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Reduction of ecological risks of shipping is a challenging task that requires methods of legislative and regulatory control, organizational measures, and technical and technological support. Furthermore, the matter concerns not only the reduction of possible risks but also the level of existing impact on the marine environment because of exhaust gas emissions by ships, discharge of waste and ballast water, as well as control of ecological consequences of accidents. The purpose of this study is to analyse possible sources of environmental impact during ship operation cycles, identify significant risks, review existing potentials to reduce the risk of ship accidents and their environmental consequences, and develop solutions to existing problems. This study offers results, which can serve as the initial basis for the formation of comprehensive measures on the reduction of environmental risks, and consequences of possible accidents for the environment caused by ships and international shipping.
Stormwater runoff is a source of water pollution containing a wide range of chemical pollutants and various disease-causing bacteria and viruses that are transported by runoff to water bodies and have a negative impact on aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, stormwater treatment should meet the highest standards and contribute to sustainable water resource management. Responding to today‘s environmental challenges and following the Green Deal and Circular Economy’s goals, it is necessary to apply new innovative solutions and infrastructure in stormwater management. Research shows that green solutions might be a potential tool to treat stormwater and to ensure the proper quality of surface water bodies. The article aims to discuss various possible solutions of green infrastructure (rain gardens, green roof, wetlands etc.), which could be applied in future research to remove pollutants (heavy metals, organic compounds etc.) from stormwater. Studies have found multiple benefits of using green infrastructure in order to protect the environment. It is a cost effective, innovative and architectural measure, which promotes economic growth, contributes to climate change mitigation, reduces urbanization impact on the environment and creates recreational and green spaces.
Spływ wód opadowych jest źródłem zanieczyszczenia wody zawierającego szeroką gamę substancji chemicznych oraz rożne bakterie i wirusy chorobotwórcze, które wraz ze spływem przenoszone są do zbiorników wodnych i mają negatywny wpływ na ekosystemy wodne. W związku z tym oczyszczanie wód opadowych powinno spełniać najwyższe standardy i przyczyniać się do zrównoważonego zarządzania zasobami wodnymi. Odpowiadając na współczesne wyzwania środowiskowe oraz kierując się celami Zielonego Ładu i Gospodarki o Obiegu Zamkniętym, konieczne jest stosowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań i infrastruktury w zarządzaniu wodami opadowymi. Badania pokazują, że zielone rozwiązania mogą być potencjalnym narzędziem oczyszczania wód opadowych i zapewnienia odpowiedniej jakości części jednolitych wód powierzchniowych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie rożnych możliwych rozwiązań zielonej infrastruktury (ogrody deszczowe, zielone dachy, tereny podmokłe itp.), które można zastosować w przyszłych badaniach nad usuwaniem zanieczyszczeń (metali ciężkich, związków organicznych itp.) z wód opadowych. Badania wykazały wiele korzyści wynikających z wykorzystania zielonej infrastruktury w celu ochrony środowiska. Jest to rozwiązanie opłacalne, innowacyjne i architektoniczne, które sprzyja wzrostowi gospodarczemu, przyczynia się do łagodzenia zmian klimatycznych, zmniejsza wpływ urbanizacji na środowisko oraz tworzy przestrzenie rekreacyjne i zielone.
Obecność farmaceutyków w środowisku stanowi złożone zagadnienie, któremu poświęca się coraz więcej uwagi z racji potencjalnego wpływu toksycznego na zdrowie ludzi oraz zwierząt. Przemysł farmaceutyczny jest jedną z najprężniej rozwijających się gałęzi przemysłu, a postępujące choroby przewlekłe i cywilizacyjne, jak również zwiększająca się świadomość profilaktyki oraz suplementacji, przekładają się na coraz częstsze stosowanie wszelkich środków farmaceutycznych. Do najczęściej pojawiających się leków w wodach oraz glebach zalicza się niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne (NLPZ) i przeciwbólowe, antybiotyki, środki hormonalne, β-blokery, regulatory lipidów, leki psychotropowe i przeciwpadaczkowe oraz inne substancje aktywne (m.in. kofeinę). Przedostają się one do ekosystemu wraz z nieprawidłowo składowanymi odpadami medycznymi czy przemysłowymi, wodą z kąpieli i odchodami oraz spływem z pól uprawnych nawożonych obornikiem. Liczne badania wykazały, iż konwencjonalne oczyszczalnie ścieków nie są wystarczająco skuteczne w ich usuwaniu, dlatego poszukuje się innowacyjne i bardziej skuteczne metody likwidowania zanieczyszczeń farmaceutycznych ze ścieków.
The presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment is a complex issue that is receiving increasing attention due to their potential toxic impact on human and animal health. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most dynamically developing Industries, and progressive chronic and civilization diseases, as well as the increasing awareness of prevention and supplementation, translate into the increasingly frequent use of all pharmaceuticals. The most common drugs that appear in water and soil include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAlDs) and analgesics, antibiotics, hormonal agents, b-blockers, lipid regulators, psychotropic and antiepileptic drugs, and other active substances (including caffeine). They enter the ecosystem along with improperly stored medical or industrial waste, bathing water and feces, as well as run of from farmlands fertilized with manure. Numerous studies have shown that conventional sewage treatment plants are not effective enough in the removal of these active substances, therefore innovative and more effective methods for the treatment of pharmaceutical contaminants in wastewater are being sought.
Chloridazon był herbicydem stosowanym w uprawach buraka cukrowego, powodował hamowanie procesu fotosyntezy jednorocznych chwastów szerokolistnych. W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach chloridazon uznawano za nieszkodliwy, dlatego był chętnie stosowany przez rolników w wielu krajach. Rozkłada się on na dwa metabolity: chloridazon-desfenyl i chloridazon-metylo-desfenyl. Ze względu na swoją polarność i rozpuszczalność metabolity te zaliczane są do związków mobilnych, w związku z czym mogą zanieczyszczać wody powierzchniowe i gruntowe. Metabolity te mogą pojawić się również w wodzie przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi. Chociaż nie są one herbicydami, należy je monitorować, gdyż ich kumulacja i długotrwałe utrzymywanie się w wodzie może stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie najnowszych doniesień literaturowych dotyczących zanieczyszczenia wody herbicydami ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chloridazonu i jego metabolitów oraz wskazanie możliwości ich eliminacji z wody.
Chloridazon was an herbicide used in sugar beet crops; inhibited the photosynthesis process of annual broad-leaved weeds. In recent decades, chloridazon has been considered harmiess, so farmers in many countries have used it. Chloridazon is broken down into two metabolites: chloridazon-desphenyl and chloridazon-methyl-desphenyl. As a result of their polarity and solubility, these metabolites are classified as mobile compounds, therefore, they can contaminate surface and groundwater.These metabolites may also occur in water intended for human consumption. Although chloridazon metabolites are not herbicides, they should be monitored because their accumulation and long-term persistence in water can pose a threat to human health.The purpose of this article is to present the latest literature reports on herbicide water contamination, with particular emphasis on chloridazon and its metabolites, and to indicate the possibility of their elimination from water.
We compared different net sampling methods for microplastic quantitative collection by sampling different water volumes with nets of different mesh sizes. Sampling covered freshwater lake and reservoir with a significant degree of eutrophication located in Central Poland. The fibres were the main type of plastic collected from sampling sites and constituted 83% of all microplastic particles. Fibres of 700-1900 μm dominated in the samples. The size of mesh affected the amount of fibres collected. Small fibres of 10-200 μm in length were collected using only a fine net of 20 μm mesh size. The total amount of fibres depended on sample volumes; concentrations of microplastics were higher for smaller water volumes. It is likely that clogging with phytoplankton and suspended particles reduced the filtration capacity of the finest nets when large volumes were sampled, which led to an underestimation of microplastic. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence that the amount of small microfibres depends on mesh size and that the total microplastic abundance in freshwaters in Poland depends on the sample volume. We suggest sampling rather larger than smaller water volumes to assess the level of microplastic contamination more accurately, but clogging, which reduces the filtration capacity of finest nets, should be taken into account when eutrophic freshwater environments are studied.
