Medicinal plants have a huge significance today as it is the root resource to treat several ailments and medical disorders that do not find a satisfactory cure using allopathy. The manual and physical identification of such plants requires experience and expertise and it can be a gradual and cumbersome task, in addition to resulting in inaccurate decisions. In an attempt to automate this decision making, a data set of leaves of 10 medicinal plant species were prepared and the Gray-level Co-occurence Matrix (GLCM) features were extracted. From our earlier implementations of the several machine learning algorithms, the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm was identified as best suited for classification using MATLAB 2019a and has been adopted here. Based on the confusion matrices for various k values, the optimum k was selected and the hardware implementation was implemented for the classifier on FPGA in this work. An accuracy of 88.3% was obtained for the classifier from the confusion chart. A custom intellectual property (IP) for the design is created and its verification is done on the ZedBoard for three classes of plants.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to examine the specific issues concerning intellectual property protection in the development and functioning of smart city. The authors describe Polish law of intellectual property protection and interpret it in terms of actions carried out when the smart city is created, implemented, and then managed. Design/methodology/approach: This work uses the formal and dogmatic method typical of legal sciences. It contains the content of legal norms and their interpretation, and is based on the analysis of the literature as well. Findings: There are many areas where the law of intellectual property protection is directly related to acts taken when a city is transformed into smart city, covering the scope of copyright and industrial property. They are mentioned and analysed and their implications for city management are discussed. Practical implications: We have shown what smart city managers should know from the scope of intellectual property regulations. This lets them to avoid infringement of someone else's intellectual property on the one hand and to be aware of how to protect the effort put into development work. Social implications: The article enriches the theory both of legal sciences and management sciences. From the managerial point of view, it broadens the competences of local government managers. From a legal point of view, the work analyzes provisions on the protection of intellectual property in the context of reforming the city towards a smart city as well as of its functionning. Originality/value: It is one of the few, if not the first, study in Polish literature dedicated to the issues of intellectual property protection in smart city.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to show in detail the quantitative dimension of industrial property protection in the form of indexes of the innovative development of the Polish economy in the first two decades of the 21st century. Design/methodology/approach: A review of the literature on the subject as well as other sources in the form of legal acts and statistical data from the Central Statistical Office. Findings: The conducted research allowed for an analysis of changes in the number of notified solutions in the field of industrial property and their interpretation, leading to, regrettably, not very optimistic conclusions as to the limited effectiveness of Poland’s innovation policy. Research limitations/implications: The adopted research method of literature review has many limitations and is not a perfect way to obtain data. Practical implications: The conducted research and analysis make it possible to assess not only the level of innovative activity in terms of the number of applications for the protection of industrial property rights, but also changes in the number of approved solutions. On this basis, the conclusion can be drawn that there has been hardly any improvement in the level of innovativeness of the Polish economy, primarily with regard to the achievement of measurable effects. In possible further research, it seems important to attempt a comparative analysis, based on available data on the amount of expenditures on innovative activities. Originality/value: The value of the paper consists in systematising huge data sets (time series) amassed over a period of more than two decades and using them to perform diachronic analyses.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu światowe literatury w zakresie ochrony własności intelektualne w sektorze energetycznym w kontekście transformacji energetyczne. Na przykładzie spółek energetycznych notowanych na GPW w Warszawie ukazano jak zmieniała się liczba zgłoszeń patentowych na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch dekad. Podjęto również próbę oszacowania korelacji między ilością zgłoszeń patentowych a wartością rynkową spółek energetycznych.
The article reviews the global literature on intellectual property protection in the energy sector in the context of the energy transformation. An evidence of energy companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange was applied to show how the number of patent applications has changed over the past two decades. An attempt was also made to estimate the correlation between the number of patent applications and the market value of listed energy companies.
