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Purpose: The main aim of the article is to characterize and analyze the issue of sustainable development in the regional dimension, with particular emphasis on peripherality and innovation as a context of modernization changes in the conditions of globalization. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses a method of analysis of literature in the field of regional studies, referring to the problems of regional development in the perspective of conditions and changes in the macroscale. The thematic scope of the article includes an analysis of the theoretical foundations of regional development, the issue of regional disparities and developmental distances, the characteristics of peripherality and innovation as phenomena determining opportunities and barriers to development in the conditions of the globalization process. Social implications: The impact of the characteristics and analysis contained in the article can mark itself in terms of the goals and directions of regional policies formulated and implemented by public authorities at different levels. It can contribute to increasing the awareness and scope of knowledge of the regional community, especially its decision-making circles, with regard to the main goals and directions of development at the regional level, taking into account the role of innovation in overcoming the state of peripherality and marginalization under the prevailing global development trends. Originality/value: The value of the article is based on a focused analysis of the issue of sustainable regional development and showing its determinants in a new perspective, determined by the phenomena of peripherality and innovation as a context of changes on a global scale. The characteristics and analyses of the issue in question contained in the article are part of the trend of regional studies oriented towards the search for ways to overcome interregional disparities and disparities in order to achieve regional balance and convergence.
Purpose: The purpose of the publication is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the courier services market (CEP) in Poland. The research focuses on identifying the main players in the market, understanding their operating strategies and assessing the impact of innovative solutions on the market. In addition, the aim is to examine the competitive advantages of companies against the background of customer satisfaction levels, the way courier services are delivered, and to analyse innovations in logistics. Design/methodology/approach: The surveys were conducted in three stages in 2020, 2021, and 2022/2023 in the Bydgoszcz metropolitan area. Conducting the surveys in three stages in different years made it possible to analyse changes over time and the mixed methodology using both online (CAWI) and face-to-face (PAPI) surveys allowed us to reach a wider group of respondents. Findings: Pandemic COVID-19 has increased the use of courier services. The current market leader is InPost and the high level of customer satisfaction is due to innovative parcel machines, speed of delivery and convenience of tracking parcels. Research shows that courier company customers value timeliness, efficiency and modern solutions such as parcel machines, which is an important area for courier companies to focus on in their quest for customer satisfaction and loyalty. Research limitations/implications: The results of the study are not representative, but they may be a contribution to a broader and more in-depth analysis of the KEP market and the level of customer satisfaction of courier companies. The limitations of the study include the limited geographical area (Bydgoszcz conurbation) and the small representativeness of the sample, which may affect the generalisation of the results. Research conducted on a larger scale, taking into account different regions of Poland, would provide a more complete picture of the courier services market. Practical implications: The increase in the use of courier services during the pandemic indicates changes in shopping behaviour. It was also found that older people are less likely to use courier services for online purchases, suggesting the need to educate and adapt offers to this customer group. Courier companies should therefore focus on improving service quality, offering innovative delivery solutions, adapting to changing customer preferences and responding flexibly to changing market conditions.Originality/value: The article provides information that can be used to make strategic decisions, tailor services to meet customer needs, increase the company's competitiveness in the CEP market, and build a strong reputation based on actual customer preferences.
Czwarty i ostatni z serii czterech artykułów na temat skaningu laserowego przedstawia wykorzystanie chmur punktów oraz skaningu na przykładach z rzeczywistej budowy. Przedstawiono studia przypadku – sposób kontroli bieżącego stanu robót oraz sprawdzania jakości wykonania posadzek betonowych w trakcie realizacji oraz analizę ugięcia konstrukcji stalowej. Artykuł prezentuje także zbiorcze podsumowanie całej serii. Autorzy przedstawili także projekty ERASMUS+, służące rozwojowi nowoczesnej dydaktyki inżynierów i menedżerów budowlanych: 3M site oraz CLOEMC VI.
The fourth and last in a series of four articles on laser scanning presents the use of point clouds and scanning on real-world examples. Case studies were presented – the method of controlling the current state of works and checking the quality of concrete floors during implementation, as well as the analysis of deflection of the steel structure. The article also presents a summary of the entire series. The authors also presented Erasmus+ projects that contribute to the development of modern didactics for construction engineers and construction managers: 3M site and CLOEMC VI.
