Artykuł przedstawia powstanie i rozwój w latach 1918–1939 zakładów przemysłowych dostarczających sprzęt do budowy i eksploatacji łączności, głównie przewodowej, w sieciach publicznych: Poczty Polskiej i koncesjonowanych, Polskich Kolei Państwowych oraz użytkowany przez wojsko.
The article presents the establishment and development in the years 1918 – 1939 of industrial plants providing equipment for the construction and operation of communications, mainly wired, in public networks, the Polish Post Office and licensed networks, the Polish State Railways and used by the army.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify key reasons for intensifying risk management activities in supply chains. To achieve the objective, the following research hypotheses were adopted: H1 - the extent of business activity is not correlated with problems related to demand constraints and timeliness of payments, H2 - disruptions in supply chain continuity during a COVID-19 pandemic are independent of the type of chain. Design/methodology/approach: These paper highlights the importance of risk management in the supply chain management in addressing the pandemic induced disruptions and supply chain risk management activities. Achieving the stated goal requires answering two questions: (1) What problems are companies facing due to the coronavirus pandemic, and (2) What actions are companies taking to ensure supply chain continuity, especially in Poland conditions. 137 enterprises participated in the research, including 118 with foreign capital. The survey was conducted online. The research sample included entities from the manufacturing, trading, and service sectors located throughout Poland. Companies were selected using a snowball method, starting with supply chain managers from friendly entities and asking them to identify other entities that could take part in the study. Findings: The research showed that the continuity of supply chains in Poland was not maintained, and companies were able to keep inventories only at a minimum level. The research also analysed the impact of remote work on the effects of the functioning of enterprises and assessed the effects of support under anti-crisis shields. Originality/value: The research has been carried out in order to identify the factors that have the greatest influence on the efficiency of the supply chains of Polish enterprises. The research showed that the continuity of supply chains in Poland was not maintained, and companies were able to keep inventories only at a minimum level.
Purpose: As with any organisation, one of the most important prerequisites for the effective operation of a research institute is proper planning of its functioning – that is, accurately defining the future and establishing all the resources necessary for scientific, financial and economic activities. This paper is an attempt to illustrate the importance of planning the activities of a research institute over different time horizons for its proper functioning. Design/methodology/approach: To solve the research problem posed in this way, the following was used: (1) a method of analysing and critiquing the literature through literature studies leading to a possibly multifaceted presentation of the issue of planning the functioning of a research institute and (2) a document examination method involving the collection of source materials, which were: financial plans, prospective directions of scientific, development and implementation activities, thematic directional plans for scientific research and development work, the institute's strategy and the procedures and practices used to prepare the plans. Findings: The research shows that the planning process at the research institute is subject to the requirements of the applicable regulations. This implies the necessity to draw up four types of plans in terms of: prospective directions of scientific, development and implementation activities, directional thematic plans of scientific research and development works and annual activity and financial plans. Originality/value: In the article, the authors attempt to adapt universal planning principles to the specific activities of research institutes. This is a new issue and a response to practical needs.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify and assess the conditions of socio-economic development in municipal and land counties of the eastern and western regions of Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The article identifies and assesses the conditions of socio-economic development in municipal and land counties in the eastern and western regions of Poland. The empirical material of the article applies to all municipal and land counties in the country, as well as to all municipal and land counties in the eastern and western regions of Poland. The numerical data come from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw and concern 2022. The collected and organised empirical material was developed in descriptive, tabular, and graphic form, using the method of comparative analysis. Furthermore, the article provides a point assessment of the diagnostic features illustrating the conditions of socio-economic development in the municipal and land counties of the eastern and western regions of Poland against the background of all municipal and land counties in the country for 2022. Findings: The analysis of statistical data carried out in the article confirmed the research hypothesis, assuming that the conditions of socio-economic development are differentiated between municipal and land counties in the eastern and western regions of Poland, with better conditions in municipal counties, especially in the western regions, and the worst in land counties of the eastern regions. Originality/value: The originality of the work lies in the approach to the analysis of the research issues undertaken. For the purposes of the research, the article included a point assessment of the analyzed diagnostic features illustrating the conditions of socio-economic development in the municipal and land counties of the eastern and western regions of Poland against the background of all municipal and land counties in the country. The work is addressed primarily to local government officials responsible for the conditions, opportunities, and directions of local socio-economic development of counties local government units in Poland, as well as to all other decision-makers involved in the implementation of local development policy.
