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w słowach kluczowych:  ship operation
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Maritime transport contributes to stimulating the development of civilisation. According to the European Environment Agency, around 1/4 of the total CO2 emissions in the EU in 2019 came from the transport sector, of which 71.7% were from road transport. The share of CO2 emissions from maritime transport is estimated to be about 3% of the world's. In terms of energy demand for moving a specific load over a specific distance, it is currently the cheapest form of transport. The International Maritime Organization's activities aim to reduce the environmental impact of this form of transport. The article discusses the expected effects of the regulations introduced until 2023. Regulations have a significant impact on the increase in transport costs. There may be far-reaching changes in the shipping market that have an indirect (rather unintended) effect due to the introduced regulations. "Side effects" can be very severe, especially for shipowners with a small number of ships. The article attempts to draw attention to such threats.
Development and implementation of various projects focused on improving standards of energy efficiency and rational use of energy carriers is a priority for numerous enterprises and companies. Modern shipping devotes sufficient attention to improving the environmental performance of the fleet. As part of the strategy to improve environmental safety and energy efficiency, as well as to reduce air and marine pollution in industries, including maritime transport and shipping, a set of steps to improve the ship's energy efficiency is being implemented. This process is carried out in various ways, however, at the same time maintaining the economic indicators of fleet operation. Relevant is the research aimed at analyzing the introduction of energy management systems in the maritime transport and summarizing the experience of operating the ships, which allows to identify a number of proposals, the implementation of which allows to maintain the economic efficiency of transportation. The article offers a review of the main energy efficiency tools and ways to ensure the transport efficiency of existing ships without modernization by operating them at reduced speeds and fuel consumption and thereby minimizing carbon emissions, as well as developing a set of measures to improve the environmental efficiency of cargo transportation.
The paper has been presented the methods of nitrogen oxides emission reduction to fulfill the Tier 2 and Tier 3 requirements of the Annex VI of MARPOL Convention. It has been shown the development of marine two-stroke diesel engines and the change of nitrogen oxides emission from 1960 to 2000 and later up to 2020 after the implementation of NOx emission reduction methods. Specific fuel consumption before 2000, and as a prediction and given data in the manufacturers manuals for Tier 3 engines up to 2020, and as only a prediction up to 2030 has been analyzed and elaborated. Impact of nitrogen oxides reduction methods on the specific fuel consumption of the marine diesel engine has been evaluated. Additional emission of some gases to the atmosphere due to the implementation of reduction methods has been determined. EGR and SCR systems have got a lot of imperfections: required to install additional reduction systems (investment cost, required volume in the engine room), need maintenance and operation costs, produced wastes during treatment process. The estimated additional cost is about 0.8 USD/MWh of produced energy, taking into account only the cost of excessive used fuel. The whole increased cost may reach the level two-three times more due to cleaning systems investment costs, their operational cost and waste disposal. It has been the one of the reasons of worsening the transport effectiveness and competitiveness.
The paper presents Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI) introduced through International Maritime Organization (IMO) which defined the carbon dioxide emission as a result of transport specific cargo mass on specific distance. The total fuel consumption from all elements of vessel energetic system causes the carbon dioxide emission. Ship-owners should inform the marine administration about the fuel consumption from all vessels of 5000 tons of gross tonnage or more from 1st January 2018. In marine transport about 85% of carbon dioxide emission comes from such vessels. The calculating of EEOI is voluntary now but it is indicated to do it. It allows on an assessment the differences between the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) obligatory during design process of a vessel and its power plant and EEOI. Due to it may be estimated the correctness of vessel and power plant operation in exploitational conditions. The basic way of EEOI decreasing is slow steaming of a vessel. The power demand for propulsion (and fuel consumption) is proportional to the third power of vessel velocity (according to the propeller characteristics) on the other hand the hull resistance (the demand for thrust by propeller) is proportional to the second power of vessel velocity. As a result it causes the decreasing of total fuel consumption for covering the same distance but increasing the time of voyage. It is for acceptance during a bad economic situation. Although it will be no acceptable during a good economic situation when it will be required the increasing of vessel velocity (decreasing the time of voyage). The other effective methods are under research which allows to reach the same aim. It is known such methods of vessel operation which leading to the decreasing of that index. The paper shows these methods with their characteristics.