The innovative approach to the issues of integration of an electricity storage, heat storage and an electrode heating boiler in the heating system in this paper is presented. In recent years, a growing share of renewable energy sources in heating has been observed, which may result in the dynamics of electricity price variability being greater and more frequent than in daily and annual periods. This may apply in particular to the price of heat from electrode boilers. The proposed solution to optimize heat prices at an acceptable level for end users, consisting in connecting an electrode heating boiler with heat and electricity storage facilities is presented.
W artykule przedstawiono innowacyjne podejście do zagadnień integracji magazynu energii elektrycznej, magazynu ciepła i elektrodowego kotła ciepłowniczego w systemie ciepłowniczym. W ostatnich latach można zaobserwować rosnący udział odnawialnych źródeł energii w ciepłownictwie, co może spowodować, że dynamika zmienności cen energii elektrycznej będzie większa i częstsza niż w okresach dobowych oraz rocznych. Może to dotyczyć w szczególności ceny ciepła z kotłów elektrodowych. W artykule przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania dla optymalizacji cen ciepła, na akceptowalnym poziomie dla odbiorców końcowych, polegające na połączeniu elektrodowego kotła ciepłowniczego z magazynami ciepła i energii elektrycznej.
This study aims to map scientific publications, intellectual structure and research trends in the development of innovation process models and to characterise and compare them. Specifically, to identify the innovation process models and their characteristics, comparative analysis of the models, and predict the direction of development. A hybrid method was used, which involved many years of in-depth literature monitoring and comparative analysis based on a set of parameters developed by the authors. The results made it possible to identify and classify 15 various theoretical models of the innovation process (from M1 — linear to M15 with the AI contribution) development through categorisation according to five main features: C1 — complexity, C2 — openness, C3 — the role of technology, C4 — the participation of the market/users, and C5 — the form of presentation. This study identifies, explores, analyses and summarises the main ideas of innovation processes by identifying their models and characterising those specifics that can ensure international standards of excellence. The study provides an objective view of the existing innovation process models and the relevant studies that can guide managers in their decision-making innovation processes. This study is a first attempt at unveiling the evolution of knowledge in the field of existing innovation processes and their characteristics and comparative analysis. The presented models of innovation processes should constitute an indication for practitioners who can choose a model to be used in the economic practice of their organisation.
Purpose: This paper explores the strategic challenges of transitioning to renewable energy in various EU countries while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Methodology/Approach: The research utilises case studies to analyse national policies, stakeholder engagement, and the EU's role, particularly through the European Green Deal. Findings: Germany faces grid stability issues, Denmark excels in public-private partnerships, and Spain effectively utilises its solar resources. Research Limitations/Implications: Future research could investigate the scalability of these strategies in other regions. Practical Implications: The findings offer practical insights for regions transitioning to low-carbon energy systems. Social Implications: Inclusive stakeholder engagement is essential for minimising public opposition to renewable energy projects. Originality/Value: This research contributes novel insights to the literature on renewable energy transitions by integrating leadership, policy, and innovation strategies within a comparative, multi-country European framework.
Cel: W niniejszym dokumencie zbadano strategiczne wyzwania związane z przejściem na energię odnawialną w różnych krajach UE przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Metodologia/podejście: W badaniu wykorzystano studia przypadków do analizy polityk krajowych, zaangażowania interesariuszy i roli UE, w szczególności w ramach Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu. Wyniki: Niemcy borykają się z problemami stabilności sieci, Dania przoduje w partnerstwach publiczno-prywatnych, a Hiszpania skutecznie wykorzystuje swoje zasoby słoneczne. Ograniczenia/implikacje badań: Przyszłe badania mogłyby zbadać skalowalność tych strategii w innych regionach. Implikacje praktyczne: Wyniki oferują praktyczne spostrzeżenia dla regionów przechodzących na niskoemisyjne systemy energetyczne. Implikacje społeczne: Włączające zaangażowanie interesariuszy jest niezbędne do zminimalizowania sprzeciwu społecznego wobec projektów energii odnawialnej. Oryginalność/wartość: Niniejsze badania wnoszą nowe spostrzeżenia do literatury na temat przejść na energię odnawialną poprzez integrację strategii przywództwa, polityki i innowacji w ramach porównawczych, wielonarodowych ram europejskich.
