a masterbatch containing 25 wt.% graphene, from which, in the second stage, we obtained target composites containing from 0.1 to 2 wt.% graphene. A twin-screw extruder was used in both stages. The tested filling levels had no significant impact on the recorded processing parameters. The composites obtained by the described method are characterized by good dispersion of graphene. However the graphene agglomerates can be observed in the polymer matrix. Composites were tested by SEM, FTIR, DSC and MFR methods. Mechanical tests such as static tension, three-point bending, impact strength showed that the addition of 0.5 wt% of graphene improves tensile strength by 10 %, Young's modulus by 19 % and both flexural strength and flexural modulus by 15 %. The carbon filler has an impact on crystallization process of the polymer matrix by acting as a nucleating agent.
Carbon fibers have been technically applied in high performance materials and industrial scale applications. Importantly, carbon fiber reinforced composite materials have found applications in aerospace industries. These properties of carbon fiber reinforced composites depend upon the carbon fiber features such as length, orientation, surface properties, adhesion with matrices, etc. To improve the surface properties of carbon fibers and adhesion and interactions with polymers, fiber modification has been suggested as an efficient approach. Carbon nanoparticle or nanocarbon functionalized carbon fibers have been manufactured using various facile physical and chemical approaches such as electrospraying, electrophoretic deposition, chemical vapor deposition, etc. Consequently, the modified carbon fibers have nanocarbon nanoparticles such as graphene, carbon nanotube, nanodiamond, fullerene, and other nanocarbons deposited on the fiber surface. These nanocarbon nanoparticles have fine capability to improve interfacial linking of carbon fibers with the polymer matrices. The chemical vapor deposition has been adopted for uniform deposition of nanocarbon on carbon fibers and chemical methods involving physical or chemical modification have also been frequently used. The resulting advanced epoxy/carbon fiber/nanocarbon composites revealed improved tensile and physical profiles. This review basically aims manufacturing and technical aspects of polymer/fiber/nanofiller nanocomposites toward the development of high performance structures. The resulting morphology, strength, modulus, toughness, thermal stability, and other physical features of the nanocarbon functionalized carbon fibers have been enhanced. In addition, the fabricated polymer/fiber/nanofiller nanocomposites have fine interfacial adhesion, matrix-nanofiller-filler compatibility, and other characteristics. The application areas of these nanomaterials have been found wide ranging including the strengthened engineering structures, supercapacitors, shape memory materials, and several others.
This state-of-the-art article is designed to cover essential aspects of graphene based nanomaterials for energy storage purposes. Graphene is, a unique nanocarbon, one atom thick nanosheet made up of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms. Graphene has been focused for various technical energy related devices and systems owing to remarkable structure and properties. In energy storage applications, graphene has been applied for varying devices like supercapacitors, fuel cell and batteries. Important utilization of graphene and derived nanocomposites have been observed for lithium (Li) ion batteries. In this context, graphene has been found to offer superior surface area, electron conduction, electrochemical properties, charge or energy density, reversible capacity, rate capacity, cyclic stability, charge-discharge behavior, and other progressive characteristics for effectual energy or charge storage. In addition, graphene derived nanomaterials have been researched for structural, morphological, mechanical, thermal, and other physical characteristics. Hence, graphene and nanocomposites have been reported as efficient Li ion battery electrode or electrolyte material. Future progress on designing new efficient graphene derived nanocomposites and three dimensional graphene based nanomaterials may overcome the challenges towards the formation of high performance battery electrode or electrolyte materials.
