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Content available remote The use of Argo floats as virtual moorings for monitoring the South Baltic Sea
The Argo float measurement network is increasingly effectively covering internal seas and shelf areas. In this paper, a specific approach to using Argo floats as ‘virtual moorings’ within the conditions of the Baltic Sea is presented. Following a series of successful deployments with standard configurations, it was decided that the settings forcing the float to stay at the bottom between profiles should be tested. This significantly reduced the drift of the float and allowed measurements to be made in a limited water area for a longer time. The data obtained from Argo floats used as virtual mooring can be a valuable source for monitoring and analysing the hydrology of individual basins of the Baltic Sea. The results show that the temporal and spatial variability of the observed fields of temperature, salinity, and other properties of seawater is very high. More data are needed to correctly determine the mean properties of the basins and their temporal variability. Therefore, Argo floats can be a source of efficient and inexpensive hydrographic data for shallow seas such as the Baltic.
282 CTD probe measurements were analysed for the parameters of temperature, salinity, depth and oxygen saturation of the water column. These measurements were taken during commercial pelagic fishing for herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus). These species are currently the main target of commercial fishing in the Baltic Sea. Research was carried out throughout the years 2018–2022 in the south-eastern Baltic Sea, mainly in the Gdańsk Deep, mostly during the daytime. The main factor that influenced both, fishing strategy and the increase in catch per unit effort throughout each year, was temperature. Regardless of the season, the most frequent temperature measured was around 5.8°C during fishing, and 5°C in the most abundant winter season. This is the value occurring within the boundaries of the formation of the thermocline and the hypolimnion layer in the Baltic Sea. The formed shoals of fish moved dynamically with this layer in the daytime and occurred throughout the year at various depths in a range of up to 65.7 m. A stronger reaction to temperature changes was also observed for sprat, which is the most exploited fish in the Baltic Sea. This species was observed to be more numerous in the deeper layers of the water column and at lower temperatures than herring. In the winter, shoals of fish were observed at the level of the halocline, which may be strongly related to the presence of a preferred optimal food base in this season.
Salinity stress is an alarming issue causing a substantial reduction in crop productivity. Waterlogging also limits crop productivity and the extent of both these stresses is increasing due to climate change and global warming. This study investigated the response of Lemongrass and Asparagus grass under salinity stress and waterlogged conditions. The study was comprised of different treatments: control, salinity stress, waterlogged conditions and salinity stress + waterlogged conditions. The results revealed that salinity + waterlogging pressure negatively affected cymbopogan citratus and Asparagus officinalis. The physio-morphological, biochemical attributes, enzymatic antioxidants, and nutrient parameters showed a greater reduction under combined salinity and water waterlogged conditions. Waterlogging caused a marked decrease in root growth, leaves production and plant height of both grasses, compared to the control. Salinity stress also resulted in similar morphological modifications, albeit to a lesser extent. Physiological analysis showed a decline in chlorophyll content and RWC, indicating reduced photosynthetic capacity and water uptake efficiency in response to waterlogging and salinity. Electrolyte leakage, increased significantly under waterlogging and salinity stress, suggesting cellular damage and membrane disruption. C.citratus exhibited greater resilience to waterlogging and salinity compared to A. officinalis. Despite the adverse conditions, C. citratus maintained higher chlorophyll content, RWC, and lower electrolyte leakage, indicating better stress tolerance mechanisms. In conclusion, waterlogging and salinity induced significant morphophysiological modifications in both C. citratus and A. officinalis. However, C. citratus exhibited better tolerance to these stresses, suggesting its potential for cultivation in waterlogged and saline environments.
