Applying the biological product of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) is considered an effective strategy to improve crop productivity to cope with climate change in current agricultural production. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact on growth, yield, and secondary metabolites of medicinal mondo grass under rainfed conditions. The split-plot design was used with the main factor of six various AMF doses (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 kg·ha-1 year-1) and the sub-factor of two mondo grass genotypes (G1 and G2). AMF supplement had positive effects on both genotypes in increasing canopy size, the number of leaves and tillers, root growth, leaf osmotic pressure and chlorophyll fluorescence, total biomass, yield components, uptake of macronutrients, contents of polysaccharide, saponin, flavonoid, and decreasing leaf water deficit and ion leakage. G2 a higher drought-tolerant genotype performed better than G1 for investigated characteristics (except canopy height and SPAD), but the effect of AMF was clearer in the G1 genotype. Supplement of 300 kg AMF ha-1 year-1 could be the optimum rate for growth and medicinal quality of mondo grass under rainfed conditions.
Isocyanides are compounds with a triple bond between a nitrogen atom and a carbon atom. Thanks to this structure, there is an electron lone pair on the carbon atom, which allows these compounds to participate in many reactions in organic chemistry. Due to their properties and the number of reactions in which they can participate, this group has been applied in medicine. Both natural and synthetic isocyanides have antifungal, antibacterial, antimalarial, antiviral and anticancer properties. The reactions involving them allow for a much simpler and faster synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. In addition, these compounds have application properties, making it possible to obtain polymers. Despite the polymerization of these compounds raising many objections, many polymeric materials based on isocyanides have found applications both in science and in everyday life.
Doniesienia historyczne o stosowaniu w dawnej medycynie roślin papirusu oraz wytworzonych z niego papierów czepanych, a także ręcznie czerpanych papierów, w tym bibuł, wytworzonych z celulozowych mas długowłóknistych, również różnego rodzaju atramentów – jako lekarstw i medycznych środków pomocniczych – należy uznać za niezwykle ciekawe. Stosowano je w starożytnym Egipcie oraz w Europie w XVII w. i XVIII w.
Composites based on PLA with the addition of 3, 6 and 10 wt% silica, hydroxyapatite and bentonite were obtained by twin-screw extrusion. Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene was used to enhance interface interactions. The influence of the fillers used on the Charpy impact strength, Rockwell hardness, tensile properties and processing shrinkage was investigated. Test samples were obtained by 3D printing. The highest impact strength and hardness were obtained for the composite containing 10 wt% hydroxyapatite. PLA with 10 wt% hydroxyapatite and 3 wt% bentonite was used to obtain anatomical structures by 3D printing.
Metodą dwuślimakowego wytłaczania otrzymano kompozyty na osnowie PLA z dodatkiem 3, 6 i 10% mas. krzemionki, hydroksyapatytu oraz bentonitu. W celu zwiększenia oddziaływań na granicy faz użyto polietylenu szczepionego bezwodnikiem maleinowym. Zbadano wpływ stosowanych napełniaczy na udarność Charpy’ego, twardość Rockwella, właściwości mechaniczne przy statycznym rozciąganiu oraz skurcz przetwórczy. Próbki do badań otrzymano za pomocą druku 3D. Największą udarność i twardość uzyskano w przypadku kompozytu zawierającego 10% mas. hydroksyapatytu. Do otrzymywania struktur anatomicznych metodą druku 3D zastosowano hybrydowy kompozyt PLA zawierający 10% mas. hydroksyapatytu i 3% mas. bentonitu.
Over the last three decades, an increasing interest in the preparation of new materials for wound healing has been observed. Collagen is a widely used biomaterial, and especially fish skin collagen is more and more popular among scientists. This study aimed to obtain thin films from native fish skin collagen and collagen cross-linked with tannic acid. Infrared spectroscopy, mechanical test, topographic imaging, and swelling test were used to characterize the features of the mentioned films. Statistical evaluation of the results was conducted with the Q-Dixon test. Infrared spectroscopy analysis showed that in the IR spectra of examined biomaterials, there are slight shifts in band positions after tannic acid cross-linking. The mechanical properties of the cross-linked material were different from those of the native collagen film. The Young’s modulus was higher for cross-linked collagen, whereas the elongation at break was lower than for pure collagen. The swelling of the collagen films increased after cross-linking with tannic acid. Swelling tests indicated that collagen cross-linked with tannic acid absorbs more water than before cross-linking. The properties of collagen films were significantly improved after tannic acid cross-linking. All alterations can be a result of collagen cross-linking by tannic acid, probably by forming hydrogen bonds between collagen and tannic acid.
