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Content available remote Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region
Droughts and heatwaves are natural phenomena that can cause severe damage to the economy, infrastructure, human health, and agriculture, among others. However, in recent years, it has been noted that their combined effect, known as compound drought and heatwave events (CDHE), often results in even greater harm. The main aim of this study was to identify CDHEs in this region during summers from 1950 to 2022 and assess the frequency and intensity of these events. To this end, the periods of droughts and heatwaves that occurred between 1950 and 2022 were determined, and the recurrence, extent, and intensity of these phenomena were evaluated. In this study, 1-month Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) values calculated for each summer day were used to identify droughts, while heatwaves were defined as a period of five or more consecutive days when the daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) was higher than the 90th percentile of Tmax. Precipitation and Tmax data (with a spatial resolution 0.25° x 0.25°) were obtained from the European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecast ERA-5 reanalysis dataset. The study showed that in most of the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region, the number of drought days had decreased from 1950 to 2022, while the number of heatwave days had increased significantly. In total, ten CDHEs were identified during the summers of 1950–2022. Eight of these events were recorded in 1994 or later. However, a statistically significant increase of CDHEs was found only in a small part of the study area.
This case study analyzes the history, controversies, implications, and uncertainty in constructing the Lake Powell Pipeline (LPP) to evaluate how the state of Utah has been addressing the larger problem of responding to growing local demands for water within a regional context of reductions and cuts in water allocations. The research uses a multimethod approach, namely, analysis of historical documents, interviews, literature review, and field notes to link this case’s overlapping factors affecting the viability of LPP. The paper is divided into five sections: (1) an introductory review of the political and technological history of the Colorado River; (2) a description of the arguments and controversies related to the construction of LPPs; (3), identifying how the history of the Colorado River and LPP are deeply connected; (4) analysis of the properties of water infrastructure to understand what is at stake in the materialization of this project; and (5) a characterization of the complex political scenarios behind the negotiations over the LPP. The paper concludes with a reflection on how these controversies are part of a worldwide phenomenon: i.e., where building local water infrastructure is prioritized while ignoring the need for more holistic river basin policies.
This study investigates the influence of different atmospheric circulation types on wind energy production in Poland from 1948 to 2019. By utilizing the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, which provides detailed atmospheric and surface parameters, and the Litynski calendar of circulation types, this research is directed toward understanding how various circulation patterns affect wind energy generation. The study specifically focuses on periods of energy droughts (days with very low wind energy production) and energy floods (days with very high wind energy production). The analysis reveals trends, along with annual and seasonal variations in the frequency of energy droughts and floods. Over the period of study, the number of drought days varied from 51 to 108 per year, while the number of flood days varied from 44 to 97 per year. Cyclonic circulation types with NW winds are found to be the most favorable for wind energy production, leading to higher daily energy generation. Conversely, anticyclonic circulation types with winds from the north, northeast, and east are more likely to result in energy droughts. Certain seasons exhibit higher variability in the number of drought and flood days, influenced by the prevailing circulation types. The standard deviation of the number of drought days in summer is 7.3 compared to 4.8 in spring; for flood days the standard deviation for winter is 8.4 and for summer only 3.4.
The paper considers the peculiarities of the climate change influence on the dynamics of drought development in Ukraine. The analysis was performed for average long-term climatic conditions during the growing season (1981–2020) and under climate change scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 for the period of 2021–2050 (for the period as a whole and by the decades: 2021–2030, 2031–2040, 2041–2050). The drought development was studied over relatively short periods of time (ten days) at the main agroclimatic regions of Ukraine (Polissia, Forest-Steppe, Northern and Southern Steppe). The assessment of the aridity of ten-day periods was accomplished by means of a set of aridity indicators by Selyaninov, Shashko, Budagovskiy and Bova, which corrects and supplements each other; this made it possible to consider in detail the genesis of climate-induced drought in the agroclimatic regions of Ukraine. Analysis of the study results showed that the development of drought conditions in all agroclimatic regions is expected as early as in the first decade (2021–2030). According to both scenarios, from 4–6 in Polissia to 16–17 severe and very severe droughts in the Southern Steppe are expected. In the second decade (2031–2040), under RCP4.5, improvement in moistening conditions is expected in Polissia and Forest-Steppe and under RCP8.5, an increase in the level of aridity is expected in these agroclimatic regions. In the Northern Steppe and Southern Steppe the number of moderately, very and extremely dry ten-day periods will increase (from 9 to 17). In the third decade (2041–2050), under the RCP4.5 scenario, very severe aridity conditions are assumed in all agroclimatic regions. Under RCP8.5, good moistening conditions and, according to both criteria, a small number of dry ten-day periods are expected in Polissia and Forest-Steppe. As for the conditions at the Northern and Southern Steppes very severe drought conditions are expected (from 8 to 17 ten-day periods with moderate, severe and very severe drought). For 2021–2050 on the whole, there will be an increase in aridity during the growing season in all agroclimatic regions of Ukraine.
