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Content available remote Study on laser welding of a copper material and stainless steel
A com. fiber laser was used to weld Cu and stainless steel plates. The laser power was 2.2 kW, the welding speed 2.5 mm/s, the spot diam. about 0.5 mm, and the wire feeding speed 2-3.5 mm/s. Ar gas flow rate was 10 L/min. The weld produced was smooth and defect-free, the grain distribution was uniform and the mech. properties of the joint were high. The av. tensile strength of the welded joints was 984 MPa, and the av. yield strength of the joints was 351.4 MPa. The superior ity and potential of laser welding in dissimilar metal welding was evidenced.
Do spawania płyt z miedzi i stali nierdzewnej użyto komercyjnego lasera światłowodowego. Moc lasera wynosiła 2,2 kW, prędkość spawania 2,5 mm/s, średnica plamki ok. 0,5 mm, prędkość podawania drutu 2-3,5 mm/s, a natężenie przepływu argonu 10 L/min. Uzyskana spoina była gładka i wolna od wad, rozkład ziarna był równomierny. Spoina miała dobre właściwości mechaniczne. Średnia wytrzymałość na rozciąganie spoin spawanych wynosiła 984 MPa, a średnia granica plastyczności spoin to 351,4 MPa. Udowodniono potencjał spawania laserowego w spawaniu różnych metali.
Produkcja odpadów medycznych na świecie jest bardzo duża, co przekłada się na zaśmiecenie środowiska. W ostatnim czasie produkcja odpadów medycznych została znacznie zwiększona z powodu przeciwdziałania wirusowi SARS-CoV-2, który wywołuje chorobę zwaną COVID-19 i przyczynił się do powstania pandemii. W celu zapobiegania zarażeniu się wirusem SARS-CoV-2 stało się powszechne używanie maseczek ochronnych, a tym samym na wysypiskach przybyło w ogromnym stopniu odpadów w postaci zużytych maseczek. Wychodząc naprzeciw ochronie środowiska zaproponowano metodę przetwarzania maseczek ochronnych, w sposób umożliwiający ich powtórne użycie do produkcji fibrobetonu. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań wytrzymałości na ściskanie i na rozciąganie betonu zbrojonego włóknami pozyskanymi ze zużytych maseczek ochronnych składających się z warstw włókniny polipropylenowej. Wyniki badań betonu zbrojonego włóknami stanowiącymi 0,05% objętości mieszanki betonowej oraz 0,2% objętości mieszanki betonowej porównano z wynikami betonu referencyjnego.
The production of medical waste in the world is very large, which translates into environmental pollution. Recently, the production of medical waste has been significantly increased due to the counteraction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease called COVID-19 and contributed to the creation of the pandemic. In order to prevent infection with the SARS-Co-V-2 virus, it has become common to use protective masks, and thus a huge amount of waste in the form of used masks has arrived in landfills. To meet environmental protection, a method of processing protective masks was proposed in a way that allows their reuse for the production of fiber-reinforced concrete. The article presents the results of testing the compressive of concrete and the tensile strength of concrete reinforced with fibers obtained from used protective masks consisting of layers of polypropylene non-woven fabric. The test results of concrete reinforced with fibers constituting 0.05% of the concrete mix volume and 0,2% of the concrete mix volume were compared with the results of the reference concrete.
Knowing the material properties is of a crucial importance when planning to manufacture some structure. That is true for the steel structures, as well. Thus, for the proper planning of a certain steel part or a structure production, one must be aware of the properties of the material, to be able to make a qualified decision, which material should be used. Considering that the manufacturing of steel products is constantly growing in various branches of industry and engineering, the problem of predicting the material properties, needed to satisfy the requirements for the certain part efficient and reliable functioning, becomes an imperative in the design process. A method of predicting four material properties of the two stainless steels, by use of the artificial neural network (ANN) is presented in this article. Those properties were predicted based on the particular steels’ known chemical compositions and the corresponding material properties available in the Cambridge Educational System EDU PACK 2010 software, using neural network module of MathWorks Matlab. The method was verified by com-paring the values of the material properties predicted by this method to known values of properties for the two stainless steels, X5CrNi18-10 (AISI 304), X5CrNiMo17-12-2 (AISI 316). The difference be-tween the two sets of values was below 5% and, in some cases, even negligible.
Influence of the filler (alumina, copper, carbon fiber) and FDM printing parameters on PLA tensile strength was investigated. FDM process parameters (raster angle, layer thickness, number of coatings) were optimized using the ANOVA test. It was found that the most important parameter is the raster angle. Tensile strength increases as the raster angle increases and the number of shells as well as layer thickness (larger number of infills) decreases. The highest strength was achieved for PLA/PLA-Al2O3.
