The aim of the study was to compare the physical-chemical quality parameters of shallow groundwater quality in peat bogs of the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District in the context of the occurrence of selected boreal species of plant relics: dwarf birch (Betula humilis Schrank), downy willow (Salix lapponum L.) and swamp willow (Salix myrtylloides L.). Analyzes of shallow groundwater quality parameters included physical-chemical parameters: reaction (pH), electrolytic conductivity (EC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total nitrogen (TN), ammonium nitrogen (NH4), nitrite nitrogen (NO2), nitrate nitrogen (NO3), total phosphorus (TP), phosphate (PO4), sulfate (SO2), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) by certified laboratory tests. It was found that the natural hydrochemical specification of peat bogs is characterized by fluctuations associated with the dynamics of internal metabolism of peat ecosystems without the visible impact of anthropopressure. This is confirmed by the concentration of nutrients: TN at the study sites were within a broad range of mean values: 16.92–45.31 mg·dm–3; NH4 (0.55–0.76 mg·dm–3); NO2 (0.06–4.33 mg·dm–3); and NO3 did not exceed 0.2 mg·dm–3, and concentration of TP adopted mean values in a range of 0.22–0.42 mg·dm–3. The studied physical-chemical factors of shallow groundwater were within the habitat preferences of the studied species, but in differentiated qualitative and quantitative ways determined optimal conditions for building the population of the studied species. Particularly values of TP lower than other obtained values in a range of: 0.08–0.32 mg·dm–3; PO4 = 0.1 mg·dm–3; TN = 2.2–21.2 mg·dm–3; NH4 = 0.1–0.46 mg·dm–3; DOC = 24.6–55.9 mg·dm–3, as well as higher than average pH values in a range of: 5.34–5.95 and concentration of Ca = 5.67–28.1 mg·dm–3 and Mg = 0.56–2.41 mg·dm–3, as well as EC = 72.1–142.3 μS·cm–1 can be treated as a condition favouring proper development of the population of dwarf birch. For Salix lapponum: a reduced level of values of nitrogen fractions (TN = 3.01–18.84 mg·dm–3; NH4 = 0.1–0.41 mg·dm–3), a reduced level of values of phosphorus fractions (TP = 0.09–0.44 mg·dm–3; PO4 = 0.1–0.44 mg·dm–3), part of ions (Ca = 4.39–19.63 mg·dm–3; Mg = 0.77–3.37 mg·dm–3), pH = 5.9–6.4, EC = 124–266 μS·cm–1 and DOC = 24.1–57.5 mg·dm–3. For the equally studied Salix myrtylloides, such conditions were met by: TP = 0.1–0.41 mg·dm–3; PO4 = 0.1–0.18 mg·dm–3, DOC = 27.5–50.9 mg·dm–3, pH = 5.3–5.94 and EC = 62.2–139.3 μS·cm–1.
We present the last millennium of history of a peatland located in northern Poland. Our results are based on two replicate monoliths taken from a Baltic raised bog. We applied a high-resolution approach and radiocarbon dating to the peat material to obtain a detailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. To reconstruct past peatland moisture, we used three proxies: testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and pollen. Despite different peat accumulation and extensive hiatus in the formerly studied core, both monoliths show a similar pattern of changes. However, the core from this study provides us with more detailed data on S. fuscum disappearance which correlates well with the data from the other Baltic bog, Słowińskie Błoto. Our research shows that pristine Baltic bogs can be dated to AD 1350. Słowińskie Błoto palaeohydrology confirms AD 1300 as the beginning of the hydrological disturbance. In the case of the Stążki and Słowińskie Błoto bogs, the Little Ice Age (LIA) is recorded between AD 1500 and AD 1800. However, this climatic change might have been blurred by human impact. In the case of the Baltic bogs, their reference virgin state can be dated to AD 1200. After this date, we observed increasing human impact and climatic instability connected with the LIA. However, between AD 1800 and 1900, bogs were wet, most possibly due to climatic forcing. This fact suggests that despite human impact, recent peat deposits can still reflect climate. Our research provided information related to the time of existence, location and characteristics of the natural/pristine state. High-resolution peatland palaeoecology is crucial for restoration activities, e.g., rewetting and environmental management. The palaeohydrological context (supported by other proxtes) of the last 1000 years provides a retiable answer to the question: 'To rewet or not to rewet?'