This paper addresses the historical environmental impact of Bydgoszcz’s ‘Old Gasworks’, located on Jagiellońska Street on the Brda River-one of Poland’s oldest and longest-operating gas production facilities. Municipal gas derived from dry coal distillation served both municipal and industrial purposes until 1973. However, the production process, marked by significant nuisances, particularly affected the ground and water environment. Pollutants, primarily organic compounds such as aromatic hydrocarbons, including PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and BTEX hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes), phenol and mineral oil, entered the environment through equipment failures, leaks, and the improper storage of wastewater and technological waste. One of the major sources of contamination was inadequately executed construction activities related to the dismantling of installations and the liquidation of sewage and waste storage tanks. This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive study focusing on hydrocarbon concentrations in groundwater at the ‘Old Gasworks’ in Bydgoszcz and proposes effective methods for treating the water environment.
Microplastics are emerging pollutants, formed through weathering, with sizes equal to or smaller than 5 mm. They can reach surface and groundwater sources, as well as oceans and seas through natural pathways or from the discharge of liquid effluents, causing immeasurable effects on human beings. This study aimed to evaluate the optimal conditions for the removal of polyethylene (PE) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) microplastics through coagulation and flocculation processes using aluminum sulfate. To achieve this goal, two 22 full factorial designs were employed, including two replicates at the central points. The sizes of the microplastics were fixed at 0.6 mm and 0.9 mm for PE and EPS, respectively. The selected independent variables were Al2 (SO4)3 and pH. The experiments were conducted considering rapid mixing parameters (400 rpm for 1 min), slow mixing (100 rpm for 15 min), and sedimentation (30 min), with a velocity of 0.1 cm•min–1 in the Jar Test. Turbidity determination was applied to quantify the remaining microplastics. Consequently, it was observed that the highest efficiency occurred for PE microplastics at 4.25 mg•L–1 of Al2 (SO4)3 and pH 5, and for EPS microplastics at 6.00 mg•L–1 of Al2 (SO4)3 and pH 4, resulting in removal rates of 96.81% and 96.30% and turbidity levels of 0.38 and 0.50 NTU, respectively. The removal efficiencies of microplastics were similar, with a decrease at pH 6 for both, as low ionic strength prevents the release of H+ ions.
Bintuni Bay is considered one of the largest mangrove ecosystems in the world, and it has benefited a lot to local inhabitants and the surrounding ecosystem by underpinning and maintaining ecosystem balances. This study assesses various environmental factors that affect the flow of the Bintuni River and mangrove ecosystems as a result of potential degradation due to various anthropogenic activities and small-scale industries along the river. Several environmental parameters were collected, measured, and analyzed in the laboratory, while mangrove seedlings were measured and calculated at five different locations to obtain the importance value index (IVI). The results indicated slightly varied environmental parameters and concentrations at the five locations. However, there was no significant difference in the environmental parameters between the five different locations (p-value of 0.953 > 0.05, 95% of CI). Mangrove seedlings were distributed evenly along the five different locations which were indicated by the number of individuals (ind/ha). There was no significant correlation among these environmental parameters because of the low concentrations of chemical and biological compounds in the water. Moreover, mangroves can regenerate, grow, and exist even in extreme and unbalanced environmental niches.
Wyniki Państwowego Monitoringu Środowiska jednoznacznie wskazują na złą jakość wód w Polsce, czego negatywne skutki są obserwowane z coraz większą intensywnością. Pomimo rosnących wysiłków, związanych zarówno z monitoringiem, jak i prewencją, nadal efekty tych działań nie są w pełni widoczne. Stąd coraz częściej wskazuje się na konieczność działania systemowego, wprowadzającego nowe podejście do zarządzania zasobami wodnymi. Zgodnie z założeniami ekohydrologii, nowa strategia powinna obejmować gospodarowanie wodami w skali zlewni i wykorzystywać naturalne procesy zachodzące w środowisku. Przykładem takich działań są rozwiązania bliskie naturze, które mogą skutecznie ograniczać negatywny wpływ człowieka na środowisko wodne. Niewątpliwie ważnym krokiem w rozwoju tych metod było opracowanie i wdrożenie sekwencyjnego systemu sedymentacyjno-biofiltracyjnego. Ponad 20 lat doświadczeń w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu tych systemów pozwala na zaprezentowanie zagadnienia oraz przedstawienie rekomendacji. Wykorzystanie naturalnych rozwiązań powinno stać się priorytetem w ograniczaniu presji wywieranej przez człowieka na środowisko wodne.