Zbadano wpływ napełniacza (tlenek glinu, miedź, włókno węglowe) i parametrów druku FDM na wytrzymałość na rozciąganie PLA. Parametry procesu FDM (kąt rastra, grubość warstwy wewnętrznej, liczba warstw zewnętrznych) optymalizowano za pomocą testu ANOVA. Stwierdzono, że najbardziej istotnym parametrem jest kąt rastra. Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie wzrasta wraz ze wzrostem kąta rastra oraz zmniejszeniem liczby warstw zewnętrznych jak również grubości warstwy wewnętrznej (większa liczba wypełnień). Największą wytrzymałość uzyskano dla PLA/PLA-Al2O3.
Effect of shells number (1–5) on tensile properties of PLA samples printed using the FDM/FFF technique was investigated. The crack surface was also analyzed. The best properties were obtained for 4-shell sample. However, due to the large coefficient of variation (>> 10%) in the case of elongation, 3-shell sample was selected for testing the machining impact. Such a large coefficient of variation can be explained by the presence of voids between the layers. The greater the number of layers, the greater the structure defects. Machining increases surface smoothness while reducing tensile strength and practi¬cally unchanged elongation at break.
Zbadano wpływ liczby warstw (1–5) na właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu próbek PLA otrzymanych techniką FDM/FFF. Analizie poddano także powierzchnie pęknięć. Najlepsze właściwości uzyskano dla próbki 4-warstwowej. Jednak, ze względu na duży współczynnik zmienności (>> 10%) w przypadku wydłużenia, do badań wpływu obróbki skrawaniem wytypowano próbkę 3-warstwową. Tak duży współczynnik zmienności można wyjaśnić obecnością pustych przestrzeni pomiędzy warstwami. Im większa liczba warstw, tym większe defekty struktury. Obróbka skrawaniem zwiększa gładkość powierzchni przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu wytrzymałości na rozciąganie i praktycznie niezmienionym wydłużeniu przy zerwaniu.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań trzech fibrobetonów z dodatkiem włókien polimerowych. Wpływ rodzaju i ilości włókien był widoczny po zarysowaniu się belek. Na podstawie obliczonych wytrzymałości równoważnych, resztkowych, energii pękania oraz ilorazów odporności na pękanie stwierdzono, że fibrobeton z największą ilością makrowłókien osiągał najlepsze wyniki. Porównano trzecią i czwartą edycję Raportu Technicznego 34 oraz uznano, iż dodatek włókien umożliwia zwiększenie nośności płyty na gruncie obciążonej w środku oraz na krawędzi.
The article presents the results of testing three polymer fiber reinforced concretes (FRC). The influence of fiber type and dosage became evident after cracking of beams. Based on the calculated equivalent and residual flexural tensile strengths, fracture energy, and toughness index, it was stated that FRC with the highest amount of macrofibers achieved the best results. The third and fourth editions of Technical Report 34 were compared and it was claimed that the fiber addition enables an increase in the load - carrying capacity of the ground slabs loaded at the centre and on the edge.
W artykule oceniono, czy na podstawie wyników otrzymywanych z przenośnego twardościomierza Leeba można w dokładny sposób określić wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, która jest podstawowym parametrem pozwalającym na ustalenie gatunku stali. Wykonano pomiary próbek z dwóch różnych gatunków stali, dwóch różnych grubości oraz o dwóch różnych stopniach przygotowania testowanej powierzchni stali. Sprawdzono, czy kierunek wykonywania uderzenia wpływa na otrzymywane wyniki oraz jaka jest zależność pomiędzy twardością stali a stanem naprężeń w badanym elemencie. Otrzymane wyniki na podstawie twardości Leeba porównano z wartością wytrzymałości na rozciąganie uzyskaną z maszyny wytrzymałościowej. Wykazano, że na potrzeby praktyczne możliwe jest ustalenie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie stali na podstawie pomiarów wykonywanych przenośnym twardościomierzem Leeba, wykorzystującym metodę dynamiczną pomiarów.
In this article, it was decided to check whether, based on the results obtained from a portable Leeb hardness tester, the value of tensile strength could be determined in an equally accurate way, so that it would be possible to determine the steel tensile strength. The measurements were performed for samples made of two different steel grades with different tensile strength, two different thicknesses and two different degrees of preparation of the tested steel surface. It was checked whether the direction of impact affects the results obtained and what is the relationship between the hardness of steel and the level of stress in the tested element. All obtained results based on Leeb hardness were compared with the tensile strength values obtained from the testing machine. It has been shown that for practical purposes it is possible to determine the steel tensile strength based on measurements performed with a portable Leeb hardness tester using the dynamic measurement method.