Shape memory or stimuli responsive polymers have established a unique grouping of smart materials. The technical merit of these polymers has been evaluated in aerospace sector, since last few decades. Particularly, the stimuli responsive polymers render inherent competences to recuperate the structural damages in exterior/interior space architectures. In this context, both the thermoplastics as well as thermosetting polymers depicted essential stimuli responsive behaviour. As interpreted in this state-of the-art review, the carbonaceous reinforcement like carbon fibers and nano-reinforcements including nanocarbons (graphene, carbon nanotube) have been employed in the shape recovering matrices. The performance of ensuing shape retrieving aerospace materials was seemed to be reliant on the polymer chain crosslinking effects, filler/nanofiller dispersal/alignment, microstructural specs, interfacial contour and interactions, and processing techniques used. Consequently, the shape actuations of polymer/carbon fiber composites were found to be instigated and upgraded through the inclusion of nanocarbon nano-additives. The ensuing high-tech shape memory composites/nanocomposites have anomalous significance for various aero-structural units (fuselage, wings, antennas, engines, etc.) due to prevention of possible thermal/shock/impact damages. Future implications of carbonaceous shape memory composites/nanocomposites in aerospace demands minimizing the structure-property-performance challenges and large scale fabrication for industrial scale utilizations. In this way, deployment of carbonaceous nanofiller/filler based composites revealed enormous worth due to low density, anti-fatigue/wear, anti-corrosion, non-flammability, self-healing, and extended durability and long life operations. However, there are certain challenges associated with the use of nanocarbons and ensuing nanocomposites in this field markedly the adoption of appropriate carbon fiber coating technique, aggregation aptitude of nanocarbons, additional processing steps/cost, nanoparticle initiated invisible defects/voids, difficulty in machinability operations due to presence of nanoparticles, and corrosion risk of composite structures in contact with metal surfaces. By overcoming these hinderances, nanoparticles modified carbon fiber based composites can be promising towards a new look of upcoming modernized aerospace industry.
This paper investigates the tribological effects of graphene and anti-wear zinc dialkyl dithiophosphates (ZDDP). Friction tests have been carried out on a tribological tester which operates as a ball and disc assembly in a frictional, sliding motion. Tests were carried out with a load of 10 N over a sliding distance of 1000 m. TiAlN coated HS6-5-2C steel discs, and 100Cr6 steel balls were used in the tests. Tests were conducted under lubrication conditions with poly(α)olefin oil PAO 8 with graphene and/or ZDDP. The chemical composition of the TiAlN coating was studied using a scanning electron microscope, and the wear marks on the discs and balls were observed. The geometric structure of the samples was analysed before and after the friction tests using a confocal microscope with interferometric mode. The results indicated that the addition of ZDDP and graphene to the poly(α)olefin oil had an effect on reducing the friction coefficient.
W artykule określono wpływ grafenu i dodatku przeciwzużyciowego dialkiloditiofosforanu cynku ZDDP na właściwości tribologiczne. Badania tarciowe przeprowadzono na testerze tribologicznym pracującym w skojarzeniu trącym kula–tarcza w ruchu ślizgowym. Testy wykonano przy obciążeniu 10 N na drodze tarcia równej 1000 m. Do badań użyto tarcz ze stali HS6-5-2C z powłoką TiAlN oraz kul ze stali 100Cr6. Testy przeprowadzono w warunkach smarowania olejem poli(α)olefinowym PAO 8 z grafenem i/lub z ZDDP. Za pomocą mikroskopu skaningowego zbadano skład chemiczny powłoki TiAlN, a także obserwowano ślady wytarcia na tarczach i kulach. Przy użyciu mikroskopu konfokalnego z trybem interferometrycznym dokonano analizy struktury geometrycznej próbek przed oraz po testach tarciowych. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazały, że dodatek ZDDP i grafenu do oleju poli(α)olefinowego wpłynął na zmniejszenie współczynnika tarcia.
Content available remote Badanie adsorpcji jonów miedzi(II) na materiałach grafenowych
Przygotowano gąbkę grafenową (RGO) i magnetyczne cząstki grafenowe (MGO) i materiały te wykorzystano do usuwania jonów Cu²⁺ z ich roztworów wodnych. Porównano wpływ pH, czasu adsorpcji i dawki adsorbentu na efektywność adsorpcji Cu²⁺ na RGO i MGO. Przy pH 5, początkowym stężeniu Cu²⁺ 10 mg/L i stężeniu adsorbentu 0,6 g/L, adsorpcja była najbardziej efektywna. Stopień usuwania Cu²⁺ przez RGO (99,5%) był wyższy niż przez MGO (94,1%), co było spowodowane nakładaniem się warstw grafenu w MGO i wzrostem oporu dyfuzji jonów w późniejszym etapie adsorpcji. Materiały grafenowe poddano recyklingowi. Po 6 cyklach adsorpcji-desorpcji wydajność usuwania Cu²⁺ wynosiła nadal 92%.