The State Environmental Monitoring results unequivocally indicate that the quality of water in Poland is low and its consequences are recorded with a growing intensity. Despite growing efforts related both to monitoring and prevention, the effects of these actions are not fully visible. Hence the necessity of a systemic action, introducing a new approach to water resources management. According to the ecohydrology assumptions, such new strategy should include water management on the river basin scale and use natural processes taking place in the environment. An example of such actions are Nature-Based Solutions that may efficiently mitigate the negative human impact on the water environment. An important step in development of these methods was undoubtedly elaboration and implementation of the Sequentional Sedimentation-Biofiltration System. Over 20 years of experience in design and implementation of these systems constitutes the basis for presentation of these solutions and issuing recommendations. The use of natural solutions should became a priority in mitigating the anthropopressure in the water environment.
Hospital effluents are one of the main sources of contamination of groundwater and rivers if they are collected by urban networks and sent to wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), without prior treatment. These effluents are potential vectors of resistant pathogenic bacteria and could contribute to the spread of these strains in the environment. The Sebou River is used as a receptacle for domestic water treatment from the city of Kenitra. The main of the study is to analyze the effect of pH (8.2, 7.5, and 6.5) at a temperature of 22°C on the behavior of three pathogenic bacteria isolated from urine in filtered and sterilized water Sebou River. The water of Sebou River was inoculated with the three bacterial strains tested by a concentration that varied from 106–108 CFU/mL, then incubated for 30 days. The results of the obtained analyses showed that the pH affects the survival of the tested bacterial strains. For some strains, the alkaline pH at 22°C is a beneficial effect that prolongs survival. The main finding from the study was that the three strains of Escherichia coli at a pH of 8.2 have a better survival that reaches the 7th day and then declines. On the other hand, with a strain of Klebsiella pneumoni and Staphylococcus aureus at pH 7.5, the action effects are harmful; it limits survival to 72 hours and causes a rapid decrease in the number of bacteria. We have shown in our experiments that bacteria survive much better at low temperatures and basic pH.
Batik industry liquid waste in Ulu Gedong Village, DanauTeluk District, Jambi City,must be managed so it doesn’t pollute the surrounding environment. Many factors influence the need for properly treated batik liquid waste. Thus, it is necessary to know what factors cause pollution and the right strategy for managing Batik industry wastewater in Ulu Gedong Village, DanauTeluk District, Jambi City. The aims of this study were (1) to analyze aspects that influence the liquid waste management strategy for Batik industries in Ulu Gedong Vil-lage, DanauTeluk District, Jambi City, (2) to determine the appropriate strategy for managing Batik industry wastewater in Ulu Gedong Village, DanauTeluk District, Jambi City.The number of respondents in this study consisted of 20 people using the Analytic Network Process method and using the “Super Decision” software. The results showed that the most influential aspects in the management of Batik industry liquid waste in Ulu Gedong Village, DanauTeluk District, namely Cultural aspects (0.92), Economic (0.80), Social (0.45), Manage-ment (0.42), and Technical (0.41). The main priority in the Batik industry liquid waste management strategy is providing convenience and incentives to businesses participating in wastewater management, such as granting business licenses and tax breaks. So it is hoped that the role of the Jambi City government can strive to provide convenience and incentive assistance to batik entrepreneurs who have or want to build batik Wastewater Man-agement Installation facilities.
Environmental concern implies a degree of basic dynamism aimed at safeguarding ecosystems against any type of pollution and better management of the environment. Wastewater is mainly composed of water and other materials that represent only a small part of wastewater, but can be present in sufficient quantities to endanger public health and the environment, so before discharging wastewater into the natural environment, it is necessary to define its parameters to have information on the composition and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of wastewater and their impacts on the receiving environment. The goal of the conducted work was to determine the degree of wastewater pollution in Fez based on the results of physicochemical analysis of samples collected from various stations in 2021. The temperature varies between 24.6°C and 29.9°C in wet periods and between 26.5°C and 38.3°C in dry periods, the pH is alkaline to neutral with high turbidity levels, especially in wet periods, for dissolved oxygen, the wastewater of the city of Fez is under saturated in oxygen, which accentuates anaerobic fermentation and the release of bad odors, and the average values of the BOD5 are higher than 100 mg O2/l considered. These wastewaters are rated as being of very poor quality. COD values are greater than 500 mg of O2/l, which is considered the limit value for direct rejections. Nitrate concentrations are highest in S1, with a value of 12.83 mg/l in the dry period. The recorded contents of orthophosphates and total phosphorus do not vary significantly. The obtained values are higher than the WHO recommended wastewater discharge standards. At the conclusion of this research, it was discovered that the wastewater in the city of Fez is of poor to very poor quality.