The purpose of this study was to measure the impacts of pre-anthesis drought during reproductive stages (GS31 and GS39) on triticale (X Triticosecale wittmak) yield and yield components. Four triticale genotypes (2 Local and 2 from the USA) were exposed to pre-anthesis drought stress at both the stem elongation stage (B-treatment) and flag leaf emergence stage (C-treatment). Grain yield was not affected by pre-anthesis stress. Under no stress conditions (A-treatment), a strong correlation was detected between grain yield and the number of grains per plant and plant height. Under B-treatment, yield was negatively correlated with spike length; under C-treatment, yield was positively correlated with the number of grains per plant. Drought stresses did not affect the number of grains per plant, thousand grain weight, and harvest index. This implied that the tested genotypes were drought tolerant since they form many tillers. When subjected to pre-anthesis drought it helps the plants to cover the soil surface and reduce water evaporation. JU and S1 showed fast pre-anthesis growth (early flowering cultivars), which makes them favored for further breeding. In contrast, N1 and N2 had slow pre-anthesis growth (late flowering cultivars), which enabled them to store more photosynthate pre-anthesis, which might compensate for the pre-anthesis drought effect on them.
Over the past 50 years, salinity and drought coverage have increased dramatically. The effect of salinity and drought is manifested as a stress factor in the development of agricultural crops. As a result, there is an increasing need for research aimed at evaluating the impact of extreme factors on the development of agricultural crops, including cereals and forage crops, and increasing their productivity in saline and arid regions. Triticale-Triticosecale is a hybrid of wheat (Triticum L) and rye (Secale L). It is of great importance as food for humans and fodder for livestock. This research is one of the first researches of this type, aimed at determining the germination of seeds in different cultivars of Triticale under salinity and drought conditions. Although information on the effect of temperature on the growth of the seeds of this plant is recorded in scientific sources, the lack of information on the diversity of the indicators of seed germination in Triticale cultivars under the influence of various stress factors indicates that in-depth research has not been conducted in this regard. According to the results of the research carried out in laboratory conditions, salinity and drought have a direct effect on the germination parameters of the seeds of different cultivars of Triticale. As salinity and drought levels increase, seed germination rates decrease. The data presented in the article serve to explain the difference in the germination indicators of the seeds of different cultivars of Triticale under salinity and drought, and to choose the right approach for growing this crop in saline and arid regions.
Considering challenges related to climate change, projected population growth, and increasing food demand, the long-term use of water in agriculture is becoming a pressing concern. Therefore, effective water resource management by farmers is crucial and warrants extensive scientific investigation. Consequently, the primary objective of this article was to identify pertinent studies addressing farmers' approaches, attitudes, and actions concerning water management and the adoption of water innovations. The review was conducted using the PRISMA method, serving as the foundation for subsequent quantitative and qualitative analyses. The findings suggest that water management in agriculture is gaining significance due to increasing exposure to the risk of limited water availability and complement to adapt to changing climate conditions. Previous research has predominantly focused on selected southern regions of Europe. Farmers' attitudes toward water management are primarily influenced by socio-economic and institutional factors. Education emerged as a crucial determinant in encouraging farmers to use water conservation practices.