The aim of this study was to delimit lacustrine deposits underlaying present peatlands. On this basis, the location of water bodies in late Pleistocene and early Holocene was recognized. The lakes' occurrence was presented on the background of geomorphological conditions. Lacustrine deposits occur mainly in depressions of the northern part of the Knyszyńska Forest. They are placed in upper parts of the Czapielówka River, Jałówka River, middle Sokołda River and upper Kumiałka River catchments. The thickness of gyttja varies between 0.4 and 2.5 m. These are detrital, calcareous and clay-calcareous gyttjas. Lacustrine sediments fill the bottoms of various melt-out depressions. The origin of these depressions, as well as the whole glacial relief of the terrain, is often linked to deglaciation of the Warta ice sheet. However, kame deposits in the Janów village are younger than Warta glaciation. Moreover, the catchment relief of the upper Kumiałka River is similar to the relief which originates from Vistulian glaciation. Besides, there are boulder deposits directly under the lacustrine deposits. These three facts indicate a younger age of the melt-out depressions in the upper Kumiałka River catchment.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań litologicznych i geomorfologicznych przeprowadzonych w północnej części Puszczy Knyszyńskiej. Celem badań było rozpoznanie rozprzestrzenienia utworów jeziornych, występujących pod współczesnymi torfowiskami. Na tej podstawie odtworzono rozmieszczenie i zasięg zbiorników wodnych w późnym plejstocenie i wczesnym holocenie na tle uwarunkowań geomorfologicznych. Stwierdzono stosunkowo powszechne występowanie utworów jeziornych w dnach obniżeń w północnej części Puszczy Knyszyńskiej. Występują one w górnych fragmentach zlewni Czapielówki, Jałówki, środkowej Sokołdy, w rejonie Czarnej Białostockiej oraz dalej na północy, w zlewni górnej Kumiałki. Miąższość gytii wynosi od 0,4 do 2,5 m. Są to gytie detrytusowe, węglanowe i ilasto-wapienne. Utwory jeziorne zalegają w dnach różnego rodzaju obniżeń wytopiskowych. Genezę wytopisk, jak i całej rzeźby glacjalnej tego terenu, łączy się najczęściej z zanikiem lądolodu zlodowacenia Warty. Jednak wiek utworów kemowych w Janowie, nawiązanie rzeźby do niższych, młodszych poziomów morfologicznych oraz występowanie bezpośrednio pod osadami jeziornymi utworów ablacyjnych i zwałowych przemawiają za młodszym wiekiem wytopisk położonych w zlewni górnej Kumiałki.
The aim of this study was to identify hydrogeochemical processes controlling chemical composition of groundwater of the existing peatland. The site of the study is located within the Pożary Special Protection Area of the Kampinos National Park. Lithological profilem consists mainly of varigrained sand, covered by organic matter constituting peatland. The groundwater table fluctuates between 0.6 m below and 0.3 m above ground level. Combination of high organic content of soil profile and shallow depth to the water table causes slightly reducing conditions, especially in the upper part of aquifer. There, oxidation of organic matter (and/or methane) as well as nitrate and sulphate reduction has been presumed while denitrification and/or dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) seems to control chemistry of groundwater in deeper part of the profile. The important differences in the chemical and isotopic composition of dissolved carbon have been found in the depth profile. Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater (13CDIC) indicates that carbonate carbon is derived mostly from the decomposition of organic matter, a small contribution being derived from the dissolution of carbonate minerals. The contribution of atmospheric CO2 to chemical and isotopic composition of dissolved carbon is negligible within all parts of aquifer.
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On the wetland in north - east part of Kotlina Jeleniogórska carried out research since 2005 as part of gather material fore one's doctoral thesis. This area is located in protection zone of Rudawski Park Krajobrazowy. The aim of presented paper is introductory analize of paludal and postpaludal habitats. During a few, last years the topic of marshy ground is often undertake. The most important of marshy ground functions are: retention of surface and underground water, accumulation organic carbon and nitrogen and keep bio - and landscape diversity. In the paper author shows mean of landscape and biological diversity of "Trzcińskie Mokradła" - unique, marshy ground in hole region.