Opieka nad obiektami zabytkowymi stanowi kluczowe zagadnienie w kontekście przedłużenia ich okresu użytkowania, a dalej zapewnienia istnienia dziedzictwu kulturalnemu regionu. Eksploatacja obiektu związana jest z generowaniem kosztów, dlatego rozsądne zarządzanie potencjałem zabytku jest optymalną metodą na zapewnienie jego trwania. Modernizacja obiektu zabytkowego w celu zwiększenia jego atrakcyjności jest korzystna w wymiarze lokalnym dla samego obiektu oraz szerzej dla zarządcy, stanowiąc wizytówkę Miasta bądź regionu. W przedstawionej publikacji omówiono efekt modernizacji oraz drogę dalszego postępowania w celu utrzymania obiektu na przykładzie Podziemnej Trasy Turystycznej w Rzeszowie. Zwrócono uwagę na historię oraz istniejącą funkcję obiektu referencyjnego, podkreślając zasadność wdrożonych rozwiązań. Kolejno przebadano elementy konstrukcji obiektu, uwzględniając m.in. pomiary poziomów zawilgocenia oraz badania zasolenia. Finalnie zaproponowano dalszą drogę postępowania w celu utrzymania odpowiedniego stanu technicznego omawianej konstrukcji.
The preservation of historical monuments is a key issue in the context of extending their service life and further ensuring the existence of a region’s cultural heritage. The operation of a structure is associated with cost generation, so sound management of the monument’s potential is the optimal way to ensure its continued existence. Modernizing a historical structure to enhance its attractiveness is beneficial locally for the site itself and more broadly for the manager, providing a hallmark for the City or the region. The presented publication discusses the effect of modernization and further steps towards maintaining a structure using the example of the Underground Tourist Route in Rzeszów. The history and existing form of use of the reference site were noted, emphasizing the validity of the solutions implemented. Structural elements of the facility were examined in sequence, including measurements of moisture levels and salinity tests. Finally, a course for future action was proposed to maintain the proper technical condition of the structure in question.
Soil degradation occurs as a result of the ingress and accumulation of excessive amount of pollutants in the soil. The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the complex effect of soil contamination (concentration of petroleum products, toxic salts, dense residue, sodium ions, sulfate ions, magnesium ions, calcium, chloride ions, bicarbonate ions) on the content of nutrients (alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humus). A detailed analysis of scientific papers has been carried out, based on which the main scientific tasks solved in the article have been formulated. It has been established that soil-salt processes are insufficiently studied and are the object of scientific research in recent years. At the first stage of research, sampling was carried out and the content of nutrients and pollutants in the soil was determined. Determination of element concentrations was performed by collecting soil samples and their subsequent laboratory testing. At the second stage, a correlation-regression analysis of the obtained data was performed and multiple linear regressions were established. The interaction of substances in the soil was determined by analyzing the obtained multiple linear regressions. Two types of soils were studied: with chloride and with sulfate type of salinization. For soils with chloride type of salinity, dependences have been established for the content of humus, alkaline nitrogen and potassium, while in case of phosphorus multiple linear regression does not exist. For soils with sulfate type of salinization, multiple linear regression dependences of concentrations of alkaline nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium have been determined. It is established that the complex influence of the studied elements is decisive. No regression dependence was found for the humus content, which indicates that the concentration of the studied elements has almost no effect on the humus content in the soil. Comparison of the obtained multiple linear regressions with the results of laboratory studies showed a good correlation between these data series. The obtained regularities of pollutant and nutrient interactions in soils are expected in future to enable creation of scientific bases for development of new methods of desalination of soils polluted by formation waters as well as for planning effective reclamation actions.