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Introduction/background: The importance to an organisation of a management plan for the projects it carries out raises the question of how it can be protected from use by other organisations, particularly competing businesses. Aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to answer the question of whether a project management plan can be protected by the organisation using it against its use by another entity and, if so, on what legal basis and in what proceedings. Materials and methods: The considerations in this article are based on the literature on the subject and on the case law of common and administrative courts. These materials have been subjected to critical analysis. Results and conclusions: The analysis carried out leads to the conclusion that the project management plan qualifies as a work within the meaning of copyright law and, moreover, can be protected as a business secret under the provisions on combating unfair competition.
Under current legislation, an institution of higher education may only form single-person companies (special purpose vehicles) for the purpose of indirect commercialisation, consisting in subscribing to or acquiring shares in companies or subscribing to subscription warrants entitling them to acquire shares in companies to implement or prepare for the application of the results of scientific research or the related know-how. The results of scientific research may contribute to improving cybersecurity.
Ustawodawca wskazuje, że uczelnia w celu komercjalizacji pośredniej polegającej na obejmowaniu lub nabywaniu udziałów lub akcji w spółkach lub obejmowaniu warrantów subskrypcyjnych uprawniających do zapisu lub objęcia akcji w spółkach w celu wdrożenia lub przygotowania do wdrożenia wyników działalności naukowej lub know-how związanego z tymi wynikami może tworzyć wyłącznie jednoosobowe spółki kapitałowe (spółki celowe). Wyniki działalności naukowej mogą służyć poprawie cyberbezpieczeństwa.
Renewable energy development is crucial for resolving global warming issues and achieving sustainable development goals. The objective of this paper is to reveal renewable energy trends using statistical data to identify the most developed technologies in the field, their distribution by territory, checking the interrelation between investments in R&D and patent activity. The changes in total investments made in renewables are studied for 2004–2019 and the increasing trend has been observed with some fluctuations in certain years, major current investments in solar and wind energy are detected. The dynamics of international patenting activity in solar and wind technologies, geothermal and fuel cells, the total number of PCT applications over the past 10 years by geographic region are considered. The results show some differences across various renewable technologies. Solar is the most patented, wind and fuel cells are less patented but solar and wind have shown an uptrend for the last five years, while fuel cell technologies showed a decline after 2008. Geothermal is the least patented. The comparison between investment and patent application trends in renewables undercovers some important issues – the leading role of Japan in patenting under the PCT procedure, while China is a major investor in renewable energy; the US and Europe with big investments in renewables are also leading in patent registration. Correlation between investment in R&D and patenting activity in the field of global renewable energy should be emphasized (correlation coefficient R = 0,849 for 2002–2019). Since private and public investment is strongly stimulated by domestic renewable energy policies, IP indicators can help identify policy instruments and their effectiveness within the further research framework.
Rozwój energii odnawialnej ma kluczowe znaczenie dla rozwiązania problemów związanych z globalnym ociepleniem i osiągnięcia celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zadaniem niniejszego artykułu jest ujawnienie trendów energii odnawialnej przy użyciu danych statystycznych w celu zidentyfikowania najbardziej rozwiniętych technologii w tej dziedzinie, ich terytorialnej dystrybucji, sprawdzenie zależności między inwestycjami w B + R a działalnością patentową. Zbadano jak zmieniały się nakłady inwestycyjne ogółem w odnawialne źródła energii w latach 2004–2019 i zaobserwowano tendencję wzrostową z pewnymi wahaniami w niektórych latach. Obecnie zauważyć można popularność dużych inwestycji w energię słoneczną i wiatrową. Uwzględniono dynamikę międzynarodowej działalności patentowej w zakresie technologii słonecznych i wiatrowych, geotermii i ogniw paliwowych, całkowitą liczbę wniosków PCT w ciągu ostatnich 10 lat w podziale na regiony geograficzne. Wyniki pokazują różnice w zależności od badanych technologii odnawialnych. Najczęściej patentowane są technologie ogniw słonecznych, zaś najmniej patentów dotyczy technologii wiatrowych i ogniw paliwowych, ale energia słoneczna i wiatrowa wykazują tendencję wzrostową w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat, podczas gdy technologie ogniw paliwowych wykazały spadek po 2008 r. Najmniej opatentowanych rozwiązań dotyczy technologii geotermalnych. Porównanie trendów inwestycyjnych i patentowych dotyczących odnawialnych źródeł energii ujawnia kilka ważnych kwestii: wiodącą rolę Japonii w patentowaniu w ramach procedury PCT, podczas gdy Chiny są głównym inwestorem w odnawialne źródła energii; Stany Zjednoczone i Europa z dużymi inwestycjami w odnawialne źródła energii również przodują w rejestracji patentów. Należy podkreślić korelację między inwestycjami w B + R a działalnością patentową w zakresie energetyki odnawialnej (współczynnik korelacji R = 0,849 dla lat 2002–2019). Ponieważ inwestycje prywatne i publiczne są silnie stymulowane przez krajową politykę w zakresie energii odnawialnej, wskaźniki IP (Intellectual Property indicators) mogą pomóc w określeniu instrumentów polityki i ich skuteczności w toku dalszych badań.