Content available remote Nanocząstki w wodach powierzchniowych
Zwrócono uwagę na jeden z najpoważniejszych problemów zanieczyszczeń wód, a mianowicie na obecność zanieczyszczeń niedostrzegalnych gołym okiem, mikro- i nanocząstek plastików. Badania przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem technologii DLS. Technika ta wykorzystuje działanie wiązki laserowej i można za jej pomocą określić wielkość cząstek. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów stwierdzono, że w wybranych wodach powierzchniowych znajdują się mikrocząstki plastików wielkości poniżej 500 nm, a zrzut ścieku oczyszczonego z oczyszczalni ścieków nie wpływa znacząco na ich wielkość.
Water samples taken from the San River were detd. for the presence of plastic nanoparticles using the dynamic light scattering method. Samples taken directly from the river water and after pre-treatment with ultrasound and filtration were analyzed. The presence of particles with a size of 14-500 nm was found and the discharge of treated waste-water did not visibly affect their size.
Badanie jakości wody opiera się na jej analizie mikrobiologicznej pod kątem organizmów wskaźnikowych, czyli takich, które świadczą o konkretnym poziomie zanieczyszczenia. Jednym z głównych tego typu wskaźników jest Escherichia coli.
The objective of the work was to evaluate the influence of gold nanoparticles, obtained by laser ablation, on the photocatalytic action of titanium dioxide in the improvement of the physical-chemical parameters of domestic greywater, with visualization by means of a PLC. The YAG laser equipment was used for the production of spherical gold nanoparticles, whereas the Raman spectroscope allowed characterizing the different particles contained in aqueous solutions. The solar photoreactor programmable and viewable from PLC with connection to sensors allowed determining the variations of the pH, EC, DO and FCL parameters. The work consisted of a control group (greywater + titanium dioxide) and an experimental group (greywater + titanium dioxide + gold nanoparticles). The titanium dioxide doses for both groups were 0.5 mg/L and the gold nanoparticles were 0.20 ml per liter of greywater only for the control group. The experiments were carried out on sunny days with the exposure periods of 30 and 60 minutes around solar noon with an average UV index of 13.35. Once the experiments were carried out, it was determined that the pH improved by 5.30%, EC by 3.03%, DO by 29.3% and FCL by 43.71%, so that the gold nanoparticles dissolved in the aqueous solution of titanium dioxide with greywater positively influenced the improvement of the photocatalytic action of titanium dioxide in the physical-chemical parameters of greywater.
A new approach for sites prioritization and designing measures on land drainage was developed and tested on the 96.5 km2 Žejbro catchment (Czech Republic). The aim was to design an effective, mutually interconnected system of measures, on tiles, manholes, outlets as well as on ditches (s.c. main drainage facilities, MDF) that will increase water retention and storage in intensively farmed and tile-drained catchments and will reduce water pollution from subsurface non-point sources (drainage runoff). This approach consists of (I) selecting suitable sites using the Catchment Measures Need Index (CAMNI) method; (II) obtaining information on land drainage in the area of interest; (III) conducting a field survey and water quality monitoring; (IV) designing appropriate systems of measures; and (V) analysing the estimated costs of the proposed measures. Measures were proposed for fourteen sub-catchments that were selected based on the results of a CAMNI analysis and whether an MDF or a heavily modified stream is present. A total of 44 point measures, 62 areal measures, and 99 line measures were proposed. Implementation of these measures would reduce the load of N-NO3, a major pollutant from drainage runoff, by 44 tons per year (48%). From the financial point of view, these measures are not self-financing and the benefits do not cover the expected costs of their implementation and maintenance. However, these measures have a profound ecological and societal benefits which, when taken into account, make these measures suitable for implementation when (co-)financed from public budgets. Putting the presented approach into practice, for example, in the framework of complex land consolidations or by watershed management authorities, could significantly improve the condition and water regime of intensively drained agricultural landscapes.
