Bezpieczeństwo w porcie lotniczym jest bardzo ważnym aspektem. Dzięki zapewnionemu bezpieczeństwu pasażerowie chcą podróżować i korzystać z transportu lotniczego, a pracownicy przebywać w porcie lotniczym wykonując swoje codzienne obowiązki. Na bezpieczeństwo w porcie lotniczym mają wpływ uwarunkowania: prawne, techniczne, środowiskowe. Port lotniczy jest szczególnym miejscem, w którym zagadnieniami bezpieczeństwa zajmują się podmioty pozapaństwowe, a także państwowe. Służby zapewniające bezpieczeństwo w porcie lotniczym, można podzielić na służby ratownicze, operacyjne oraz służby ochrony. Ich ścisła współpraca oraz umiejętne zarządzanie systemami technicznymi, które mają do dyspozycji ma istotne znaczenie dla zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu ochrony w porcie lotniczym.
The paper discusses security conditions at the airport. Owing to ensured safety and security, passengers want to travel and use air transport, while employees need to conduct their daily duties at airports. The airport's security is affected by legal, technical and environmental conditions. The airport is a special place where security issues are dealt with by state and non-state entities. At the airport, the services can be divided into emergency, operational and security ones. Their close cooperation and skilful management of technical systems, which they have at their disposal, exert a significant impact upon providing a proper state of security in an air port.
To enhance the level of operations security is the most important objective of airport services responsible for adequate maintenance of the movement area. Terms and conditions included in the Annex 14 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation make all member states responsible for undertaking any necessary steps in order to remove any contamination from the maneuvering area in order to ensure adequate friction coefficient 1 and rolling resistance. Moreover, the Annex 14 advocates the cleanliness of surfaces, free from stones and other objects that may damage the construction of airplane bodies and engines or reduce the aircraft’s effectiveness. It must be emphasized that the key objective of the airport management is prevention and removal of objects and contaminants that might impede intended operations. It is also necessary to measure the friction coefficient of surfaces and, in consequence, establish a set of methods in order to do so2 . Furthermore, all the reports on friction coefficient measurements should be sent via SNOWTAM to all interested parties.
This article highlights the key issues of outsourcing in the field of airport ground services. Both airlines and airports have gradually started to outsource these services, following governmental decisions in several countries regarding the commercialization and privatization of airports. Our research was based on data available from different airports showing a general trend in service outsourcing. There are particular situations in which both the airports and airlines take measures for insourcing services, mainly those related to passengers’ security in today’s global security conditions with threats of potential terrorist attacks – even when this is known to be a more expensive method of doing business. Modern technology provides conditions in which it is possible to reduce the number of operators, controllers and other staff, which gives the same chance for insourcing and outsourcing. Our contribution provides a general idea of outsourcing applied to the air business. The company cannot do everything – specialisation and differentiation means that an enterprise may carry out its business better and cheaper and can thus offer this service to other enterprises.
Article deals with the issue of global strategic airline alliances. It characterizes their position in the global aviation market, the level of representation and compares the basic economic indicators of the three airline alliances: Star Alliance, SkyTeam and Oneworld.
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