Graphene sponge (RGO) and graphene magnetic particles (MGO) were successfully prepd. and used for removal of Cu²⁺ ions from their aq. solns. The effects of pH value, adsorption time and adsorbent dose on the adsorption efficiency of Cu²⁺ on RGO and MGO were compared. At pH 5, the initial Cu²⁺ concn. 10 mg/L, and the adsorbent concn. 0.6 g/L, the adsorption was most efficient. The removal rate of Cu²⁺ by RGO (99.5%) was higher than that of MGO (94.1%), because of overlapping the graphene layers in MGO and an increase in ion diffusion resistance in the later stage. The graphene materials were recycled. After 6 cycles of adsorption, the removal rate was still 92%.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością zastosowania elektrod sterujących wykonanych z grafenu w przełącznikach w.cz. na zakres fal milimetrowych. W badaniach wykorzystano struktury testowe przełączników zintegrowanych z linią koplanarną wykonanych w strukturze półprzewodnikowej AlGaN/GaN w topologii szeregowej i bocznikowej. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników wykazano możliwości wykorzystania zjawiska zmiany przewodności grafenu pod wpływem napięcia do ograniczenia strat w przełączniku. Wskazano także na możliwość uzyskania poprawy izolacji przy wykorzystaniu elektrod grafenowych. Konieczne jest jednak udoskonalenie procesów technologicznych dla uzyskania wysokiej jakości warstw grafenu.
This paper presents research on application of graphene control electrodes for millimeter wave switches. Series and shunt topology switches integrated with coplanar waveguide in AlGaN/GaN semiconductor structure were examined. Presented results show that it is possible to utilize voltage-controlled conductivity of graphene to reduce losses through gate coupling. They also indicate superior performance of shunt topology and show that application of graphene gate can improve switch isolation. However, to achieve good performance, technological processes have to be improved to increase the quality of graphene layers.
In this second part of the article, we delve deeper into the research area initiated in the first part, focusing on the critical exploration of polylactide (PLA) modification to enhance thermal and mechanical properties in PLA-based materials, building upon the insights obtained from comprehensive structural and thermal analyses utilizing analytical methods such as infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT), and thermoanalytical research (DRIFT, TG-DTG). A series of structural and thermal analysis research (TG-DTG, DSC, DRIFT) were performed for samples of polylactide (PLA), which is commonly used in additive technologies as a structural material. In total, four materials were considered, including two containing dyes with different colors, a material made of PLA recyclate and a graphene-modified PLA material. It was noted that PLA material reinforced with graphene phase (GRAFYLON®) retains the best thermal properties (TG-DTG), which results in its wider potential for processing, including further modification and usability in manufacturing vehicle structural elements. Recycled PLA material (ALFA+W) was characterized by a higher melting point (Tp ) by more than 20°C than other samples (DSC analysis), so it can be more useful in the production of structural elements operating and used at elevated temperatures.
