Design and operation of a compiler and virtual machine, being the essential components of a multiplatform control programming environment, are presented. The compiler translates source programs written in Structured Text language of the IEC 61131-3 standard into executable code in a dedicated intermediate language. The virtual machine, i.e. a specially designed processor implemented in software, is a runtime part of the environment executing the code in real time. Due to memory-to-memory operation principle the machine is able to process various data types defined in the standard. The focus is given on overloading and extensibility of the functions, as well as on uniform invocations of Program Organization Units. By selection of addressing mode, the environment can be deployed on multiple hardware platforms, beginning from 8-bit microcontrollers up to 32/64-bit industrial PCs. Industrial applications are indicated.
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W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie mechatronicznego podejścia do projektowania złożonych układów regulacji temperatury z użyciem nowej klasy narzędzi dostępnych dla celów szybkiego prototypowania algorytmów sterowania implementowanych docelowo w ramach funkcji deterministycznych wielozadaniowych systemów operacyjnych czasu rzeczywistego. Ponadto przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych Hardware-in-the-loop przyjętych w pracy modeli stref grzejnych wytłaczarki tworzywa sztucznego oraz wyniki porównawczych badań HIL odpornego układu Model-Following Control [1] na tle klasycznego jednopętlowego układu regulacji z regulatorem PID, w ramach funkcji sterujących programowalnego sterownika automatyki firmy Bernecker&Rainer.
In the paper an innovative method for rapid prototyping of control algorithms, called automatic code generation, within the Programmable Logic Controllers has been described. The mechatronic approach to research and development of temperature control algorithms is also given here. The presented solutions have been implemented within the multi-tasking deterministic real-time operating system Automation Runtime from Bernecker&Rainer. Also the Hardware-in-the-loop simulation results are shown in the paper. The exemplified test results lend a great support to the technique of Model-Following having been developed.
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W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie mechatronicznego podejścia do projektowania złożonych układów regulacji temperatury z użyciem nowej klasy narzędzi dostępnych dla celów szybkiego prototypowania algorytmów sterowania implementowanych docelowo w ramach funkcji deterministycznych wielozadaniowych systemów operacyjnych czasu rzeczywistego. Ponadto przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych Hardware-in-the-loop przyjętych w pracy modeli stref grzejnych wytłaczarki tworzywa sztucznego oraz wyniki porównawczych badań HIL odpornego układu Model-Following Control [1] na tle klasycznego jednopętlowego układu regulacji z regulatorem PID, w ramach funkcji sterujących programowalnego sterownika automatyki firmy Bernecker&Rainer.
In the paper an innovative method for rapid prototyping of control algorithms, called automatic code generation, within the Programmable Logic Controllers has been described. The mechatronic approach to research and development of temperature control algotihms is also given here. The presented solutions has been implemented within the multi-tasking deterministic real-time operating system Automation Runtime from Bernecker&Rainer. Also the Hardware-in-the-loop simulation results are shown in the paper. The exemplified test results lend a great support to the technique of Model-Following having been developed.
A prototype environment called CPDev for programming small distributedsmall-distributed control-and-measurement systems in Structured Text language of IEC 61131-3 standard is presented . The environment is open what means that the code generated by the compiler can be executed on different hardware platforms. However, such universal code must be processed by an interpreter, another words by a virtual machine,an interpreter, another words by- a virtual machine, must process such universal code similarly as programs written in Java. The CPDev environment consists of the compiler, simulator and configurer of hardware resources (i.e. communications). They are developed in C# at MS.NET Framework 2.0 platform. CPDev is open allowing the user to create function blocks and libraries. External interface procedures (drivers) can be written by hardware designers and linked with the universal code. Free selection of data types required by different applications is provided. Virtual machine written in ANSI C is dedicated for a particular processor. So far the machines for AVR, MCS-51 and PC have been developed. Programming a mini-DCS system from LUMEL Zielona Góra has been the first application of CPDev.
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