Biorąc pod uwagę wyzwania związane ze zmianami klimatycznymi, prognozowanym wzrostem liczby ludności i rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem na żywność, długoterminowe wykorzystanie wody w rolnictwie staje się palącym problemem. Dlatego skuteczne zarządzanie zasobami wodnymi przez rolników ma kluczowe znaczenie i wymaga szeroko zakrojonych badań naukowych. W związku z tym głównym celem tego artykułu było zidentyfikowanie odpowiednich badań dotyczących podejść, postaw i działań rolników w zakresie gospodarki wodnej i przyjęcia innowacji wodnych. Przeglądu dokonano metodą PRISMA, która stała się podstawą do dalszych analiz ilościowych i jakościowych. Wyniki sugerują, że gospodarka wodna w rolnictwie zyskuje na znaczeniu ze względu na rosnące narażenie na ryzyko ograniczonej dostępności wody i konieczność dostosowania się do zmieniających się warunków klimatycznych. Poprzednie badania skupiały się głównie na wybranych południowych regionach Europy. Na podejście rolników do gospodarki wodnej wpływają przede wszystkim czynniki społeczno-ekonomiczne i instytucjonalne. Edukacja okazała się kluczowym czynnikiem zachęcającym rolników do stosowania praktyk oszczędzania wody.
One of the most common natural hazards that can endanger life and property is drought, which can happen under a variety of weather and environmental circumstances. This study aims to monitor the agricultural and metrological drought in the Wasit Province using remote sensing data. Landsat 8 images were used to create the agriculture drought maps based on the NDVI for the years 2013, and 2023. Additionally, SPI-12 was used for the same years to evaluate the meteorological drought. The findings demonstrated that while SPI readings in 2023 were lower, the SPI-12 in 2013 indicated near-normal drought types. Two types of drought have been identified: moderate and slight. The result shows that, for the year 2013 the percentage of moderate drought is 31%, slight drought 64%, and no drought 3.9% from the total area. While, in 2023 the percentage of moderate drought is 47%, slight drought 49%, and no drought 3.2% from the total area. It is noticed that in 2023, the moderate drought class increased by about 16%. Government planners may find this results valuable when developing and managing drought consequences.
Morocco is currently facing significant challenges due to the ever–changing climate, with its critical water sources crucial for agriculture, economy, and daily life being greatly affected. In order to thoroughly understand the impact of climate change on the Ghis–Nekor watershed, an in–depth study spanning 38 years (1978–2016) was conducted. This involved examining the meteorological data from three stations and utilizing advanced indices, such as SPI, RDI, and DI. The findings of this study revealed prominent shifts in precipitation patterns, indicating a vulnerability in the region. While there was a general increase in annual rainfall during the specified time period, a sharp decline was observed post–2008. Further analysis of drought confirmed the presence of persistent dry spells and recurring episodes, highlighting the urgent need for effective water management strategies. These crucial findings must be considered by decision–makers for successful climate adaptation, emphasizing the key role played by this study in mitigating the effects of climate change.
Content available remote Past and future annual droughts in the five agro-ecological zones of Cameroon
This paper studies the past and future annual droughts in the five agro-ecological zones (AEZs) of Cameroon. Station data and model outputs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 were used to compute areal datasets for each AEZ. Six statistical metrics and compromise programming method were used to evaluate and rank the models, respectively. The top three models were used to build multi-model ensemble (MME) and deduce bias-corrected MME data. They were then used to compute the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) used as drought indicator. As a result, the performance of the models depends on the AEZ and decreases with the increase in drought intensity. The 1980s was the most marked by severe-extreme droughts and a significant increase in drought intensity was observed in the entire domain during the past period, the years 1974, 1985 and 1988 showing the highest drought intensities. The MME tends to overestimate and underestimate the frequencies and the magnitude of these events, respectively. Bias-corrected MME data improve the results in most cases. As for the period 2071-2099, all the AEZs are likely to experience severe-extreme droughts which are expected to be more frequent before 2083 in the North (AEZs 1 and 2) and after this year in the South (AEZs 3, 4 and 5). It is also expected a slight increasing trend of the mean spatial SPIs showing a slight decrease in drought intensity. The RCPs 8.5 and 2.6 project the lowest and the highest decrease in drought intensity, respectively, while the RCP4.5 shows an average decrease. This study highlights future periods and areas at potential risk of severe-extreme droughts and can guide decision-makers in mitigation and adaptation measures.