With the rapid development of electronic technology and military techniques, electromagnetic protection materials are becoming more and more significant to people. Harmful electromagnetic radiation not only affects the normal operation of electronic equipments and military security, but also has a serious impact on human health. At present, using absorbing and shielding materials are effective means to reduce the harm of electromagnetic waves. In this project, graphite, graphene and silver-coated copper powder coated composites were prepared using PU-2540 polyurethane and adopting a coating process for the substrate on plain polyester/cotton fabric. The controlled variable method was used to prepare and study the electromagnetic properties of single-layer coating composites with different functional particle contents. The result showed that within the frequency range of 0.01GHz~1.0GHz, when the total mass of functional particles was 48% relative to that of the polyurethane, the value of the real part of the dielectric constant of the sample remained the largest and its polarization ability was the strongest. Within the frequency range of 0.08GHz~1.0GHz, when the content of functional particles was 24% relative to that of the polyurethane, the value of the imaginary part of the dielectric constant and the loss of the tangent value of the sample kept the maximum, and the loss and attenuation ability with respect to electromagnetic waves were both the strongest. Within the frequency range of 1.3GHz~2.0GHz, when the content of functional particles was 36% relative to that of the polyurethane, the value of the reflection loss of the sample was -26.93dB, and the minimum value of the reflection loss was obtained at a frequency of 1.6GHz, at the moment of which, the absorbing property of the sample was the best.
In this work, a comparative study on the ballistic behaviour of friction stir processed AL6061 targets had been made. Base Metal AL6061 (BM) plates with 25 mm thickness were friction stir processed by adding Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tubes (MWCNT) and Graphene (G), producing AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G surface composites. Optical microscopy and microhardness test on BM, AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G samples were performed as per the standard procedure. It was noticed that uniform dispersion of ceramic particles and refined grains were obtained for the friction stir processed surface composites. From the microhardness test, it was perceived that friction stir processing had induced strengthening of surface composites, hence increasing the microhardness of AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G by ~60.3% and ~73.6% respectively. Also, ballistic experiments were conducted at 680±10 m/s by impacting Ø7.62×51 mm projectiles. AL6063 backing plates were placed to compare the ballistic behaviours AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G targets by depth of penetration. It was noted that the depth of penetration of AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G targets were 37.81% and 65.84% lesser than the BM target. Further, from the results of Post ballistic microscopy it was observed that the microstructure near and away from the penetration channel edge looks unchanged in BM target. However, the AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G targets showed considerable change in their morphology, by forming Adiabatic Shear Bands.
Atom wodoru jest najprostszą konstrukcją atomową. Patrząc na abundancję pierwiastków – wodór jest pierwiastkiem występującym we Wszechświecie w największej ilości. Na jego strukturalną budowę składa się jeden proton i obłok cząstek materii, które otaczają jego centrum. Takie to proste… Wodór na Ziemi jest uwięziony w postaci wody H2 O, amoniaku NH3 oraz węglowodorów. Dużo go w postaci metanu CH4, a szczególnie w hydratach metanu2 [25]. Bo to bardzo ciekawe źródło wodoru, tylko czy się nam uda? Czy ludzkość – nowa Skłodowska-Curie czy nowy Maxwell3 – odkrywający kolejne „oczywistości” wskażą nam nowe horyzonty? Grafenowa4 rewolucja zaszyła się w zaciszach laboratoriów. Grupa Azoty postanowiła dalej samodzielnie rozwijać ideę wytwarzania i rozpowszechniania tego niezwykłego materiału. Czy na pewno znamy i wykorzystujemy w pełni potencjał tego materiału? A jeśli tak, w jaki sposób może nam pomóc we wdrażaniu trendu pro-wodór?
Hydrogen atom is the simplest atomic construction. When looking at abundance of the elements, we may state that hydrogen is the element, occurring in the Universe in the greatest quantities. Its structure is composed of one proton and molecular cloud, the particles of which surround its centre. It is so simple... Hydrogen on the Earth is entrapped in a form of H2 O, ammonia NH3 and hydrocarbons. Its high quantities appear in a form of methane CH4 , especially, in methane hydrates2 [25]. It is a very interesting source of hydrogen but the question arises: shall we be successful? Whether the humanity – a new Skłodowska-Curie or a new Maxwell 3 – when discovering the successive “obviousness” – will point out to the new horizons? Graphene4 revolution has been hidden in laboratories. The “Azoty” Group (Poland) decided to develop independently the idea of production and popularization of this unusual material. Are we sure that we know and utilize fully a potential of the discussed material? If so, how can it help us to introduce the pro-hydrogen trend?