Purpose: The primary objective of this article is to illustrate the strategic goals outlined in the European Union's cohesion policy PO1, "A more competitive and smarter Europe" in the context of Poland for the period 2021-2027, and provide an overview of the initial experiences of Poland in implementing these goals. A secondary objective is to present the features and evaluate the European Union's cohesion policy concerning support for research and innovation (R&I), particularly within the programming period of 2021-2027. Design/methodology/approach: The research employed various methods, including a literature analysis focusing on EU funds, cohesion policy and innovation, an analysis of EU strategic and programming documents for the period 2021-2027, as well as analysis of the financial data contained therein, mainly relating to the area of "A more competitive and smarter Europe". This specific area, constituting a key aspect of the EU cohesion policy, serves as the primary focus of the study, with particular attention given to its application in Poland. The deductive method was employed for reasoning, and the research findings were presented using graphical methods. Findings: The funding allocated to R&I in the EU has been progressively increasing. In the period from 2000 to 2006, the allocation was approximately EUR 26 billion, and for the years 2021-2027, there is a planned investment of EUR 137.5 billion in this area. These funds are designated to be utilized under one of the five objectives of the EU cohesion policy for 2021-2027, specifically PO1, known as "A more competitive and smarter Europe". The implementation of the PO1 objective aims to bridge the innovation and digital divide across the EU. In Poland, a substantial investment of EUR 16,046 billion is earmarked to achieve this goal. The initial competition organized in Poland under the SMART path has demonstrated significant interest in these funds, presenting an opportunity to enhance the country's innovativeness. Research limitations/implications: The research faced limitations, particularly in maintaining the consistency of homogeneous financial data. The primary source utilized was the Cohesion Data Platform, chosen for its up-to-date information. Another constraint was the nascent stage of competitions for EU funding under SMART paths, which significantly restricted the availability of research material. Practical implications: The research can be used by potential beneficiaries of EU funds to create innovative projects that can be submitted to subsequent SMART competitions in the future. Originality/value: Considering that the topic revolves around a relatively recent subject, namely Smarter Europe in the 2021-2027 perspective, and is grounded in the most current data available as of the end of 2023, the article contributes to both domestic and foreign literature on the subject of subsidy support instruments directed towards enterprises through state institutions.
Purpose: This article contributes to the discussion on local good governance (LGG) by proposing an indicator that takes into account the main values of LGG, measures its level, and considers selected determinants. The considerations were based on an assessment of the actions of local authorities from the perspective of residents in rural areas in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliometric analysis of works dedicated to LGG and its main principles was conducted. Additionally, a quantitative data analysis was carried out based on a survey using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) method among 700 residents of rural areas in Poland. Findings: The bibliometric analysis revealed a research gap in the issues addressed. The empirical study provides evidence of a moderately positive assessment of actions in terms of credibility, transparency, participatory readiness, willingness to share power, responsiveness, and efficiency. Psychosocial factors significantly influenced the evaluation of LGG. Sociodemographic variables did not significantly differentiate the assessments. Research limitations/implications: Quantitative research has a general nature. It would be valuable to also apply qualitative methods to deepen the understanding of the interpretation of individual LGG values by both rural and urban communities, taking into account the local context. Practical implications: The relatively poor assessment of local authorities’ activities from the perspective of LGG principles suggests the need to reconsider the introduction of changes in this sphere of public governance. Social implications: The discussion of the role of LGG values can contribute to greater awareness and solidify these principles among both the authorities and citizens. Originality/value: The contribution to the development of knowledge includes the characterisation of the dynamics and trends in the international scientific discourse on local governance. It also constructs and empirically verifies the LGG indicator (based on statistical analyses).