The Lamongan Regency is an area in East Java, Indonesia, which often experiences drought, especially in the south. The Corong River basin is located in the southern part of Lamongan, which supplies the irrigation area of the Gondang Reservoir. Drought monitoring in the Corong River basin is very important to ensure the sustainability of the agricultural regions. This study aims to analyse the causal relationship between meteorological and agricultural drought indices represented by standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and standard normalisation difference vegetation index (NDVI), using time series regression. The correlation between NDVI and SPEI lag 4 has the largest correlation test results between NDVI and SPEI lag, which is 0.41. This suggests that the previous four months of meteorological drought impacted the current agricultural drought. A time series regression model strengthens the results, which show a causal relationship between NDVI and SPEI lag. According to the NDVI-SPEI-1 lag 4 time series model, NDVI was influenced by NDVI in the previous 12 periods, and SPEI-1 in the last four periods had a determinant coefficient value of 0.4. This shows that the causal model between SPEI-1 and NDVI shows a fairly strong relationship for drought management in agricultural areas (irrigated areas) and is considered a reliable and effective tool in determining the severity and duration of drought in the study area.
Drought is characterised as a recurring climatic phenomenon with prolonged duration, affecting land through below-average rainfall and often accompanied by high temperatures. When the available water falls below the optimum level, water deficit or water stress arises, disrupting normal plant processes. This condition poses challenges for plant growth and development as it hampers the internal water transport, induces stomatal closure, and limits access to photosynthetic resources. The study employed the annual sunflower as the experimental plant. The plants were cultivated in a controlled environment with a temperature ranging from 20 to 25°C and a humidity level of 55 to 60%, supplemented by MARS HYDRO artificial LED lighting set to a 12-h photoperiod. Radial changes in the plant stems were monitored using a DD-S type dendrometric sensor to measure radial fluctuations. The collected data were recorded in a dendrometric data logger DL 18. Data collection occurred at hourly intervals from February 20 to March 9, 2023. The nine plants were divided into three groups, each comprising three plants. All plants from groups 1 and 2 received irrigation at one-day intervals (group 1 - 80 cm3 per plant, group 2 - 40 cm3 per plant) and group 3 was not irrigated. Based on these findings, visible water stress was evident in the plants under experimental conditions. Consequently, continuous monitoring throughout the growing season will be essential to adjust the irrigation rate to meet the requirements of the plants.
Drought is a large-scale disturbance that affects freshwater ecosystems worldwide. This recurrent phenomenon in Morocco, has experienced severe episodes during the last decade and has caused water stress in several aquatic ecosystems including the Youssef Ben Tachafine dam. Indeed, the volume of this reservoir has experienced its lowest historical hydrological level (12%) during the study period. To study the effects of water stress on water quality and planktonic community structure, water samples were collected from January 2019 to December 2020 at nine depths. The physicochemical parameters of the water were measured in parallel with the qualitative and quantitative study of the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities. The results obtained show a low planktonic diversity with only 43 phytoplanktonic species and 27 zooplanktonic species. The phytoplankton showed an almost permanent predominance of Chlorophyceae (85%), dominated by Closterium pronum, followed by Diatomophyceae (9.5%), dominated by Cyclotella ocellata. Rotifers represent the most abundant zooplanktonic group during the study period with two dominant species (Keratella tecta and Polyarthra vulgaris). Statistical analysis of the data from this study, using R software, revealed a negative correlation between Cladoceran species, Copepods and the diatom Cyclotella ocellata on the one hand and the decrease in water level, temperature and enrichment of the environment in nutrients and phytoplanktonic biomass on the other. This study shows that the effect of the extreme drought, which the Youssef Ben Tachafine dam has experienced, has altered the diversity and structure of planktonic communities, which threatens the sustainability of ecological services of this ecosystem.