Content available remote 100 lat autoklawizowanego betonu komórkowego
Autoklawizowany beton komórkowy [ABK], rewolucja w izolacji termicznej i energooszczędnym budownictwie, został wynaleziony przez doktora Axela Erikssona w Szwecji w 1923 roku. Opracował on proces utwardzania specjalnej mieszanki wapna, proszku metalicznego i substancji zawierającej krzemionkę. Powstały w ten sposób beton utwardzany parą, miał dobrą izolację termiczną, stosunkowo wysoką wytrzymałość, wysoką odporność ogniową i mógł być produkowany ekonomicznie. Carl August Carlén, który prowadził rodzinną firmę, otrzymał licencję na produkcję betonu komórkowego autoklawizowanego w 1928 roku. Po udanym wprowadzeniu w Szwecji produkcja betonu komórkowego stała się międzynarodowa w 1937 roku. Zastosowanie systemów licencyjnych pozwoliło firmom trzecim inwestować w autoklawizowany beton komórkowy, co doprowadziło do szybkiej ekspansji międzynarodowej. Niemcy i Polska stały się wiodącymi ośrodkami wiedzy specjalistycznej i umożliwiły ekspansję betonu komórkowego autoklawizowanego na skalę globalną. W miarę jak zbliżamy się do ery środków regulacyjnych mających na celu spełnienie europejskich celów dotyczących zmiany klimatu, autoklawizowany beton komórkowy odgrywa znaczącą rolę. W artykule przedstawiono historię i rozwój betonu komórkowego autoklawizowanego na przestrzeni ostatnich 100 lat. Omówiono również najważniejsze zagadnienia dotyczące standaryzacji produkcji i stosowania autoklawizowanego betonu komórkowego.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete [AAC], a revolution in thermal insulation and energy-efficient construction, was invented by Dr Axel Eriksson in Sweden in 1923. He developed a process for curing a special mixture of lime, metal powder, and a substance containing silica. The resulting steam-cured concrete had good thermal insulation, relatively high strength, high fire resistance, and could be produced economically. Carl August Carlén, who ran a family business, was granted a license to produce AAC in 1928. After a successful introduction in Sweden, AAC production became international in 1937. The use of license systems allowed third companies to invest in AAC, leading to rapid international expansion. Germany and Poland became leading centres of expertise and allowed AAC to expand on a global scale. As we approach the era of regulatory measures to meet Europe’s climate change targets AAC plays a significant role. This article presents the history and development of autoclaved aerated concrete over the last 100 years. The most important issues concerning the standardization of the production and use of autoclaved aerated concrete are also discussed.
Zielone ściany, będące harmonijnym połączeniem natury i architektury miejskiej, nie tylko stanowią estetyczny element, lecz także wprowadzają innowacyjne podejście do wykorzystania przestrzeni miejskiej. Artykuł analizuje wpływ zielonych ścian na środowisko, zdrowie publiczne, aspekty ekonomiczne oraz przedstawia przykłady miast, które już wprowadziły te innowacje w praktyce. W artykule podkreślono, że innowacje i zdolności adaptacyjne miast są kluczowymi determinantami trwałego rozwoju, pozwalając miastom efektywnie dostosowywać się do zmian klimatycznych, społecznych i ekonomicznych, co może wzmocnić ich rolę, jako liderów kreujących lepszą przyszłość. Celem artykułu jest zrozumienie roli zielonych ścian we wspieraniu innowacji i adaptacji miejskich. Przedstawiona analiza korzyści, wyzwań i praktycznych przykładów implementacji zielonych ścian ma podkreślić ich potencjał do stymulowania innowacyjności i zwiększania zdolności adaptacyjnych miast w obliczu współczesnych wyzwań. Wnioski z analizy wskazują na innowacyjny charakter zielonych ścian oraz ich elastyczność adaptacyjną, umożliwiającą stopniową integrację, zarówno w nowo projektowane, jak i istniejące struktury miejskie. Ponadto, zielone ściany mogą stać się integralną częścią inicjatyw zrównoważonego rozwoju, przyczyniając się do osiągania celów związanych z redukcją emisji gazów cieplarnianych, retencją wody deszczowej i poprawą jakości powietrza. Globalna inspiracja i wymiana doświadczeń między miastami wspierają rozwój innowacyjnych rozwiązań zielonych ścian, a badania nad nimi otwierają drogę do szerszych implikacji dla środowisk miejskich na całym świecie. Ostatecznie, zielone ściany są przedstawiane jako wieloaspektowe rozwiązanie wyzwań współczesnego planowania urbanistycznego, oferując korzyści ekologiczne, społeczne i ekonomiczne, które mogą być skutecznie osiągnięte poprzez staranne planowanie i innowacyjną technologię. Artykuł sugeruje, że zielone ściany mają potencjał przyczynienia się do zrównoważonego i elastycznego rozwoju miast na całym świecie, pod warunkiem dalszych badań i skoordynowanej implementacji.