W ostatnich kilku latach w Polsce rozpoczął się szerszy rozwój projektów ukierunkowanych na zagospodarowanie energii geotermalnej, zwłaszcza w ciepłownictwie. W latach 2019–2023 znaczna liczba projektów w tym obszarze znajdowała się na różnych etapach realizacji dzięki wsparciu publicznemu. Oczekuje się, że niskoemisyjne ogrzewanie geotermalne lokalnie zastąpi paliwa kopalne, przyczyni się do łagodzenia zmian klimatycznych i zwiększenia lokalnego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Do kluczowych czynników powodzenia realizacji tych projektów należy budowanie odpowiedniego poziomu wiedzy i świadomości wśród kluczowych zaangażowanych interesariuszy, a także transfer najlepszych praktyk. Ważną rolę w tym zakresie ma Projekt „Budowanie zdolności kluczowych zainteresowanych stron w dziedzinie energii geotermalnej” (KeyGeothermal). Jest to projekt predefiniowany w ramach Programu „Środowisko, Energia i Zmiany Klimatu” Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (MF EOG) 2014–2021 w Polsce. Jest on realizowany we współpracy zespołów z Polski oraz Islandii – kraju będącego liderem rozwoju geotermii na świecie, posiadającego duże doświadczenie także w działalności szkoleniowej. Partnerami projektu są Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN oraz Krajowa Agencja Energii Islandii. Projekt rozpoczął się w październiku 2020 r., a zakończy w kwietniu 2024 r. Projekt ma na celu budowanie i pogłębianie wiedzy oraz wymianę najlepszych praktyk wśród kluczowych interesariuszy w Polsce, dotyczące optymalnego wykorzystania i zarządzania energią geotermalną w niskoemisyjnym ciepłownictwie. Grupę docelową Projektu stanowią samorządy, operatorzy ciepłowni, inwestorzy, beneficjenci programów wsparcia, administracja geologiczna, usługodawcy, konsultanci i inni gracze geotermalni. W rozdziale przedstawiono zakres działań szkoleniowych, wizyt studyjnych w celu poznania dobrych praktyk, a także inne działania adresowane do kluczowych interesariuszy z sektora geotermii w Polsce, oczekiwane rezultaty, rolę współpracy polsko-islandzkiej oraz Mechanizmu Finansowego EOG we wspieraniu rozwoju wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w krajach, które posiadają odpowiednie zasoby, takie jak Polska.
In the last few years Poland has started a wider development of geothermal applications, especially for district heating. In 2019–2022 significant number of projects in that area were at various stages of implementation thanks to public support. It is expected that low-emission geothermal heating will locally replace fossil fuels, contribute to mitigate climate change, and increase local energy security. The key factors for successful realization of those projects include, among others, building an appropriate level of knowledge and awareness in the group of key stakeholders involved, as well as transfer of best practices. The Project “Capacity building of the key stakeholders in the area of geothermal energy” (KeyGeothermal) plays an important role in this respect. It belongs to some predefined projects within the „Environment, Energy and Climate Change” Program, the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) 2014–2021, in Poland. It has been carried out in cooperation of teams from Poland and Iceland – the latter being a country leading geothermal development worldwide, with extensive experience in training activities. The Project partners are the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Energy Authority of Iceland. Cooperation started in October 2020 and will be completed in April 2024. The Project aims to build and upgrade the knowledge and share best practices among key stakeholders in Poland related to the optimal use and management of geothermal energy in low-emission heating. The target group includes local governments, DH operators, investors, beneficiaries of support programs, geological administration, service providers, consultants and other geothermal players. The chapter presents the scope of the training program, study visits to learn good practices, other activities adressing the key geothermal stakeholders in Poland, expected results, the role of the Polish–Icelandic cooperation and the EEA FM in supporting geothermal uses in the countries which have proper resources, like Poland.
Po znaczącym wzroście produkcji i zużycia energii w kraju w roku 2021, rok 2022 przyniósł niewielkie zmiany (r/r) – nastąpił 0,5% spadek produkcji oraz ok. 2% spadek zużycia. Spadek generacji w elektrowniach gazowych i węglowych został zrekompensowany dużym wzrostem w elektrowniach wiatrowych i słonecznych. Polska pierwszy raz od 2016 r. wróciła na pozycję eksportera energii elektrycznej (eksport przewyższył import o prawie 1700 GWh). W Polsce sprzedaż i zakup energii elektrycznej na polskim rynku energii odbywa się przede wszystkim na giełdzie energii prowadzonej przez TGE SA. Najważniejszymi rynkami są Rynek Dnia Następnego (RDN) oraz Rynek Towarowy Terminowy (RTT). W 2022 r. wolumen obrotów wyniósł 141 TWh, malejąc o 37% w stosunku do roku wcześniejszego, a obroty na rynku spot obniżyły się (r/r) o 9% a na rynku RDN zmalały względem roku wcześniejszego o 16%. Po ośmiu miesiącach 2023 r. wielkość obrotów na RDN wzrosła w stosunku rocznym o 76%, a na rynku RTT spadła o 35%. Na cenę energii elektrycznej wpływa wiele czynników, wśród których istotną rolę odgrywa cena zużytego paliwa do jej wytworzenia, a także cena uprawnień do emisji CO2. Ceny uprawnień do emisji zmieniają się w granicach 80–90 EUR. W rozdziale przedstawiono porównanie średnich cen energii elektrycznej dla wybranych grup odbiorców w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Do porównania wybrano trzy grupy odbiorców finalnych, dla których są już dostępne dane za 2022 r.: (i) wszyscy odbiorcy, ceny uwzględniają wszystkie podatki i opłaty, (ii) odbiorcy o rocznym zużyciu energii do 20 MWh; z uwzględnieniem wszystkich podatków i opłat, (iii) odbiorcy o rocznym zużyciu energii w zakresie 20 000 do 69 999 MWh – bez podatków i opłat. Na tle Unii Europejskiej ceny energii elektrycznej w Polsce w 2022 roku można zaliczyć do jednych z najniższych. Najwyższe ceny były w Danii, których poziom był wyższy o około 60–70% od średniej ceny dla całej UE27. Natomiast w przypadku Polski ceny średnie energii elektrycznej w Polsce były 1,1–1,7-krotnie niższe od średniej Unijnej.
