The World Meteorological Organisation predicts an increase in average annual temperature. As a result of climate change in Slovakia, one can expect changes in the distribution of precipitation and moisture availability, changes in the temperature availability of crop production, changes in wintering conditions, and many others. The aim of this work was the analysis of agroclimatic indicators for the period 1961–1990 and 1991–2020. The results showed an increase in the sums of temperatures in the growing season. Also, the increase in temperature resulted in a change in the zones of the agroclimatic indicator of moisture and the agroclimatic indicator of wintering. The zones have been shifting to higher altitudes throughout Slovakia.
W artykule omówiono możliwości wykorzystania prostych i tanich indykatorów temperatury w zastosowaniu do kontroli jakości pracy przede wszystkim różnego rodzaju złączy stykowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań dynamiki działania wybranych indykatorów w zależności od przebiegu procesu nagrzewania kontrolowanego obiektu. Sformułowano odpowiednie wnioski odnośnie do możliwości wykorzystania przedmiotowych indykatorów w praktyce.
A potential of use of simple and cheap temperature indicators for quality control of operation mainly of various types of contact connections has been discussed in the paper. The results of research on dynamics of operation of chosen indicators depending on a process of heating of an object to be controlled have been presented as well. Appropriate conclusions that the indicators may be used in practice have been formulated.
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