Content available remote Elastyczne ogniwa fotowoltaiczne na bazie materiałów dwuwymiarowych i ich hybryd
Elektrody w elastycznych ogniwach fotowoltaicznych wymagają zastosowania materiałów charakteryzujących się przezroczystością, przewodnością i elastycznością. Wszystkie te cechy wydaje się spełniać grafen, w oparciu o który udało nam się skonstruować anodę. Pokazujemy, że zwiększenie pracy wyjścia grafenu możliwe było dzięki dodatkowej warstwie tlenków molibdenu lub renu oraz że pojedyncza warstwa krystaliczna MoO3-x może podnieść pracę wyjścia grafenu dzięki czemu istnieje realna szansa na jego zastosowanie w elektronice.
The electrodes used for flexible photovoltaic cells require materials that are transparent, conductive and flexible. All these features seem to be met by graphene, on the basis of which we were able to construct the anode. Here we show that increase of the graphene work function is possible using an additional layer of molybdenum or rhenium oxides. Moreover, we show that a single crystalline layer of MoO3-x can increase the work function of the graphene. In consequence there is a real chance for practical applications of graphene in electronics.
The presented research shows that commercially available graphene on quartz modified with rhenium oxide meets the requirements for its use as a conductive and transparent anode in optoelectronic devices. The cluster growth of rhenium oxide enables an increase in the work function of graphene by 1.3 eV up to 5.2 eV, which guarantees an appropriate adjustment to the energy levels of organic semiconductors used in organic light-emitting diode devices.
In this work, a synthesis to improve surface wetting resistance composites via infusion of graphene (G) structure into the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrices is introduced. Graphene is incorporated into the PVDF matrix with a percentage of 1.0 wt.% up to 2.5 wt.% using simple solvent blending and dry-casting methods. The morphological and structural properties of the graphene infused into PVDF are investigated using a variety of characterization techniques, including field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and Raman spectroscopy. The tensile properties of graphene infused into the PVDF matrix are investigated using the INSTRON Universal test. The need for hydrophobicity performance on polyvinylidene fluoride infused graphene (PVDF/G) composite is also reported. Based on our evaluation, we ascertain that the PVDF/G-1.5% produces extremely high values for ultimate tensile stress and Young’s modulus, amounting, respectively, to 90.24 MPa and 5720.88 MPa. The PVDF/G composite exhibits surface roughness and increases water contact angle (CA) by 20° more than pure PVDF. Therefore, it is possible to deploy PVDF/G composite thin films with suitable mechanical strength and hydrophobicity in biomedical material-based engineering applications.
Content available remote Defect-minimized directly grown graphene-based solar cells
Using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) to directly grow graphene nanowalls (GNWs) on silicon to preparate the solar cells is compatible with current industrial production. However, many defects in the GNWs hinder improvement of the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of solar cells. In this work, we found that the defects in GNWs can be reduced under the condition of keeping the appropriate sheet resistance of GNWs by simultaneously reducing the growth temperature and increasing the growth time. Then, a PCE of 3.83% was achieved by minimizing the defects in the GNWs under the condition of ensuring adequate coverage of GNWs on bare planar silicon. The defects in GNWs were further reduced by adding a poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT):Nafion passivation coating, and the PCE was significantly improved to10.55%. Our work provides an innovative path and a simple approach to minimize the defects in graphene grown directly on silicon for high-efficiency solar cells.
The characteristics of Love wave biosensors are systematically investigated. The results show that sensors with combination of a ZnO guiding layer and 90ST or 90AT Quartz substrates exhibit purer Love modes than those with the SiO2 guiding layer. The corresponding maxi- mum sensitivities are −10.9069 and −11.641m2/kg, respectively, which are nearly two times higher than those of SiO2 layer. The ZnO/90ST Quartz Love wave sensor exhibits the largest K2 of 0.3022 and achieves 0 ppm/oC of TCF at hZnO/λ = 0.0216. The sensor employing the Graphene IDT further improves the sensitivity by nearly one order of magnitude.
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