After a significant increase in energy production and consumption in the country in 2021, 2022 brought minor changes (y/y) – there was a 0.5% decrease in production and an approximately 2% decrease in consumption. The decline in generation from gas and coal-fired power plants was offset by large increases in wind and solar power plants. For the first time since 2016, Poland returned to the position of an electricity exporter (exports exceeded imports by almost 1,700 GWh). In Poland, the sale and purchase of electricity on the Polish energy market takes place primarily on the energy exchange operated by TGE SA. The most important markets are the Day Ahead Market (DAM) and the Forward Commodity Market (RTT). In 2022, the turnover volume amounted to 141 TWh, decreasing by 37% compared to the previous year, and the turnover on the spot market decreased (y/y) by 9% and on the DAM market decreased by 16% compared to the previous year. After eight months of 2023, the turnover on the DAM market increased by 76% year-on-year, and on the CRT market it decreased by 35%. The price of electricity is influenced by many factors, among which an important role is played by, among others: the price of the fuel used to produce it, as well as the price of CO2 emission allowances. Prices of emission allowances vary between EUR 80–90. The chapter presents a comparison of average electricity prices for selected groups of consumers in European Union countries. Three groups of final customers were selected for comparison, for which data for 2022 is already available: (i) all recipients whose prices include all taxes and fees, (ii) customers with annual energy consumption in the range of up to 20 MWh; including all taxes and fees, (iii) customers with annual energy consumption in the range of 20,000 MWh to 69,999 MWh – net of taxes and fees. Compared to the European Union, electricity prices in Poland in 2022 can be considered one of the lowest. The highest prices were in Denmark, which were approximately 60–70% higher than the average price for the entire EU27. However, in the case of Poland, average electricity prices in Poland were 1.1–1.7 times lower than the EU average.
Celem artykułu jest analiza przyczyn migracji do Europy oraz sposobów zabezpieczenia granicy wschodniej RP przed nielegalną migracją. Sytuacja geopolityczna na świecie spowodowała gwałtowny wzrost nielegalnej migracji. Nie jest to zjawisko nowe, gdyż zmiany klimatyczne i konflikty zbrojne toczące się od wielu lat potęgują to zjawisko. Granica wschodnia Polski stanowi zarazem wschodnią granicę Unii Europejskiej. W dużej mierze ochrona granicy wschodniej przed nielegalną migracją ma nie tylko wpływ na bezpieczeństwo RP, lecz stanowi ochronę całej UE przed tym procederem. Główny problem badawczy został sformułowany w następujący sposób: Jakie powinny być zastosowane środki bezpieczeństwa w celu zapewnienia ochrony granicy wschodniej RP przed nielegalną migracją? Podstawową metodą wykorzystywaną w przygotowywaniu publikacji była analiza i synteza zgromadzonych źródeł naukowych. Posłużono się również porównaniem, którego istotą była identyfikacja cech wspólnych, podobieństw oraz różnic występujących zagrożeń dotyczących nielegalnej migracji. Zastosowanie tej metody pozwoliło na wykrycie cech podobieństwa i odmienności zabezpieczenia granicy państwowej poprzez odniesienie się do systemów ochrony granicy a także doświadczeń innych państw. Ponadto zastosowano także wnioskowanie, aby sformułować najistotniejsze wyniki przeprowadzonej diagnozy. Po przystąpieniu Polski do strefy Schengen Straż Graniczna odpowiada za ochronę zewnętrznej granicy Unii Europejskiej z Federacją Rosyjską, Białorusią i Ukrainą. Prowadzi również działania związane ze zwalczaniem przestępczości zorganizowanej i nielegalnej migracji na terytorium RP. Rozwinięta współpraca międzynarodowa jest jednym z podstawowych elementów przesądzających o skuteczności działania służb granicznych, stąd też Straż Graniczna przywiązuje dużą wagę do jej doskonalenia. Bieżąca współpraca Straży Granicznej ze służbami granicznymi państw sąsiednich jest nieodzownym wymogiem ochrony granicy. Współdziałanie to realizowane jest na wszystkich szczeblach dowodzenia i przybiera także formy zinstytucjonalizowane. Zakłada się, że zintegrowany system zarządzania granicą jest kluczową kwestią w przeciwdziałaniu nielegalnej migracji. Proces ten daje wszechstronną i spójną kontrolę w obszarze bezpieczeństwa UE, co pozwala reagować na zidentyfikowane zagrożenia w sposób bardziej skuteczny i efektywny.