Green walls, serving as a harmonious blend of nature and urban architecture, not only constitute an aesthetic element but also introduce an innovative approach to utilizing urban space. The article analyzes the impact of green walls on the environment, public health, economic aspects, and presents examples of cities that have already implemented these innovations in practice. The article emphasizes that urban innovation and adaptive capacities are crucial determinants of sustainable development, enabling cities to effectively adjust to climatic, social, and economic changes, thereby contributing to their role as leaders in shaping a better future. The aim of the article is to understand the role of green walls in supporting urban innovation and adaptation. The presented analysis of benefits, challenges, and practical examples of green wall implementation seeks to underscore their potential to stimulate innovation and enhance the adaptive capabilities of cities in the face of contemporary challenges. The conclusions drawn from the analysis highlight the innovative nature of green walls and their adaptive flexibility, enabling gradual integration into both newly designed and existing urban structures. Furthermore, green walls are an integral part of sustainable development initiatives, contributing to the achievement of goals related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, rainwater retention, and improving air quality. Global inspiration and the exchange of experiences among cities support the development of innovative solutions for green walls, and research on them opens the way to broader implications for urban environments worldwide. Ultimately, green walls are presented as a multi-faceted solution to the challenges of contemporary urban planning, offering ecological, social, and economic benefits that can be effectively realized through meticulous planning and innovative technology. The article suggests that green walls have the potential to contribute to sustainable and flexible urban development worldwide, provided there are further research and coordinated implementation.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to capture the changes taking place in terms of capturing innovations, as well as the types of innovations emerging from them, characteristic of two research streams: classical and contemporary. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology applied in the article refers to the methodological canon of management sciences, including, among others, conceptual-theoretical research methodology. On their basis, a critical analysis of foreign and Polish literature on the subject in the field of management science, partly marketing and economics, was carried out. At the same time, a descriptive method and a comparative method were used to interpret and analyze the collected material. Findings: Significant changes taking place in the definition and classification of innovations by selected representatives of the studied currents were recognized. Significant factors causing these changes were identified, as well as the new values that appear in them. On this basis, it was shown that the understanding of innovation is significantly expanded over the years, because of which it should be considered incomplete. This justifies the continuing need to analyze emerging approaches and types of innovation. Research limitations/implications: The analysis of the subject matter in the proposed methodological approach makes it possible to systematize the knowledge of innovation in terms of defining the category "innovation" and its typology. Thus, it increases the recognition of the changes that accompany them. The important role of the factor of time, environment, information technology, values, and new needs of the recipients of innovations in the studied process is recognized. Originality/value: Deepening and updating the knowledge of defining categories of innovation and their classification. Evaluation of progressive changes in the scope of the concepts studied.
Purpose: The main goal of the article is to indicate the links between operational and innovative management in building corporate social responsibility in the logistics industry. The dependence of the links will indicate specific applications for logistics and production companies. Operational management and supply chain management are related to the functioning of the organization on the market. Producers produce physical goods that are used directly by consumers or by other companies. Transport companies provide services consisting in the movement of goods, design companies, use specialist knowledge to create products and even shape the image of companies. The common element is that each organization has an operational function. We can therefore say that the operational function is the set of people, technology and systems within an organization, the primary purpose of which is to deliver to customers its products or services. Design/methodology/approach: Market analysis in Europe of companies from the logistics industry based on professional experience and numerous studies of the companies in question from the implemented CSR solutions. Findings: The study confirmed that a turbulent environment has a direct impact on the management, functioning and financial performance of the company. Originality/value: The article is addressed to dynamically developing companies in the logistics industry, which, despite the pandemic, war and rampant inflation, develop their business activities paying particular attention to corporate social responsibility. Another point to note is that most organizations operate as part of a longer supply chain. So the supply chain is a network of manufacturers and service providers that work together to proces and movement of goods, from the raw material phase to the end user level. All these cooperating entities are linked by the flows of physical goods, the flows of information, and the flows of cash. In summary, supply chains comber the operational functions of many different organizations. The added value is the possible combination of operational and innovative management in logistics with corporate social responsibility.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to verify the process of в-convergence at a local level in Poland within 2007-2016, taking the impact of spatial effects and obtained EU funds related to innovation on economic growth into account. Design/methodology/approach: Spatial econometric methods were used in the research procedure. The modelling uses the economic aggregate, which is an alternative to the GDP measure of development. In addition, the traditional convergence equations were modified by adding variables defining spatial interactions to the specifications of the estimated models that may affect the rate of economic growth. The study covers data from all counties (NTS4) in Poland. Findings: The estimated econometric models showed that between 2007-2016, there was a slow process of reducing economic inequalities between counties in Poland. The convergence process was conditioned by the amount of European funds obtained for innovation. The funds acquired in a given county stimulated the economic growth of this unit while, at the same time, having negative impact on the development dynamics of neighbouring units. Originality/value: The added value of this elaboration is the inclusion of spatial effects affecting economic growth in the conducted analyses of conditional convergence. The presented study is one of a few in which the spatial impact was verified by including weights in the modelling of the matrix based on proximity, distance, flows and affiliation, carried out using data relating to all NTS4 units of a given European Union country.