Content available remote Badania deformacji geosiatki poliestrowej wykorzystywanej w inżynierii lądowej
Geosyntetyki to materiały powszechnie stosowane w inżynierii lądowej. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie bezkontaktowej metody pomiaru deformacji (digital image correlation method – DIC) w badaniach laboratoryjnych geosiatki ortogonalnej. W badaniach zrealizowanych metodą rozciągania wyznaczono rozkład przemieszczeń i odkształceń dla całych powierzchni badanych próbek. Ponadto określono wartości i wektory własne tensora odkształcenia. Zaobserwowano występowanie lokalnej koncentracji dużych wartości odkształceń głównych na powierzchniach badanych próbek. Potwierdzono skuteczność zastosowania metody cyfrowej korelacji obrazu (DIC) w przeprowadzonych analizach deformacji.
Geosynthetics are one of the materials widely used in civil engineering. The article presents the use of a non-contact deformation measurement method (digital image correlation method - DIC) in laboratory test of an orthogonal geogrid. In tests carried out using the tensile method, the distributions of displacements and strains were determined for the entire surface of the tested samples. Moreover, the principal values and principal directions of the strain tensor were determined. The occurrence of local principal strain accumulations on the surface of tested samples was observed. The effectiveness of the use of the digital image correlation (DIC) method in deformation analysis was confirmed.
The observation of fibers in salvadora persica roots inspired us to consider the idea of using them as reinforcement to create an innovative composite. The current work focuses on the volumetric mass density, extraction, molding, and mechanical testing of composites and hybrid composites made from salvadora persica roots and glass fibers reinforced with two types of polyester matrix, chosen due their characteristics suitable for use in different orientations. Various extraction and combination methods have been used to identify an optimal approach for obtaining fibers from salvadora persica roots, considering its chemical composition (hemicellulose, pectin, and lignin). In this investigation, the hand lay-up method was used to mold specimens with different geometries. The composite and hybrid composite were combined with a polyester matrix and subjected to various mechanical tests namely; tensile, impact resistance, and water absorption. The results indicate that reinforcing polyester resins with SP fibers, whether long or short, enhances the overall mechanical properties of the composite. Additionally, improved adhesion between salvadora persica roots fibers and resin was observed.
This study focuses on the development of stainless steel (SS) 316L nanocomposites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) employing the pressureless sintering technique. The optimal pressure of 600 MPa was used to obtain green composite samples. Composite samples with GNP weight percentages of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 were sintered at 1400 °C for 90 minutes under vacuum of 0.001 mbar. The effect of the GNP reinforcement on the SS316L composites was investigated by means of microstructure observations and mechanical tests. The observations of the microstructure of the composite samples revealed equiaxed and twin-grain structures, implying austenite. Grain refinement can be observed as a consequence of the addition of GNP up to 0.5 wt.% in the SS316L matrix. GNP were found to be an effective reinforcement in improving the hardness (287.7 HV) and ultimate tensile strength (554.62 MPa). However, for the 0.75 wt.% GNP composite samples, issues like agglomeration, grain coarsening, and the presence of a grain boundary precipitate (Cr7C3) resulted in a deterioration of the mechanical properties.
This study regards investigations of the mechanical properties of aluminum 7085/TiC/BN hybrid metal matrix nanocomposites (HMMNCs). The ultrasonic assisted stir casting (UASC) route was used to manufacture the Al7085 HMMNCs by varying the wt.% of titanium carbide (TiC) and boron nitride (BN) (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0). By means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) it was observed that the nanoparticles are evenly distributed in the nanocomposites. Additionally, the EDS and XRD results indicate that there were no signs of oxide formations, secondary phases, or impurities in the nanocomposites. The yield tensile strength (YTS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and microhardness of the nanocomposites improved with increases in the wt.% of TiC and BN particles up to 1.5, and thereafter decreased. The % elongation of the nanocomposites was reduced and the density of the nanocomposites improved with the addition of TiC and BN nanoparticles.