The area of Agadir, which is situated on Morocco's southern Atlantic coast, is characterized by an arid climate, and has been strongly impacted by climate change. The purpose of this research is to assess observed and modeled drought variability in time, on the basis of rainfall time series for the periods 1973–2020, and 2022–2099 by use of SPI, short for Standardized Precipitation Index. Findings from the SPI analysis show that the years from 1981 to 1986 were the driest as per the instrumental record. Future SPI projections indicate that the area under study will face several prolonged drought and wet periods between 2022 and 2099. The longest drought will take place from 2090 to 2093. Analysis of the relationship between rainfall in Agadir and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is also studied especially for the winter months. The results of the study will provide a basis for drought surveillance and hydrometeorological studies, in addition to initiating the desired managment of environment in this area.
Like most of the countries of the African continent and the MENA, Morocco has experienced alternating wet and dry periods for several decades and is still confronted with the effects of unstable climate change due to the specificities conferred by its geographical position and the diversity of its ecosystems. It is one of the countries most affected by desertification, with an arid and semi-arid climate covering more than 93% of its territory. Indeed, the Upper Moulouya watershed has been exposed to severe droughts several times in recent decades. The spatial and temporal distribution of drought episodes in this watershed is studied over a 91-year period between 1931 and 2022. In order to characterize and evaluate the severity and sustainability of drought in this watershed, four indices were used and applied in this study, as they have advantages in terms of statistical consistency and have the capacity to describe, through different time scales (short, medium and long) the impacts of the climatic drought in question. These are the Standardized Precipitation Index SPI, RDI, RI and DI. The annual rainfall series at the eight meteorological stations of the said watershed show irregularities and very marked spatial and temporal variability with a generally decreasing trend. The SPI calculation results obtained show a heterogeneous distribution of SPI values throughout the watershed area. The analysis of the graphical illustrations of this index allowed to highlight an important fluctuation of the dry and wet periods with a strong dominance and tendency to drought with the order of 51% in the stations of Midelt, and Ansegmir, 52% in the station of Zaida, 59% in the stations of Tabouazant, Barrage (Dam) Enjil and El Aouia, 58% in the station of Louggagh, 47% in the station of Anzar Oufounes. The analysis of the results of the of the drought indices RDI, RI and DI at the level of this watershed also made it possible to highlight the existence of numerous drought sequences alternating with other wet sequences and indicates a dominance of dry years, perfectly remarkable during the period 1976-93. The most important dry episode, in number of successive years, was recorded at the Ansegmir station from 1976-89 and the most important rainy episode was recorded at the Midelt station from 1966-76. The years of the 2015-2022 series show an overall persistent decrease in rainfall, thus allowing the installation of a severe drought episode. The trend in the entire watershed is a decrease in rainfall and the installation of mild, moderate and severe drought episodes of varying length and duration.
Over the past years, alterations in the environment have had an adverse impact on the global agricultural system, leading to difficulties in plant growth, physiology, and productivity due to non-living factors. These difficulties pose a significant risk to both global food security and agricultural advancement, necessitating innovative methods for long-term sustainability. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising solution to address these difficulties by utilizing nanoscale products like nanofertilizers, nanofungicides, nanoherbicides, and nanopesticides. Nanoparticles provide distinct advantages in agriculture due to their small size, ability to easily penetrate cellular barriers, and efficient absorption by plants. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the application of nanoparticles can improve both the quantity and quality of crop yields, even when faced with various biological and environmental pressures. This research study primarily focuses on investigating the impact of non-living pressures on plants and examining how nanoparticles can help alleviate these effects. Additionally, it explores the molecular, metabolic, and anatomical adaptations that plants undergo to thrive in challenging environments. Nonetheless, it is essential to acknowledge that the widespread utilization of nanotechnology raises concerns regarding potential risks to the environment and human health.