This paper focused on the fate of pollution and management of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) and heavy metals in the Zarqa River Basin in Jordan. The Zarqa River basin was selected in this research because it contains the majority of Jordanian industries, which are the main source of pollutants including Cr(VI) and heavy metals. This will help in assisting water resource management organizations in decision making when coping with pollution. Industries related to sources and impacts of Cr(VI) and heavy metals were identified, and the administration measures were highlighted according to their role in improving water quality. An analysis of water samples along the Zarqa River was conducted between 2016-2019 to evaluate the heavy metals concentrations and compare the results with the Jordanian standards. Findings showed that Cr(VI) was below the allowable limits (<5 μg/l), and the heavy metals were within the allowed limits set forth in the Jordanian Standard. The ranges of water analysis values (μg/L) were; DO 4640–6480, Fe <40–80, Mn 20–128, Co <20–30, Pb 80–190, Zn 70–100, and Cu <80–190, Al 700–730, V <70–100, B <300–351, Si 1100–1800, Ni 30, and Cd <10. These findings indicated that the quality of the Zarqa River would not cause hazardous effects. However, this was not the case few years ago due the current protection measures. At present some industries have been relocated from the Zarqa Basin to an area that does not pose any environmental hazards, while the rest of industries remained in the basin, but they have established an on-site treatment plant for industrial waste under the control of Jordanian government, and the enforcement of the environmental protection law. These measures must be monitored and updated by decision makers in a sustainable manner to prevent any water pollution.
Water pollution in rivers is still a crucial problem for the countries that use river water as the primary water source. This study aimed to determine the water quality of the Musi river and the content of heavy metals in water, sediment and mussels as well as to predict the water quality of the Musi river in the next five years. The water samples were taken from 18 stations (sampling points) from upstream to downstream to be checked physically, chemically and biologically. Prediction of the river water quality was made using the QUAL2Kw software. The research results show that the Musi River water is categorized as lightly polluted with concentrations of TSS and DO that have passed the threshold. The heavy metals in river water, such as Pb and Cr have also passed the quality standard. The Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations are pretty high in the sediment. In turn, in mussels, the metals measured were Fe, Cu, and Zn. The prediction results reveal that several values of the river quality parameters will pass the threshold value with the same pattern tendency from each station.
In Turkey, the renewable water potential per capita is rapidly decreasing in response to the increasing population. Of the 234 billion m3 renewable water potential of our country, 41 billion m3 consists of groundwater and 193 billion m3 consists of rivers. One of the measures to be taken in order to protect renewable water resources in our country, which is not rich in water, is to try to minimize the damage to ground and surface waters caused by solid and liquid wastes that occur in animal shelters. This damage occurs especially with the washing of negatively charged nitrate in the fertilizer content by factors such as precipitation and the increase in the nitrate level of water resources. For the prevention and reduction of environmental problems arising from the said polycultural enterprises; Ecological evaluation of the transition to sustainable farming methods is one of the elements of urgency for the ecological sustainability of animal husbandry. In this study; the definition, scope and briefly the principles of sustainable agricultural methods for the management of nitrate pollution, which is one of the most important parameters that cause water pollution from agricultural production, are emphasized, the reasons for the transition to sustainable agricultural methods are explained, and the necessity and applicability of closely monitoring these developments in İzmir, which has a great potential in terms of animal existence, has been discussed on a basin basis. In addition, in terms of different animal production branches, the situation of animal manure management infrastructure together with plant production has been evaluated and some suggestions have been made with innovative strategies on the basis of basin that can be an example pilot.
W środowisku wodnym można odnaleźć niemal wszystkie pierwiastki chemiczne, jednak większość z nich występuje w śladowych ilościach. Związki mineralne oraz organiczne, pochodzenia naturalnego i antropogenicznego, dostają się do wód w trakcie cyklu krążenia wody w przyrodzie. Niektóre z nich mogą być toksyczne, inne negatywnie wpływać na środowisko wodne.
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