Friction stir processing (FSP) is a manufacturing technique that can be employed to produce aluminum 6082 surface composites (ASCs). These ASCs display considerable increases in hardness and tensile strength, which makes them ideal for a wide variety of automotive applications. One example is piston skirts that are used in the cylinder chamber. The primary emphasis of this research is to investigate the accumulative impact that several passes have on Al 6082 surface composites that were filled with graphite nanopowder. The mechanical properties and microstructure of the fabricated composites were studied in order to accomplish this goal. The microstructural investigation showed that the graphite nanopowder particles were evenly distributed throughout the Al-6082 alloy. In addition, better dispersion of the graphite nanopowder was seen throughout the matrix material as the number of passes made during friction stir processing was increased. This may be explained by the reduction in grain size that occurs inside the aluminum metal matrix composites (AMMCs) that are produced as a consequence. According to the results of the research, the microhardness of the material grew to 105.3 HV after the third pass of the tool, and its maximum tensile strength rose to 215±3 MPa. In the ASCs that fabricated after three passes of friction stir processing, the smallest grain size that was measured was 24 micrometers.
One of the biggest challenges facing a designer of paper structures is its low resistance to moisture and water. Paper is a hydrophilic material that absorbs moisture from the outside. This causes the hydrogen bonds between the cellulose molecules to loosen and as a result a rapid decrease in strength parameters. In order to be able to use paper as a construction material, there is a need to select and evaluate the effectiveness of the appropriate impregnant, as well as to know its impact on the mechanical properties of the impregnated paper. The paper analyzes the effect of the use of various impregnations, including wood oil, yacht lacquer, and fire-retardant agent impregnation, on the tensile strength of several types of cellulose-derived materials, e.g. corrugated board, solid board, paper cores, and honeycomb board. The effectiveness of the impregnation was also assessed using the method of measuring the contact angle of the reference and impregnated surfaces.
Content available remote Advanced ai tools for predicting mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete
The present study utilizes advanced numerical evaluation techniques like Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Support Vector Machines (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems with Genetic Algorithms (ANFIS-GA), Gene Expression Programming (GEP), and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to develop and compare the predictive models for determination of compressive and tensile strength. Partial mutual information for selection and establishment of the degree of association of variables was used to aid in better attainment of results obtained through predictive models. It was observed that amongst the modeling techniques, the results obtained for compressive strength through the SVM technique were excellent, producing an Index of Agreement of 0.96, Akaike Information Criterion of 68.33, skill score of 0.96, and symmetric uncertainty of 0.93, thus indicating a simpler, robust, and low uncertainty predictive model. Furthermore, the adapted technique MLR was found to predict tensile strength characteristics better, with the MLR model demonstrating a higher R2 value of 0.81, thus implying a reliable tensile strength prediction model. However, SVM consistently performed well for both compressive and tensile strength characteristics thus endorsing the reliability of the predictive model. Overall, the study aids in getting new insights about improvising the strength properties of SCC and its evaluation through predictive techniques.
The subject of the article is the influence of filament moisture on the quality of products manufactured using the additive method using the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) method. Three types of thermoplastic polymers were tested: ABS, PLA and PET-G. The polymers were stored in environments with different humidity. The moisture content of the filament was determined as the water content in the material expressed as a percentage by weight. To obtain the expected humidity of the samples, they were conditioned for 7 days in tightly closed containers with constant humidity of 40%, 60% and 80%. After the sample conditioning process was completed, they were removed from the container and subjected to further tests. The influence of filament humidity on selected properties of manufactured products is presented, such as: surface quality of the obtained samples, tensile strength and dimensional repeatability. To sum up, the method of storing the filament affects the moisture content of the filament. The humidity of the filament, in turn, affects the quality of products manufactured using the FDM method, including: on: mechanical properties, dimensional stability, Surface appearance. Therefore, it is important in what conditions the filament is stored before the production process begins.
Manufacturers always seek for quality and effective welding to stay competitive in the market. There is a continuous demand for a quick and efficient manufacturing set ups for new products. GMAW is among the welding processes that is wieldy used in the industry. Welding factors such as welding voltage, welding current, gas flow rate, filler wire size and welding speed play a significant role in determining the welding quality. Taguchi design uses optimization technique for the process of experimentation as an effort to improve productivity and enhance product quality. This study discusses the welding of commercial steel welded using GMAW. The welding was controlled by welding current, welding speed and groove shape to test their influence on the welding strength, tensile strength and hardness. X groove shape welding has obtained lower tensile strength and hardness than V groove shape as did higher welding current and lower welding speed. The results concluded that welding current welding had the highest influence on tensile strength and hardness of the welding, followed by groove shape, while the welding speed had the minimum influence. The optimized combination of welding factors is 170 A, V groove shape and 150 mm/min.
The article details the principle behind Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology. Strength tests were carried out on a Stratasys FORTUS 400mc industrial 3D printer. Prints of the strength specimens were made in different orientations in the working chamber of the machine.