This study investigates possible rainfall and drought trends using data from 38 rainfall stations in the Medjerda basin (northeast of Algeria) over 54 years (1965–2018). Drought-related data were calculated with the Standardized precipitation index (SPI). The Mann–Kendall test was used to find positive or negative precipitation trends. The magnitude of these trends was calculated using Sen’s slope method. According to the analysis, a decrease during the spring precipitation season was observed. Furthermore, the authors found the maximum increasing (decreasing) precipitation magnitude to be 2.14 mm/season (− 4.41 mm/season) in winter (spring). In addition, the magnitude of the precipitation trend per year ranged from − 6.26 to 2.54 mm/year, with an average reduction of 39% for the entire basin. From the outcomes of drought trend analysis, it can be inferred that for a short-time scale, the innovative trend analysis method exhibited a negative trend for the minimum and maximum SPI values. Drought severity was found to have increased during severe and extreme wet episodes, directly affecting Algeria’s frequently drought-affected agricultural regions, such as the Merdja plain and the irrigated perimeters of Sedrata and Zouabi. Considering the long-time scales, an increase was detected in drought severity and a decline during severe and extreme wet episodes. These findings show that the southeastern and central parts of the Medjerda basin’s long-term water resources have been severely affected, which negatively impacts the newly-constructed Ouldjet Mellegue dam in Tébessa province.
Climate change causes various events, such as El Niño , and we experience their larger frequency. This study based on a quantitative approach uses observation data from the Umbu Mehang Kunda Meteorological Station and the Ocean Niño Index (ONI). As a result, East Sumba, which has an arid climate, has more challenges in dealing with drought and water deficits during El Niño. This study identifies rainfall when the El Niño phenomenon takes place in East Sumba through data contributing to the ONI value and dry day series from 1982 to 2019. The analysis was carried out by reviewing these data descriptively and supported by previous literature studies. The research found that there was a decrease in the accumulative total rainfall in El Niño years. The annual rainfall in the last six El Niño events is lower than the annual rainfall in the first six El Niño events. The dry day series is dominated by an extreme drought (>60 days) which generally occurs from July to October. This drought clearly has a major impact on livelihoods and causes difficulties in agriculture as well as access to freshwater. This results in crop failure, food shortages, and decreased income. The phenomenon triggers price inflation in the market and potential increase in poverty, hunger, and pushes the country further away from the first and second Sustainable Development Goals. This phenomenon and problems related to it need to be dealt with by multistakeholders.
The scarcity of annual rainfall, which sometimes spreads over successive years, causes persistent droughts. In order to study the drought severity on the Algerian steppe, we analysed precipitation data (1985-2015) from the weather stations of Ain Sefra, El Bayadh, Tiaret and Djelfa, using drought meteorological indices: the mean deviation, the standardised precipitation index, the rainfall index and the frequency analysis of the rainfall series. Thus, we adopted the diachronic study by satellite remote sensing for the years 2002 (the driest year) and 2009 (the wettest year), which allowed us to better understand the evolution of the steppe rangelands surface and to better interpret their spatial-temporal changes. Drought, as determined by the mean deviation index, occurred during two periods (in sequence and corresponds to 55% the sequences of deficit years), one over 12 years (from 1994/1993 to 2006/2005) and the other over 5 years (1985-1990) and with isolated years. The results of the diachronic study of the vegetation change demonstrate the obvious divergence of the vegetation cover between 2002 and 2009. Drought has impacts on vegetation composition, growth, productivity, structure and functioning of ecosystems, which limits regeneration of vegetation cover.
In Vietnam, drought has been occurring persistently and in very complicated patterns, with a great impact on the water, energy, and food security nexus and regional development sustainability. The uncertainty surrounding annual water resources in combination with the low reliability of interbasin water transfer (IBWT) operations is the key driver of water deficits in several affected regions. This study aims to assess the impacts of four big IBWT projects in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, based on a proposed matrix of five evaluation criteria to quantify related impacts and to draw out lessons learned for future development of IBWT. The proposed criteria matrix was formulated on the basis of intensive reviews of IBWT assessments worldwide and relevant Vietnamese laws in force. The impacts were analysed and quantified mainly based on assessment of their operational database and water balance simulations for donor and recipient river basins in current and future states. The results show that the studied IBWT projects did not fully satisfy the proposed criteria set, all project did not meet the criteria of benefit sharing and information transparency; noticeably the Don Duong project fulfilled only one from five. Four lessons were determined for proper planning in river basins, flexibility in system design for unknown future, inadequate environmental impact assessment and delay in enactment of policies for IBWT project management. The results provide sound knowledge to revise the existing projects in the Central Highlands and procedures for impact assessment and approval of new IBWT systems.
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