W wyniku wnikania i gromadzenia się w glebie nadmiernych ilości zanieczyszczeń następuje degradacja gleby. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych złożonego wpływu zanieczyszczenia gleby (stężenie produktów naftowych, toksycznych soli, gęstego osadu, siarczanow, jonów sodu, magnezu, wapnia, chlorków, wodorowęglanów), na zawartość składników pokarmowych (hydrolizowanego alkalicznie azotu, fosforu, potasu, humusu). Przeprowadzona została szczegółowa analiza prac naukowych, na podstawie której sformułowano główne zadania badawcze rozwiązane w artykule. Stwierdzono, że procesy glebowo-solne zbadane są w stopniu niedostatecznym i stanowią one przedmiot badań naukowych w ostatnich latach. W pierwszym etapie badań pobrano próbki i wyznaczono zawartość składników pokarmowych i zanieczyszczeń w glebie. Wyznaczenia stężeń pierwiastków dokonano poprzez pobranie próbek gleb i ich późniejsze badania laboratoryjne. W drugim etapie wykonano analizę korelacyjno-regresyjną uzyskanych danych i ustalono wielokrotne regresje liniowe. Oddziaływanie substancji w glebie określono poprzez analizę otrzymanych wielokrotnych regresji liniowych. Badano dwa rodzaje gleb: o zasoleniu chlorkowym i siarczanowym. Dla gleb o zasoleniu chlorkowym ustalono zależności w odniesieniu do zawartośći humusu, azotu hydrolizowanego alkalicznie i potasu, natomiast dla fosforu regresja liniowa wielokrotna nie wystapiła. Dla gleb o zasoleniu siarczanowym wyznaczono zależności wielokrotnej regresji liniowej stężeń azotu alkalicznego, fosforu, potasu. Ustalono, że decydujące znaczenie ma kompleksowe oddziaływanie badanych pierwiastków. Dla zawartości humusu nie stwierdzono zależności regresji, co wskazuje, że stężenie badanych pierwiastków prawie nie wpływa na zawartość humusu w glebie. Porównanie uzyskanych wielokrotnych regresji liniowych z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych wykazało dobrą korelację między tymi seriami danych. Uzyskane prawidłowości oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń i składników pokarmowych w glebach pozwolą w przyszłości stworzyć naukowe podstawy rozwoju nowych metod odsalania gleb zanieczyszczonych wodami złożowymi, jak również planować efektywne prowadzenie prac rekultywacyjnych.
Badaniom poddano restaurowane ściany zewnętrzne ratusza miejskiego, w których wykonana została kompleksowa naprawa tynków na elewacjach. Zastosowano specjalistyczne zaprawy tynkarskie typu renowacyjnego. Po wykonaniu napraw pojawiły się jednak liczne uszkodzenia. Badania miały na celu sprawdzenie właściwości zastosowanych tynków, ustalenie przyczyn uszkodzeń i określenie wytycznych wykonania naprawy. W tym celu pobrano próbki tynków wraz z fragmentami podłoża, aby określić stopień zasolenia murów. Następnie tynki zostały poddane badaniom fizykochemicznym, które wykazały niski stopień zasolenia tynków oraz właściwości odpowiadające odmianie renowacyjnej tynków. Jest to przykład, kiedy przy niskim zasoleniu murów wysokoporowate tynki renowacyjne nie są w pełni wykorzystane i mogą być zastąpione przez tradycyjne systemowe zaprawy tynkarskie odmiany lekkiej o zwiększonej porowatości.
The restored external walls of the town hall were examined, in which comprehensive plaster repairs were made on the facades. Specialist renovation type of render mortars were used. However, after the repairs were made, numerous damages appeared. The tests were aimed at checking the properties of the renders used, determining the causes of damage and specifying repair guidelines. For this purpose, render samples were taken along with fragments of substrates to determine the degree of salinity of the walls. Then the renders were subjected to physical and chemical tests. The tests showed a low degree of render salinity and properties corresponding to the renovation type of renders. The analyzed case is an example when, with low salinity of walls, highly porous renovation plasters are not fully used and can be replaced by traditional system plaster mortars of a light variety with increased porosity.
The suitability of a new wireless smart farming system for controlling irrigation and fertilization of horticultural plants was assessed in the study. The system (name: AGREUS® ) includes sensors (soil moisture, salinity, weather data), executive modules (valve modules), and an application available on the web portal (accessed through computers and mobile devices). The studies were performed under laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory tests included appraisal of the precision of soil moisture and salinity measurements carried out with the soil probe (comparison with the results obtained by laboratory methods). Operational tests were conducted in field trials. In these trials, assessment of the possibility of practical control of irrigation and monitoring soil salinity was performed in an apple orchard. The conducted analyses have shown the usefulness of the system, not only for automatic control of irrigation but also for making decisions about the necessity to fertilize plants. The system enables continuous monitoring of changes in soil moisture and salinity, including the migration of minerals across the soil profile (using a probe with several measuring elements) as a result of the applied irrigation or rainfall. The system allows for automatic application of irrigation or fertigation depending on the adopted soil moisture and salinity thresholds. However, the tests showed that a salinity index calculated by the system does not directly correspond to the salinity values determined by laboratory methods. For this reason individual interpretation and determination of optimal ranges for plants is required.