Content available Team innovations
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the team innovation processes in industrial enterprise. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The publication concentrate on problems connected with various aspects of team innovations. In the paper we presented the system of interactions which exist between negotiators in team especially from innovativeness point of view. Also we analyzed problems connected with team creativity and boasting it because team creativity is indispensable to boast innovativeness in industrial company. On the basis of the literature analysis it can be pointed out that the satisfying level of innovativeness can be achievable without appropriate level of creativity. To enhance it within company we need to give the people enough freedom and appropriate leadership adjusted to the culture of people. Also it is important to integrate creativity concepts and methods enhancing creativity into day-to-day operation of the organization. The organization should careful plan the division of the resources between innovative tasks. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with team innovation in an industrial enterprise.
Purpose: The main objective of this article is to identify the possibilities of using quality management systems to undertake innovation activities in an organisation representing the chemical industry. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review was carried out to find out the state of the research on the subject. It was conducted according to the research methodology proposed by J.W. Creswell (2013). Ten employees from one of the key departments of an organisation belonging to the chemical industry were interviewed. Findings: The interviewees are of the opinion that their organisation’s quality management system is a useful tool. However, if the system is to support innovation activities, employees should be trained more extensively, they should be provided with information on the potential benefits of quality improvement and innovations, competitions for best organisational solutions should be organised and the quality management system itself should be improved so that it is less documentation-intensive. Research limitations/implications: A literature review is not a perfect way to obtain information. Previous research has been conducted in different organisations and in different cultures. Secondly, it is important to remember the limitations inherent in qualitative research. Practical implications: Based on the results of the research, those responsible for the functioning of management systems can take appropriate measures aimed at increasing the scope of innovation activities of employees. Originality/value: Quality management systems conducive to innovation activities in the chemical industry are not a frequent research topic.
Purpose: The aim of the article is an attempt to show how important the field of tourism is health tourism, including medical tourism, legal, organizational and, above all, medical aspects are the key things presented in this article. Design/methodology/approach: The authors used the legal comparative method and the dogmatic-exegetical method, requiring the analysis of legal acts and views of the doctrine. Findings: The authors focused on presenting the most important things related to the subject of the article. In the era of post-pandemic COVID-19, maintaining proper health is crucial for many societies. We showed innovations in modern medical tourism from the point of view in medical, legal and organizational aspects. Research limitations/implications: Our research was limited to trends in organized medical tourism created by tour operators. Originality/value: We showed a new approach to the subject, from the point of view of three aspects: medical, legal and organizational. We have analyzed trends in organized medical tourism created by tour operators. The three approaches, which we present in the case of medical tourism should be discussed together. The article is addressed to people dealing with health and medical tourism, lawyers as well as people dealing with management and economy, as well as people professionally dealing with health care issues.
Content available Innovations in Industry 4.0 conditions
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the innovations in Industry 4.0 conditions. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The publication concentrate on problems connected with various aspects of relations between Industry 4.0 and innovativeness. In the paper we presented the main presumptions of Industry 4.0 concept and it’s nowadays usage. In the second part of the paper there is an analysis of main trends of today Industry 4.0 implementation approaches and innovativeness. Especially there is an description of main innovative trends of 2021 described from Industry 4.0 relations point of view. Also the paper deals with the social innovation aspect of Industry 4.0. There are very interesting and innovative concepts that can be used in today business environment and also governments. Some of them like universal basic income are a bit controversial but it needs to further more detailed analysis if it is possible and could benefit to the society. Other trends can be for example: new forms of employment or new types of organizational culture. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the innovations in Industry 4.0 conditions.