The aim of this article is to analyze the causes of migration to Europe and ways to protect the eastern border of the Republic of Poland against illegal migration. The geopolitical situation in the world has caused a sharp increase in illegal migration. This is not a new phenomenon, as climate change and armed conflicts that have been going on for many years are intensifying this phenomenon. Poland's eastern border is also the eastern border of the European Union. To a large extent, the protection of the eastern border against illegal migration not only affects the security of the Republic of Poland, but also protects the entire EU against this practice. The main research problem was formulated as follows: What security measures should be used to ensure protection of the eastern border of the Republic of Poland against illegal migration? The basic method used in preparing the publication was the analysis and synthesis of collected scientific sources. A comparison was also used, the essence of which was to identify common features, similarities and differences in existing threats related to illegal migration. The use of this method allowed for the detection of similarity and dissimilarity in securing the state border by referring to border protection systems as well as the experiences of other countries. Moreover, inference was also used to formulate the most important results of the diagnosis. After Poland's accession to the Schengen area, the Border Guard is responsible for protecting the external border of the European Union with the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. It also conducts activities related to combating organized crime and illegal migration in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Developed international cooperation is one of the basic elements determining the effectiveness of border services, hence the Border Guard attaches great importance to its improvement. Ongoing cooperation of the Border Guard with border services of neighboring countries is an essential requirement for border protection. This cooperation is implemented at all levels of command and also takes institutionalized forms. It is assumed that an integrated border management system is a key issue in counteracting illegal migration. This process provides comprehensive and consistent control in the area of EU security, which allows us to respond to identified threats in a more effective and efficient manner.
Papiery higieniczne i sanitarne są wyrobami powszechnie stosowanymi, o silnej pozycji na rynku. Każdego dnia korzystamy z nich praktycznie wszędzie, zarówno w domowym za ciszu – pod postacią papieru toaletowego, ręczników kuchen nych i chusteczek, jak również w pracy – używając np. czyściw przemysłowych, czy w placówkach medycznych, gdzie stosowane są podkłady medyczne.
Hygiene and sanitary papers are a widely used product with a strong position in the market. We use them every day at home in the form of toilet paper, kitchen towels or tissues, as well as at work, for example, using industrial cleaners or in medical facilities, where medical pads are used. In 2023, in Poland, according to preliminary data from Statistics Poland, a total of 4,615 thousand tonnes of paper were produced, a figure comparable to the production level of 2016 and a much worse result than in 2022. Despite the lower production of sanitary and hygienic papers than in the previous year, their share accounted for 18.4% of the total production of all groups of papers and boards - an increase compared to the previous year (17.1% in 2022). Analysing the Statistics Poland final annual data for 2022, it can be seen that there was a very strong increase in toilet pa per production of 19.8% compared to 2021 (Fig. 3). It is worth noting that even compared to the pandemic peak in 2020, the production volume was 14.4% higher. The final annual figures published by Statistics Poland is available with a long delay, so data for the previous year will not be available until 2025. In 2022, the production of towels made of pulp, paper, wad ding or webs of cellulose fibers saw an increase in the output of this group compared to the previous year – a change of 5.3% (Fig. 4) . The volume of production, after declining in 2021, again reached a record high. The activities of hygiene product manufacturers in Poland are strongly influenced by conditions resulting from interna tional trade. It should be noted that the information on trade exchange was compiled on the basis of preliminary data for 12 months of 2023 from the National Tax Administration. The largest buyers of hygiene papers were Germany (53.7%), Italy (14.7%), Romania (5.9%) and