The Coastal Chaouia region is located south of the Casablanca city (Morocco). Since the 1970s, groundwater has been used intensively for irrigation, previously for growing citrus and currently for vegetables and forages. The increase of irrigated soils by pumping has induced environmental problems such as the degradation of groundwater quality and salt water intrusion. For these reasons, this work aimed to study the impact of the irrigation water quality upon the agricultural soils. During the study, 71 samples of well water and soil were taken to represent the whole considered area, which comprised 3 different zones (0–1.8 km, 1.8–4.5 km, and 4.5–11 km from the coast). The analyzed parameters were salinity and pH. The results showed firstly that the soil pH average values decrease for the three zones with 7.73, 7.57, and 7.52, respectively. However, the water pH averages vary from 7.24 to 7.49. For the soil electrical conductivity, it represents a light decrease moving from the nearest zone to the sea to the far one (average of 3.54, 2.66, and 2.33, respectively). A similar result is for observed water electrical conductivity with average of 6.83, 5.30, and 2.06, respectively, for the three zones. The analyses of the soil and water salinity show that both salinities decreased moving from the coast to inland. Richard and Wilcox charts have confirmed the strong mineralization and the poor quality of most of the well water which are close to the sea.
An exciting new window of opportunity has opened up for environmentally responsible farming with the advent of the nanotechnology era: the role of nanoparticles (NPs) to mitigate abiotic stresses. NPs have unique physiochemical characteristics that make them an attractive study subject. Rice growth and yield are severely inhibited by salinity, a major detrimental abiotic factor. However, the impact of NPs on rice seeds germination characteristics and physio-biochemical phenomena under salt stress conditions remains poorly understood. Accordingly, we intended to look at how zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) affected germination processes and the early seedling stage while the rice plants (Kargi and CSR 30 rice genotypes) were put under salinity stress. Different germination characteristics parameters were considered, e.g., germination percentage (GP) relative seed germination rate (RGR), and seed vigour index (SVI) determined after eight days of treatment with ZnO-NPs at a concentration of 50 mg/L on rice seed. After passing the germination test, the seeds were placed in Hoagland hydroponic solution and given another week of ZnO-NPs treatment to evaluate the seedling growth and phyto-biochemical characteristics, such as shoot height and root length, inhibition percentage of shoot height and root length, chlorophyll and carotenoid stability index, chlorophyll and carotenoid inhibition percentage, malondialdehyde (MAD) content and antioxidant enzymatic activities (SOD, APX).This investigation demonstrated that 50 mg/L ZnO-NPs have the potential to alleviate the effect of salt stress on rice genotypes during the germination stage.
Deterioration of water quality is of great concern, particularly in coastal aquifers where it has become difficult to meet water quality standards with appropriate salt content. As groundwater is the only alternative source of freshwater in the coastal plain of Ghiss-Nekor in northern Morocco, there is a need to assess its sustainability and suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. For this purpose, data obtained from ABHL, corresponding to 13 monitoring wells existing in the downstream part of Ghiss-Nekor aquifer, were gathered and analyzed using a combination of statistical methods and GIS mapping tools. Various qualitative parameters namely; pH, turbidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, Chloride (Cl-), Sulphate (SO4) and some Nitrogen compounds were investigated and compared according to World Health Organization standards. These results suggest that groundwater samples are chemically dominated by chloride anions followed by sulphate anions; high levels of SO4 result from the mineral dissolving of evaporites in addition to the impact of seawater intrusion and the discharge of wastewater without adequate pre-treatment, while Cl- concentrations (408.3–1512.3 mg/L), strongly correlated with electrical conductivity, are related to the impact of seawater intrusion. A few samples along the Nekor River, considered as the aquifer’s recharge zone, showed the lowest salinity levels (<1.5 g/L) compared to the coastal samples which were classified as the most conductive and mineralized (EC greater than 3000 μS/cm) due to the combined impact of mixing with seawater and high evaporation rates. The outcome of this study reveals that the major dissolved anions assessed in the groundwater of the Ghiss-Nekor aquifer do not respect the stipulated criteria in terms of human consumption; therefore, all possible measures should be taken to protect and restore the water quality in this vulnerable coastal aquifer.