Celem badań było ustalenie zmian w sposobie użytkowania torfowisk Wielkopolski. Badania, wykonane w 2002 r., prowadzono na 124 torfowiskach o łącznej powierzchni ok. 4000 ha. Prace realizowano za pomocą badań terenowych oraz interpretacji zdjęć lotniczych i satelitarnych, stosując programy komputerowe do prac graficznych w celu określenia obszaru zajmowanego przez poszczególne użytki. Wydzielano łąki jedno- i dwukośne, łąki niekoszone, łąki zakrzewione, ekstensywne pastwiska, szuwary trzcinowe, wody stojące, grunty orne oraz lasy i zadrzewienia. Potwierdzono znaczne zmiany w sposobie użytkowania obiektów w stosunku do stanu z lat: 1957-1969, określonego na podstawie dokumentacji geologicznej torfowisk, 1993-1998 na podstawie zdjęć lotniczych oraz 1989-1991 na podstawie zdjęć satelitarnych. Przy opracowaniu wniosków, obok omawianych badań, wykorzystano wcześniej publikowane wyniki badań własnych [Restoration ..., 2002]. Ustalono, iż na torfowiskach dużych (śr. 2 524 ha) łąki niekoszone i częściowo zakrzewione zajmują 23,3% ich powierzchni na obiektach średnich (śr. 34 ha) - 10,2% i małych (śr. 8,4 ha) - 10,7%. Udział powierzchni gruntów ornych w tych grupach torfowisk odpowiednio: 2,4, 6,7 i 18%. W dolinach rzek Cybina i Główna zmiany sposobu użytkowania są największe. Wynikają one z wyłączenia z użytkowania dużej powierzchni podmokłych łąk, pokrytych obecnie szuwarami trzcinowymi i rzadkimi zadrzewieniami, oraz z budowy dużego zbiornika retencyjnego. Wykazano małą przydatność archiwalnych zdjęć lotniczych i satelitarnych do określenia aktualnego sposobu użytkowania torfowisk.
The objective of studies carried out in 2002 was to determine changes in the peatland use in Poznań region. The studies included 124 peatlands covering a total area of 4000 ha. The work was accomplished by field studies and by interpretation of aerial and satellite images using graphical computer programmes to determine particular areas. The following land use types were distinguished: meadows mown once, meadows mown twice, not mown meadows, meadows with shrubs, extensive pastures, reed rushes, stagnant waters, arable lands, forests and thickets. Significant changes in the land use were found when geological documentation of peatlands made in the years 1957-1969, aerial photographs (1993-1998) and satellite images (1989-1991) were compared. Apart from the mentioned studies, earlier publications were used (Ilnicki, 2002) when formulating conclusions . It was found that on large peatlands (mean area 2524 ha), not mown meadows and meadows partially covered by shrubs occupied 23.3 % of the total area; in medium size objects (34 ha) and in small peatlands (8.4 ha) they covered 10.2 and 10.7 %, respectively. The share of arable land increased from 2.4 to 6.7 and 18 %, respectively. In the valleys of the Cybina and Główna rivers, the changes in land use were the greatest. They resulted from abandoned land use on large areas of wet meadows, currently covered by reed rushes and thickets and from the construction of a large retention reservoir. The archival aerial and satellite photographs proved to be of little value for the determination of peatland use.
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Charakteryzując torfowiska Kotliny Sandomierskiej uwzględniono ich rozmieszczenie w mezoregionach fizycznogeograficznych, rodzaj i charakter. Wyróżniono 10 obszarów obniżonych w postaci dolin i równin oraz 5 obszarów wyższych o 30–70 m w postaci płaskowyży i podgórzy. Analizowano liczbę, powierzchnię, wielkość złóż torfu, średnią miąższość i popielność złóż oraz ich stratygrafię (złoża szuwarowe, turzycowiskowe, mechowiskowe, olesowe, mszarne przejściowe, brzezinowe przejściowe, mszarne wysokie, złoża pogrzebane i gytiowiska). Omówiono publikowane prace: florystyczne, fitosocjologiczne, palinologiczne, torfoznawcze i paleogeograficzne.
The peatlands of the Sandomierz Basin were characterized according to their location, type and character in physico-geographical mesoregions. Ten lower regions, valleys and planes, and 5 higher regions of 30–70 m above, plateaux and submontane districts, were specified. The number, the surface area and the size of peatlands were analized as well as their average thickness, ash content and stratification (rush, sedge, parvocaricetum, transition bog, bogmoss, alder, transition birch, raised bogmoss, buried and gyttia deposits). Published papers on flora, vegetetion, palynology, peatforming processes and palaeogeography were presented.
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Comparisons between the carabid communities of natural and drained fens in the Biebrza Valley (NE Poland) were made on the basis of trapped material. Fen drainage appears to result in a restructuring of species composition as there is only a limited (20-40%) similarity between the communities in natural and drained areas. The lowest species diversity was noted for a drained meadow on alder peat. Agonum moestum was dominant on natural fens, and in the one not cultivated and periodically flooded site on drained fens and Carabus granulatus or Pterostichus nigrita on drained ones. Tropic structure also differed, with hemizoophages of the genera Amara and Harpalus associated with agrocoenosesbeing present on drained fens but absent from natural ones. Chlaenius costulatus, a species now rare in Poland, is typical of peatlands, but was not present on drained sites. The number of sites accesible for it have declined as a result of wetland drainage.
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