Sweden (4.8%) (Fig. 5). Overall, exports of this product group registered a 2.9% increase from 389.4 thousand tons in 2022 to 400.6 thousand tons in 2023, strengthening Poland’s position as an exporter. Figure 6 shows the structure of exports (for the CN code group 4818). According to data from the National Tax Ad ministration, the strongest groups in exports are toilet paper (37.4%), other towels (22.4%) and roll towels (17.6%). The toilet paper group once again recorded an increase in share of 1.7% compared to the previous year, while paper towels saw a decrease in share of 0.9%. Among the customers of domestic toilet paper production, Germany continues to be dominant, with a share of 64.8% of exports. The situation is similar for towels, where the share was 56.4%. In 2023, the countries supplying the largest share of hy giene and sanitary papers imported to Poland were Germany (22.2%), Italy (21.7%) and Romania (9.4%) (Fig. 7). In 2023, 178.4 thousand tonnes were imported compared to 166.6 thousand tonnes in 2022, an increase in imports of 7.1%. Among hygiene products, imports were mainly toilet pa per (31.5%), roll towels (28.4%), other products (14.0%) and other towels (8.0%). The biggest changes were in the case of sanitary wipes, whose share of imports fell by 3.9%., and toilet paper, which saw an increase of 3.0%. The structure of imports of hygiene products in 2023 is shown in Figure 8. The year 2023 was not easy for paper and board manufac turers in Poland. However, tissue plants ended the past year in fairly good shape, which can be seen in a growing share of total production or record export results. The beginning of the current year is no longer marked by extraordinary prices of energy carriers, and inflation remains at a level allowing for a certain optimism, which promises a good year for domestic manufacturers of hygienic paper and further strengthening of this part of the market.
In the Sadowa Góra quarry in Jaworzno, southern Poland, the Muschelkalk deposits are exposed (Lower and Upper Gogolin Beds). The occurrence of echinoderms seems to be particularly interesting. The isolated ossicles of asteroids were found already in the 1st Wellenkalk of the Lower Gogolin Beds (Aegean), which is one of the oldest post-Paleozoic occurrence in the world. Until recently, it was believed that the first echinoids appeared in the Germanic Basin during the Bithynian (above the Conglomeratic Horizon of the Upper Gogolin Beds). Currently, they have been found, similarly to the remains of asteroids, already in the 1 st Wellenkalk. Attention was also drawn to the fact that the stratigraphically important crinoid species Holocrinus dubius may have appeared in Upper Silesia earlier than previously thought.
Zmiany ciśnienia atmosferycznego nad Morzem Barentsa, niezależnie od zmian ciśnienia w Niżu Islandzkim, wywierają silny i istotny wpływ na zmiany ciśnienia atmosferycznego nad Europą. Polegają one na zgodnych w fazie ze zmianami ciśnienia nad Morzem Barentsa zmianach ciśnienia nad północną Europą (szerokości 75-60°N) i przeciwnych w fazie zmianach nad południową Europą (na S od ~55°N). Praca przedstawia wyniki badań nad zachowaniem się zmienności elementów klimatycznych nad Polską i Europą, zachodzących pod wpływem rocznych zmian ciśnienia nad Morzem Barentsa (dalej SLP). Okresem opracowania są lata 1951-2020. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotne związki między SLP i rocznymi obszarowymi wartościami elementów klimatycznych nad Polską: temperaturą powietrza (TPL), zachmurzeniem ogólnym (NPL), usłonecznieniem (UPL), wilgotnością względną (fPL), sumami opadów (RPL), ciśnieniem atmosferycznym (PPL) i prędkością wiatru (VPL). Wzrostowi SLP ponad normę wieloletnią odpowiada nad Polską spadek TPL, UPL i PPL, a wzrost NPL, RPL, fPL i VPL. Spadek SLP pociąga za sobą odwrotne skutki. Zmiany SLP objaśniają od 33 (TPL) do kilkunastu procent wariancji pozostałych elementów, przy czym najsłabszą reakcję na zamiany SLP wykazuje roczna suma opadów (~15% objaśnionej wariancji). Zmiany te wskazują, że wraz ze zmianami SLP nad Morzem Barentsa dochodzi do zmian trajektorii układów niskiego ciśnienia. W latach, w których SLP jest wyższe od normy tory niżów przemieszczają się nad południową Europą (~40-55°N), a w latach, w których SLP jest niższe od normy, tory niżów przemieszczają się nad północną Europą. W tych okresach nad południową Europą wzrasta udział pogód antycyklonalnych. Najwyraźniej wpływ zmian SLP na zmienność elementów klimatycznych zaznacza się w półroczu ciepłym, a silnie w 3 kwartale (lipiec-wrzesień). Różni to wpływ SLP nad Morzem Barentsa od wpływu NAO, które najsilniej wpływa na zmienność