Awleigatt National Park (ANP) is a zoological site ensuring both the conservation and restoration of biodiversity on a national scale. In this perspective, the ANP has set as one of its ambitious objectives the autonomy in fodder needs. The objective of this work was to study the adaptability of three forage species (Medicago sativa, Acacia senegal and Dolichos lablab) to the edaphic conditions of the NAP. The adopted approach was to characterize three types of representative ANP soil substrates in order to develop an interpolation map of EC conductivity and pH data. Subsequently, the germination behavior of the three species was studied in the laboratory on three substrates taken from the study area (Dune, Dune flank and Interdune) in the absence and presence of NaCl (0, 50 and 100 Mm). The obtained results show that the soils are basic and the electrical conductivity is higher in the inter-dune substrate. The mapping of the study area corroborates the experimentally obtained data. Germination behavior shows that germination is best on dune and dune flank substrates. The addition of high concentrations of NaCl (100mM) shows that Dolichos lablab is the most resistant to salinity. Medicago sativa and Acacia senegal show low germination capacity both in the absence and in the presence of NaCl, most likely reflecting a low embryonic longevity of the seeds used. The parameters deduced from the germination kinetics curve show that the adverse effect of salinity in the three species is observed at all three germination phases (TL, GSS and CG). As a result, the effect of salinity on germination of all three species is both osmotic and toxic.
Over the past years, alterations in the environment have had an adverse impact on the global agricultural system, leading to difficulties in plant growth, physiology, and productivity due to non-living factors. These difficulties pose a significant risk to both global food security and agricultural advancement, necessitating innovative methods for long-term sustainability. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising solution to address these difficulties by utilizing nanoscale products like nanofertilizers, nanofungicides, nanoherbicides, and nanopesticides. Nanoparticles provide distinct advantages in agriculture due to their small size, ability to easily penetrate cellular barriers, and efficient absorption by plants. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the application of nanoparticles can improve both the quantity and quality of crop yields, even when faced with various biological and environmental pressures. This research study primarily focuses on investigating the impact of non-living pressures on plants and examining how nanoparticles can help alleviate these effects. Additionally, it explores the molecular, metabolic, and anatomical adaptations that plants undergo to thrive in challenging environments. Nonetheless, it is essential to acknowledge that the widespread utilization of nanotechnology raises concerns regarding potential risks to the environment and human health.
Dramatic population and economic growth result in increasing demand for concrete infrastructure, which leads to an increment of freshwater demand and a reduction of freshwater resources. However, freshwater is a finite resource, which means that freshwater will be used up someday in the future when freshwater demand keeps increasing while freshwater resources are limited. Therefore, replacing freshwater with seawater in concrete blending seems potentially beneficial for maintaining the freshwater resources as well as advantageous alternatives to the construction work near the sea. There have been few experimental research on the effect of blending water salt content on the mechanical and physical characteristics of concrete, particularly high-strength concrete. Therefore, a research study on the influence of salt concentration of blending water on the physical and mechanical properties of high-strength concrete is necessary. This study covered the blending water salinity, which varied from 17.5 g/L to 52.5 g/L and was determined on the physical and mechanical properties, including workability, density, compressive strength, and flexural strength. The test results indicate that the use of sea salt in blending water had a slight negative influence on both the workability and the density of high strength concrete. It also indicates that the use of sea salt in blending water had a positive influence on both the compressive strength and the flexural strength of high-strength concrete in an earlystage.