Toad skin secretions are a rich source of various biologically active compounds, such as alkaloids, bufadienolides, biogenic amines, or peptides. Also plants from Hyacinthaceae and Crassulaceae can be a potent source of these groups of molecules. These compounds play a crucial role in amphibians’ and plants’ physiology such as defense against predators or pathogenic microorganisms. Among them, bufadienolides are the focus of many researches in recent years. These molecules have a very interesting, steroidal chemical structure and have potent activity at the cellular level. They possess cardiotonic, antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bacteriostatic, wound-healing, and antiparasitic properties. Although the structures of about 500 bufadienolides are known, it is strongly suggested that this group of compounds is still very poorly examined. Moreover, bufadienolides may be an excellent basis for the chemical synthesis of new drugs with selective bioactivity. The aim of this paper is to briefly overview bufadienolides as potent compounds for medicines and cosmetics.
Obecnie wykorzystanie bezzałogowych statków powietrznych do celów innych niż militarne zyskuje na znaczeniu. Rozwój technologii lotniczych pozwala na odnalezienie nowych zastosowań dla tego typu statków powietrznych. Drony wykorzystywane są do celów transportowych, ratowniczych, przemysłowych, komercyjnych, rekreacyjnych, hobbystycznych itp. Nikt jednak nie stosuje ich do szeroko rozumianego transportu medycznego. Artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia propozycji zastosowania bezzałogowych statków powietrznych do celów związanych z medycyną. Cele te należy rozumieć jako transport komponentów medycznych, w tym: krwi do transfuzji, narządów do przeszczepów, leków czy szczepionek. W opracowaniu wskazano na czynniki mające wpływ na powodzenie realizacji takiej misji oraz przedstawiono wstępne założenia konstrukcji drona o przeznaczeniu medycznym. Ponadto zdefiniowano korzyści, jakie mogą płynąć z wdrożenia tejże koncepcji. Aktualnie transport jakichkolwiek produktów czy komponentów może odbywać się w sposób szybki i bezpieczny. Dlatego wiele firm stawia na rozwój technologii związanych z dronami. Opracowywane są technologie pozwalające na transport przesyłek czy paczek kurierskich z wykorzystaniem właśnie tego typu środków transportu. Również w medycynie bezzałogowe statki powietrzne zyskują na znaczeniu. Niezbędne są szybkie reakcje na pojawiające się problemy. Dla niektórych pacjentów każda sekunda może być na wagę życia, a drony pod względem szybkości stanowią konkurencję dla konwencjonalnych środków transportu. Celem pracy było określenie możliwości i zasadności wykorzystania bezzałogowych statków powietrznych do celów medycznych. Wykorzystano przy tym analizę SWOT i FMEA, określając mocne i słabe strony oraz szanse i zagrożenia związane z tą koncepcją. Ponadto przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe mające na celu poznanie opinii osób związanych ze środowiskiem medycznym i technicznym. Jak wskazano w opracowaniu potencjalnie, pod pewnymi warunkami, możliwe jest wykorzystanie bezzałogowych statków powietrznych do celów przewozu narządów, krwi oraz leków, jednak transport ten obarczony jest pewnym ryzykiem związanym zarówno z warunkami technicznymi, jak i błędami ludzkimi. Opracowanie definiuje te problemy, wskazując na możliwości przeciwdziałania im.
Currently, the use of UAVs for non-military purposes is gaining importance. The development of aviation technology allows finding new applications for this type of aircraft. Drones are used for purposes like: transportation, industrial, rescue, commercial, recreational, hobbyist, etc. However, no one uses them for widely understood medical transport. The article is an attempt to present suggestions for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for medical purposes. These purposes should be understood as the transport of medical components including blood for transfusion, organs for transplantation, medicines or vaccines. The paper points out the factors that affect the success of such a mission and presents the initial assumptions for the design of a drone for medical purposes. In addition, the benefits that may arise from the implementation of this concept are defined. Currently, the transport of all kinds products or components can be done quickly and safely. Therefore, many companies are focusing on the development of drone-based technologies. Technologies are being developed to allow the transport of parcels or courier packages using this type of transport. Unmanned aerial vehicles are also gaining importance in medicine. Quick reactions to emerging problems are necessary. For some patients every second can be vital and drones compete with conventional means of transport in terms of speed. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility and validity of using unmanned aerial vehicles for medical purposes. SWOT analysis and FMEA were conducted identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with this concept. In addition, a survey was conducted to find out the opinions of those in the medical and technical community. As indicated in the study, it is potentially possible, under certain conditions, to use UAVs for the transport of organs, blood, and medicines; however, this transport entails some risks associated with both technical conditions and human factor. The study defines these problems indicating possibilities of counteracting them.