elementów klimatycznych w okresie zimowym. Oddziaływanie zmian SLP na zmienność elementów klimatycznych nad Europą jest ogólnie podobne do tego, jaki obserwuje się nad Polską. Nad całą Europą najsilniej z SLP nad Morzem Barentsa powiązana jest temperatura powietrza. Przy spadku SLP nad całą Europą temperatura powietrza wzrasta, przy wzroście – spada. Dzieje się tak, niezależnie od tego, czy nad daną częścią Europy SLP rośnie, czy maleje – znak zmian temperatury pozostaje taki sam. Wzrost temperatury rocznej nad Europą przy spadku SLP nad Morzem Barentsa zachodzi w rezultacie działania dwu różnych procesów. Przy spadku SLP nad północną Europą wzrost temperatury następuje w wyniku wzrostu intensywności napływów powietrza z zachodu (adwekcje powietrza morskiego w chłodnym półroczu), a nad południową Europą w wyniku wzrostu usłonecznienia (wzrost sytuacji antycyklonalnych w półroczu ciepłym). Przy wzroście SLP powyżej normy spadek temperatury nad północną Europą zachodzi w rezultacie osłabienia adwekcji mas powietrza z zachodu, a nad południową Europą (na S od 55°N) w wyniku wzrostu natężenia adwekcji powietrza z zachodu (wzrost frekwencji pogód cyklonalnych powoduje wzrost zachmurzenia i spadek usłonecznienia).
Changes in atmospheric pressure over the Barents Sea, independently of pressure changes in the Icelandic Low, have a strong and significant impact on atmospheric pressure changes over Europe (Marsz and Styszyńska 2023b). They consist of pressure changes over northern Europe (latitudes 75-60°N) that are compatible in phase with pressure changes over the Barents Sea and opposite in phase with pressure changes over southern Europe (to the S of ~55°N). The paper presents the results of a study on the variability of climatic elements over Poland and Europe under the influence of annual pressure changes over the Barents Sea (hereafter SLP). The study period is 1951-2020. Statistically significant relationships were found between SLP and annual area values of climatic elements over Poland: air temperature (TPL), total cloud cover (NPL), sunshine duration (UPL), relative humidity (fPL), precipitation totals (RPL), atmospheric pressure (PPL) and wind speed (VPL). An increase in SLP above the multi-annual norm corresponds over Poland to a decrease in TPL, UPL and PPL, and an increase in NPL, RPL, fPL and VPL. A decrease in SLP has the opposite effect. Changes in SLP explain between 33 per cent (TPL) and several per cent of the variance in the other elements, with annual precipitation showing the weakest response to changes in SLP (~15 per cent of the explained variance). These changes indicate that with changes in SLP over the Barents Sea there are changes in the trajectories of low-pressure systems. In years when SLP is higher than normal, the tracks of lows move over southern Europe (~40-55°N), and in years when SLP is lower than normal, the tracks of lows move over northern Europe. During these periods, the proportion of anticyclonic weather increases over southern Europe. The effect of SLP changes on the variability of climatic elements is most pronounced in the warm half-year, and strongly in Q3 (July-September). This differentiates the influence of SLP over the Barents Sea from that of the NAO, which most strongly influences the variability of climatic elements in the winter period. The impact of SLP changes on the variability of climatic elements over Europe is generally similar to that observed over Poland. Overall of Europe, air temperature is most strongly related to SLP over the Barents Sea. When the SLP over the whole of Europe decreases, the air temperature increases; when it increases, it decreases. This is the case whether SLP increases or decreases over a particular part of Europe – the sign of temperature change remains the same. An increase in annual temperature over Europe with a decrease in SLP over the Barents Sea occurs as a result of two different processes. With a decrease in SLP over northern Europe, the temperature rise occurs as a result of an increase in the intensity of air inflows from the west (maritime air advections in the cool half of the year), and over southern Europe as a result of an increase in sunshine duration (increase in anticyclonic situations in the warm half of the year). When SLP increases above normal, the temperature decrease over northern Europe occurs as a result of a weakening of the advection of air masses from the west, and over southern Europe (to the S of 55°N) as a result of an increase in the intensity of air advection from the west (an increase in the frequency of cyclonic weather causes an increase in cloud cover and a decrease in sunshine duration).