A masonry basement wall was heavily dampened due to the lack of waterproofing in the ground contact area. Internal sand-lime wall plaster samples were subjected to chemical, physical and strength tests. The main phases of the damaged plaster were quartz and calcite. A measuring method of the tensile strength of plasters was proposed. A polar-symmetric deformation problem of a thick-walled spherical tank, allowing for the estimation of circumferential stresses in the spherical model was used for the analysis. It was found that the same values of porosity correspond to identical values of circumferential stresses, regardless of the values of the radii of the analyzed model. Thus the purpose of the presented research was to demonstrate that the mentioned dependence applied in the adopted model may be useful for the analysis of problems involving the resistance of internal plaster structure to the expansion caused by crystallization pressure.
Salinity and pH play a fundamental role in structuring spatial patterns of physical properties, biota, and biogeochemical processes in the estuarine ecosystem. In this study, the influence of salinity-pH gradient and carbonate system on polychaete diversity in Ennore, Uppanar, Vellar, and Kaduvaiyar estuaries was investigated. Water and sediment samples were collected from September 2017 to August 2018. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were employed to define ecological status. Temperature, salinity, pH, and partial pressure of carbon-di-oxide varied between 21 and 30°C; 29 and 39 ppt; 7.4 and 8.3; and 89.216 and 1702.558 µatm, respectively. PCA and CCA results revealed that DO, chlorophyll, carbonate species, and sediment TOC have a higher influence on polychaete community structure. Forty-two species such as Ancistrosyllis parva, Cossura coasta, Eunice pennata, Euclymene annandalei, Lumbrineris albidentata, Capitella capitata, Prionospio cirrifera, P. pinnata, P. cirrobranchiata, and Notomastus sp. were found dominantly in all estuaries. Shannon index values ranged between 1.619 (UE-1) and 3.376 (VE-2). Based on these findings, high levels of carbonate species and low pH have a greater impact on polychaete diversity and richness values. The results of the AMBI Index revealed that stations UE-1, UE-2, UE-3 in Uppanar, EC-1, EC-2 in Ennore indicate “moderately disturbed”, while other stations are under the “slightly disturbed” category. This trend was quite evident in M-AMBI as well.
Tropical cyclone Amphan is the first super cyclone that happened in the north Indian Ocean in the last 20 years. In this work, multi-platform datasets were used to investigate the responses of the upper ocean to cyclone Amphan. The most striking response was the cold wake left by the cyclone spanning the entire Bay of Bengal with an amplitude up to ∼4°C. Satellite salinity observations revealed that the maximum increase in surface salinity was ∼1.5 PSU on the right side of the track of Amphan. Surface circulation was also observed to be modulated with the passage of a cyclone with a rightward bias in the change in its speed and direction. The currents observed from a moored buoy showed strong inertial oscillations. Argo observations showed that changes induced by the cyclone occurred up to 150 m depth of the cyclone and ocean heat content in the upper 150 m depth decreased due to the passage of the cyclone. There was an enhancement of surface chlorophyll concentration (∼1.5 mg/m3) after the passage of the cyclone, which was centred along the track of the cyclone where the winds were the highest. Mixed layer heat and salinity budget analysis showed that the sea surface cooling and increase in salinity was primarily driven by vertical mixing processes, though horizontal advection contributed meagrely. This study also brings forward the fact that regional differences exist in the responses of the ocean to the forcing of cyclones.
Content available remote Woda jako główny czynnik procesów degradacji cegły ceramicznej
W artykule scharakteryzowano podstawowe czynniki mające istotny wpływ na trwałość murów ceglanych, a przede wszystkim cegły ceramicznej. Najważniejszym z nich jest woda, która nie tylko stanowi zagrożenie dla muru, ale również umożliwia inne procesy korozyjne, zmienia teksturę cegły, co powoduje pogorszenie jej właściwości mechanicznych, a także umożliwia transport soli, które krystalizując, powodują utratę zwięzłości materiału. Ponadto zamarzając w porach materiału, prowadzi do jego zniszczenia. Woda jest również niezbędna do rozwoju organizmów i mikroorganizmów żywych, będących przyczyną biodeterioracji.