Introduction/background: The aim of the article is to check whether the holistic approach in the case of high-tech industries is the optimal solution in the field of M&A process analysis. Aim of the paper: Two research hypotheses were formulated: H1 – It is impossible to create an effective universal holistic model for even a single high-tech industry. H2 – The key element of the process of assessing the validity of M&A processes is the potential use value of the acquired knowledge and/or technology. Materials and methods: A quantitative analysis of articles relating to holistic models and sources relating to the specificity of specific market M&A processes were used. Results and conclusions: The results obtained revealed that the analysis of selected mergers and acquisitions allowed it to be stated that the key aspect determining the success or failure of the M&A process is the value of the acquired knowledge and technology and its applicability within the newly created organisational structures. It was also found that holistic models, apart from being cost-intensive and time-consuming, are also characterised by a lack of standardisation of the model and the lack of assessment at both the level of one industry and within a single branch of the economy. Thus, the creation and application of universal holistic models in high-tech industries may turn out to be ineffective and lead to decision errors at the level of the company's development strategy.
Too often traditional internal patent management strategies are used, while the exploitation of the newer notion of external patenting would allow to capture greater value. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify and analyse the most common external patent exploitation motives and its forms. The research method applied is the literature review in the area of strategic management. As the analysis has shown, the motives of external patent exploitation can be divided into strategic (internal and external) and monetary motives, which allowed their clearer depiction. The most popular forms of external patent exploitation are: licensing out, cross-licensing, patent pools, patent selling, joint ventures and strategic alliances. Their use is dependent on multiple factors and connected with specific advantages and risks, as exemplified in the article.
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The article discusses issues of copyright and related rights in the light of the provisions that are in force in Poland. The concepts of 'work' and 'creator' are presented, and attention is called to abuses related to attributing authorship of someone else's work. The topic of disposing of the rights to a work created under an employment relationship and the issue of contracts concluded are discussed. The problem of intellectual property rights in projects carried out for the Ministry of National Defence is also raised.
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W artykule omówiono zagadnienia prawa autorskiego i praw pokrewnych w świetle obowiązujących w kraju przepisów. Przedstawiono pojęcie utworu i twórcy, zwrócono uwagę na nadużycia związane z przypisywaniem autorstwa cudzego utworu. Omówiono temat dysponowania prawami do utworu stworzonego w ramach stosunku pracy oraz kwestię zawieranych umów. Poruszono również problem praw własności intelektualnych w projektach wykonywanych na rzecz Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej.
The article discusses issues of copyright and related rights in the light of the provisions that are in force in Poland. The concepts of 'work' and 'creator' are presented, and attention is called to abuses related to attributing authorship of someone else's work. The topic of disposing of the rights to a work created under an employment relationship and the issue of contracts concluded are discussed. The problem of intellectual property rights in projects carried out for the Ministry of National Defence is also raised.