W artykule szczegółowo przedstawiono zasadę działania technologii FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling). Zostały przeprowadzone badania wytrzymałościowe na przemysłowej drukarce 3D Stratasys FORTUS 400mc. Wydruki próbek wytrzymałościowych zostały wykonane w różnej orientacji w komorze roboczej urządzenia.
W artykule zaprezentowano wpływ pięciu rożnych redyspergowalnych proszków polimerowych (RPP) na wytrzymałość na rozciąganie (przyczepność w układzie wielowarstwowym) zapraw klejących do płytek ceramicznych (CTA), zawierających jako spoiwo wyłącznie cement wapniowo-siarczanoglinianowy (CSA). Wyniki badań wskazują, że dodatek RPP do zaprawy na bazie CSA powoduje wzrost wytrzymałości na rozciąganie oznaczanej jako przyczepność początkowa oraz po starzeniu termicznym. W przypadku wytrzymałości na rozciąganie próbek, badanych po zanurzeniu w wodzie, zaobserwowano różny wpływ w zależności od zastosowanego redyspergowalnego proszku polimerowego. Niezależnie od rodzaju RPP stwierdzono zmniejszenie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie próbek badanych po cyklach zamrażania i rozmrażania. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że istnieje możliwość opracowania zapraw klejących na bazie CSA, zawierających redyspergowalne proszki polimerowe, do stosowania wewnątrz pomieszczeń. Wyzwaniem badawczym, związanym z odpornością na zamrażanie, jest opracowanie CTA do zastosowania na zewnątrz obiektów.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of five different redispersible polymer powders (RDPs) on the tensile strength (adhesion in a multi-layer system) of ceramic tile adhesive mortars (CTAs) containing only calcium sulphoaluminate cement (CSA) as a binder. The results show that the addition of RDPs to CSA-based mortar results in an increase in tensile strength determined as initial adhesion and as adhesion after thermal aging. In the case of tensile strength tested after immersion of the samples in water, different effects were observed depending on the RDPs used. Regardless of the redispersible polymer powder used, a reduction in tensile strength was noticeable for samples tested after freeze-thaw cycles. The study showed that it is possible to develop a CSA-based ceramic tile adhesive using redispersible polymer powders for indoor use. The research challenge, related to freeze-thaw resistance, is to develop a CTA for outdoor applications.
Content available remote Badanie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie fibrobetonu z mikrozbrojeniem
Celem pracy było określenie zależności pomiędzy wytrzymałością na rozciąganie betonu wysokowartościowego z mikrozbrojeniem, zbadaną w różny sposób: przez rozciąganie bezpośrednie, rozłupywanie i zginanie. W przypadku bezpośredniego rozciągania wykorzystano próbki o niepryzmatycznym kształcie oraz zaprojektowane akcesorium do maszyny wytrzymałościowej. Stwierdzono, że wytrzymałość w przypadku rozciągania bezpośredniego stanowi 0,23 ÷ 0,31 wytrzymałości na rozłupywanie i 0,21 ÷ 0,30 wytrzymałości na zginanie.
The aim of the investigations was to determine relation between the tensile strength of the high performance concrete with microfibres, tested in various ways: by direct tension, splitting and bending. Direct tension was realized using the non-prismatic specimens and the designed accessory for the testing machine. It was found that strength by direct tension is 0.23 ÷ 0.31 of the splitting strength and 0.21 ÷ 0.30 of the flexural strength.
Przedstawiono i przedyskutowano wyniki badań popożarowej wytrzymałości konstrukcyjnej stali S355J2+N, niskowęglowej, o ferrytyczno-perlitycznej strukturze wewnętrznej. Wnioskowanie oparto na statycznej próbie rozciągania, prowadzonej na próbkach wystudzonych po ich uprzedniej ekspozycji na oddziaływanie temperatury pożarowej. Rozważono różny czas trwania incydentu pożarowego, różny poziom temperatury wygrzewania materiału i różny sposób jego studzenia. Oddziaływanie pożaru symulowano w scenariuszu badania izotermicznego.
The results of post-fire strength tests performed for samples made of S355J2+N low-carbon structural steel, with ferritic-pearlitic microstructure, have been presented and widely discussed. The conclusion was based on the static tensile tests, carried out on samples cooled down after their prior exposure to fire temperature. Different duration of the fire incidents as well as various temperature levels of the material heating and also differentiated ways of its cooling down after the fire exposure were considered. The fire impact was simulated in an isothermal, steady-state heating regime.
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