The article characterizes the basic factors significantly affecting the durability of brick masonry, especially clay brick. The most significant of these is water, which itself poses a threat to the masonry, as well as enabling other corrosive processes. Water also changes the texture of the brick, which causes deterioration of its mechanical properties. It allows the transport of salts, which crystallize causing the material to lose its compactness. Also in frost destruction, freezing in the pores of the material leads to its destruction. Water is also necessary for the growth of living organisms and microorganisms, which are the cause of biodeterioration.
Content available remote Porównanie wybranych metod pomiaru wilgotności masowej murów
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę pomiarów wilgotności murów. Na przykładzie wybranych budynków historycznych z murami ceglanymi oraz kamiennymi porównano wyniki pomiarów wilgotności masowej na głębokości 2, 5, 10, 15 oraz 30 cm w głąb murów badanych metodami radiową, mikrofalową, elektrooporową, karbidową oraz suszarkowo-wagową. Dodatkowo na próbkach pobranych z punktów pomiaru wilgoci zmierzono poziom obciążenia solami w celu oceny wpływu zasolenia na uzyskane wyniki wilgotności. Określono, w jakich warunkach wybrane metody, w tym metody niszczące, nie wskazują wiarygodnych wyników.
The article presents the problems of measuring the humidity of walls. On the example of selected historical buildings with brick and stone walls, the results of mass moisture measurements at a depth of 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 cm into the wall were compared, tested using radio, microwave, electrofusion, carbide and dryer-weight methods. Additionally, the salt load level was measured on samples taken from the moisture measurement points in order to assess the influence of salinity on the obtained results of humidity. It was found under what conditions the selected methods, including destructive methods, do not show reliable results.
W artykule opisano podziemny obiekt historyczny z dachem pokrytym roślinnością. Jest to murowany z cegły pełnej osiemnastowieczny budynek, który do II wojny światowej pełnił rolę lodowni browaru, po 1945 r. funkcję magazynową, a przez ostatnich kilkadziesiąt lat nie był użytkowany i został zasiedlony przez nietoperze. W obiekcie tym przeprowadzono badania wilgotności masowej murów oraz sklepień ceramicznych. Badania wykonano za pomocą metody suszarkowo-wagowej dielektrycznej nieniszczącej. Zamieszczono również wyniki badań rodzaju i stężenia soli w murach. Na podstawie analizy oceniono stopień zawilgocenia i zasolenia murów. Uzyskane wyniki badań zostały wykorzystane na etapie projektowania do określenia funkcji poszczególnych części obiektu (biorąc pod uwagę występowanie nietoperzy) oraz zaprojektowania odpowiednich zabezpieczeń przeciwwilgociowych.
The article contains a description of a underground historical object, with a roof covered with vegetation. It is a solid brick eighteenth-century building, which until World War II served as an ice house, after 1945 a storage place and for the last few decades it has not been used and has been inhabited by bats. In the building mass moisture tests of walls and ceramic vaults were carried out. The tests were carried out using the dryer-weighing method, the method using a moisture analyzer and the non-destructive dielectric method. The results of studies of the type and concentration of salt in the walls were also included. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the degree of dampness and salinity of the walls was assessed. The obtained research results were used at the design stage to determine the function of individual parts of the object (taking into account the presence of bats) and to design appropriate moisture protection.
The rainfall irregularity in the Al-Hoceima area places the Ghis-Nekor coastal aquifer as a primary resource for water supply. However, it is of paramount priority to adopt management and optimization plans that can mitigate the effects of the irrational use of the resource and the deterioration of its quality in the region of our study. In order to study the alteration aspects of this aquifer, 26 wells were sampled and their suitability for irrigation was assessed. The sodium adsorption rate (SAR) values indicate that most groundwater samples fall into the risk classes of high salinity and low sodium (C3-S1) and high salinity and medium sodium (C3-S2). The results also show a medium to high alkalinity risk due to the high concentration of HCO3-. The excess of salts is largely due to the intensive exploitation of groundwater and to the phenomenon of salt-water intrusion into the coastal karst aquifer. As a result, the quality of groundwater is not adapted to sustainable agricultural production and soil balance, which requires controlled monitoring to ensure its rational use with a view to the sustainable development of the region.
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