W niniejszym artykule omówiono akty prawne dotyczące planu bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia na terenie budowy na przykładzie czterech państw: Polski, Niemiec, Turcji i Wielkiej Brytanii. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie istotnych aktów prawnych, które regulują opracowywanie i realizację planu bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia na budowie w wymienionych krajach. Jest to szczególnie istotne dla firm, które rozważają aktywność wykonawczą na terenie wymienionych wyżej państw.
This article discusses legal acts regarding the safety and health protection plan on construction sites on the example of four countries: Poland, Germany, Turkey and Great Britain. The aim of the article is to present important legal acts that regulate the development and implementation of the construction safety and health plan in the mentioned countries. This is particularly important for companies that are considering contracting activities in the countries mentioned above.
XXI wiek wraz z rozwojem technologicznym niesie współczesne rozwiązania budowlane, pozwalające na realizację coraz wyższych budowli. Pozwalają one zmieścić coraz większą powierzchnię użytkową na stosunkowo niewielkim obszarze zabudowy. Budynki wysokościowe w Polsce wciąż stanowią nowatorskie rozwiązania konstrukcyjne. Cel badań stanowi określenie wiodącego systemu konstrukcji budowli oraz konotacji z jej formą architektoniczną, na przykładzie dziesięciu najwyższych budynków w Polsce. Otrzymane wyniki mogą stanowić przyczynek do dalszych badań w zakresie poszukiwania formy architektonicznej budynków wysokich w dwojaki sposób: wskazując klucz rozwiązań jak również cechy powtarzalne, warte wykluczenia w przypadku poszukiwania brył o nowatorskim charakterze.
The 21st century, along with technological development, brings modern construction solutions that allow the construction of increasingly taller buildings. They make it possible to fit more and more usable space into a relatively small building area. High-rise buildings in Poland are still innovative construction solutions. The aim of the research is to determine the leading building construction system and connotations with its architectural form, using the example of the ten tallest buildings in Poland. The obtained results may constitute a contribution to further research in the search for the architectural form of tall buildings in two ways: by indicating the key of solutions as well as repeatable features that are worth excluding when looking for forms of an innovative character.
Osiedla mieszkaniowe są to jednostki mniejsze niż dzielnice, składające się z zespołów budynków mieszkalnych wraz z towarzyszącą infrastrukturą, stanowiące całość pod względem terytorialnym i kompozycyjnym. Poszczególne obiekty połączone są ze sobą ciągami komunikacyjnymi o ograniczonej intensywności ruchu. W artykule opisano ewolucje modeli takich osiedli poczynając od powstających na początku XX wieku jednostek sąsiedzkich i osiedli społecznych. Opisano rodzaje zabudowy osiedli mieszkaniowych w okresie powojennym oraz osiedli współczesnych, a także porównano wady i zalety zamieszkiwania w tych osiedlach.
Housing estates are units smaller than districts, consisting of complexes of residential buildings with accompanying infrastructure, constituting a whole in terms of territory and composition. Individual facilities are connected with each other by communication routes with limited traffic intensity. The article describes the evolution of models of such housing estates, starting from the neighborhood units and social housing estates created at the beginning of the 20th century. The types of development of housing estates in the post-war period and contemporary housing estates were described, and the advantages and disadvantages of living in these housing estates were compared.
The European Union's energy policy has necessitated a reduction in coal mining, with significant consequences for occupational safety within the industry. This study investigates the correlation between employment reduction and accident risk within Poland's mining sector during 2006-2020, a period marked by over a 40% decrease in coal extraction and a corresponding 30% decrease in mining employment. An escalation in the relative risk (RR) of accidents was observed, increasing from 1.28 to 2.33. More critically, the RR of fatal accidents rose from 2.54 to 8.22 by 2019. Analysis revealed a critical employment threshold: a fall in mining employment below 140,000 is associated with a marked increase in accident risk, particularly fatal accidents. A linear model was developed to suggest that a reduction in the RR of accidents to 0.7 is requisite to achieve a national average risk for fatal accidents (RR = 1). The findings advocate for targeted safety interventions and propose a preventive strategy model. The implications are vital for policymakers and industry stakeholders aiming to improve worker safety in response to employment changes within the mining sector
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