W artykule omówiono wprowadzony przez Międzynarodową Organizację Morską (IMO) wskaźnik zwany eksploatacyjnym indeksem efektywności energetycznej statku (EEOI), który określa emisję dwutlenku węgla w wyniku transportu jednostki masy ładunku na jednostkową odległość. Za emisję CO2 odpowiada zużycie paliwa przez wszystkie elementy okrętowego układu energetycznego. Od 1 stycznia 2018 r. armatorzy muszą zgłaszać do administracji morskiej ilość zużytego paliwa przez poszczególne statki o tonażu od 5000, które odpowiadają za 85% zużycia paliwa w transporcie morskim. Wyznaczanie wskaźnika EEOI jest obecnie dobrowolne, ale wskazane, aby go wyznaczać. Pozwala to na określenie różnic między projektowym indeksem efektywności energetycznej statku (EEDI), który jest obligatoryjny w procesie projektowania statku i elementów układu energetycznego, a eksploatacyjnym. Dzięki temu można oszacować poprawność eksploatacji siłowni i statku w warunkach rzeczywistych. Podstawowym sposobem zmniejszenia wskaźnika EEOI jest zmniejszenie prędkości eksploatacyjnej statku. Zapotrzebowanie na moc napędu (i zużycie paliwa) jest proporcjonalne do trzeciej potęgi prędkości statku (wg tzw. charakterystyki śrubowej), natomiast opór kadłuba (zapotrzebowanie na siłę naporu przez śrubę okrętową) jest proporcjonalny do potęgi drugiej prędkości statku. Skutkuje to zmniejszeniem zużycia paliwa na pokonanie tej samej drogi, ale wydłuża czas podróży. W okresie dekoniunktury na rynku żeglugowym jest to do przyjęcia. Jednak wraz z pojawieniem się oznak koniunktury, które będą wymagać wzrostu prędkości statku (skrócenia czasu podróży) będzie to niemożliwe. Poszukuje się więc innych skutecznych metod, które pozwolą osiągnąć ten sam cel. Znane są możliwości takich sposobów eksploatacji statku, które prowadzą do zmniejszenia tego wskaźnika. W artykule wskazano na te metody wraz z ich charakterystyką.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) qualifies as sustainable and secure marine fuel that is reliable in supply. The international standards (IGF Code) and classification regulations have been aligned. First experiences in ship operations and design are now available. Initial reports from the practical ship operations show that the lack of knowledge and misjudgements of original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s), suppliers, consulting services and flag state authorities have led to operational restrictions or expensive retrofitting. The aim of this paper is to illustrate first experiences and operating instructions using this new and different marine fuel; derive recommendations for instructions for education and training programmes at maritime colleges, universities and business partners; present action recommendations for future operational concepts.
Content available Performances in tank cleaning
There are several operations which must do to maximize the performance of tank cleaning. The new advanced technologies in tank cleaning have raised the standards in marine areas. There are many ways to realise optimal cleaning efficiency for different tanks. The evaluation of tank cleaning options means to start with audit of operations: how many tanks require cleaning, are there obstructions in tanks (e.g. agitators, mixers), what residue needs to be removed, are cleaning agents required or is water sufficient, what methods can used for tank cleaning. After these steps, must be verify the results and ensure that the best cleaning values can be achieved in terms of accuracy and reliability. Technology advancements have made it easier to remove stubborn residues, shorten cleaning cycle times and achieve higher levels of automation. In this paper are presented the performances in tank cleaning in accordance with legislation in force. If tank cleaning technologies are effective, then operating costs are minimal.
The vegetable oil is well known as green fuel for diesel engines due to its low sunphur content and renewable stock. However, there are some problems raising when vegetable oil is used as fuel for diesel engines such as highly effected by cold weather, lower general efficiency, separation in layer if mixed with diesel oil and so on. To overcome that disadvantiges, the authors propose a new idea that to use a continuous fuel mixer to blend vegetable oil with diesel oil to make so called a mixed fuel supplying to diesel engines inline. In order to ensure a quality of the mixed fuel created by continuous mixer, a homogeneous testing was introduced with believable results. Then, the continuous mixer has been installed into fuel supply system of diesel engine 6LU32 at a lab of Vietnam Maritime University in terms of checking a real operation of the fuel continuous mixer with diesel engine.
Ships have an important role in among the factors causing marine pollution. Marine pollution by ships damages sea life, which effects human health indirectly, in addition it restricts usage of sea for different purposes. Increasing comprehensive and compelling liabilities related with environmental components and subjects day by day are expected results for environmental science and engineering applications according to 60% of our responsibilities of European Union Integration development. In today’s’ world, where global warming is an issue of high priority and makes us feel its impacts in our lives, leaving a livable world to the next generations is now a primary goal for all. Determination of marine pollution caused by ship operations issue is a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, and requires MCDM methods to solve it. Therefore, the role of ship factor in maritime pollution and the possible reasons of this argument can be quantitatively evaluated based on expert knowledge and MCDM methodology. To investigate what makes to reduce the first “caused by ship operations " in marine pollution, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method approach was applied in this study.
Liquid sloshing phenomenon taking place in partly filled ships’ tanks directly affects the stability of a vessel. However, only static calculations are carried out onboard ships nowadays and static transfer of liquid weight is taken into account in the course of routine stability calculation. The paper is focused on a dynamic heeling moment due to liquid sloshing in tanks onboard ships. The set of numerical simulations of liquid sloshing taking place in moving tanks is carried out. The realistic range of geometric parameters is taken into account. The conducted CFD simulations are experimentally verified. Finally, the method of an assessment of the liquid sloshing impact on ship transverse stability is worked out. The key point of the method is a dynamic coefficient describing relation of the researched dynamic heeling moment and the quasi-static one in terms of dynamic stability of a vessel which is related to the weather criterion of ship stability assessment.
Content available remote Metody zmniejszenia zużycia paliwa w procesie eksploatacji statku
W opracowaniu przedstawiono metody obniżania kosztów eksploatacji statku przez redukcję zużycia paliwa przez jego główne systemy napędowe. Opisano metody zmniejszania oporów kadłuba, polepszenia pracy silnika głównego oraz optymalizację wyznaczania i realizację trasy pływania statku. W podsumowaniu omówiono zasady polityki operatorów i armatorów działających w celu minimalizacji zużycia energii na statkach.
The paper deals with overview methods of reducing the ship operational costs. The main focus on fuel consumption have been made by drug reduction, propulsion improvements and optimization the ship weather routing. In all cases the speed reduction have been taken into account. Finally the operation and owners policy to improve the fuel efficacy on ships have been discussed.
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