Content available Innovation management in third-party logistics
Purpose: The main purpose of the following article is to present the implementation process of interactive platform to exchange the information about innovations in the chosen international third-party company. The main identified problem is the problem connected with insufficient knowledge about innovation possible to use and even innovation already in use in the different logistics platforms when the need of its usage appears. Design/methodology/approach: Identified problem was connected with the not enough knowledge of current innovation in use or in consideration. The different platforms in the different regions or countries were not aware about technological solutions used in the whole organization and waste time and human power for searching the suitable solutions and solutions suppliers for the regional activity. Needs in this case were identified among the managers. The 60 managers from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia were asked about the preferred user requirements of such a tool. Findings: The proposed platform allowed implementation in the 3PL company structure the knowledge about innovation flow and make such information highly available. Currently, the innovations in the filed of 3PL activity were divided into main categories as follows: picking, packing, transportation, internal transportation, sustainable solutions, quality control, reverse logistics and claims, warehousing and Big Data analysis. A presented case study was implemented in the activity of an international 3PL company which gain the awareness of innovations which are used in the different regions or which were considered to use. Originality/value: In the following research paper were presented the knowledge about innovation sharing platform for logistics operator to facilitate their activity connected with innovations implementation and as a result to provide the logistics services in the more efficient way.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the Industry 5.0 concept and compare it with Industry 4.0. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: Industry 5.0 offers several benefits that make it worth adopting in manufacturing industries, including improved efficiency, greater quality control, sustainability, enhanced worker safety, improved customer experience, cost savings, competitive advantage, increased innovation, and positive social impact. By integrating human creativity and intuition with advanced machinery and technology, Industry 5.0 promises to create a more sustainable, flexible, and socially responsible manufacturing environment that delivers higher quality products and more meaningful jobs. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the Industry 5.0.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to show in detail the quantitative dimension of industrial property protection in the form of indexes of the innovative development of the Polish economy in the first two decades of the 21st century. Design/methodology/approach: A review of the literature on the subject as well as other sources in the form of legal acts and statistical data from the Central Statistical Office. Findings: The conducted research allowed for an analysis of changes in the number of notified solutions in the field of industrial property and their interpretation, leading to, regrettably, not very optimistic conclusions as to the limited effectiveness of Poland’s innovation policy. Research limitations/implications: The adopted research method of literature review has many limitations and is not a perfect way to obtain data. Practical implications: The conducted research and analysis make it possible to assess not only the level of innovative activity in terms of the number of applications for the protection of industrial property rights, but also changes in the number of approved solutions. On this basis, the conclusion can be drawn that there has been hardly any improvement in the level of innovativeness of the Polish economy, primarily with regard to the achievement of measurable effects. In possible further research, it seems important to attempt a comparative analysis, based on available data on the amount of expenditures on innovative activities. Originality/value: The value of the paper consists in systematising huge data sets (time series) amassed over a period of more than two decades and using them to perform diachronic analyses.
Content available Dynamic innovation capabilities of enterprises
Purpose: The aim of the article is to characterise and identify the role of dynamic innovative capabilities in enterprise development. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted using a standardised structured interview questionnaire with managers of aviation companies in Poland. Findings: The results of the study indicate the importance of dynamic innovation capabilities in improving competitiveness as well as coping with a dynamic environment. Research limitations/implications: A limitation of the research conducted is the size of the research sample. This may provide an indication of the direction of future research concentrating on cross-sectional studies in companies from other sectors. This would provide a basis for formulating conclusions with a higher degree of generalisability. Practical implications: The theoretical considerations presented and the conclusions drawn from the research can provide enterprise managers with valuable information on the use of dynamic capabilities to integrate, reconfigure and renew their resources for innovation. Social implications: Enterprise managers should be aware of the importance and relevance of dynamic innovation capabilities in the context of contemporary challenges and enhancing innovation and competitiveness. Originality/value: Due to its cognitive value and high practical relevance for business managers, the paper contributes on the role of dynamic innovative capacity by providing a voice in the ongoing discussion.
Content available Design thinking and its use to boast innovativeness
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the innovations in design thinking. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: It could be pointed out that exist the relationship between design thinking and the organizational innovativeness. Design Thinking began it’s important role especially when start-ups were start to increase in the global market. Nowadays this method plays important role as a part of dynamic, agile action on the world stage and in various sectors of business from teaching to building IT systems. Because of that method can be used as a boast in innovative activities in many sectors. The publication describes main relations between design thinking and innovations and give an overview of the tools used in design thinking to boast innovativeness. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the innovations and design thinking.
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