Pojęcie sacrum obecne jest w wielu dziedzinach nauki, kultury i sztuki. W sposób szczególny dotyczy medycyny, w której utożsamiane jest z życiem człowieka. Artykuł przedstawia pogląd autorki - lekarki z prawie 20-letnim stażem pracy - na temat życia. Spośród wartości transcendentalnych życie ludzkie było i jest największą wartością w medycynie.
The article presents the view of the author - a doctor with almost 20 years of experience - about life. Among the transcendental values human life was and still is the greatest value in medicine.
For the last three decades, an increasing interest in new materials based on blends of two or more polymers has been observed. Fish skin collagen and chitosan are constantly highly popular among scientists. This study aimed to obtain thin films from mixtures of low and medium molecular weight chitosan with fish collagen in three different ratios and examine their features for potential use in medicine and cosmetic industry. Polymer blends in ratios 25:75, 50:50, and 75:25 were made to obtain thin films. The infrared spectroscopy, mechanical properties study, contact angle measurements, topographic imaging, and swelling test were used to characterize the features of the films. A statistical appraisal of the results was conducted with the Q-Dixon’s test. The infrared spectroscopy analysis showed that in the IR spectra of the examined biomaterials, there are shifts in the bands positions proving intermolecular interactions between collagen and chitosan in the blends. The mechanical properties in the mixtures were different from those of a single biopolymer film. Hydrophilicity and polarity of the blends decrease with the increasing collagen content, which may suggest that the adhesion to the skin will be enhanced. The surface topography of the obtained films varies depending on the ratio of biopolymers in the mixtures. The swelling tests indicated that chitosan absorbs more water than collagen. The properties of the films made of collagen-chitosan mixtures vary depending on the molecular weight of chitosan and the content of each biopolymer in the blend.
The World Environmental Forum, taking into account the global nature of most of the environmental problems of humanity, suggests using the term "global environmental safety" in international research. First of all, this is due to the strengthening of the economic and political split. Therefore, humanity, more than ever before, needs world leaders and major companies to take steps to address threats to climate, ecology, health and technological systems together, as part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. If cooperation is avoided, the world expects a further split and a slowdown in economic growth. Geopolitical turbulence makes international relations more unstable and leads to increased competition between the largest powers, while world leaders must focus on working together to combat common risks. For more information about the specifics, principles and directions of implementing such cooperation in the framework of achieving global environmental safety, see the following sections of the work. Scientists defines the features of environmental security that prove its cross-border nature, among them: diversity, interrelation of all elements of national security, compliance with environmental rights of all population groups, etc. Here it is worth adding that, given the cross-border nature of most environmental threats, environmental security as a category of "component of national security" should be considered in the plane of international relations. World leaders and the development of the international economy now put environmental issues at the head of a multi-faceted world policy. So, in 1957, when the EU was founded, there was no environmental policy, environmental bureaucracy and laws on nature protection. Today, the EU has one of the most progressive environmental policies in the world. The network of its environmental legislation covers all industries: Air Pollution Control, Water Environment, Waste Management, nature protection and chemical control, biotechnology and other industrial risks. The body of EU environmental law consists of more than 500 directives, regulations and decisions. It can be argued that environmental policy has thus become one of the main areas of European policy.
Chirurgia to temat tak rozległy i skomplikowany jak ludzkie ciało. Specjalizacje są coraz węższe, narzędzia coraz bardziej precyzyjne, historia coraz dłuższa. Największy postęp dokonał się w niej w ciągu ostatnich 100–150 lat, co nie zmienia faktu, że o wiele, wiele wcześniej ludzie badali ciała i sięgali po sposoby równie niebezpieczne co ostateczne, żeby pozbyć się bólu lub przynajmniej go zmniejszyć, usunąć zmianę skórną (np. narośl), czy oczyścić ropiejącą ranę. Do tych celów starano się znaleźć możliwie najostrzejsze narzędzie. Zanim doszliśmy do ostrzy stalowych, doskonale sprawdzały się naturalne surowce… przede wszystkim obsydian.
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Skrzepy krwi zatykające tętnice mogą powodować udary niedokrwienne mózgu. Od 2015 r. standardową procedurą leczenia udarów jest mechaniczne usuwanie skrzepów (trombektomia). W artykule omówiono nową konstrukcję narzędzia do trombektomii i wynik badania jego wykorzystania.