W artykule zajęto się projektami racjonalizatorskimi jako formą działalności innowacyjnej. Projekty racjonalizatorskie rozumiane jako innowacyjne inicjatywy przeanalizowano jako wartościowe, wewnętrzne źródło pochodzenia innowacji. Źródła endogeniczne innowacji to wszystkie wyniki prac własnego zaplecza technicznego i badawczego, kół jakości, kadry kierowniczej czy racjonalizatorów. Źródła wewnętrzne dotyczą przede wszystkim małych innowacji. Są to jednak źródła bardzo cenne a korzystanie z nich jest bardzo efektywne. Analizę empiryczną przeprowadzono jako pogłębione studium przypadku działającego systemu oceny projektów racjonalizatorskich wraz z kontekstem motywowania do określonych zachowani innowacyjnych. Realizując cel artykułu, którym była próba zbadania znaczenia projektów racjonalizatorskich jako źródła innowacji, dokonano analizy ukierunkowanej na przebieg procesu pozyskania i oceny projektów racjonalizatorskich.
The paper concerns rationalization projects as the form of innovative operations. The rationalization projects perceived as innovative initiatives have been analysed as a valuable, internal source of innovation origin. Endogenous sources of innovation are all the results of works of own technical and research teams, quality associations, managerial staff or rationalizers. Internal sources concern first of all small innovations. However, these are very valuable sources and their utilization is very effective. Empirical analysis has been performed as an extended case study of a live system related to evaluation of rationalization project together with motivation context for specified innovative behaviours. Considering the paper objective, which is an attempt to investigate the meaning of rationalization projects as a source of innovation, one has performed an analysis oriented at process of winning and evaluating rationalization.
Patent, który jest prawem wyłącznym udzielanym na wynalazki ma charakter bezwzględny tzn. jest skuteczny przeciw wszystkim. Oznacza to, iż tylko uprawniony z patentu może rozporządzać swoim prawem, korzystać z niego oraz pobierać z niego pożytki. Krajowe regulacje prawne przewidują jednak instytucję licencji przymusowej, która stanowi wyjątek od powyższej zasady. Oznacza to, iż w pewnych, ściśle określonych sytuacjach możliwe jest udzielenie prawa do korzystania z opatentowanego wynalazku nawet bez zgody uprawnionego z patentu. Celem artykułu jest prawna analiza dopuszczalności stosowania instytucji licencji przymusowej w świetle bezwzględnego charakteru prawa wyłącznego na wynalazek. Autor wskazuje także na analogię do znanego i powszechnie stosowanego prawa własności, które podobnie jak prawo wyłączne udzielane na wynalazek ma charakter bezwzględny, to znaczy jest skuteczne erga omnes i podobnie jak w przypadku patentu znane są wyjątki od tej zasady. W artykule zaprezentowano także propozycje zmian regulacji prawnych w analizowanym zakresie.
The patent which is an exclusive law granted for inventions has ruthless character i.e. is effective against everyone. That’s why only authorised from the patent is able to dispose it, to use it and to enjoy the profits from it. However domestic regulations present the institution of the compulsory licence which constitutes the exception to the above-mentioned rule. That’s why sometimes it’s possible to let to use the invention even without permission of the patent holder. A legal analysis of applying the institution of the compulsory licence in the light of ruthless character of the exclusive law for invention is a purpose of the article. The author is pointing also at the analogy to the known and universally used ownership title, which similarly to the exclusive law for the invention has ruthless character. It means that it is effective erga omnes and similarly as in case of the invention exceptions to this principle are well-known. The article presents also proposals for changes of regulations in the analysed scope.
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Paper addresses the different methods for protecting intellectual property in modern knowledge-based economies. The focus of the paper is a comparison between the procedures for applying for patents in Poland and the United States. The comparison has been made from the perspective of the cost of obtaining and maintaining a patent in Poland, the United States and some other countries. The comparison has also been made from the perspective of the procedures for applying for a patent in different countries based on the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The paper also includes a comparison of the time needed for processing the patent application. Low cost provisional twelve-month patent pending protection available in the United States is also being discussed. The paper also provides some guidance and recommendations for conducting a patent search in order to validate the originality of the invention.
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